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Psychics and Mediums discussion
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How do i Join a paranormal investigation group?
06-11-09 14:36
26 3.1K
FM104 Halloween Investigation
28-10-10 21:31
19 3.5K
Time Traveller In Charlie Chaplin Film?
26-10-10 11:56
26 3.8K
ouija boards
27-04-10 16:28
27 5.6K
History of Horror
11-10-10 21:19
8 1.1K
Psychic Octopus 12
25-06-10 21:54
48 4.2K
Kinnity Castle, Co.Offaly
26-10-10 11:17
12 1.5K
Halloween Photo Comp
26-10-10 12:31
1 693
This one has to be up there
25-10-10 2:20
2 1.1K
Ghost tours - recommendations
21-10-10 23:31
4 1K
EMF Detectors
21-10-10 15:40
10 1.4K
Exorcism in Ireland
21-10-10 19:56
2 1.2K
Irish folklore,superstitions and ghost stories
19-10-10 13:48
10 3.3K
New Fright Night Bus! Dublin
20-10-09 15:37
24 6.2K
Paranormaholics Anonymous Thread 12...102103
07-07-06 23:11
3.1K 126.3K
Is there a superstition about dead birds?
30-09-10 17:29
9 3.1K
I dont really have time for UFO stories ... but ...
12-10-10 9:56
10 1.3K
Cadburys coolock
16-12-09 18:38
11 4.1K
Irish Ghost Stories
13-10-10 20:19
8 1.2K
Radio Documentary - Wicklow Gaol
15-10-10 11:16
0 569
Horrorthon Film Festival 2010
14-10-10 11:20
8 812
True Irish Ghost Stories
13-10-10 20:20
1 748
I challenge any Psychic on 12...1617
21-02-09 19:26
487 46.6K
non believer - now a believer 12
02-10-10 14:40
59 6.2K
"Spooked" 12...45
25-07-10 14:53
132 13.5K
Investigation group video
11-10-10 23:15
11 1.2K
Kilmainham Jail Ghosts
12-10-10 10:32
20 11.2K
Ghost Tours
11-10-10 15:23
7 851
Scary tours of Oldbrige
06-10-10 12:57
3 793
Haunted locations Roscommon/Leitrim
10-10-10 20:37
0 944