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Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry

Maths, Physics & Chemistry discussion.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
A little help needed
07-10-11 23:03
0 400
Trig Equation
06-10-11 18:44
10 804
28-09-11 22:33
6 1.5K
trouble with percentages
05-10-11 8:59
5 542
Nice IT piece about the debasement of mathematical terms
03-10-11 4:19
6 1.4K
Trig Identity Question (Basic)
05-10-11 16:50
4 499
Eliminating x in Lorentz Transformation
01-10-11 18:48
8 921
How to win more money on Winning Streak guide
01-10-11 23:19
12 3.1K
Algebra Question
30-09-11 17:44
8 877
How was x eliminated from this equation?
01-10-11 18:48
1 471
Quiz thread (don't be afraid of to be wrong) 12
30-07-11 15:36
53 5.9K
1st year maths homework
30-09-11 18:55
4 936
Testing for convergence
25-09-11 18:19
10 1.3K
Calculate Relativistic factor for u/c
29-09-11 17:30
3 899
Logistic Regression
22-09-11 17:58
4 685
Trigonometric ratio question
29-09-11 15:22
3 531
Freezing point of Absolut Vodka?
29-09-11 22:45
29 15.8K
Statistical method?
05-09-11 16:49
3 649
If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts.
06-09-11 22:34
7 2.6K
Introductory text book on the Riemann Zeta Function
26-09-11 11:29
7 915
spring with magnetic energy
25-09-11 10:50
7 1.1K
does e=mc2
27-09-11 19:00
1 858
For Alcohol just add water
27-09-11 16:18
6 1.8K
Question about Sugar Crystals
08-09-11 17:13
6 1K
Spontaneous Combustion...
23-09-11 11:25
4 965
Do i understand this right!!
24-09-11 15:51
7 1.1K
21-07-11 16:57
4 1.1K
Absolute relativity
26-09-11 18:21
0 415
chemists who got tired of the lab
22-08-11 15:21
9 1.8K
Vectors problem
25-09-11 15:53
2 482