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Accommodation & Property

Renting or buying home and business properties.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Minimum standards and lease question
22-08-14 12:25
5 469
[Wanted] Dog-friendly rental in/near Dublin
05-08-14 15:26
18 2.1K
House with un-finalised sale has been burgled
17-08-14 21:59
21 5.5K
Temporary valuation
22-08-14 9:56
1 296
Living with landlord problem
21-08-14 15:02
24 2.8K
Query about Landlord/Tenant registration and rights.
21-08-14 17:04
12 827
[Wanted] Short Term Accommodation (Lansdowne Road Road -IPA)
21-08-14 21:28
1 286
Mortgage query - providers and employment
15-07-14 23:12
15 2.5K
Rathmines, Ranelagh, Terenure area.
21-08-14 16:20
0 394
Plastic storage boxes in bulk
21-08-14 13:03
8 654
Moving to Dublin - where to live?
19-08-14 18:44
21 2.6K
21-08-14 12:56
0 47
Stones/slabs in garden of rented hosue?
20-08-14 22:41
3 756
Renting in South Dublin area, advice needed
21-08-14 7:50
10 856
Selling a property with planning permission for extension
18-08-14 16:43
2 631
Estate Agent taking a long time to give me my rent each month
20-08-14 10:40
16 1.9K
[Wanted] Student accommodation wanted near St Patrick's College
20-08-14 22:54
0 75
[Available] Flat to let NCR Dublin
20-08-14 20:16
2 416
[Wanted] Room to Rent in D1, D2, D6, D7, D8
16-08-14 12:14
7 734
[Available] Single bed in Phibsborough
20-08-14 21:18
0 0
House storage in Dublin?
19-08-14 11:13
2 539
Increase of the rent, forced to move out
20-08-14 12:41
1 838
Bank of Scotland Tracker & Advice re: Moving
20-08-14 13:24
6 578
Unboxed & used needle found in rented apt
19-08-14 20:48
23 2.9K
Extension advice
20-08-14 9:37
7 746
Auctioneer taking the pi**
18-08-14 22:36
22 2.9K
Accomodation in Dublin
19-08-14 17:14
4 1K
Waiting to get deposit back
19-08-14 9:16
4 536
Bid too high?
18-08-14 8:39
14 3K
Tenant refusing to pay lease holder, lease holder can't pay LL!
18-08-14 23:41
23 2.3K