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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Has the Company followed Grievance Procedures
Answered ✓
02-11-24 9:33
12 733
Salary guidance query!
01-11-24 0:59
29 2K
Incompetent work colleague on higher salary than me 12
27-10-24 14:01
95 7.8K
New Role
26-10-24 21:12
4 411
Supposed to be starting a permanent call centre job on Tuesday 29th, but they haven't sent contract.
24-10-24 21:07
2 211
Contracted hours vs Rostered hours
22-10-24 22:17
3 349
Returning to the office issues
19-10-24 18:49
20 2.2K
How To Get Bloods Done Quickly
16-10-24 16:48
4 435
Considering a Plumbing Apprenticeship in my late 20s, am I mad?
16-10-24 14:18
23 1.1K
Work and illness
15-10-24 19:53
32 1.4K
Devaluation, Work Overload and Pressure
14-10-24 14:32
37 2.2K
Early retirement Public Sector
12-10-24 21:30
46 5.1K
5 year background check
11-10-24 11:13
18 1.9K
Company won't email last payslips but want to post them out?
10-10-24 15:31
10 583
On the Sick and Pay Slips
05-10-24 18:23
3 355
Delete Please
04-10-24 23:39
0 131
Monday to Friday rent
04-10-24 21:03
8 972
Applying for role while on probation
03-10-24 10:58
2 245
Difficult co-worker
02-10-24 14:01
20 2.5K
Sticking with a job that isn't working or look for another job
30-09-24 13:50
3 417
Pay reference period
26-09-24 22:58
2 212
Are Work Breaks mandatory for a full time contract?
24-09-24 17:41
11 846
"At risk" of redundancy - Consultation period dragging on
17-09-24 21:19
0 263
Employee with Covid
17-09-24 10:11
48 2.6K
Taxing my redundancy
12-09-24 16:29
3 495
How hard is it to fire someone 12
12-09-24 14:40
63 5.1K
Attending funerals?
12-09-24 14:30
37 3K
Is it normal to ask for an Eircode on ajob application?
10-09-24 8:01
30 1.3K
Disclosing Autism to Employer - Civil Service
09-09-24 13:19
10 1.3K
Issues regarding salary payment - 2 months in a row.
09-09-24 3:25
11 724