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PC Gaming

PC Gaming and everything related.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
When exactly is the reset taking place?
24-06-02 18:25
8 310
Congrats to GH
24-06-02 9:59
6 448
Go Nuts!
23-06-02 23:48
9 293
G-Police took one of my planets...?
21-06-02 18:29
7 355
2 questions for you?
21-06-02 14:35
4 414
How to reap ill gotten gains?
20-06-02 16:01
5 307
should I be worried?
19-06-02 20:39
5 327
This community and the next steps..
19-06-02 12:42
23 804
18-06-02 19:04
8 584
Cheating or whatever 12
18-06-02 11:20
43 1.1K
18-06-02 9:52
0 417
OPFLash Editing Situation
17-06-02 23:47
0 588
1.60 Beta released
17-06-02 23:13
0 684
Military Codenames
17-06-02 22:15
0 462
Edge of Chaos Online reset.
17-06-02 20:10
1 407
Round to end middle of next week...
17-06-02 14:59
10 443
Another bug - very annoying
17-06-02 12:26
1 299
16-06-02 16:21
2 384
Bounty Placed on Cast
14-06-02 17:45
11 393
New version
14-06-02 9:46
13 441
13-06-02 23:40
6 476
Planetary percentages
13-06-02 16:44
5 500
im leaving ...
13-06-02 11:00
7 447
Are we going to reach a stalemate?
12-06-02 13:35
22 567
Planetary Apocalypse
12-06-02 12:23
5 464
Bounty on Kraken
12-06-02 9:45
7 434
Round Duration?
12-06-02 9:28
16 513
Bug Found (kinda amusing)
12-06-02 9:25
1 287
Small bug
10-06-02 22:43
2 381
10-06-02 20:05
5 954