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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Unlimited Free Cat6 & currently rewiring house - what to do wish list?
22-11-05 23:18
27 1.6K
WANTED: Engineer to advise RSJ
28-11-05 15:14
0 461
Cable access hole on a worktop
25-11-05 12:25
7 635
Patchy Grass in back garden
28-11-05 10:21
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Where to buy?
22-11-05 13:56
6 717
Porcelain tiles in kitchen - Yes or No
26-11-05 22:07
6 705
Painting ceilings...arg!!
28-11-05 10:46
3 609
Insulating an older house - Warm fill????
15-11-05 15:33
9 3.1K
Heat Recovery Ventilation System Cost Comparison?
24-11-05 16:38
9 32.7K
Toilet slow to refill
27-11-05 23:50
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DIY Alarm & Dialler
26-11-05 23:50
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Plumbers !!
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Covering in a roller door
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goethermal heating / underground heating
17-11-05 16:50
8 3.3K
Request - Outdoor work cover
26-11-05 7:54
1 383
Phone Wiring DIY question
26-11-05 20:13
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Foundation Cost does this sound right
25-11-05 14:41
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New extension
25-11-05 17:14
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Choosing Wooden Windows
10-11-05 23:21
12 1.3K
Bleeding Radiators/Combi Boiler low pressure
25-11-05 17:56
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Sweco Aerothermal heat pumps...
24-11-05 18:12
8 1K
yet Another Central Heating question
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bannisters - gloss?
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Tile Cutter
24-11-05 17:42
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Can't afford Geothermal, whay would you use?
23-11-05 14:57
11 811
Anyone glued solid timber floor?
22-11-05 18:39
7 656
New Energy Rating for houses?
23-11-05 16:55
3 477
Couch wont fit ??
23-11-05 8:58
5 520
PVC fascia etc in Wexford
24-11-05 13:42
0 415
Stainless steel sheet required
23-11-05 2:45
3 823