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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Blaze tv on Manhattan freesat receiver
30-08-24 19:14
4 214
Are NTL wall boxes often connected to a house's satellite dish?
29-08-24 15:09
6 382
Buy tv freely in north Ireland
22-08-24 10:30
4 365
Rewind TV gone dark
20-08-24 19:19
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Great real
20-08-24 18:50
0 141
Great Real .
20-08-24 16:57
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Setting Up New Box
19-08-24 22:40
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Walker set top box - ITV etc was gone and reset gone pearshaped
19-08-24 7:10
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Channel 4 Changes - July/August 24
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Combined Saorview & Freesat Channel List
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Freesat/saorview separates vs combo box
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Sky News Freesat
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Is this combo box worth buying?
12-08-24 19:08
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Vu+ Duo/Gigablue - whole house distribution
12-08-24 14:42
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10-08-24 0:50
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Sky TV + Netflix - deal
08-08-24 11:22
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Streaming from Zgemma H7S to phone or similar?
07-08-24 17:28
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Sky News Ireland
05-08-24 7:55
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Looking for a FTA box that works over Internet
04-08-24 11:47
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Radio Stations on Satellite
03-08-24 12:11
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Olympic feeds?
31-07-24 11:15
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no sky after august?
30-07-24 14:50
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RTE News Blocked In Northern Ireland
27-07-24 21:41
15 763
Move Sky Q to another room
27-07-24 13:16
5 176
26-07-24 11:52
1 9.2K
Blaze channel
26-07-24 8:08
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Do sky no longer do dishes ?
25-07-24 17:35
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Revez HDTS870 Combo Receiver
23-07-24 17:04
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Triax sr110 subtitles
21-07-24 21:41
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Free to air box on motothome
20-07-24 20:51
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