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Irish and world history and heritage matters.

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Discussion of genealogy and help in searching for Irish ancestry.
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Irish war of independence
28-02-10 16:03
0 518
Cost of research
24-02-10 16:34
1 654
Bealdearg O'Donnell - the false messiah
25-02-10 22:55
0 471
Guinness in the Irish Potato Famine 12
02-02-10 16:04
44 12.6K
WW I Diary online..
16-02-10 14:18
1 673
Best and worst Taoisigh 12
14-02-10 18:56
47 5.9K
Insurance and Mortgages in WW2
21-02-10 23:27
1 550
Earlier war rules
16-02-10 14:52
3 739
17-02-10 13:40
3 937
Any interesting history in the Cherrywood area?
21-02-10 12:32
1 1.3K
Lilies, Croppies and Poppies
17-01-10 21:46
7 1.4K
Canvassing support for tree-planting initiative
19-02-10 14:34
2 426
1829-1929 Catholic Emancipation Commemorative medal
17-02-10 19:58
0 1.9K
Ashbourne/killeglan(d) graveyard
11-02-10 3:53
3 1.3K
a few questions about irish history
06-02-10 22:42
15 2.3K
Language Question
13-02-10 3:13
1 619
The Battle Of Trafalgar Muster Roll of Irish
12-02-10 20:50
0 1.1K
Book recommendation request: San Patricio's Batallion
30-01-10 15:47
7 1.1K
Protect & Survive
15-11-06 10:24
10 1.5K
Where is this? Black and Tans on the move
11-01-10 0:33
9 1.9K
Ancient map of Ireland, A.D. 1572
03-02-10 19:09
3 1.2K
Liam O Flaherty 1922 Dublin
02-02-10 20:21
1 683
One of the end results of colonisation
04-02-10 18:47
2 771
Source for WW2 radio project?
25-01-10 2:05
28 3.6K
How many cities in Ireland
26-01-10 21:26
14 5K
career prospects in history
29-01-10 20:16
2 649
"Let me Bury my Father in a Republican Grave"
30-01-10 12:31
2 620
200 year old sunken lane
19-01-10 3:21
2 811
United Ireland first and Civil Rights second - wrong way round? 12
14-01-10 2:04
47 4.8K
Pubs during world war 1&2
24-01-10 13:58
0 589