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Renewable Energies

Sustainable and renewable energies such as Solar Panels Geothermal Heating and Wood Pellet Boilers etc
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Advice on off grid solar, desperately needed. 12
09-08-23 22:32
60 1.5K
Octopus Energy
09-08-23 9:44
10 641
Options please - More Panels or not 12
07-08-23 14:45
45 1.3K
Solis & Sofar API for HA
06-08-23 10:09
17 1.2K
Solar PV systems - feature differences
04-08-23 15:47
2 180
My Solar install Journey September 2022
04-08-23 12:10
14 1.2K
Zappi Default Mode
03-08-23 16:22
15 322
Air-to-water heat pump
02-08-23 0:10
1 175
Solar Panale and Inverter
01-08-23 23:57
4 131
Heat Recovery Ventilation,the best DIY project..."probably" ! 1234
01-08-23 15:00
91 17.6K
Retro fitting a windmill to an already installed PV system
31-07-23 20:19
13 397
How do I set up steady discharge time on my Solis Hybrid inverter.
31-07-23 17:26
5 186
Distance of Solar PV Panels from Edge
31-07-23 11:34
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Additional Battery
30-07-23 12:53
0 81
Heat Pump Question
29-07-23 22:42
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Typical BER improvement after solar pv install 1234
29-07-23 21:53
110 10.7K
Eddi heater 2 not engaging
28-07-23 20:18
3 112
Neeeeeeey 12
28-07-23 16:09
56 1.4K
NC6 form wasn't submitted on time
27-07-23 18:39
15 1K
Remote solar farm investment?
26-07-23 22:03
15 494
Retrofit best efficient low cost system
26-07-23 7:27
21 1.1K
Hipped roof with no gable wall for installing inverter
25-07-23 9:11
6 248
Conditions attached to heat pump grants with respect to the location of the DHW cylinder
25-07-23 7:32
2 101
Possible leak under my solar panels
24-07-23 21:55
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Calculating the best Time Of Use Tariff
23-07-23 10:39
18 890
Solar PV brands ... anything to avoid or recommend?
22-07-23 21:03
8 270
Flat roof installation and panel angle.
21-07-23 11:23
2 124
Anybody got any experience of a HONE system?
20-07-23 18:43
6 224
PV mounting gear not grounded
19-07-23 15:54
1 112
LG Therma V Question
19-07-23 15:35
0 31