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Open Source

The free software movement.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
import an rtf file into access
11-10-07 13:56
0 41
Firewall to replace Endian
09-10-07 10:07
6 557
Firefox bookmarks
28-09-07 0:11
3 704
Looking for an open source game engine.
16-09-07 16:25
2 795
Problem running Filezilla through Wine
21-08-07 13:01
3 664
Need a free helpdesk software package
05-04-07 12:50
9 1.3K
Media Converter
30-08-07 23:10
1 647
Frostwire or Limewire
25-08-07 0:02
1 861
Open Source - List of Usefull Scripts
11-08-07 10:17
2 774
I want to help
15-07-07 6:50
3 870
Document Management
11-07-07 19:29
3 875
JSMS on Sourceforge
23-05-07 22:29
9 1.3K
FTP software?
15-04-07 12:30
10 984
Dell and Ubuntu
28-05-07 1:09
9 1.4K
Zoho Meeting - Webex functionality
15-06-07 19:26
0 624
Looking for an open source exchange server replacement.
22-05-07 13:14
3 1.9K
14-05-07 18:07
3 519
Where can I find a sports fixture making programme?
25-03-07 15:47
8 921
Looking for advice from people into computers and society
04-05-07 9:48
3 535
Invoice software
28-03-07 16:21
6 1K
Restricted viewing of web - is it possible?
27-04-07 13:12
6 762
New ourtunes or mytunes r the likes soon??
16-03-07 19:40
2 767
Helpdesk software
20-04-07 8:50
0 487
17-04-07 15:47
1 589
Article on features planned for Firefox 3 and 4
10-04-07 14:49
0 598
Virus scanner
09-04-07 12:11
6 626
Anti-spyware software
09-04-07 12:05
1 636
Eighth Irish OpenSolaris User Group meeting: ZFS Performance & Internals
03-04-07 14:48
1 455
Recommend ssh client with session/automation
30-03-07 10:18
1 771
blog software
02-04-07 8:02
1 537