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Moments you'll never forget



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    The day my granda died.mum came in to wake me for what i thought was school and telling me he passed away during the night(he had cancer).FOund that so difficult cuz i was close to him and visitied him everyday after school. seeing him get worse and worse every day was painful but having memories of his last words to me etc hard as they are, mean a lot to me.

    When my nana passed was the most caring loving person ever and going into her room where she lay dead to say my goodbyes will live with me forever.I miss her a lot.She was an amazingly kind woman.

    The day i got a message from my boyfriends GF whom inever knew about!it rocked my world but was for the good as for a good week or so after, i realised how psychotic and derranged they BOTH are!

    The day i finally realised my dad had an alcohol problem and i had to stop denying it and try and do something about it.I love that man SO MUCH and he is an amazing father to me but its hard but i know we will get through it eventually.

    The day(only a week or so ago) that i had the courage to tell the man i love how i feel even though i knew id get shot down.It was wrecking my head but i had to tell him.Hes a great friend and even though we sometimes do things "just friends" dont do,behind it all we are friends.Plus he has a gf which i know ill get judged about but when you love someone, you love someone unfortunetly! He dealt with it well and we talked it all out and still are friends which is better than nothing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 204 ✭✭wivy

    What a thread...
    Absolutely love it...

    Heres some of my memories...
    [*]Graduating from college with a 1.1 - I did it! After all the hard work!

    [*]My ex breaking up with me over the phone after two years together..... Felt like all the happiness had been sucked from me. I will never forget the hurt at thinking someone who was one of your closest friends could treat you like a piece of dirt and show such little respect after everything.

    [*]Drunken College nights.... some of the best nights of my life.. laughing ourselves silly, acting the maggot, late night chats about everything and anything with friends whom I love very much.

    [*]My first time on a plane and abroad. It was a lot later than most people. Surrounded by my best friends. What a weekend of drunken fun. Ending up in an extremely dodgey pub and having the night of our lives!

    [*]Making eyes with an ex in a club - It all just seemed like it was meant to be. We had a whirlwind romance for a month. Will always remember walking home from the cinema one night and him pushing me against a wall on the side of the road and kissing me against the moonlight. Everytime I passed that wall I smiled.

    [*]College Life - Have such happy happy memories of college. Four of the best years of my life. Met my best friends. Came out of myself and 'found myself'. Realised how nasty those 'supposed' secondary school friends were. They werent friends at all. Loved my course and just loved life!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,107 ✭✭✭booboo88

    Sorry Kingtut had to read your post three times before i copped on to what she done.What a cow thats some sick sh1t and you were better off without her.
    Jeez who the hell would do that,

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,762 ✭✭✭✭stupidusername

    Today is my mams 3rd year anniversary. a few days ago I remembered that I put away the ring that she gave me, and took it out.

    One of the things I'll always remember is the last time I saw her in hospital, I was alone with her for a while, we were just watching soaps. she was saying all this stuff that she'd like to have done before she died. it was horrible. then she told me that she was leaving me her engagement ring, and pointed which one it was out to me. Knowing the way I am, I don't know how I managed not to cry. I think I was just desperately trying not to make her sad.

    Right after she died, dad took off her rings, and gave them to us - she had three, one for each of us. I got mine adjusted to my size. It's a really pretty ring. three nice diamonds on it. I like to wear it now and again, just to remind me of her. but I think it mostly just reminds me of that conversation with her.

    Can't believe it's been 3 years.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,931 ✭✭✭Ilyana

    - Finding out during my Leaving Cert that my uncle would eventually succumb to the cancer we all thought he'd beaten. Two months later my sister and I said goodbye to him. I was trying so hard not to cry, but then he took my hand and congratulated me on my exam results, and the floodgates opened.

    - My uncle's funeral, another two months later. Such a heartbreaking yet beautiful service. My cousin, his daughter, did a reading during the offertory, as I brought up his Beatles album collection. She suddenly wailed, and I've never heard such a sound of grief. I stopped dead in my tracks, sobbing, but she somehow finished her reading.

    - My Dad crying and my Mum dancing around in her pyjamas when I got my Leaving Cert results. It was an awesome day :)

    - One night last December when I realised how miserable I'd become (as a result of the pill, of all things), and how I was dangerously close to developing an eating disorder. I stopped taking that pill the next day, and I haven't looked back.

    - The night my boyfriend first told me he loved me :)

    - When Ireland won the Grand Slam :pac:

    - My sister and I bopping around the sitting room as my Dad played Bad Moon Rising on the guitar.

    - My first kiss, with a skinny lad from Sligo at the Gaeltacht. About as romantic as a date in Supermacs :pac:

    So many more, although I'm lucky to never yet have experienced some of the heartache that other posters here have endured. Still, there have been some great times, and let's hope there'll be many more.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,213 ✭✭✭daenerysstormborn3

    Coming home from a trip to Tesco's for my boyfriend's dad and meeting my boyfriend's best friend (another son basically) standing out in the yard, tears streaming down his face, telling us that my bf's dad had been brought to hospital by ambulance. We had passed two ambulances going into Ardkeen when we were on our way home from Tesco and said to each other "that looks serious", it was.

    He was quite sick at the time but of course, wouldn't succumb to how sick he really was. He got up that morning and was a bit off but eventually came around to being coherent and could talk. He was a strange shade of grey though. We went into Tesco to get him some soup, it was a desperate battle to get him to eat.

    When we got back to the house my bf's best friend watched us run around the house like two people in denial checking the overnight bag for his dad, it was always ready to go, we didn't realise then that there was no need.

    The drive to the hospital felt like it took hours, the three of us didn't really say much. When we got to the hospital I was still hoping that maybe he would be okay, I think we all were.

    Even when they showed us into the room where he was laid out I still thought, he's just sleeping. He looked like a giant lying in the bed, even though for months beforehand he had really shrunk in appearance. He looked so peaceful though.

    That night all the lads that grew up with my boyfriend came over to the house for a drink. All of these lads knew my bf's dad as well as they knew him since he had spent so long caring for him, they were like a package deal at that stage. Telling stories about my bf's dad that had tears streaming down our faces from the laughter! My boyfriend's best friend cried his eyes out that night, it was as tough on him as it was on my boyfriend and I.

    I've never known grief like this. For two years this man made up my life with my boyfriend. I still miss him everyday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,783 ✭✭✭Pj!

    Just browsing yesterday and I stumbled across this thread. Have read them all and have laughed and cried.
    Thanks everyone for sharing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,118 ✭✭✭Babybuff

    I can't really think of many even though I know there are.
    The most outstanding memory was being with my dad when he passed. Words wouldn't do it justice right now but I've been thinking of him lately, felt like he was looking out for me recently and I haven't felt like anyone has looked out for me in a long time, it's been comforting.

    My daughters birth. I was young and off my face on pethidine. Most people say they see their kid and love them straight away. I didn't even want to hold her. I only felt exhaustion and barely conscious but I did see her turning from white to blue to purple to red and then to a healthy pink. They placed her on me and she decided it was a good time to see how her bowels worked, they did. :o

    I also have a lot of memories that override the more joyous moments but still I wouldn't be who I am without them and I can co exist with them more easily now than when I was younger. I have a pretty good memory and remember things from when I was a baby, when I was about one and a half I was accidentally left on the beach. I remember everything I did until they realised I was missing and came back for me :)

    I remember being in hospital when I was four and my grandfather coming to visit.
    I remember having a fever and watching my brother play outside and wanting so much to go out and play with him that even today I still think I left my body and floated there :)
    Weird memories. The good ones are probably just too boring for me to recount.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭Susie_Q

    I remember my younger brother being born - but for all the wrong reasons! I was only 5 years old. Went into the hospital to visit my mother and I honestly don't remember seeing my new brother... what I do remember (and vividly!) is that was the day I tasted my first Peppermint Aero. Man alive, that tasted so so good. I also remember the other new mothers on the ward giving me their sweets as they had too many and I went home with armloads of sugar.

    No idea what my little bro looked like - but I was happy as Larry! Haha!

  • Registered Users Posts: 621 ✭✭✭dave3004

    - After returning from Hawaii (J1) and finishing university, I had to accept I was in the real world having cruised through life doing just enough to get through my education. The day I found out that the first job I applied for was offered to me was unbelievable. I was sat in a car with my friend and got a phonecall from my recruitment agent. I was shaking with happiness and tears were rolling down my face. I had graduated in May and was working in October for a world-renowned investment bank. T'was that day I realised I beat the system !

    - Sitting in my kitchen with my dad chatting away. The backdoor slies open behind me. Its about 5pm on a Sunday and I assume my little brother has arrived home from football. I feel these beautifully soft hands cover my eyes and a familiar voice quizically saying "Guess Who?"….. Said girlfriend living in the states with a surprise visit home. Never felt elation like it.

    - Having had a nervous breakdown due to swork-related stress, my dad had to spend many months in a home to recouperate. He was a workaholic just trying to provide as much as he could for his family. He stressed himself out too much and his body gave up on him. Eventually my parents' different interests came to the fore. My mum loved her singing/dancing and my father was just working to provide for me and my 3 siblings. In 2000 they decided the best thing to do was to break up and for Mum to move out. A meeting was called to announce this and as I watched my family, one by one break down into tears. I remained stoical. Nothing. My sister asked me why……and I said "I already knew"….. To this day, I still think I dreamt it or maybe at 15 I could read between the lines but I'd sat at that kitchen table before in that position and knew the news that was coming.

    - Going out with a girl for a year and fell for her big time. She had graduated and was job-hunting to no avail. I forced her to go to an interview for a job in the states which she didn't want to go to. She wanted to put our relationship first. I told her not to worry that no distance wouldn't worry us. She got the job and moved. We tried to keep it going but after 7 or 8 months it was over and I was heartbroken. 3 months ago I found out she is engaged. I wish her all the happiness in the world because she dserves it but feel like I've missed out on something special.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 504 ✭✭✭LostGirly

    What a great thread, spent the last two days reading through it, I'm not ashamed to say some of them made me cry!

    My Car Accident
    I was on the way to a night out with two of my friends! The car hit water and we had a head on collission with another car. Some serious injuries but thankfully everyone recovered. I will never, ever, forget that night and the following days in hospital!

    Another car accident
    Shortly after the above close family of mine were in a car accident and one of the little ones was lucky to survive. After awhile in a coma she came through and is a perfectly healthy little girl today!

    And another
    I will never forget the day I found out about this one. The pain in the eyes of someone so close to me knowing that there was nothing he could have done and yet still someone died. I will never get over that and especially not going to the funeral.

    Loved it all, experienced so many wonderful things and so much fun. Hard work at times but a great group of friends were made.

    My Granny dying
    The way I found out I will never forget. I will never forgive that person and she just walked away without seeing if I was ok.
    The funeral was horrendous, 5 hours of shaking hands with people but it was amazing to see the outpouring of grief from young and old alike, unusual for an old person.

    Recent funerals
    Been to three heartbreaking funerals this year already - 1 a month. Each funeral fell at the same weekend of the months mind of the previous one. A man in the full of his health and two very young people, far too young to die. All sudden, all horrific. It's amazing to see outpouring of grief over two days and then to see how life just goes on again!

    Recession and Emigration
    Both of these have taken so many people from my life. I hate it and wish they could be at home more often

    I have a wonderful family, I might feel claustrophobic at times with them but I love them and when we are together as a family we always have the best of times, unfortunately it only happens every year or two now but what can you do.

    Love - A fricking rollercoaster in my life always
    My first kiss, who turned out to be my first boyfriend.
    A great guy who is now engaged and I couldn't be happier for him.
    My first kiss with my ex. We'd been dancing around each other for ages, well I'd been dancing around him. I wasn't sure. That first kiss changed my mind on that and we'd a great few years together, pity I was too young to appreciate him.
    The heartbreak of finding out a guy I was with had a GF and child. I never knew and happened across them on a family day out. I will never ever forget the feeling of my blood running cold.

    Meeting my current OH. Boy did we do some dancing around each other! We eventually went on a first date, we got ice-cream and we didn't kiss. On our second date we had a little kiss and finally on our third ice-cream date we kissed properly! I will never forget it ever, it was like everything fell into place.

    The night said OH said he loved me, he was drunk when he said it but the following night (New Years Eve) when he was sober he confirmed that he meant what he said. I was over the moon and so upset I wasn't with him on such an important night and occassion.

    Planning for the future
    Planning holidays and moving in with my boyfriend. I love planning the future and feeling so secure and loved.

    The future being turned on its head
    Yesterday I found out my boy has to emigrate for work. My whole life is upside down right now. No security, no definite plans, no idea what's going to happen! All you need is love they say...not true, all you need is a job and money!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 544 ✭✭✭inlikeflynn86

    Absolutley love this thread :D

    My earliest has to be when I was 5. It was St. Stephens Day and I took my first steps...I was playing with my new toys with my cousin and just stood up and walked. Having spent the best part of 3 and a half years in hospital getting numerous operations on my hips, I didnt realise the significance of it.... I remember my cousin screaming for my mam and my aunt hugging me and my mam crying... Its still so clear in mind...:D

    my first date with my bf. I was 15 at the time and he brought me to mcdonalds.....:D Sure 10 years later we are still together ;)

    The day my nan died. We were all around the bed waiting for her to pass and it was horrible. All i remember is putting my head on the bed when she did. and someone picking me up hugging me and crying with me for more than a half hour... When I stopped crying I realised it was my brother, and we used to kill each other and never get on. That was the start of our now good relationship.

    Me and bf got a mortgage and the day we got the keys the first thing I did was sit in the bath with a bottle of wine...

    Oh and 3 months later was still on the wine when i was told i was being made redundant... That was a horrible moment.... :mad:

    The day i passed my driving test. Told absolutely noone, went and i passed. It was the best feeling telling everyone!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 352 ✭✭rainshowers82

    I had posted before under my old user name but i have had a few more to add to the list since then

    Spending all of christmas 2011 in the hospital as my beloved Nan died of a stroke which was caused by her chemo :( I do not think i will ever ever forget the horrible sound of her breathing ...... or the feeling that we could be doing something more to help her .......

    The morning my best friend called and told me her cousin died suddenly the night before ( 3 weeks before my nan) i have never heard any one sound so heartbroken or lost .. I won't forget her parents faces as they carried her coffin from the church or her little boy :(

    My boyfriend proposing :p best day EVER ;) He is the one person that can make all the bad stuff disappear for a while ........

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,353 ✭✭✭Fiona

    This is a great thread :)

    1. The moment I found out my big sister, the most amazing person in my life was only actually my half sister. It crushed me, I was only 13 when I found out.

    2. The moment I met my 19 year old niece for the first time, my sister (see above!) gave birth to her and put her up for adoption. She is the most beautiful woman ever and we are blessed to have her back with us, we are so lucky it's the fairytale adoption story that not a lot of people get xx

    3. The moment my friend called me to tell me that our best friend committed suicide, I was after finishing work on a Friday and was walking into the pub when she rang. I had to get the Dart home to Bray, it was the longest journey of my life.

    4. At the wake her mother asked me to do her make up as she didn't like the way she looked. I had studied beauty therapy hence the reason I was asked. I can honestly say doing a dead persons make up was the most surreal thing I have ever done in my life. I think she looked worst after I was finished with her though cos I kept crying on her face :(

    5. Lying on a beach with my mother and my ex financee text me to say he didn't love me anymore.

    6. Buying my first apartment on my own and the first person I met as I walked in the door was the man who would become my future husband :cool:

    7. My wedding day :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 678 ✭✭✭ihsb

    I am going to go with happy memories.

    All those times dancing in the kitchen with my Mam after a tough day. We would put on anything with a beat loudly and just scream around the place.

    Sitting on the sofa with Nanna, her stroking my elbow while I tell her things that no one else talks to her about.

    Going to the Christmas markets in Birmingham with my sort of Dad. We walk the feet off ourselves. We eat good food and drink mulled wine. It is really good for the soul.

    When I went away on my own. I became me without my safety nets. No one telling me what I should do and how I should do it. It was lovely.

    My relationship with my ex. It was perfect at the beginning and I loved him so much. I wish him all the happiness in the world.

    When my current boyfriend kissed me waaayyyy into the third date. I was not disappointed! I honestly thought he wasn't interested in me.

    Moving over to Ireland. Made me stronger. Made me deal with my issues. I accept me the way I am because of it. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 646 ✭✭✭cactuspaw

    being told I could go home after being in hospital for 7 months. I dont think I was ever so happy in my life.

    oh, and sitting on a roof in spain with my mate, smoking and drinking a carton of wine! it was amazing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭metaoblivia

    Happy moments:

    Finding out I got into graduate school. I jumped around my apartment like a mad woman!

    The day my niece was born. I was in the hospital hall right outside of the room where she was born. I was only 17 and admittedly slightly terrified as well as excited. But it was so wonderful to be part of that moment.

    Sad moments:

    When the doctors found a tumor in my breast. Fortunately, it turned out to be benign, but there were some very somber weeks between them finding the tumor and determining it was benign.

    Unbelievable moment I still haven't processed:

    A performance I did last October. I was one-third of a trio performing a song onstage at the almost-sold out Orpheum Theatre in LA. What made brought it over the top was that the other two people I was singing with were Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Anne Hathaway. When I got the call a few days prior, I literally called everyone in my family and told them. On the outside, I tried to be all :cool: but inside I was :eek: :eek: :eek: up through the performance. & ever since I've had to remind myself that, yes, that actually happened.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,211 ✭✭✭Susie_Q

    Metaoblivia - wow! Is there a video recording of your performance??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,256 ✭✭✭metaoblivia

    Susie_Q wrote: »
    Metaoblivia - wow! Is there a video recording of your performance??

    Yeah, there are a few videos of it on youtube actually. This is one of them:

    There are more on hitrecord, which is linked in my signature, but it's not as easy to search as youtube. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,512 ✭✭✭baby and crumble

    I am very jealous. I have a major crush on Anne Hathaway and a style crush on Joesph Gordon-Levitt.

    Well done!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 504 ✭✭✭LostGirly

    Yeah, there are a few videos of it on youtube actually. This is one of them:

    There are more on hitrecord, which is linked in my signature, but it's not as easy to search as youtube. :)

    Wow, that's stunning, as are you! Fantastic!

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    -The day I found out my brother had cancer, it was on his second birthday and we had a party for him in the hospital the day before. It was a very scary year after that but he pulled through

    -As a result of my brother's illness, Make A Wish sent us to Disneyland, Florida and we stayed in a village called Give Kids The World. It was the most beautiful place on earth and the staff and people involved were unbelievably nice. I still miss the place!

    -During my Junior Cert when I found out my mum had lost a court case against my dad, meaning his maintenance he paid for me and my brother was dramatically reduced. I broke my heart knowing that my dad would rather reduce his children's living standards than get rid of his second car or anything else that made his life less comfortable. The court didn't look at any of that, just at his own income which was low even though his wife had a very successful job. I remember sending him a text telling him how hurt I was and I didn't want to see him again and then breaking down in front of everyone after my exam.

    -The day we got our dog. As a puppy, he came bounding through the door, no nerves or anything and jumped up and licked everyone's faces as happy as can be :D He's still a character!

    -The day my uncle died of cancer. I was only young but he was my favourite uncle. His mother (my grandmother), died shortly after.

    -My first heartbreak. I had recently split from a serious LDR and within days, he had a new girlfriend. I never felt as lied to in my whole life. I cried myself for days afterwards and took me a long time to get over it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,524 ✭✭✭Zapperzy

    As a 7 year old being told my nana had passed away, weirdly despite being quite close to her I remember being more excited about going to england for the funeral.

    The exact words 2 and a half years ago when I was woken in the middle of the night and told my uncle had died suddenly. Again oddly I was more concerned for my dad, just waited until everyone had left, got up and made a cup of tea and went back to sleep.

    Each and every one of my pet's deaths, even the numerous goldfish as a child, balled my eyes out for each and every one of them.

    Picking out a kitten nearly 7 years ago, had no idea how big of a part of my life she'd become. Over the last 6 and a half years I'v lost count of the number of times I'v felt really ****ty and just lay down and cried into her fur.

    My friend telling me that my then best friend was very depressed and self harming, I knew something was wrong but had no idea it'd gotten that serious. I can remember reading a little note he had sent me in class and my heart just sinking and the classroom spinning away. Later that day we went to the vice principals office and told her about it, I sat there and my whole body just shook, I couldn't stop it, couldn't even get any words out. Thankfully she got the help needed and pulled through. I'l never forget just sitting there every muscle in my body trembling, no tears just uncontrollable shaking.

    Getting up at some unsocialable hour in the morning to check my CAO results, the site crashed and took ages to get them but was completely over the moon to see LY847 (veterinary nursing) there! Every first so far in my 2 years of being a nursing student, all the little moments of proudness like being complemented on taking if I may say so myself a bloody good x-ray! :D

    Cantering across a beach for the first time with a massive grin on my face covered head to toe in sand thinking does life get any better than this!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,308 ✭✭✭Hersheys

    The day I decided I needed help for my depression. That was some day! (Well, week)

    I spoke to my friend who gently suggested I go to my gp. So I did. But I bottled it - could not find the words to tell him how I felt. Spoke to the same friend that night, she suggested I write it down & go see him again. But I didn't fancy that idea. I ended up writing an email & sending it to his receptionist and then I waited. I can't tell you how many times I clicked refresh on the email button that day.

    Eventually my phone rang and it was him. I was driving at the time so pulled in to talk to him. We chatted for 30 mins about what was going on. Even though I'd seen counsellors he was the first person to listen. He asked a few q's and got me to call down to him the following evening to decide on meds etc.

    He was so lovely about everything. Restored my faith in humanity, even though I probably dashed his faith with what I've put him through since then.

    Sorry for dragging up the old thread but it's a moment I will never forget. Even remember what I ate for dinner that day!

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 19,240 Mod ✭✭✭✭L.Jenkins

    Will most likely sound morbid, but I had to bring my fiancée to the ER last night. A 7 week old child was brought as a cardiac arrest patient, I could tell later by his parents reactions that he didn't make it :( Poor little guy and my thoughts are with his parents.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,401 ✭✭✭✭x Purple Pawprints x

    Posted in this thread nearly 9 months ago re. my bf.. Who as of last week is my ex and I am heartbroken. I know people say over the phone is not the way to break up a long term relationship but it would have been so much harder if it had been in person. I can see now we weren't happy. Last thing he said to me was "I'm sorry, I'll never forget you.." I know we're over for good. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    Itzy wrote: »
    Will most likely sound morbid, but I had to bring my fiancée to the ER last night. A 7 week old child was brought as a cardiac arrest patient, I could tell later by his parents reactions that he didn't make it :( Poor little guy and my thoughts are with his parents.
    Oh my god that must have been heartbreaking to watch :-( poor parents. Poor little angel x

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭pushkii

    I have so many moments ill never forget .
    When i was told my beautiful retriever was killed on the road i rang my then boyfriend because i was so upset and a few mins into the conversation he dumped me. I was 7 months pregnant with his child. I don't think ill ever forget that day.

    Ill never forget the day my daughter was born the excitement, the worry , the urgency of it and the PAIN !! But whence was placed on my belly and i saw the most beautiful person i have ever seen i know it was all worth and my life would change forever.

    Ill never forget those few days nights in hospital just me and her no visitors. It was bliss we just lay in the bed looking at each other. I didn't sleep at all when she slept i just stared at her .

    I know there's many more unforgettable moments to come, may they be good or bad and ill get through them x

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 19,240 Mod ✭✭✭✭L.Jenkins

    pushkii wrote: »
    Oh my god that must have been heartbreaking to watch :-( poor parents. Poor little angel x

    I cried when I heard them, because I knew what happened. To lose a child at any age must be the worse feeling any person can experience. Now I can see why my mum is still as protective as she is. Is was heart breaking :(

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  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 10,437 Mod ✭✭✭✭xzanti

    ^^ Jesus :( every Parent's worst nightmare.. makes my blood cold to even think about such a thing :(

    RIP little baba :(
