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Wife selling: real or an April Fool's joke?
01-04-10 11:34
5 1.4K
Markievicz's stolen 1916 Banner
06-04-10 6:14
2 771
The fringe of the Enlightenment
04-04-10 22:31
1 588
Interview with Dr. Micheal O'Siochru about the 1641 Rebellion
22-08-09 4:37
6 3.2K
Early Irish Film
29-03-10 11:40
7 1.1K
Che Guevara (Mod Note: read full thread before posting) 12
22-02-10 20:33
54 6.1K
19th Century Belgium
30-03-10 16:06
3 549
1981 Election Leaflet of Tony O'Hara H-Block candidate.
30-03-10 13:46
0 518
Church Records?
28-03-10 23:17
2 441
Favourite Historical Character
21-03-10 14:00
7 985
Argentine Census of 1895
27-03-10 16:56
4 638
Moore Street national monument row 12
18-01-09 18:09
40 4.3K
Daylight saving hours - Ireland - The Emergancy
26-03-10 17:58
0 428
louis xvi
26-03-10 0:46
1 520
Kingstown harbour police
24-03-10 10:25
6 1.6K
South Tipperary Military History Society
15-03-10 0:12
2 1K
Easter Rising Tricolour to fetch €500,000
14-03-10 0:23
24 3.1K
National Library of Ireland Photo Archive on line
18-03-10 18:55
1 1.9K
Irish Neutrality
18-03-10 11:08
2 697
Pikeman Statues 12
16-02-10 16:05
35 9.5K
Polish history 12
25-08-09 16:38
31 3.6K
Because the Romans did it!
12-03-10 0:14
7 945
Blame the discovery channel for this question but...
07-03-10 22:01
6 1K
Lecture at National Print Museum
09-03-10 11:22
2 589
Presidency of Andrew Jackson
07-03-10 22:48
3 682
Latin Manuscripts dating from 1600
02-03-10 20:45
9 919
JFK assassination: consensus?
23-06-09 22:50
12 1.8K
02-03-10 13:01
3 722
Government of Ireland Act 1920...
06-03-10 15:35
1 516
British Title: Challenges upstarts to a Duel
06-03-10 20:28
1 518