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wasps nest in the ground
18-08-11 12:16
5 874
Charlesland stray dog
17-08-11 23:28
4 1K
silent roar lion pellets
18-08-11 20:35
2 1K
Question on missing/abandoned dogs
17-08-11 20:34
7 956
17-08-11 17:09
15 1.6K
Nervous dog
18-08-11 8:42
4 612
17-08-11 13:52
6 915
Cruelty to Crustaceans?
10-08-11 0:31
19 2.5K
Good idea or not?
16-08-11 18:40
17 1.6K
German Shepherd Dog: Where to start 12
03-08-11 20:19
51 5.9K
Dog knocked down and person that knocked down the dog wants car fixed 123
28-07-11 12:58
76 14.3K
Brushing cats teeth
17-08-11 9:32
8 1K
Vaccinations - necessity and dangers of
10-08-11 22:15
20 2.5K
Osteochondritis dissecans
16-08-11 13:02
9 798
So I'm getting #2
16-08-11 16:11
0 378
cat biting
06-08-11 16:34
16 1.8K
Cattery in Kildare
18-06-08 21:46
15 5.9K
16-08-11 14:04
0 425
Dogs not getting along !!
16-08-11 12:25
2 521
Help with my Staffe!!!!
15-08-11 12:18
13 1.5K
A happy healthy hound
15-08-11 16:47
4 655
Behaviour Classes Cork
15-08-11 23:02
3 518
My cousins Jack Spaniel is 10 days overdue
11-08-11 14:17
16 1.6K
Dog yelping
15-08-11 10:14
12 883
What is the best age to seperate a puppy from it's mother?
14-08-11 21:27
11 1.4K
My cat seems hurt, but not sure 12
13-08-11 20:07
38 3K
Newfoundland Food
12-08-11 21:11
14 1.5K
Snake Emergency Please Help
15-08-11 20:08
5 540
Mouse + Rat Repeller effects on Budgie?
15-08-11 16:28
1 604
Stray pregnant? cat living under the garden shed!
15-08-11 16:30
2 656