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Moments you'll never forget



  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    I'll never forget the first time I met the first boy I had any sort of a relationship with. I was 16. We didn't know each other, he had just seen me by my house that day (he lived in the same park, just moved in that summer). I still can't believe he had the nerve to ring my doorbell and come looking for me. I nearly didn't answer the door, my mum made me go. The moment I first laid eyes on him was amazing. I have never felt like that since. It was electrifying to say the least.

    The first time I kissed this boy, also my first kiss. It was the 5th of November. I was just back from a week long school trip. I was sitting in front of my house and he was standing in front of me. He asked me if he could kiss me. And I said yes (very shyly). He kissed me on the lips then, and I remember feeling the rush of excitement. Later that night we were saying our goodbyes. I remember seeing his head come towards mine. I was terrified and opened my mouth not knowing what to expect. I won't go so far as to say it was the best kiss I've ever had :S

    Second kiss he made me climb up a tree for :D It was awfully romantic.

    The night my mum told me to stop seeing him because I was too young for a boyfriend and I needed to concentrate on school. I bawled my eyes out, and even skipped school the next day. (I never used to skip school unless I was really sick). That was the day I stopped confiding in my mum. She knows this, and I think she regrets ever telling me to stop seeing him.

    He moved away around March of the following year and I haven't seen him since.

    I don't think I'll forget anything about him. It makes me sad, but happy that I had the wonderful experience.

    I have been with boys since, but have never felt that zap of excitement, like I felt with him, with anyone else. Sometimes I wonder if I only got that feeling because it was my first time being in love, but after reading all these stories, maybe there's hope for me yet :)

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 3,331 ✭✭✭Splinter

    A truely fantastic thread, read it all and really really amazed at you guys :)

    I won't post many as I havn't really gotten them straight in my own head.

    When my Uncle died. My parents both worked when i was in primary and he lived with my Gran. they used to take turns collecting me after school. he introduced me to music, hell 2 of the CDs he made me listen to are still some of my favourites, Flood by They Might be Giants and Get a Grip by Aerosmith. as it turns out he was a raving alcoholic and died due to blood poisoning but I was too young to see the damage or the bad in it. He is who i am today and i'd like to think we'd still be best mates if he hadn't of passed away. I chose my confirmation name because of him.

    the night my mother had a stroke, last year, it was completely surreal and possibly the scariest night of my life, i remember ringing the ambulance and all i could do was try make coffee and stay out of my dads and the paramedics way. They wouldn't let me in the ambulance so i sat on the couch and drank more caffine than needed. got a call after 3 am to get into Beaumont because it didn't look good... 14 months later and she's still here. Christ that woman knows how to scare me...

    the good..

    one year i had a falling out with a good friend of mine, mainly due to me being a prat to her and i deserved everything i got out of it. walking home on xmas eve i sent her a text saying i was sorry and merry christmas, rounded the corner and there she was, gave her a huge hug and we have been best friends ever since.

    I'm sure theres more but that'l do for the moment

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,385 ✭✭✭Jemmy

    Love this thread, hmm some of my own...

    Curled up on a park bench in the harbour in Skull in the summertime with my bf at the time, clear sky, moon so bright and he started singing Nightswimming by REM really softly I just melted (he was quite a good singer)

    Funeral of a small child I went to, only 7yrs old, the sight of the small white coffin in his fathers arms will never leave me. :(

    After seeing a guy for a few wks we had not made it offical, so walking home after a quiet night out,it was windy and we having a good laugh on the way home, then he stopped me on the corner of his road and out of nowhere he asked me would I be his gf. Might seem silly to some but it was the perfect moment! Same bf set up an indoor candlelight picnic as a surprise when I called up one night, couldn't cook to save his life but was a lovely night.

    The day I left for New Zealand, saying good bye to everyone was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Didnt know when I'd be back. Turns out I was back 4months later anyway! With that not telling my parents I was coming home and appearing in the door, look on their faces!

    Seeing my father cry, only happened 3 times in my life but it was very unsettling I'd never seen my dad in such a vulnerable state. The day he said goodbye to me leaving for new zealand he wouldnt let go when I hugged him and when he did could see him welling up, other 2 times were at funerals of ppl very close to us.

    The first bf I moved in with, living together 3months, so happy! I came back after a wknd up home to find another girls necklace on the floor on my side of the bed. My heart sank, was crazy about him thought he was the one we had talked about the future and everything.

    The call I got to tell me my bf was in hospital & had tried to kill himself, totally shocked there were no signs. I feelt awful I thought we were close but I had no idea what was going on when I should have. :( Was a huge turning point in the relationship, then 2 yrs later he did the above!!!

    Thats all I can think of for now but I couldn't close my eyes and go right back to all of them good and bad, I've loads more but heads melted after the wk I've had.

  • Registered Users Posts: 294 ✭✭intouch44

    I've been following this thread for a while and finally feel I should post:

    the good:

    my first week in school and my mam collecting me on the friday and bringing me to town to buy me a present ( those little coloured clothes pegs :) )

    having such a laugh in secondary school with great friends

    going 'out' with said friends when 15/16 and drinking before discos (great times- such rebels!!)

    getting into college and the course I wanted so badly!!!

    falling in love for the first time and my then boyfriend declaring his love for me ( so nervous- made such an effort, so sweet!)

    getting a text to say my niece was born
    meeting the most gorgeous little girl in the world for the first time :)

    deciding to go travelling alone and LOVING it :)

    falling in love for the 2nd time (and thinking this is IT, can actually remember the exact moment when it happened and can still feel the sensation- as if I was winded!!) and my boyfriend declaring his love for me (such fond memories of this moment too, will always make me smile and probably laugh in years to come!!)

    the bad:
    (having read all the previous posts I realise how lucky I really am)

    feeling left out/different/strange in college

    having my heart broken (2nd boyfriend)- the physical pain, the anguish, the torment, the feeling of not being able to survive, the 'thinking you're over this' days and the almighty bang when you realise you're not

    the good (again)

    realising you have the best friends in the world who will help you through the above torture and will answer the phone ANY time day or night

  • Registered Users Posts: 673 ✭✭✭merlie

    The Best moments ever for me was:

    The birth of my daughter, loved every minute of it, so beautiful

    Meeting the man I waited for all my life ...he was a very loving and caring man, who still has a special place in my heart

    Going to visit Haworth for my birthday

    A weeks stay in the old mill cottage in the Lake District ..loved it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Sup people, stunning website I have found It exceedingly useful & its helped me so much
    I hope to be able to contribute and support other people like this message board has helped me

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    This thread is so inspirational...

    My brother overdosing. I remember being in bed, not feeling well and hoping for a day off school, I think I was about 15? Dad came in to see why I hadn't gotten up for school and I told him that I was sick. He then told me that he'd come downstairs to find my brother collapsed on the kitchen floor after taking a load of painkillers. He and my Mam took him to the hospital and I was left alone all day. I remember feeling completely numb. Thankfully my brother pulled through and he's in a good place now. It only hit me later how close I came to losing my only sibling.

    When my parents found out I had been self-harming. I was terrified. I went to counselling for months, stopped for a while. Then my mam found out I had started it up again. I will never forget having to face my dad after she told him. He was so angry. He acted like there was something wrong with me, like I wasn't 'normal'. I suppose I wasn't but it hurt so much that he made no effort to understand my reasons. After a second round of counselling I came out of that place and it's been years since I've hurt myself. Not proud of that time in my life.

    When my brother told me that my mam had had an affair. My Dad told him and he told me. They're still together and neither of my parents know that I know. I've never thought of my Mam in the same way since, a little part of my heart shattered when he told me. I would like one day for her to tell me herself but I can't see it ever happening.

    When my cousin died. Two years ago. He was only 10. His funeral was in London and it was snowing and I've never experienced anything sadder in my life. It breaks my heart to think of it.

    My first kiss with my now boyfriend. We were friends first and I actually went out with his friend before him. We were in his car outside my house and it was the most awkward and uncomfortable kiss I have ever had and we went to the cinema afterwards and I could barely look at him afterwards. I thought for sure that we were only ever going to be friends after that. Then two days later we had a proper, full on kiss, fireworks and all, and I haven't looked back since :)

    Delivering my first baby. I'm a student midwife and it was the most amazing, overwhelming, beautiful, exciting, scary experience! I will never forget that feeling!

    I'll have a few more when they come to me.. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,401 ✭✭✭✭x Purple Pawprints x

    This is a really great thread. I've been following it for a while and it's been so nice reading all of the wonderful memories all of you have. I thought it was about time that I at least try to post some of mine so here goes...

    - My earliest memory is of my Gran chasing butterflies because it thought it was funny. It's very vague but I think I was only 2 or 3 at the time. It's a lovely memory to have seeing as we're slowly but surely losing her to Alzheimer's Dementia. It's quite hard to see her so troubled because she can't remember things.

    - The day my dog pushed me with his nose into a corner to protect me from two stray dogs that were standing at our back gate barking.

    - The day I broke the glass in the front door after throwing a plastic tennis racket at my brother. I know it sounds awful but it was just one of those things that happens during childhood that are hilarious when you think back on them!

    - The day I lost my school tracksuit top in Dublin Zoo.

    - Seeing the sea for the first time.

    - The day I scared the life out of my mother when I ran into the house carrying a worm!

    - When my first dog was put to sleep. It was the first real experience that I had with death even though I lost both my grandparents when I was 7 - I was too young to understand what was going on then. To this day pink tissues remind me of that dog because my mother bought me some because I was crying so much.

    - The day I fainted in school.

    - The day I started my period because I had no idea what was going on!

    - Starting Secondary School.

    - The whole of the years 2005 - 2006 for various reasons, most of them bad unfortunately. My Grandad died in Dec 05, loads of stuff was happening between me and my friends. It was just a very difficult time.

    - Getting my Leaving Cert results

    - Accepting my college offer (Veterinary Nursing in AIT) and the deferring it. It was the best decision tbh, I wasn't ready for college. I did a PLC course and became a lot more confident.

    - Getting Student of the Year when I got my award from that course.

    - The day I left for college - I bawled my eyes out leaving my dogs more than my family!

    - The 3 years I spent in college were unforgettable. I met some amazing people and had some great experiences.

    - During my 2nd year in college I was on work experience I revived two very weak puppies after an emergency C-section. 7 weeks later the owner brought them into the clinic and thanked me for saving them, I was so chuffed.

    - Leaving college because it was worse than actually starting it!

    - Getting my exam results after my final year exams and realising that I'd finally accomplished what I wanted.

    - Graduation Day (and night!) - my parents were so proud because I'm the first in my family to get a degree.

    - Registering as a Veterinary Nurse.

    - Getting a letter with the letters BScVN RVN after my name - I felt to important!

    - Getting my first job as a vet nurse and actually getting paid for something I really love doing.

    - Leaving the above job because it was only temporary and I'm now unfortunately unemployed at the moment and finding it very difficult to get a job.

    - On a happier note, meeting my boyfriend and having my first kiss at 22. I know, it was very late. It was amazing and I'm actually very glad I waited.

    - Any time that I've spent with my boyfriend. Each time it gets better and if feels like I've known him for years and he already knows me better than anybody else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 434 ✭✭itac

    Just wanna say thanks to everyone who's posted so far, some heartbreakingly wonderful stories here.

    Here's my little contribution...

    -Seeing my Mum and Dad after my sister had been taken to hospital with a stroke. They aged so quickly that night....

    -Being in the hospice shortly after my friend was given his last rites with several other friends, and him surrounded by his amazing family, and wonderful fiancee. All of us just clung together, couldn't stop the tears, and all the while, his breathing kept stopping and starting in those horrible deathly wheezes. He held on for another 12 hours, and yet it still hit like a sledgehammer when he finally left us. That was only a few months, and yet I still go to text him sometimes. I hate those moments, it's like being there all over again.

    -Always had a bad relationship with my Dad when I was younger, but we've both mellowed over the last few years-texted him for his birthday recently and said it was about time I told him how much I loved him and how I'd finally realised he'd always had my best interests at heart, even if I hadn't believed it at the time. He replied saying thanks and that the text I'd sent had "Chuir se athas i mo chroi" (it put happiness in my heart). :)

    -Watching my big sis representing Ireland and being presented with a gold medal at the Special Olympics 2003.

    -Sitting on a rooftop at my friend's house in Cornwall before I was due to move to Carlisle on a scorching sunny day in July 2002 listening to The Streets "Original Pirate Material" over and over, wondering what the future would hold for me.

    -Hearing my (then) little niece singing Coldplay's The Scientist. Had been living away, and hadn't heard her using sentences, so to hear her singing was just gorgeous.

    -First kiss with the man who stole my heart....late night in the middle of a bus lane...still probably the best kiss of my life!

    So many more, but those are the ones that spring to mind right now...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15,914 ✭✭✭✭tbh

    Best moment in my life was when my wife walked into the room late one summer night with an astonished look on her face and handed me a plastic stick which had a little screen with the word "pregnant" on it. In five weeks and five days I'm hoping to demote it to second best moment.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 304 ✭✭smares

    When my granny died we were very close,i remember waiting in my house as the coffin was brought in,i had never been to a wake and when i went into to see her i will never get that image out of my head.
    Also at her burial it was lashing rain and as she was lowered into her grave there was pools of water in it,it was horrible.

    When i found out my ex who i was with 8 years and living with had been cheating on me.(then again that could be good now as i would never have met my current boyfriend who is the love of my life)

    When i was about 8 i always wanted a little wooden shed as a play house and i woke up one morning in August went into kitchen to see to men in the back garden assembling the shed and my dad walking in with a sign for it saying sarah's den and my mam handing me a little pair of curtains never so surprised,excited and happy!.

    WHen i said to my dad that my boyfriend was going to move in with me,my dad is quite an old fashioned man you don't live together before marraige but he said he was expecting that,might not sound that a big a deal but i was delighted.

    Passing my driving test.

    Passing my last piano exam that i was sure i failed.

    This has not happened yet not until the end of the month but i know the first night myself and my boyfriend move into our house will be a moment i will never forget as were planning and buying things for months now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,599 ✭✭✭sashafierce

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭Randy Shafter

    Some really great stuff on this and some heart wrenching stuff too. So here's my lot:

    The Good:
    • Being told i was going to be an uncle and very nervously holding my little nephew (and godson) for the first time.
    • Passing my LC
    • Getting my Bachelors degree in college
    • Knowing a wonderful friend for 8 years and then her becoming a great girlfriend and still being a great girlfriend to this day
    The Bad:
    • Seeing an awful car crash in Kilarney with my parents when i was 7
    • My grandparents passing away
    • On the way to my GF's house one morning and getting a phonecall from my mam to say that my uncle had been found dead in his car
    • Being a gibbering wreck at the funeral

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,213 ✭✭✭daenerysstormborn3

    My first time on a motorbike on the open road. Absolutely amazing.

    The day i brought my great dane pup home from the breeder, the speed limit breaking crazy drive back to the ferry and the first night he spent on the end of my bed.

    My first date with my boyfriend (who i now live with). Truly unforgettable night.

    My boyfriend driving me, my dog and my stuff from Dublin to go live with him. I remember during that drive he said, you're really going to have to start watching star trek with me cos i really love it lol!

    The day i moved out of my parent's house and my father didn't even say goodbye.

    The last time i saw my sister.

    My aunt in the intensive care unit in james's hospittal and the whole family thinking she was going to die.

    The first ride on the back of my boyfriend's motorbike many moons ago. I'll never forget holding on so tight and being nervous but then getting used to it and really enjoying the buzz.

    My father and all his brothers in tears at their sister in law's funeral. I'll never forget walking into the funeral home and seeing everyone bawling their eyes out. It's quite rare that you would attend a funeral and have everybody there in tears and heartbroken in equal measure.

    Goldfrapp at Oxegen 2010. I remember sitting down on the grass at the back on the tent and hearing the opening beats of Voicething and rushing to the front with my boyfriend to bounce around together.
    Plenty more unforgettable memories to be made.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,163 ✭✭✭Nead21

    Some really amazing stories here

    some of my moments...
    • being in my grandparents house for my granddad's birthday and feeling so small amongst my older cousins
    • seeing my granddad in the hospital right before he died, before a nurse rushed me out...i hated that nurse for years for making me leave
    • having to collect me dad from the pub with my mam again and asking him "is this where you live?"... i was 3/4 at the time :(
    • when i was 9 hearing that my aunt who i was incredibly close to had died. she was a "second mammy" to me and i can still feel her close and know she's minding me :)
    • the summer after second year in school...i think i stopped being a child officially, and everything seemed to get more complicated
    • being told something devastating at 16 that i had no idea how to deal with and feeling so ice cold despite wearing a jumper and 2 hoddies
    • sometimes feeling hugely proud of myself when im driving as we could never afford a car when i was small
    • the last time i saw my dad
    • my mam just sobbing im my arms when we were told my uncle's organs were failing....i felt so helpless and just cried too
    • feeling completely content with myself being single ...just before i met my current BF :o
    • breaking my vertebrae in germany while snowboarding at the start of this year. i was terrified and had 2 operations, but my BF stayed with every day from 8am till after 9pm everyday for 10 days....dont think i've ever felt so safe
    • my 30th birthday (that i've yet to celebrate cause of above injury) ... i was very depressed the whole day until my BF produced a ring and asked me to marry him...:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 mimi7365

    The Best - giving birth to my beautiful daughter 22 years ago and having the privilege of knowing her for all of those years while witnessing her growth from baby to teen to college girl to wonderful young woman.

    The Worst - waving goodbye to my beautiful daughter at Dublin Airport who has emigrated to Australia. It hurts so much I can hardly breathe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 638 ✭✭✭ellieh1

    This is an amazing thread, here are a few of my moments I will never forget.....
    • My mom leaving my dad when I was 7 years old. My mom told myself and my sister that we were going for a drive, little did we know we would never return home again.
    • Seeing my dad for the very last time just shortly after my 8th birthday
    • Being told I had to go live with a new family as my mom was sick and needed full time care
    • Sitting beside a red-haired lunatic on the very first day of secondary school, who has turned out to be my closest friend I have ever had. We are friends 22 years this September :)
    • Finding out that I had got a place on the B Mus degree in UCC
    • Severing a nerve in my finger and discovering that I couldnt play an instrument as well I as used to
    • Meeting my ex-husband for the first time, he was as black as the ace of spades with muck and dust and I didnt recognise him when I met him again later, after he had showered :D
    • Asking my red-haired lunatic to give me away at my wedding, she just nodded and tears ran down her face, she didnt utter a word...
    • Finding out I was pregnant for the first time, it was a miracle as I have endometriosis.
    • Losing this baby and the following baby both at 7 weeks 6 days, I dont have the words to even begin to explain how that felt.
    • FInding out I was pregnant again for the third time in January '05.
    • Giving birth to my beautiful daughter and hearing the doctor telling all the nurses and doctors in the room that a miracle had just happened, that was exaclty how I felt :D
    • Bringing my daughter home for the first day, we were greeted by all our neighbours clapping and cheering.
    • Realising after 5 years of marraige that my ex-husband didnt love me anymore and that our marraige was over, that day tore me apart for a long time.
    • Telling my current boyfriend that I loved him for the first time, he squeezed me so hard and told me he loved me too :D
    Even though some of these broke my heart and turned my life upside down at times I wouldnt change a single one. They have made me who I am today, and I am proud of me :D

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 23,081 ✭✭✭✭beertons

    Best, seeing my then fiancee walk down the aisle towards me.

    Worst, I don't think it's happened yet. Maybe finding out that our 2 year old bullmastiff had cancer, was gone a week later.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,119 ✭✭✭Wagon

    Sad moment
    I remember my first dog dying. She was a collie and she got arthritis in her old age. She was 12 and then one evening she just went to stand up and fell back down and didn't move. Just looked at me. We had her put down the next day.

    Incredible moment
    But there's been amazing moments too. I was at a train station in milan one day when i was living there. I went to get a bar of chocolate from the vending machine on the other platform. It was a risk cos the train was going to leave in a minute and it was at the other end of the station. I ran for the chocolate anyway and got to the machine. Im glad i did cos this beautiful italian girl walked towards me just as i made the selection. I could take you right there now, I remember every little detail as to what happened next and after that. She smiled at me and walked slowly towards me.

    She stood by the vending machine just as i heard a clunk. She opened her mouth and told me something in italian. But i wasn't listening cos i had just looked down and saw two kit-kats and i had only ordered one. I grabbed them and then still managed to catch my train. Skill, dedication and one of the greatest gambles in human history paid off all in the space of 1 minute. Incredible. I sang all the way home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 489 ✭✭petebricquette

    Great thread, Op.

    * Finding out I'd been one of 8 from about 400 applicants to get onto my old college course

    * Making the decision to leave said course 2 years later. (Bastard of a call, but the right one)

    * The first time I realised how great my now girlfriend is (she needed to borrow a phone charger one night, came to my apartment and we spoke until about 9am the next morning.)

    * Playing a concerto for the first time with an orchestra.

    * Supporting The Frames in Vicar St. with my old band

    * Getting a lump checked out, the doctor freaking and me rushing to hospital for an ultrasound. The panic was unbelievable. Although still being high as a kite after waking up from the general anaesthetic was hilarious.

    * My king of a godfather dying.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 350 ✭✭amybabes

    mimi7365 wrote: »
    The Best - giving birth to my beautiful daughter 22 years ago and having the privilege of knowing her for all of those years while witnessing her growth from baby to teen to college girl to wonderful young woman.

    The Worst - waving goodbye to my beautiful daughter at Dublin Airport who has emigrated to Australia. It hurts so much I can hardly breathe.

    Don't worry :) I am a daughter who's been in Australia 2 years (coming home in july to see my family for the first time in 27 months!!) and I still feel as close to my mam if not closer. I appreciate her so much more and she's always the first one i call when i need to talk.
    We have so much planned for when i get home - we'll be cramming 2 years of quality time into my month's holiday, and they are already planning on coming over to see me.

    My mum hated the thoughts of me leaving but realises that i am much better off where i am. I'm 24 and i still need her, have days when all i want is my mum's cooking/hugs/voice to make me feel better. I bet she really misses you too

  • Registered Users Posts: 350 ✭✭amybabes

    Wagon wrote: »
    Sad moment
    I remember my first dog dying. She was a collie and she got arthritis in her old age. She was 12 and then one evening she just went to stand up and fell back down and didn't move. Just looked at me. We had her put down the next day.

    Incredible moment
    But there's been amazing moments too. I was at a train station in milan one day when i was living there. I went to get a bar of chocolate from the vending machine on the other platform. It was a risk cos the train was going to leave in a minute and it was at the other end of the station. I ran for the chocolate anyway and got to the machine. Im glad i did cos this beautiful italian girl walked towards me just as i made the selection. I could take you right there now, I remember every little detail as to what happened next and after that. She smiled at me and walked slowly towards me.

    She stood by the vending machine just as i heard a clunk. She opened her mouth and told me something in italian. But i wasn't listening cos i had just looked down and saw two kit-kats and i had only ordered one. I grabbed them and then still managed to catch my train. Skill, dedication and one of the greatest gambles in human history paid off all in the space of 1 minute. Incredible. I sang all the way home.

    don't tell me you didnt give her the spare kit kat!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,810 ✭✭✭Mackman

    Wow, great thread.

    Ill add a couple of my own,

    My best friend committing suicide. We were 16, and we were off school because of the teachers strikes. My mam came home early, crying, and told me that he had shot himself last night. I went into shock and didnt say anything for about 8 hours. I spent the next 3 days with my friends. We didnt leave eachother until after the funeral. Including all sleeping in the same room.
    Ill never forget those 3 days, the heartache, the pain, the loss. And no reason for it. Ive drifted apart from those friends as the years have gone by, but we will always have that bond of sutffering through it together.

    My first love breaking up with me. Utter devastation. But its made me who i am today.

    Finishing my first sprint triathlon last year. I trained really really hard for it, and i was determined to do it. I was coming in last and the girl who was coming 2nd last, stopped, ran back and urged me on to the finish line and we finished it together, sprinting accross th finish line. It was her first too. I dont even know her name, but i wont forget her.
    I came last, but that didnt matter, i finished it.

    Recieving my Diploma. Worked my ass off for 4 years for that piece of paper. And it was all worth it, walking back down the aisle with it in my hand, beaming from ear to ear, and my parents applauding and taking photos to beat the band.

    Proposing to my future wife. I was ****ting bricks, we had talked about it, i knew she would say yes, i was still a nervous wreck. I felt so vulnerable down there on the one knee looking up. But of course she said yes and i was extatic :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,258 ✭✭✭Walls

    amybabes wrote: »
    don't tell me you didnt give her the spare kit kat!!!

    I know!! Brilliant end to the story, so Irish; Two Kitkats!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,964 ✭✭✭ToniTuddle

    My best friends car crash

    To say my blood ran cold and my heart was near to having an attack would be an under statement. Too long to go into detail but I'll never forget my ex ringing me asking me if I was ok and me being confused about what he was talking about.
    Forced my Mum to drive me down to the crash scene. We were stopped a good bit from the crash scene by a local man and just remember running as fast as I could to get to them. One of the lads was laying in the field with a blanket over him and his brother kept lifting it to look at him and kept shaking his head like no matter how many times he looked it wasn't real.

    Nothing but flashing lights and confusion. Spent the night in the hospital not knowing if she would survive due to the horrific injuries she suffered and how bad the others were. The screams coming from one of the lads is a sound I'll never be able to get out of my head. Or the many depressing moments after it all. Things don't just go back to normal once the person is buried. In fact they never really go back to the way things use to could they. :(

    My uncle coming home from Scotland to live out his final years
    He had been paralysed from the neck down after a boulder fell on him while he was walking along a path outside a construction site. It had been touch and go many times and taken years to get sorted but the day the ambulance arrived and helped him out along with his special wheelchair is something I won't forget. I think it was the first time I'd ever seen my Dad crying-with utter happiness that his brother was finally home :)

    Last time with my grandad
    I was about 11. He wasn't an emotional type or one that you would go to hug but for some odd reason when we left him that day in the home I ran back and gave him a big hug. He was really happy and I looked back when I left and he was still smiling. It made me really happy to make him smile. He died that night.

    Was born on my birthday!! Was soooo happy :)

    Was 16 my first "sun" holiday. Stepping off the plane and the heat that engulfed me was the most amazing feeling ever. :D

    Leaving Ireland
    Was heading to the US and New Zealand and wasn't sure when I would return, think Mum knew this too. Mum and my aunt came along to see me off. Turned back one last time before going through security, I saw my aunt had her arm around my Mum. She was still smiling and waving but her eyes were red and she was pretending not to be crying, that set me off. Held it together through security then went to first toilets and cried for awhile :o

    There are loads of others but that will do for now!

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 RuthieC

    Brilliant thread! Gets ya thinking.

    Getting a phone call to tell me my friend had been in a car accident on the way home from her 23rd birthday. Then getting the phone call to tell me they'd switched the machines off.

    Dancing with my Dad to Van Halen's Jump when I was about seven. He kept putting the record back to the start and we just jumped about for about an hour... which at that age felt like eternity. He was my hero... still is.

    Getting a phone call on Christmas morning, while I was on a year abroad in Oz, from my Dad. It was Christmas Eve Irish time, and 6am Oz time, and in my drowsy state I thought he was all excited and laughing into the phone to wish me Happy Christmas. He wasn't. He was crying. His mother/my grandmother had just died. I've never felt so alone in my life.

    The time I lost my virginity. I went to the bathroom to 'prepare' and when I came back he'd softened the lighting, lit the fire, put on some frank sinatra and made the room look like a dream. A year later he admitted that it had been his first time too. I loved him even more for that.

    Meeting one of my favourite musicians, Josh Ritter, after my friend interviewed him in London. And being SO unbelievably awkward that I actually thanked him 'for just being you'. Oh god, it still stings when I think about it! Ha ha. And that was about five years ago!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭reap-a-rat

    I just saw this and had to reply. I know I have loads, but one I was thinking about earlier was the day I found out my friend was ok.

    She had been in a serious car accident on the night of our friend's 18th. Everyone found out at the party, and we were getting updates from her twin sister throughout the night. When we heard she was being brought to Beaumont, I think everyone went white. We were so worried. This was at the end of October or start of November, it was a week after her own 18th Birthday party. I remember I couldn't sleep that night, as when we were maybe around ten, myself and herself had made a pact that whichever of us died first would come back to say bye to the other one. I was so terrified I'd see her, I've never prayed so hard in all my life:(!

    She was in a coma for months. Then one day in school in February, our Vice-principal came to tell us that Clarey was awake, and was responsive:)! We practically spontaneously burst into song, The Greatest Day by Take That, it was such a happy happy day! And over 2 years later, she's doing brilliantly, and is our inspiration! After all the sorrow her and her family have been through she's still so bubbly and cheery, and always sees the good in everyone and everything:)!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,206 ✭✭✭fatherted1969

    I suppose finding out my daughter was very ill was the most devastating moment of my life and the forces that make you wonder if there is someone looking over your shoulder giving you a helping hand

    We were building our house a couple of years ago. I worked during the day and spent a couple of hours working on the house in the evenings. We were living in another town at the time and my wife worked part time in a local shop so i worked on the house until she finished and then both of us went home together, her sister babysat our other two kids until we got home.

    Anyway it was my fathers anniversery mass and i'd arranged with my wife that i'd be about a half an hour late to collect. On the way to the mass it started to rain heavily so when i got to the chapel i chenged my mind as i didn't want her to get soaked and went back to collect her.

    When i got to the shop she said her sister had rang to say my daughter was a little off form but it wasn't too big a deal. When we got home she was crying and i pulled off her socks and her feet were swolen so my wife rang the doctor and he said he was on a house call and he'd be about 45 minutes but to go straight in and wait for him. When we got to the doctors he pulled in straight behind us. We went into surgery and he said to strip her off and it was then and only then that we seen the rash her whole body was covered in.

    I still cant believe it. It was the biggest shock i've ever gotton in my whole life and i think the doctor was shocked as well. He told us to get ourselves to the nearest hospital as fast as we could. When we got to the hospital it was like something out of ER, we burst through the doors into the kids deptartment and the nurses were waiting right at the door to take her.

    I'm welling up here just writing about it, it was like our world had ended. She spent two weeks in hospital, the doctors and nurses done a fantastic job and she survived and is perfectly healthy today.

    I never believed that someone could be looking out for you until that day but it was like everything fell into place and not a minute was wasted and it ensured that she made a full recovery.

    Anyway thats mine

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 8,490 Mod ✭✭✭✭Fluorescence

    When my cousin died a few months ago, I had a couple of moments that will stick with me forever. The morning I found out she died I was rushing out the door to get into college, and it was only 20 minutes later with my arse plonked on the 17 bus that it hit me. Being 8am, it was jam-packed and there was a really large burly man sitting next to me on the seat; I tried so damn hard to stifle my tears with my sleeve and just buried my face by the window in the hope no-one would notice. It was the longest bus journey ever, and I'd never felt quite so alone, surrounded by so many people.

    The following night I was chatting to one of my aunts, and she suggested we go outside and look at the stars. I was pretty WTF about it but went along with her anyway. She got us to lay down in the driveway of a holiday house on a freezing cold night and just watch the skies. I was annoyed and amused and wistful and sad all at the same time. In the end I just laughed and went back inside :pac:. A few hours later myself and my mam went out to the wake house to do our few hours at the vigil. My mam took out her rosary beads and prayed for about half an hour. I wrapped myself up in a coat and duvet and never took my eyes off the body. In the soft flickering candlelight it almost looked as if she were breathing. Simply asleep. That image will stay with me always.

    On a happier note, I'll never forget the summer I spent with my first proper boyfriend. In fact, the first time he told me he loved me was hilariously sweet. We were walking back to my house when he turned to me mid-conversation about some video game, and said non-chalantly as humanly possible, "Oh yeah, I've not actually said I love you yet. Well, I do." Big cheesy grin on his face. It was just so out of the blue and was so utterly him that I laughed.

    Another moment I'll always remember was when I was about 9 or 10 and seeing my parents standing in the kitchen kissing. It was so sweet. I remember thinking "I hope I'm that happy when I grow up." Strange thought for a 10 year old but I was a strange kid :pac:. I also remember lying in bed one night aged 6, thinking philosophical thoughts like, "Why are we here at all? What is the point of life? What will it feel like when I'm dead? Why does God let bad things happen?" Yeah, I was an odd child to say the least :P.

    Lastly, I'll always remember the first time my younger brother ever had an epileptic seizure. He was 5 years old, and we were visiting my grandparents graves in Malahide. We were walking over to the van where they sold flowers and stuff, when all of a sudden he just fell to the ground, spasming, in the middle of this busy carpark. My mam and I were just freaking out, not a clue what was going on. As soon as he stopped twitching we bundled him into the back seat of the car and went as fast as we could to the nearest hospital. It's a strange day to look back on, as we've all accostomed to his epilepsy now, but I can't help but think how different things might have been if he'd never had it. It's almost like I can understand parental worry thanks to the endless fear I get whenever there's a bang or a crash, convinced that he's walloped his head in a fit. Many many things stem back to that day in the graveyard car park.

    Whoops, this was kinda long :o. Sorry!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11 LooseMoose

    Got to say been reading every single day for years but never posted anything till yesterday!! But this is the best thread I have come across.

    I have loads of memories like everyone but one that I just remembered as reading this was 3 years ago before I emigrated I went to visit my Grandfather.

    He was in a home and I had lived with my Grandparents as a kid. He had dementia and always got mixed up with my name and a relation. Well he tried so hard to remember but just couldn't get it out!!

    I was getting the plane two days later and deep down knew I probably wouldn't see him again. We both I suppose like to try cover emotion as all men do :) but as I was walking out I turned around and he said "LooseMoose I probably won't see you again so good luck with everything" and gave me a wink.

    I could tell in that moment that was it. He died a month after I left and I hadn't the money to go back and if I wanted to return again. I returned home to visit his grave only 6 months ago. Was a great man and just one of those moments in life that always will stick out.
