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Favourite 80's cartoon ??? 12
01-05-02 14:26
39 1.3K
01-05-02 13:27
9 576
01-05-02 10:33
6 558
The Family Guy Cartoon 12
01-05-02 0:48
38 1.2K
Your Lyfe Stori
30-04-02 20:51
14 680
Blizzard of odd
30-04-02 15:55
12 726
Disturbing Advert On TV 12
30-04-02 14:17
38 1.5K
Futurama axed.... mebbe for the best
29-04-02 22:06
7 477
Newest Buffy Episode
28-04-02 21:54
8 642
Irish channels now available on Sky Digital
24-04-02 21:44
1 504
E4 to replace TV5 on NTL service.
24-04-02 20:25
3 587
Crash on C4 this week.
23-04-02 21:59
8 613
Entertainment: TV shows news (23/04/2002)
23-04-02 11:20
0 341
The Frames docum. on BBC2 last night.
23-04-02 8:39
0 481
Television Sacrifice NCAD this friday
22-04-02 19:38
4 750
Yipppeeee Kayyyeeee
20-04-02 9:01
7 683
New "most annoying ad ever" - undisputable...
19-04-02 23:26
12 827
Xit Poll
19-04-02 17:27
6 509
Guinness Surfer Advert: Where can I dload it?
18-04-02 2:04
4 457
insurance on KTV
15-04-02 22:38
4 455
Entertainment: TV shows news (15/04/2002)
15-04-02 13:54
0 422
Favourite TV ads 12
11-04-02 15:32
41 1.4K
which simpsons character are you? 12
10-04-02 13:22
40 1.2K
Major League Baseball
09-04-02 20:57
0 486
Who wants to be a Millionaire? cockup
08-04-02 18:35
2 510
games to cartoons
06-04-02 19:07
5 595
An ad that made no sense whatsoever.
05-04-02 23:59
21 793
05-04-02 17:34
1 348
The Osbournes
04-04-02 23:37
3 509
Entertainment: TV shows news (04/04/2002)
04-04-02 10:16
0 456