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The Newborn & Toddlers Off-Topic Chat Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Baby a is feeding at least every 2 hrs today and then sleeping alot and not being social at all. She struggling with wind too. Im a little anxious for her to start smiling as the gp says we have to go back in 2 weeks if she hasn't started smiling by then, she's just over 6 weeks now. No hope of smiles today!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Lola92

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Baby a is feeding at least every 2 hrs today and then sleeping alot and not being social at all. She struggling with wind too. Im a little anxious for her to start smiling as the gp says we have to go back in 2 weeks if she hasn't started smiling by then, she's just over 6 weeks now. No hope of smiles today!

    It will come when you least expect it. Ella's first non-windy smile and giggle happened when I almost fell over trying to put on a pair of underwear standing up and lost my balance. She has been laughing at me since :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    dublinlady wrote: »
    Baby a is feeding at least every 2 hrs today and then sleeping alot and not being social at all. She struggling with wind too. Im a little anxious for her to start smiling as the gp says we have to go back in 2 weeks if she hasn't started smiling by then, she's just over 6 weeks now. No hope of smiles today!

    dont worry it will come!! and then it wont stop :D i think emilys proper one was after 6 weeks!!

    poor emily has a bit of a cold i think. sounded awful last night and a bit nasally today and snots (well they are clear:rolleyes:) come out when she sneezes :(. seems in ok form tho and is feeding fine and we got plenty of sun today. wish i could do somethin to help her nose. any ideas or is it just plenty of love and attention!!!:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    Before bed time you could dry steam her to clear her sinuses out? Do it by running the shower on full heat to let steam build up in bathroom and then just hang out with her in there for 20 mins or so, nowhere near the scalding water obviously!!! Also nasal spray like sterimar or calpol saline spray may help, I'm using it with A at the mo as she's a little congested and finding feeding tricky otherwise, but even if it's just running it should help! There's also karvol for babies over 3 months - if she's congested at night it helps to put a bit on a hanky and hang it at the side of her cot at night.
    But yeah - Id imagine cuddles will tackle half the battle!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    awe its so awful hearin her all snotty. her cry is even snotty! and now im gettin nervous cos its nearing bedtime!! hate this!:(:mad: burning olbas oil for babies in the room now to get it ready for bed. hopefully it helps

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    I'm finally starting to get some sort of a routine going, as in, most days i can get lunch and a pee!

    My plan is to get out with both babies, for a walk in the morning and the evening no matter what. So I leave the bomb site that is my house and hit the road. its funny when I meet the same girl with newborn twins, we just give each other a knowing look!

    It took 8 weeks but I can finally make it to the local shop and back without the baby crying for boob.

    DL and red fragle your posts are really helpful, ye seem to discover the same issues right before I do.

    I miss humus...

    Baby no.2 has to get injections on Friday and I cant face it, its only now he looks happy.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    Snots.. and lots of them...think its a touch of hayfever in my 2 year old..thank god he's big enough for sudafed.. it was a lifesaver last night, it was also the 1st night since we started solids that baby 4 slept from 9pm til 8am this morning .... i don't know yet if i feel better or worse.. i'm waiting to get over the shock :D

    He's eating like a little baby horse, 3 full bowls (little tommie tippee ones) of food a day and 3 or 4 7oz bottles..:eek: or he'll eat a full pouch of the ella's kitchen strawberry and apple or the purple pumpkin one..he should be only tasting, but no-one's told him.. he's rolling over and over and around in circles and if i stand him at the front of a chair he'll hang on standing :eek: he is so strong.. he goes mad in his bouncer and has a temper from hell.. i have no idea where this comes from..:rolleyes:

    he got out of his swing chair out of sheer temper on sat (i was at work) pushed himself up to standing then got out of the strap... it doesn't have shoulder straps just a big padded one across the front, but he was on the floor in seconds after being put in it..:eek: and if he doesn't want to get in his car seat or the buggy he'll go stiff as a board, he's only 5.5 months :confused: he's too young for this .. or i'm too old :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    ^^^ My brother was the same, I had never seen anything like it. He could escape from anything. We lost him so many times in town. He didnt bother creeping, he was walking at 10 months.

    He was in a bed before his was one as he broke the cot and the sash windows in his room had to be fitted with child locks!

    Know exactly what you mean about stiff as a board, it just makes you drop him. This never seems to happen with the first child! It alright though, he survived to be a normal enough 19 year old.

  • Registered Users Posts: 862 ✭✭✭red fraggle

    just put emily down on her own without me goin with her for the first time. (i fed her as usual then left the room) this is the earliest she has gone down aswell. wonder how it will go:rolleyes: decided to try this tonight to see if i can manage to get an hour of mammy daddy time watchin tv some nights.

    feelin a bit wierd and kind of guilty! ive been to check on her twice. she is still awake and moaning a little but seems grand. dont know why i have this feeling in the pit of my stomach!! im livin in a mobile and she is barely a few steps away! what wil i be like when im in the house and shes the whole way upstairs:rolleyes::o

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,215 ✭✭✭galah

    arrgh...we've just gone from one poop every three or so days to TWO A DAY. Not nice. And daddy nowhere to be found everytime it happens :rolleyes::D

    But on the upside, Mr. E still hasn't copped that Mammy can't sing to save her life - he still smiles and laughs when I belt out a tune...:p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    galah wrote: »
    arrgh...we've just gone from one poop every three or so days to TWO A DAY. Not nice. And daddy nowhere to be found everytime it happens :rolleyes::D

    But on the upside, Mr. E still hasn't copped that Mammy can't sing to save her life - he still smiles and laughs when I belt out a tune...:p

    I know the feeling. Himself has been around most of the last few days during pooping time and I'm still the one who ends up cleaning them!

    We've just done a clean up of her clothes and the amount we're getting rid of that she's grown out of is unreal! At least one thing that she's never worn and one that she only wore once. And they're so cute!

    When needing to ask about weaning from breast to bottle and the consequences where do I go? I don't think the breast-feeding thread is the one to look at.

    I went on my hen night last weekend, hoped to be able to continue breast feeding when I came back but despite out efforts we failed. She was hungry all day Monday when I was breastfeeding - and it was practically continuous, I really just sat under her all day, so we moved her to bottle. But we've not been doing too good.

    Each evening is a nightmare and we don't know whether it's from too much bottle milk (lactose), too much food (literally just giving her too much) or whether it's reflux.

    We've started giving half and half, milk and lactose free which helped one day (Friday) and she was an absolute joy as usual. The next day (Saturday) we gave her 3 onces before her bath and 2 after and she went to sleep no problem. But then woke up screaming about an hour later.

    We go through everything trying to help her - gaviscon, calpol and bonjela and she eventually calms but at this stage we don't know which one is helping her.

    Last night she spewed up on himself (he'd been holding her for about 30 mins trying to calm her) so he handed her over so he could change. She calmed in about a 1 for me. And I don't know whether it was cos of the change of parent or cos she'd just spewed up and relieved her tummy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,624 ✭✭✭wmpdd3

    It sounds like trapped wind, esp if he went to sleep for 1hr then woke screaming, waa he kicking his legs when he eas screaming?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 310 ✭✭doubletrouble?

    sorry we haven't posted here in a while, we still read most stuff. right the twins are 5 months tomorrow (how quickly time flies when your having fun :D) or 2 1/2 months corrected. my question is does anyone know when to start them on rice?. they both take about 5oz per feed as it is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH, need to vent, spent ages baking a lovely cake, it cooled and everything, it didn't sink in the middle, told the wee man I was going to just put some icing on it then he could have a slice! Went to the bathroom, and heard an evil laugh, little terror comes into my room with cake in his mouth and hands, ran into the kitchen/sitting room and this is what greeted me!!!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,880 ✭✭✭caprilicious

    Sorry wolf, myself & my mum had a good giggle at the pic. Is that all that's left of the cake? Hopefully there was something worth salvaging!

    I'm just jealous, all my domestic goddess genes went to my sister :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Nicowa it sounds like trapped wind! Have you tried Infacol before each feed? N had something similar a few weeks back & we used that before each fees for a week, it helps the wind break & gets it up easier! But you have to use it every feed for it to work properly! I only used it for a week & changed his formula & he's been perfect since! Hope it settles for you soon.. It's so hard to watch them be in so much pain & you can't do anything x

    Wolf I'm so sorry but that pic is priceless hehe :) did he at least enjoy the bit he ate?

    We're officially gone into 6-9 month clothes at 14 weeks :o little monster! Feeding is constant now.. Every 3 hours & 7 oz a go but he's going down about 8ish & not getting up till 6:30am :) happy mammy

    Cap how long do you have left? Hope you're feeling good :) x

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    Tigeress it's nothing to do with delivery but with your bump. Basically, as I understand it anyway, the belt of muscles around your stomach which meet just under your belly button become stretched and separated during pregnancy. For a lot of women the muscles go back to their former shape but for some they stay separated. It's important because weakened stomach muscles can lead to lower back pain. Also cosmetically you can end up with an overhang of skin on your tummy. My mother has this and I always wondered why because she's very slim.

    If your gp or phn doesn't know how to check then go to a physio or a Pilates instructor. It's important to know because you should do stomach toning exercises (crunches etc) as they can make the separation worse.

    Thanks How Strange :) I had no idea! I swear I should be blonde at times and not a brunette lol! I'm back in the hospital for another section check up in a few weeks so I'll get the doc to check then.. You'd think they'd tell you more about after the birth!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    nicowa wrote: »
    I know the feeling. Himself has been around most of the last few days during pooping time and I'm still the one who ends up cleaning them!

    We've just done a clean up of her clothes and the amount we're getting rid of that she's grown out of is unreal! At least one thing that she's never worn and one that she only wore once. And they're so cute!

    When needing to ask about weaning from breast to bottle and the consequences where do I go? I don't think the breast-feeding thread is the one to look at..
    nicowa it's advisable to stop gradually rather than completely all at once so you don't get blocked ducts or mastitis. Your breasts will adapt to the reduced feeds very quickly. Don't ignore any tender spots or lumps. I read somewhere that peppermint tea decreases supply so you could try drinking peppermint tea for a while.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,124 ✭✭✭wolfpawnat

    Sorry wolf, myself & my mum had a good giggle at the pic. Is that all that's left of the cake? Hopefully there was something worth salvaging!

    I'm just jealous, all my domestic goddess genes went to my sister :)

    It was a small enough cake, nothing was spared!!! He seemed to like it! So did the cat. Ah well, I knew there was a reason I started to bake only after he went to bed!!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 700 ✭✭✭nicowa

    wmpdd3 wrote: »
    It sounds like trapped wind, esp if he went to sleep for 1hr then woke screaming, waa he kicking his legs when he eas screaming?

    She has been kicking and bucking a bit, though we've been giving infacol with each bottle. Just checked the advice on the formula and it seems we mightn't have been giving her enough. It says 7 ounces for 5 feeds (35 ounces). We were doing 4 ounces for about 7 feeds (28 ish). Thats about 5-7 ounces less which is a lot. When she woke up last night I gave her 4 ounces - to make about 32-34 ounces in the day and she slept fine after that.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    nicowa wrote: »
    wmpdd3 wrote: »
    It sounds like trapped wind, esp if he went to sleep for 1hr then woke screaming, waa he kicking his legs when he eas screaming?

    She has been kicking and bucking a bit, though we've been giving infacol with each bottle. Just checked the advice on the formula and it seems we mightn't have been giving her enough. It says 7 ounces for 5 feeds (35 ounces). We were doing 4 ounces for about 7 feeds (28 ish). Thats about 5-7 ounces less which is a lot. When she woke up last night I gave her 4 ounces - to make about 32-34 ounces in the day and she slept fine after that.

    Just remember its only a guide! Every baby is different & some take less than others.. My little fella is meant to be taking 35 oz but only takes between 25-28 each day but is still putting on weight :) if she doesn't want it during the night & sleeps let her :) she'll let ya know x

    N rolled on his side 4 times in a row this morning :) it was on out bed so I know it's easier there but still! He's been trying it all day on his playmat too hehe :) he's twisting his hips & arching his back but hasn't managed it yet.. I don't think it'll be too long though :o he's wiggling all over his mat now too :) live watching him Learn it all!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    Infacol. .. snuffle babe.. bedtime banana and hey presto.. one full nights sleep :D lets see if it works again tonight .. . . . . . here's hoping

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,339 ✭✭✭How Strange

    My son took about 10 steps this evening!! He wanted me to pick him up but he was standing so I held my hands out but just slightly out of reach. And off he went! I was so proud and he was simultaneously amazed and delighted with himself. The look on his face as he realised his feet were doing something new all by themselves. Then he plopped onto his bum again!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,242 ✭✭✭liliq

    My son took about 10 steps this evening!! He wanted me to pick him up but he was standing so I held my hands out but just slightly out of reach. And off he went! I was so proud and he was simultaneously amazed and delighted with himself. The look on his face as he realised his feet were doing something new all by themselves. Then he plopped onto his bum again!

    Awh!! Amazing!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,992 ✭✭✭dublinlady

    My son took about 10 steps this evening!! He wanted me to pick him up but he was standing so I held my hands out but just slightly out of reach. And off he went! I was so proud and he was simultaneously amazed and delighted with himself. The look on his face as he realised his feet were doing something new all by themselves. Then he plopped onto his bum again!

    Adorable!! Don't suppose ya had your camcorder to hand... ;). Hehe! My lady will only smile when I turn it off.....
    Fair play to him - ten steps is great for first ones!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    My son took about 10 steps this evening!! He wanted me to pick him up but he was standing so I held my hands out but just slightly out of reach. And off he went! I was so proud and he was simultaneously amazed and delighted with himself. The look on his face as he realised his feet were doing something new all by themselves. Then he plopped onto his bum again!

    That's amazing :) yey for little How Strange :) he'll be running around in no time now

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,185 ✭✭✭Tigeress

    I think my little fella has a dose of something :( he's coughing alot the last few days.. But he doesn't seem to be too chest or off form so I'm hoping it's just a passing cough..

  • Registered Users Posts: 544 ✭✭✭Harley.

    Awww How Strange thats great good on him, now all the fun *really* begins :D

    Mine is pretty much the same Tigeress coughing loads but only at night during the she's absolutely fine might be the change in temp it's been so up and down past two weeks :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,636 ✭✭✭sillysocks

    We're at about the same stage How Strange. It's so cute, every time she takes a few steps her face lights up and then she claps herself and says hurray :D

    Our little one is coughing at night too, she had a cough a few weeks ago that cleared with antibiotics, but the last few nights it seems to be creeping back :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,893 ✭✭✭Hannibal Smith

    Awww yay! Exciting times how strange....this is where the fun starts lol

    My little one has a cough too would you believe. Was a right bark on Monday, but seems to be on the mend now
