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A place for frank exchanges of views on serious and at-times controversial topics

Teach na nGealt

Comhrá, allagar agus plé as Gaeilge.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Protestors yay or no 123
01-10-14 18:57
85 3K
08-10-14 1:01
9 831
Getting the Internet to Fund Your Life
05-10-14 21:03
17 1.6K
Real-time statistics of Public Service Employees at work?
07-10-14 15:07
22 1.4K
Budget 2015 - Interesting Calculators in Irish Times
07-10-14 11:29
22 2.3K
Fist it, don't shake it.
06-10-14 11:10
12 871
Anyone need a spare prick?
05-10-14 13:49
10 1.3K
Women asking Men to get married 12
03-10-14 14:44
50 4.7K
Have you ever been cheated on? 12
06-10-14 11:55
44 6.6K
radiator problem
07-10-14 21:16
0 339
Cheapskate employers?? 12
07-10-14 12:12
53 5.4K
Thoughts on Dublin late bar's
07-10-14 16:36
0 0
Could you ever live ''off the grid''? 1234
04-10-14 13:05
98 7.3K
Will the Ebola scare be used to ramp up airport security again?
07-10-14 13:57
6 349
Getting the housework done. 12
07-10-14 12:52
37 1.6K
Have you ever ended a relationship with a good friend, why? 123
06-10-14 2:11
89 12.4K
If Clifden is in West Galway and Westport is in West Mayo then...
07-10-14 9:25
11 777
Signs that the 'Tiger' is on its way back 12...1112
24-08-14 11:10
339 54.2K
90s Hiphop
05-10-14 7:10
30 1.5K
If you won Euromillions... 12
07-10-14 10:56
39 1.5K
More reliable service than AnPost to send packets abroad for reasonable cost?
07-10-14 11:15
0 171
Water Meter - Yellow Graffiti
31-08-14 21:24
24 2.7K
Need to get a tooth pulled and sh*tting it! 123
07-10-14 9:27
62 3.1K
Incest a 'fundamental right', German committee says 12...1213
26-09-14 14:18
387 21K
Burkas - Australia looking to ban the practice
06-10-14 20:07
26 1.4K
Leprechauns.Symbol of national pride or embarasment? 12
06-10-14 8:31
36 2.2K
Thank you!
06-10-14 11:55
16 1K
Protestant church attacked in Donegal. 123
03-10-14 16:46
85 6K
Alleged McCann troll found dead after being doorstepped by Sky News
06-10-14 15:01
11 1.2K
Is Goofing around in Public acceptable?
06-10-14 11:37
25 1.6K