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Train & Rail Systems

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Magherabeg Loop
12-02-13 16:19
5 805
Swiss love affair with rail turns sour 12
04-02-13 9:46
56 5.5K
Southbound Dart to Bray - doesn't always stop at Sandymount?
29-01-13 23:09
19 4.5K
Heat on full blast?
22-01-13 3:30
21 1.9K
Siim Kallas backpedals on EU rail "unbundling"; protects state companies
30-01-13 21:04
0 415
Why do we use Irish gauge? 12
23-01-13 1:25
33 7.2K
Labour TD describes Irish Rail drivers as "childish" 12
03-01-13 13:56
31 4K
PAC reveals train carriages worth €44m not used
25-01-13 9:30
11 1.4K
Joy riding a train
15-01-13 20:31
5 1.2K
16 - 25 Railcard queries
14-01-13 23:58
8 2.2K
The frustration of trying to use the train.
04-01-13 21:39
17 2.7K
Preserved Stuff Thread
08-01-13 20:45
16 2.3K
2013 positive things
01-01-13 19:15
14 1.7K
Simon Burns, rail minister, on the train for a change
10-01-13 21:23
0 392
Where can I buy Railway track ???
09-01-13 16:46
15 2.1K
Fastest, longest route in Ireland? 12
28-12-12 16:24
40 5.7K
Few Questions about IE Signilling System
02-01-13 1:42
8 1.4K
Norway drops plans for high-speed Oslo-Trondheim trains
30-12-12 4:54
10 1.9K
And you thought it was the Red Luas line had problems!
02-01-13 10:06
11 1.7K
Vote for Broombridge
04-01-13 10:09
3 621
Round up of 2012 Irish Railway Photos
31-12-12 19:32
1 505
That Electric Ireland/ESB advert
30-12-12 17:13
12 1.8K
Student Card
30-12-12 23:05
0 299
Break even point
04-12-12 13:13
13 1.6K
Choo Choo!! China launches world longest high speed line
27-12-12 23:40
12 1.2K
Rail Frieght in Israel - This Will Make You Depressed.
22-12-12 16:46
5 1.2K
Connolly Escalator 12
14-12-12 18:52
39 3.8K
Maunsell 2-6-0 availble in 2014?
20-12-12 15:07
8 918
Units 10 & 11 Finally Enter Service
21-12-12 5:03
0 414
Brian Stinson RIP
13-12-12 12:06
3 731