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The Newborn & Toddlers Off-Topic Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    nicowa, i would just like to agree or say that just cos they sleep at night doesnt mean all is rosy during the day and with everythin else in ur life. now its fantastic that e sleeps 7/8 hours at night. its brilliant!!! duno where my head would be otherwise! but she is not fond of day naps. and her cry is like ive nearly killed her. nap would be 10 to 20 mins if even! wonder if its cos shes gettin a bit big for the flat pushchair bit:confused: i must investigate.. im also building a house. at the stage where kitchen is goin in and we shud be movin in by end of april but its hard havin to go paint, look for carpet etc. some days i love it, others i hate it! its too much when theres a little woman needing u. cant wait to b in house with my little woman. much more space!!:D

    i wish you look with ur stepsons. sounds a bit hectic. least ur little one is being helpful!:D:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Hi Nicowa, goood to see you. The ski holiday sounds fantastic, I'm so jealous :D It sounds as if you're all well settled into things :D

    I dunno about sleeping through the night Galah, our guy started it at about 8 weeks or so I think, he'd go to be about 8 and we'd wake him for his last feed at 10 and then he'd be gone till 7am. But now we're lucky if he gets to 6am! This morning he woke at 6.45am and myself and the hubby were glad for the lie in! Never in my life did I ever think 6.45am would be a lie in! :eek:

    Having said that, the two boys are in bed from 7pm or so, so we have lovely peaceful evenings together, so you can't really have it both ways. Plus he's taken to the solids like a pig at a trough! :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Woohoo!!! Welcome Ivy! Congratulations....what did you have? How are you both doing? :D

    Thanks! He's a little boy, was 7lbs 1oz at birth. We're both doing grand, apart from the nipple, every thing else has healed up nicely. And somehow I am lighter than I was when he was conceived (have NO idea how that weight loss happened! :) ).

    What's lovely is that even in 3 weeks, he has changed so much...I always thought it was a cliche but not so! He is able to put up his head (not for long but still), he really likes looking around, and he is actually enjoying being in the bath now (roars when he is being soaped on the changing mat but it stops once we put him in the water!). It makes me forget the sleepiness! :)

    PS: Thanks everyone for the nipple advice! I'll try the laid-back feeding today and see how that changes things!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    How old were your babies when you started dressing them everyday as opposed to them just being in a sleep suit ?
    I only dress my 4 week old once a week or so if someone coming to visit who would appreciate it!! Rest time it's just sleep suits!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    I started around 10 weeks so people knew he was a boy and not an 'it'! Until then I only used babygros.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,479 ✭✭✭I am a friend

    I only dress him when we are going out.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 32,280 Mod ✭✭✭✭The_Conductor

    dublinlady wrote: »
    How old were your babies when you started dressing them everyday as opposed to them just being in a sleep suit ?
    I only dress my 4 week old once a week or so if someone coming to visit who would appreciate it!! Rest time it's just sleep suits!

    We never put baby Helen in sleep suits at all- unlike her brother- we dress her sometimes several times a day. I do a load of laundry almost every day......:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    smccarrick wrote: »
    We never put baby Helen in sleep suits at all- unlike her brother- we dress her sometimes several times a day. I do a load of laundry almost every day......:)
    Yeah, I think if we have a girl next time around I'd be more tempted to dress her up.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 7,458 Mod ✭✭✭✭CathyMoran

    Yeah, I think if we have a girl next time around I'd be more tempted to dress her up.
    In defence our son was really tiny (just over 3lb when we brought him home) so not a lot of clothes fit him - he is great now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    CathyMoran wrote: »
    In defence our son was really tiny (just over 3lb when we brought him home) so not a lot of clothes fit him - he is great now.

    Our little lad while nowhere near as small as yours was tiny for the first few weeks. Even the tiny newborn clothes were too big on him. Isn't it amazing when you see them now and how big they are!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    dublinlady wrote: »
    How old were your babies when you started dressing them everyday as opposed to them just being in a sleep suit ?
    I only dress my 4 week old once a week or so if someone coming to visit who would appreciate it!! Rest time it's just sleep suits!

    I dressed him from 2 weeks :o I just love baby clothes hehe! I put him in babygrows at night time but he's dressed in clothes all day everyday :)
    My little man is bot so little... He's 11 weeks and already stretching into 6-9 month clothes for the length! He's so very long it's mad! Everyone is constantly telling us he's huge for his age too.. I don't like that's he's growing so quick :( please tell me that this growth spurt will slow down!!! I love that he's doing so well :) and is so healthy but my goodness 11 weeks and getting too big for 3-6 month clothes :o shocking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    I just bloody fell down the stairs :( thank god I wasn't carrying A. Frightening horrible thought. Spent the whole time I was falling pleading that the section wound would be ok and so over compensated trying to protect it and hurt my shoulders, neck and arms - they're grand but I'd say I'll pay for it tomorrow! On the plus side wound seems fine and baby was safely on hubby's arms!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    dublinlady wrote: »
    I just bloody fell down the stairs :( thank god I wasn't carrying A. Frightening horrible thought. Spent the whole time I was falling pleading that the section wound would be ok and so over compensated trying to protect it and hurt my shoulders, neck and arms - they're grand but I'd say I'll pay for it tomorrow! On the plus side wound seems fine and baby was safely on hubby's arms!

    Are you ok DL? You poor thing! Hopefully the sore neck & shoulders heal quick for you.. I'm sure you got an awful fright hun xx

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Our little lad while nowhere near as small as yours was tiny for the first few weeks. Even the tiny newborn clothes were too big on him. Isn't it amazing when you see them now and how big they are!

    It is crazy thinking how small they were and how big they get. I'm looking at my near three year old and wondering how on earth he got so big! He's like a proper little boy now :(:D

    I started dressing them both at about 2 months I think. Before that it was just for special occasions, but then I just started doing it so it was like he was getting ready for bed at night :D

    I hope you're okay this morning DL! Sounds like a nasty fall, take your time! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    dublinlady wrote: »
    I just bloody fell down the stairs :( thank god I wasn't carrying A. Frightening horrible thought. Spent the whole time I was falling pleading that the section wound would be ok and so over compensated trying to protect it and hurt my shoulders, neck and arms - they're grand but I'd say I'll pay for it tomorrow! On the plus side wound seems fine and baby was safely on hubby's arms!

    Please get yourself checked out.. i know you might feel fine but with the ligaments and tendons so soft you don't know what damage you could be storing up.. head for a physio or an osteopath.. i did the same when my second was 7 months old and just brushed it off (being supermum :rolleyes:) idiot that i was left myself with permanent damage:( I hope you're ok.. my biggest fear was always fallling with the baby in my far so good though.. :D (bet you i've just put a hex on myself now :eek:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,073 ✭✭✭Rubberlegs

    Been dressing my 8wk old in clothes pretty much since she was born. I think it was more that people gave me clothes as presents, and I'd have felt bad not using them. The odd day she'll stay in a sleepsuit if we're not going anywhere. It's mad how quickly they grow, the little personality is really coming out now:). For some strange reason I don't think of her as being a tiny baby, I nearly offered her a sandwich the other day, when I was making lunch:o I would give my right arm for a nights sleep though, at this stage:( I assumed because my other 2 girls were into a really good routine, and sleeping a good stretch at night by 6 weeks, herself would too. Last night was particularly head wrecking. Her last bottle was at 10.30pm and in bed for 11.30, awake again at 3am for just 2oz, again at 6am for 3oz. Awake now since 7.30am. In between times she was making noises in her sleep, and spitting out the dummy,and I had to keep switching on her musical mobile to try to soothe her. So I'm totally braindead today. Just curious, does anyone else actually put their baby to bed in their bedroom at a particular time? We've always kept ours beside us 24/7, only putting them up in the moses basket when going to bed ourselves. In the daytime they'd sleep in the bounce or the buggy if they fell asleep on a walk. I know there's baby monitors and all, but this little one tends to spit up a lot, and I'd be terrified she'd choke. Also I got some fright the other morning, I woke, looked into the moses basket and couldn't see her:eek:. The little rip had kicked the cover that came with the basket up over herself. Needless to say, it was swiftly removed, and wont be used again, it doesn't tuck in tight enough now for the strength of her kicks. Oh the joys of it all!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Thanks :)
    I'm grand really just needed a moan!! Mite go to physio next week tho - good plan as my neck is a bit strained this morn alright!

    I think it was just the tiredness - wasn't concentrating at all! Little A is still feeding like a lunatic!! :)

    When she's latching on for the last day or two she is taking ages and spends a good while thrashing around and getting fretful? It's weird - like as if she's over hungry? But I'm feeding her every 2-3 hrs and more if she wants it! She just keeps head butting my boob!!!

    I think that's what I'll do... Start dressing her at a couple of months as I think she's comfier in her jimjams up til that!! Although I'll pop her in an outfit if the notion takes me!!!
    She's still in newborn size!! Although has put on 200g this week So is now 7&1/2 lbs! It's cute she's starting to get fat wrinkles on her wrists etc. - I love those!! She was far too slender and unbabylike before!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    i usually dress e who is 10 weeks old :eek: when i feel like it or if we are going off or someone is visiting. thinkin i mite start dressing her more cos the clothes are so cute especially the little dresses that are coming into the shops!! (mite be just an excuse to buy clothes!) shes very long tho so not sure what sizes i should be buying!! she is also becomin a real little woman so i think i need to be dressin her. theres no mistaking shes a little girl tho. duno where she got her looks ffrom!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Happy Mothers Day Ladies xx hope you're all being spoiled rotten!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Especially to those who are having their 1st one!! Xxx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Happy mothers day!! Being spoilt here!! Hope you all getting bunches of daffodils etc!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    Happy mothers day everyone!! :D had a lovely day. my dogs took my card and hid it in the ditch but my husband managed to find it!! perhaps they were a little jealous!!! :rolleyes:so funny tho.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭liliq

    Awh happy mothers day ladies!
    First mothers day here too... R was 6 months yesterday and we got a tooth today! His daddy found it this morning while I was getting my lie on ;)
    Hope you all had a lovely day :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,949 ✭✭✭✭IvyTheTerrible

    Oh my goodness, I don't put him in clothes at all yet (26 days old). And we only change his clothes every second day when we have his bath, unless he pees on himself when we change his nappy (he is a DIVIL for peeing once we take off the nappy). Midwife says for the moment he only needs a bath every second day, once we wash his bum and face every day, cos he's not crawling or anything so not getting particularly dirty. And he doesn't throw up a lot either.

    I was relieved last week at the weekly midwife meeting cos he put on 300g (he only put on 100 g the previous week) so it means I'm feeding him ok. (I was getting hung up on everyone saying that he needs to feed 8-12 times a day, and he only asks to be fed about 7 times a day.)

    First pediatrician appointment is on Thursday, looking forward to what she says.

    Oh he has started smiling (not very often but a couple of times he has smiled at me when I put him back in bed after a nappy change!).

    Dublinlady: God you must have been so relieved not to have been holding the baby! Hope you are ok, go get yourself checked out anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    it means I'm feeding him ok. (I was getting hung up on everyone saying that he needs to feed 8-12 times a day, and he only asks to be fed about 7 times !
    I think as long as you're following your baby's cues then he is getting enough. You'll also know by the amount of wet nappies. The feeding 8-12 times per day is more for mums who've been told by baby trainers or phns to get the baby into a routine and feed every 4 hours. Routines like that don't work when you're breastfeeding a newborn or young baby.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Hi ladies :) & gents! Hope everyone got spoiled rotten yest! I know I did :)
    I was hoping for some advise from you.. N is 12 weeks tomorrow & he's a big baby! Not fat, a little chubby but super long & although he goes all night without feeding (but wakes every 2 hours or so during the night looking for his soother) he's going every 3-4 hours during the day looking for a bottle & drinking 6oz without a breath.. Then can take another 2oz after a few mins break! I think he's ready for the spoon but I don't know what to do.. Should I try him? I'm with the PHN on Wed & gonna ask her but I know she'll tell me to wait.. Hopefully this other PHN is better than the other lady from 2 weeks ago too! Any advise would be great :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    Personally I think 12 weeks is far too early to start weaning but that's my personal opinion and many others will disagree. As far as I know 16 weeks is the minimum recommended start date for weaning.

    If your little lad is going 3-4 hours between feeds and is sleeping through without waking for a bottle then I'd take it that he's very happy on formula and it's satisfying him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    dublinlady wrote: »
    I just bloody fell down the stairs :( thank god I wasn't carrying A. Frightening horrible thought. Spent the whole time I was falling pleading that the section wound would be ok and so over compensated trying to protect it and hurt my shoulders, neck and arms - they're grand but I'd say I'll pay for it tomorrow! On the plus side wound seems fine and baby was safely on hubby's arms!

    Just seen your post, hope you're ok, what a horrible fright to get :(

    Tigeress sounds like your little fella is doing great with the feeds!

    Ivy I'm so jealous of you getting so long between clothes changes. I would have been more than happy to go 2 days between clothes changes when our little girl was born, but she did the most impossible to contain explosive nappies regardless of what nappies we used so 2-3 changes a day was the norm :o

    A belated Happy Mothers day all :) Hope you were all spoiled!
    Didn't get overly spoiled in this house this year (box of chocs a few days before but no card/flowers), though his own mum passed away this time last year so I didn't say anything.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 7,458 Mod ✭✭✭✭CathyMoran

    A belated Happy Mothers day all :) Hope you were all spoiled!
    Didn't get overly spoiled in this house this year (box of chocs a few days before but no card/flowers), though his own mum passed away this time last year so I didn't say anything.
    I got a travel coffee mug for mother's day, though I did get a card from both of mine and one from my husband directly. I know that I found this year hard as it was the first year without my mother.

    Count down to our son's second birthday - this day 2 weeks he will be 2. I ended up giving him one of his birthday presents early as he looked so sad yesterday, he was happier after his present though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    Little R is getting is so good, she's being rocked to sleep right now by her Abba; hebrew for dad, we just figured that since his other kids, Israeli, call him that she should too.

    And Happy Mother's Day to everyone. It was my first one yesterday and himself had spent most of the week leading up to it complaining that he might have to get something for his own mum - usually his brother does it for the two of them. His brother did get something for his mum, but I got nothing. And he kept making a joke about mother days.

    It was only when I said it last night going to bed that he actually realised that it was my first mothers day and that I did actually want something. I think the alcohol helped since I had been saying it to him, not the whole time but I had been...

    He made up for it today, bringing my scrambled eggs on toast with tea, as well as my cough medicine and a book to me in bed so I could have a lie in. Which was a pretty big deal since he absolutly hates food in bed. So I got something in the end. :D
