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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
06-04-21 0:54
2 495
House for single person 12
04-04-21 14:32
34 6.1K
Dodgy Real Estate Agents
05-04-21 13:49
16 2.1K
My Tenancy Isn't Registered with RTB -- How much notice do I need to give to end it?
05-04-21 19:45
1 310
Building a House
04-04-21 19:26
6 734
Is landlord responsible to deal with noisy neighbour?
02-04-21 19:07
15 2.6K
Does your address affect job applications? 12
03-04-21 17:25
32 3K
Renovations - Builder or contractors
03-04-21 20:17
6 456
Cooker in the corner, TV elevated high on the wall, no driveway - What are yours?
03-04-21 3:16
13 1.8K
Parkside Homes New Development (Balgriffin) 12...1617
05-08-15 12:22
499 115.5K
Estate Agents _ Application Form
26-03-21 16:53
27 1.4K
Housing Estate sign board
02-04-21 12:22
4 832
Keep or Sell?
31-03-21 14:06
19 1.7K
use same agent to buy and sell a house for you?
01-04-21 0:35
11 1.2K
How much commission does Avant Mortgages pay brokers
29-03-21 11:45
11 1.1K
Buyers solicitors ignoring us
31-03-21 20:03
15 2.7K
What to do here? 12...45
07-03-21 17:52
138 28.6K
Guide versus actual selling price in Dublin recently 12
14-03-21 22:02
36 5.5K
Cooker appliance not working _ tenant or landlady ?
01-04-21 18:25
7 589
Schedule conditions Commercial Leas
02-04-21 10:06
0 73
Semi Detached house question.
01-04-21 21:03
9 1.3K
Karl's Mortgage Calculator confusion
01-04-21 16:01
3 764
Notice period
30-03-21 18:19
3 478
Selling to Buy and having some money left over.
31-03-21 18:55
4 758
Cost of drain survey?
21-12-17 17:59
5 539
Silverfish (pest) help!
31-03-21 2:09
17 2.1K
The property Ladder - I think we need to start using it again
31-03-21 12:04
22 1.7K
Neighbours wind chines
31-03-21 14:26
5 802
Tenancies protections under Part 4 during Covid
30-03-21 14:52
2 305
Non-resident mortgages in Ireland
27-07-20 19:58
6 762