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Mathematics, Physics & Chemistry

Maths, Physics & Chemistry discussion.
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Where is the fallacy here?
21-09-11 15:00
20 2K
Amount of Applied Maths module in a Physics module?
17-09-11 17:03
2 668
Monosodium urate as an electrochemical electrolyte?
20-09-11 12:56
5 976
Employment after Physics BSc?
16-09-11 21:49
14 1.9K
latest physics
23-09-11 19:52
1 367
Poisson distrubution / Eulers number
23-09-11 0:47
2 588
cant think of a book _______ simple mathematics
21-09-11 15:30
2 483
21-09-11 12:28
1 363
LaTex help!
21-09-11 10:39
2 423
20-09-11 19:21
1 498
Maths degree
07-09-11 22:17
5 1.4K
Mathematics "blogs"?
21-04-11 22:17
9 1.5K
19-09-11 13:27
0 371
Complex numbers problem
17-09-11 18:48
5 759
Amount of Applied Maths module in a Physics module?
17-09-11 17:04
0 462
Question; Piezo Elements.
09-09-11 19:00
3 1.4K
Materials Ireland (Info, Jobs, PhD's)
16-09-11 13:13
0 542
Given a sketch of y = f'(x) and asked to draw f(x) and vice versa
15-09-11 13:23
3 739
A problem!
12-09-11 15:46
5 751
What exactly is Benzine?
11-09-11 22:15
4 1.1K
Use of BOMDAS in 3rd level?
08-09-11 17:55
12 2K
Any websites that explain maths in real terms?
04-09-11 19:15
14 2.2K
Mathematical Science
04-09-11 23:33
8 1.9K
Physics Postgrad Courses
09-09-11 13:24
0 520
Chemistry Jobs in CREST DIT
25-08-11 13:48
4 1.6K
Scholarly Impact in Mathematics
28-08-11 12:22
1 667
Z proportions
06-09-11 20:06
1 559
Everett Versus Schrodinger
05-09-11 19:32
14 1.4K
Trisection of angles-similarly
04-09-11 10:19
10 1.8K
Tough question
03-08-11 18:51
4 887