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WeightWatchers & "How Many ProPoints?" Thread MkII



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭tiny_penguin

    evadiva wrote: »
    Nice one JudyD its such a great feeling.

    I would definitely recommend to everyone to always go to your meeting, leaders defo understand that there are wks that we're gonna be up, my leader reckons that the wk we contemplate about goin or not is the wk we need our meeting the most. It gives you the motivation to keep goin.

    Ok lecture over.

    I would recommend the same. Its always better to know ehere you stand. If you gain 2lbs and don't go to find out - and the following week lose 1.5lbs - the scales in the meeting will show a gain on 0.5lbs the second week. Which will not help motivation. Wheras if you get your original gain logged and recorded you know exactly where you are at the following week.

    Also you never know when you will be pleasantly surprised. I was sure I would be up this week, the scales in my parents house was showing me up 1lb, but when I got weighed last night I was down 1.5. So always go and face the music. Even if you are up, everyone is human and is bound to have a bad week every now and then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    Monife wrote: »
    Girls, i'm the same but felt too ashamed to post. Was very bold at the weekend and also can't get properly back on track. Tiny, you are like my twin, I too had a cereal this morning and didn't weigh it like I usually do and had a packet of tayto for afternoon break instead of usually a WW bar or fruit :( I have also sent myself into a downward spiral of depression after stepping on my home scales. Showing a gain of 3lb. If it's not fluid retention and I see that number at WI on Thursday, I will be so upset. It's taken me 7 weeks to lose 7.5lb so gaining 3lb almost makes it not even worth while. It makes me think, why do I bother, working so hard and then going out at the weekend (which inevitably is going to happen at least once a month, I can't/don't want to become a hermit just because I want to lose weight) and then ending up back at square one.

    don't be hard on yourself monife.... i found it was like a weight lifted off me when i admitted to myself and to everyone on here how bad my week had been. it kinda makes you face it and move on. You are brilliant for motivation for other people on this so don't give up. Like we were saying yesterday, you can't expect to sail through life with WW friendly options available all the time. I was kidding myself about that for the last few months. This week was a disaster..... but it was a kick in my backside to show me that i can have bad weeks and not totally fall off the wagon. As someone said earlier, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Whether you have 10lb or 10st to lose you will always have obstacles in the way...its lifes way of fecking with us....

    I was really thinking of not going to WI tonight, I am mortified at my own lack of restraint.... but i feel like, this week is over (well as of tonight anyway) and tomorrow is a new day and that will be better.

    You are doing brilliantly, starting to lose weight is always a shock to the system. Just don't let one week wreck your whole journey... just picture yourself on the WW website telling your story when you get to goal :) :P ... and you will get there! you, like so many of us, want it too much to give up for good!

    sorry for the long post, just you have helped me sooooo much through my journey so far, just trying to repay the favour a small bit.... xxxx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 515 ✭✭✭ck83

    Advice needed please, can someone tell me how they point danone activia fat free yogurts, I've always thought 2pp but a work colleague points at 1pp as her leader said the 125g pot would realistically work out at 1.25 pp - round it to the nearest pp therefore = 1. Would love to know your take on it my pp are precious!

    Thanks in advance[/Quote]
    I'm just home from my WI, and my leader said they were 1pp too. I'm not much of a one for yoghurt, so I've never checked myself!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 515 ✭✭✭ck83

    my calculator said 8.8.... you must have the same one as me... mine is Pro Points calculator that has a little cocktail icon on the fone....[/Quote]
    Mine is called I track bites. Hope it hasn't been leading me astray!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 515 ✭✭✭ck83

    Sorry about the zillion posts folks... I can't do that multiple-quote thingy on my phone. Just home from my WI- STS. Well deserved- a loss would have been a massive fluke, and I needed a small bit of a shove back onto the wagon anyhow. It means I've only three weigh ins to get to my post Easter mini goal though.... Eeek- three weeks to lose 5.5lb and say goodbye to the 15's. Not sure how realistic that is, since one of those weeks includes Easter. I'm going to put back on my food police hat tomorrow, and form an even closer relationship with my tracker. No picking for me this week!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    ck83 wrote: »
    Sorry about the zillion posts folks... I can't do that multiple-quote thingy on my phone. Just home from my WI- STS. Well deserved- a loss would have been a massive fluke, and I needed a small bit of a shove back onto the wagon anyhow. It means I've only three weigh ins to get to my post Easter mini goal though.... Eeek- three weeks to lose 5.5lb and say goodbye to the 15's. Not sure how realistic that is, since one of those weeks includes Easter. I'm going to put back on my food police hat tomorrow, and form an even closer relationship with my tracker. No picking for me this week!

    i have WI tonight, like most people on here, the idea of not going to WI has crossed my mind more than once. from the looks of my scales here i am expecting at least +1 or +2... like you, i want to get into the 10s for easter, thats 2.5lb for me from last weeks WI so its probably around the 5/6lb mark away from it from tonight...

    you are right with the mini goals. no point in joining and saying "i want 5 stone gone in 4 months..." it just seems like mount everest.... small goals make it a lot more managable in the long run... its a marathon.... i just have to keep reminding myself of that haha

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Well done on all the great losses and to those that STS or gained draw a line under it NOW. Don't wait until tomorrow start now.

    DAs Kitty good luck tonight. I really hope you get it as I know how long you've been trying :)

    To those struggling after the weekend, remember that life is life. You need to fit WW into your life and not your life into WW. One weekend isn't going to derail you in the long run unless you let it. You've all done really well so far so keep it up. It could be good to do a bit of a refresher e.g. look back at old photos, write out reasons as to why you want to lose weight, think about how you felt before you started losing, think about how you'll feel when you get to goal. It's a VERY tough journey but the slower the better as you'll keep it off for life then.

    I was down 0.5lb today :) I know it doesn't seem a lot but to me it's a loss. I've struggled with a serious plateau for a while now but I think I may have found my way out of it. I also lost an inch on my thighs, hips and waist and four inches on my stomach :D I went to Pennys today as well and I tried on shorts but with leggings underneath as I'm not a fan of my legs. Anyway I felt uncomfortable and fat so I took off the leggings and I was shocked with how well my legs actually looked in the shorts. Now they're still a long way off perfect but the shorts looked much better without the leggings than with :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 863 ✭✭✭Eabhabear

    Here's an article that was on the WW ages ago but I kept a copy of it!

    When You're About to Quit

    You're bored. Frustrated. Exasperated. Tired. Just too busy to even think of trying to lose weight. You want to quit.
    Don't despair. You've reached the point in your weight loss journey that really, truly determines whether or not you're going to get to your goal and stay there. Now it's up to you.
    "Most people trying to lose weight go through periods when they're discouraged," says Dr. Howard Rankin, psychologist and author of Inspired to Lose (Step Wise Press, 2001). "One of the factors that distinguishes people who are successful from people who aren't is that people who are successful quit for a day or so, then get back on. Unsuccessful people quit and give up for good."

    Quit or Keep Going: It's Up to You

    Picture yourself standing at a fork in the road toward your weight loss goals. Go one way, and you're off track completely. The longer you keep going that way, the harder it will be to get back to where you were.

    Or choose to keep going and make it to your goals that much quicker. But that's much easier said than done, right? Not with the right tools. Consider these suggestions from Rankin and from Palma Posillico, general manager of training and development for Weight Watchers International:

    Expect it, says Rankin. Wanting to give up is normal. And if you plan for what to do when quitting crosses your mind, you'll be more likely to decide to stick with it.

    Get a move on motivation. If you feel like giving up and want to give your efforts a boost, says Posillico, try using Visualise a Better Body, a powerful tool from Weight Watchers Motivate Me. Picture yourself at your ultimate goal weight — how does it feel? Spend a few minutes each day imagining what it will be like

    One message board user says she looked at Weight Watchers Success Stories for motivation. "I would visualise myself in their place. I thought of what my pictures would look like, what 'tips' I would share." Try it.

    Eliminate the word 'quit' from your vocabulary. Perhaps instead of 'quitting', you're deciding to maintain the weight you've already lost, just for a little while, until you get your motivation back. "Learning to maintain along the way is a very successful strategy," says Posillico.

    Don't let plateaus put you off. Another user says: "I almost quit when I was still a few pounds over my weight loss goal. A lot of resentment grew between me and the scale."

    If your weight loss has slowed or even stopped, despite what feels like your best efforts, keep at it. Think back to the goals you set yourself when you first joined Weight Watchers. "The thing that kept me going and striving to lose those last few pounds (and it took me months)," says the user from above, "was that I wanted to be a Gold Member."

    Figure out what's worked in the past. Look through your Journal or trackers at weeks that have worked for you - what did you do? This week, focus only on the task of repeating what you did that week. See if it works again.

    Try some new meal ideas. If you're bored with eating the same foods, or sick of figuring out food plan-friendly options, New meal ideas are a great way to tuck in without deliberation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    that is brilliant Eabhabear!!!

    thanks for posting it!

    Im defo going to WI tonight... i have another 23lb to goal but as bad as i was feeling the last few days i know i would feel a hell of a lot worse about myself should I give up.

    plus i ordered gear for a hens in size 10-12 so im pretty fecked if i don't get into that size by the end of may.... haha!

    Thanks a mill Eabhabear!

  • Registered Users Posts: 440 ✭✭Taz1

    I think I'm going to try a F&H day tomorrow. Can anyone tell me if I can use just normal Brennans wholewheat bread for toast or does it have to be Weight Watchers (which is calory-controlled)? I know that Brennans is always being advertised as 'naturally low in fat' and is typically lower points than most other breads, so I'm wondering if this would be okay??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭BaileyPants

    Thanks so much Eabhabear. It's like you read my mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭ladysaint

    Hi Guys,

    Quick one for ya.

    Im looking at the attached spag boll recipe - i love spag boll so always trying out different recipes, the smallest changes can change the taste so much & never actually followed the ww recipe to a T, slightly worried bout the curry powder but worth a try :)

    Just wondering as I've never used a recipe from the UK site before - it says pro points value 9, servings 4 - can i presume this is 9pp per serving so 36 pp for the whole recipe?

    Also it says 4 portions of pasta, is this 30g's * 4?

    Any advise would be great.

    Thanks & heres to a better week than last

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Got it!

    Down 2lb. 4 weeks maintenance now and I will have my hot little hands on my goldcard after 10 years on and off.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭tiny_penguin

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Got it!

    Down 2lb. 4 weeks maintenance now and I will have my hot little hands on my goldcard after 10 years on and off.


    CONGRATULATIONS! That is brilliant, esp after the long weekend. Well deserved. Good luck with maintenance now :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 56 ✭✭ladysaint

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Got it!

    Down 2lb. 4 weeks maintenance now and I will have my hot little hands on my goldcard after 10 years on and off.


    WOW Congrats - the week after a long weekend and everything.

    True inspiration that it doesn't matter how long it takes we will all get there there in the end :)

    Well done & congrats again

  • Registered Users Posts: 682 ✭✭✭lisa_celtic

    Off work sick today... stomach flu :( so hungry cause i'm not keeping stuff in :(

    Just had a Tayto Sandwich 12pp I know a waste but just what I had a craving for.. going to have a dinner later if possible and prey that I'm better tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Got it!

    Down 2lb. 4 weeks maintenance now and I will have my hot little hands on my goldcard after 10 years on and off.


    yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! Im delighted Kitty!!!!! :D:D:D Fair play to you!!! :D:D:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 341 ✭✭BaileyPants

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Got it!

    Down 2lb. 4 weeks maintenance now and I will have my hot little hands on my goldcard after 10 years on and off.


    Awh best news ever Kitty! Big congratulations to you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 276 ✭✭Boop22

    Just home from work and NOTHING in house for dinner. Have been starving all day as it was my first day back to normality after my binge weekend. Feel so fed up wit ww at the mo and don't know how to snap out of it :-(

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 17,231 Mod ✭✭✭✭Das Kitty

    Lads if I can do it anyone can, I was classed as obese on Sept 1st 2011, my BMI is now 24.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 682 ✭✭✭lisa_celtic

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Got it!

    Down 2lb. 4 weeks maintenance now and I will have my hot little hands on my goldcard after 10 years on and off.


    Well done Das Kitty!! :) Delighted for you! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭Audi driver

    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Got it!

    Down 2lb. 4 weeks maintenance now and I will have my hot little hands on my goldcard after 10 years on and off.

    Fantastic!! Well done kitty!! Your an inspiration:-) best of luck with maintenance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,245 ✭✭✭psycho-hope

    Taz1 wrote: »
    I think I'm going to try a F&H day tomorrow. Can anyone tell me if I can use just normal Brennans wholewheat bread for toast or does it have to be Weight Watchers (which is calory-controlled)? I know that Brennans is always being advertised as 'naturally low in fat' and is typically lower points than most other breads, so I'm wondering if this would be okay??

    has to be the weightwatchers or the nimble bread

  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    Boop22 wrote: »
    Just home from work and NOTHING in house for dinner. Have been starving all day as it was my first day back to normality after my binge weekend. Feel so fed up wit ww at the mo and don't know how to snap out of it :-(

    I came home from work yesterday and had feck all in the house.... i chopped some mushrooms, onions, a carrot and some frozen chopped peppers threw them into a pot with a small bit of curry powder and cumin and did some cous cous with water from the kettle. It was the best tasting bits and bobs dinner i had in ages!!!

    Just back from WI.... I STS!!! phew!!!!!! I can't believe it... I felt like crying! I was sooooooo thrilled. You would swear she was after telling me I had lost a stone! Im back on track now for this week... just stocked up with a few bits and pieces from tesco on my way home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 276 ✭✭Boop22

    mrs crilly wrote: »
    Just a heads up if anybody is in the Swords area there is a shop called JC's and they do a lot of the WW food including the frozen chips / pizza's and loads of frozen desserts and meals.

    They used to do ww chocolate digestives which were a 1pp per biscuit but they have not been in for a while :(

    Does anywhere still do the cheese / sausages / ham and rasers? Dunnes used to stock a lot of the ww food but not anymore it would appear?

    Hey mrs crilly was up in JCs a couple of weeks ago. It's great for the ww treats:) I have tried everywhere for those ww choc digestives but can't find them anywhere!! Haven't even tasted them yet are they nice?? I have been eating the snack size of the yellow snack bar which is 2pp. But 2 digestives would seem like so much more if only I could find them!

    The ww choc brownie desserts are yummy, they do them in JCs and are only 4pp-well worth it, they are Amazing:P

    Only place I have seen to do the ww sausages is super valu raheny and superquinn sutton. It's crazy that you have to travel around so many different shops just to get the stuff you need. lol:rolleyes:

    I was up in Omni yesterday and they have this new shop up the boots/cinema end of the car park called Dealz. It is really really good. Everything in the shop is €1.49 and they have a decent selection of ww foods too. Worth a visit if you're in the area:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 115 ✭✭RachaelFergie

    2pp left after dinner can't decide on a snack, small bag of manhattan popcorn or grapes with 60g of low fat frozen yogurt???

  • Registered Users Posts: 276 ✭✭Boop22

    ali85 wrote: »
    I came home from work yesterday and had feck all in the house.... i chopped some mushrooms, onions, a carrot and some frozen chopped peppers threw them into a pot with a small bit of curry powder and cumin and did some cous cous with water from the kettle. It was the best tasting bits and bobs dinner i had in ages!!!

    Just back from WI.... I STS!!! phew!!!!!! I can't believe it... I felt like crying! I was sooooooo thrilled. You would swear she was after telling me I had lost a stone! Im back on track now for this week... just stocked up with a few bits and pieces from tesco on my way home.

    Well done on the STS, I won't be so lucky tomorrow. Cannot get my motivation back at all. New week tomorrow, new start after WI I suppose:rolleyes:

    Which cous cous do you use and how many pp? I always want to get it but thought it was very high pp wise:confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 526 ✭✭✭ali85

    Boop22 wrote: »
    Well done on the STS, I won't be so lucky tomorrow. Cannot get my motivation back at all. New week tomorrow, new start after WI I suppose:rolleyes:

    Which cous cous do you use and how many pp? I always want to get it but thought it was very high pp wise:confused:

    I use the one from aldi... i think... I get it when I am running low because I tip it all into a container... you know, like a smaller version of the ones for cereal....

    I used 20g of dried (not a lot I know, but it bulks so much....) so I pp at 2pp.... (purple book says its 6pp for 60g dried) My plate would have been mounded with food if i did the 60pp)

    Im in complete shock about STS.... my scales here had me up 1 or 2 throughout the day... I was let off very easily.... Im not taking that many chances again.... If I go a bit haywire Im going to get moving and exercise... I knew I hadn't done nearly enough to offset my madness.... I was killing myself yesterday to make up for it....

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,853 ✭✭✭messrs

    up half pound at WI 2nite:mad: but i suppose it could have been a a lot worse.
    new week starts now!! have to work hard this week, really want to get to the 50lb mark so i can start on the next 50:o

    1lb to go to get to 50lbs then start working on stone number 4!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,353 ✭✭✭Fiona

    Down a pound tonight, I am happy with that considering I was out on the beer all day Saturday and had a 12 inch pizza on the way home from the pub!
    Das Kitty wrote: »
    Lads if I can do it anyone can, I was classed as obese on Sept 1st 2011, my BMI is now 24.

    Congrats, may I ask how much weight you have lost? Heaviest I ever have been is 14'8. I have been around 13'6 for the last year or so. Now I want to stop the messing and get down to 12 stone.

    After that I will try for 11'7 thats my ultimate goal.
    Boop22 wrote: »
    Hey mrs crilly was up in JCs a couple of weeks ago. It's great for the ww treats:) I have tried everywhere for those ww choc digestives but can't find them anywhere!! Haven't even tasted them yet are they nice?? I have been eating the snack size of the yellow snack bar which is 2pp. But 2 digestives would seem like so much more if only I could find them!

    The ww choc brownie desserts are yummy, they do them in JCs and are only 4pp-well worth it, they are Amazing:P

    Only place I have seen to do the ww sausages is super valu raheny and superquinn sutton. It's crazy that you have to travel around so many different shops just to get the stuff you need. lol:rolleyes:

    I was up in Omni yesterday and they have this new shop up the boots/cinema end of the car park called Dealz. It is really really good. Everything in the shop is €1.49 and they have a decent selection of ww foods too. Worth a visit if you're in the area:D

    The choc digestives are their oat biscuits but with chocolate, you would eat the whole pack of them they are quality!! I might email JC and ask them if they will be getting them in again.

    I love the beef in peppercorn sauce meal with the veg, nice for a Friday treat with some extra chips on the side :)

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