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Worst housemates ever?



  • Registered Users Posts: 649 ✭✭✭Antbert

    Think most of my awful housemates use boards.

    One did come home really drunk, got sick in a bucket (It's just dawned on me that that was the only house I've lived in that had a bucket) and left it outside my door.

    If he does use boards, **** you Tom.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    Well it would normally indicate that you were being sarcastic so by putting it at the end of the statement 'but it happens' it would imply that you didn't believe it happens. But that's not what you were trying to say.

    So you used it incorrectly.


    Believe me I "rolled eyes" when reading your text. Perhaps you should read my text in full because I have no interest in helping you.

    Christ what age are you?

    There are rules on this forum to prevent people posting rubbish like that. I would advise you to read the Charter or you may find yourself with a warning...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    I would advise you to read the Charter or you may find yourself with a warning...

    For backseat modding or txtspk perhaps? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,743 ✭✭✭funk-you

    Dont worry mate I believe you and if I was in the room with you would get a major "High 5%:)
    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    When you said she was a stunner from Moldova did you actually mean she was a rotund, buck-toothed girl from Switzerland?

    Cause I'd believe that.
    Whats with the bitterness?

    **** like that happens...obviously not in your world but it happens...:rolleyes:
    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    I don't need to detail my peccadilloes online.

    Things like this do happen yes. But the story strays a bit too much into the 'Dear Playboy' type category.

    Also - I'm not bitter, I was taking the p*ss.

    Are we familiar with humour? No?

    P.S. - nice incorrect use of the roll-eyes there too. That really showed me!
    LOL...who are you to decide the correct or incorrect use of roll eyes...please do elaborate..
    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    Well it would normally indicate that you were being sarcastic so by putting it at the end of the statement 'but it happens' it would imply that you didn't believe it happens. But that's not what you were trying to say.

    So you used it incorrectly.

    Believe me I "rolled eyes" when reading your text. Perhaps you should read my text in full because I have no interest in helping you.

    Christ what age are you?

    There are rules on this forum to prevent people posting rubbish like that. I would advise you to read the Charter or you may find yourself with a warning...

    Here, this might make it easier:


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭geeky

    Play nice lads.

    And no, that's not backseat modding, just suggesting you shouldn't derail a great thread.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,467 ✭✭✭Wazdakka

    geeky wrote: »
    Play nice lads.

    Nuts to that.
    Lets see if we can get them to meet in person and get a fight going.

    AH is boring the crap outta me recently, we need some good quality violence and entertainment around here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,380 ✭✭✭geeky

    Wazdakka wrote: »
    Nuts to that.
    Lets see if we can get them to meet in person and get a fight going.

    AH is boring the crap outta me recently, we need some good quality violence and entertainment around here.

    Ohhh idea time - a boxing match/scrap for SSF! I think this merits its own thread, though, so I'll not post here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,115 ✭✭✭Pdfile

    Wazdakka wrote: »
    Nuts to that.
    Lets see if we can get them to meet in person and get a fight going.

    AH is boring the crap outta me recently, we need some good quality violence and entertainment around here.

    /me readys his butterfly knife in hi pocket...

    Lets go.


    Now !*

    * just kiddin... dont hurt me !

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    TheGod wrote: »
    Ha o.k, no one knows me on this site, I have no intention of ever meeting anyone off this site so I really don't gain anything by lying but if you don't believe it thats fine by me!

    I'll believe you if you tell me you and your friend touched weiners :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    Maybe we could get the slutty Moldovan stunner to ref the knifefight.

    Either her or the Easter Bunny.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    I'll believe you if you tell me you and your friend touched weiners :eek:

    Ah yes...Crossing swords...the great taboo of group sex...:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    Ah yes...Crossing swords...the great taboo of group sex...:D

    Some would say 'taboo' some would say 'secret perk'. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,134 ✭✭✭Duddy

    Lived with some dickheads in my time,

    1st year college - the usual approach, nice as pie in the hallway though:rolleyes:

    2nd year college summer - had epithets scrawled over posters in my room (in crayon - gives a good picture of their mental age), ended up in complete silence for the last two weeks, moved out and am well shot of them!:D

    This year, this week even, one of my house-mates leaves a plate of pasta, sundried tomato and mince to mould beside the sink, and f**ks off home, 170 miles away, for the week.

    another housemates takes photos and tags them under her name on Facebook:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 John I am

    Apart from my x

    I shared an apartment with this loon who had catholic religious iconography everywhere and prayed to zod about 5 times daily. he even looked the part. I am a big lad but going to bed I would lock my room and put a chair up against the handle. I lasted a week and I left before he start bringing some vics home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,226 ✭✭✭taram

    New girl moved in a few weeks ago and we share the upstairs bathroom, ...however I frequently walk in to find she's washed herself in the sink and has soaked the toilet/floor/wall/mirror and on once: the floor outside the bathroom. The bathroom is quite big too, no idea how she does it!! It happens at least once a day, it's driving everyone upstairs mad. We say it to her and she's like 'oh it'll never happen again etc'.

    She also uses everyone's pans and burns the arse out of them, which first means going through people's individual cupboards. And she'll cook some disgusting concotion and leave it on the hob in a saucepan for a few days, and keep eating out of it, despite this week's sauce being fermented! Dying to get rid of her :mad:

    Girl before her kept some rabbit in the fridge...except it was still furry, dirty and bloody from being shot and dripped blood all over everyone else's food.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,435 ✭✭✭✭redout

    Once shared a room with a right nutcase. (student accom with doors usually left open)One evening the lads next door call in and ask to borrow some sugar. I thought nothing of it and told them to work away. About an hour later roommate returns home and notices his sugar is missing. "Where is my sugar" he said. I told him the lads next door borrowed it, "fcuking cnuts" he says and proceeds to take out big fcuker kitchen knife and proceed next door, 10 seconds later screams ring out so I run nextdoor to find the three lads huddled in the corner brickin it and yer man stabbing the fcuk out of the the kitchen presses then proceeds to rip up the sofa all the time the lads brickin it in the corner. He then finished ripping the fcuk out of the sofa and cool as you like turns around and tells them "thats my fcukin sugar", "cnuts" and waltzed back to our kitchen to cook!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,572 ✭✭✭WeeBushy

    redout wrote: »
    Once shared a room with a right nutcase. (student accom with doors usually left open)One evening the lads next door call in and ask to borrow some sugar. I thought nothing of it and told them to work away. About an hour later roommate returns home and notices his sugar is missing. "Where is my sugar" he said. I told him the lads next door borrowed it, "fcuking cnuts" he says and proceeds to take out big fcuker kitchen knife and proceed next door, 10 seconds later screams ring out so I run nextdoor to find the three lads huddled in the corner brickin it and yer man stabbing the fcuk out of the the kitchen presses then proceeds to rip up the sofa all the time the lads brickin it in the corner. He then finished ripping the fcuk out of the sofa and cool as you like turns around and tells them "thats my fcukin sugar", "cnuts" and waltzed back to our kitchen to cook!

    I presume you notified the authorities that there was a mentally unstable, and dangerous, person living with you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭ibarelycare

    redout wrote: »
    Once shared a room with a right nutcase. (student accom with doors usually left open)One evening the lads next door call in and ask to borrow some sugar. I thought nothing of it and told them to work away. About an hour later roommate returns home and notices his sugar is missing. "Where is my sugar" he said. I told him the lads next door borrowed it, "fcuking cnuts" he says and proceeds to take out big fcuker kitchen knife and proceed next door, 10 seconds later screams ring out so I run nextdoor to find the three lads huddled in the corner brickin it and yer man stabbing the fcuk out of the the kitchen presses then proceeds to rip up the sofa all the time the lads brickin it in the corner. He then finished ripping the fcuk out of the sofa and cool as you like turns around and tells them "thats my fcukin sugar", "cnuts" and waltzed back to our kitchen to cook!

    Did that really happen?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,435 ✭✭✭✭redout

    WeeBushy wrote: »
    I presume you notified the authorities that there was a mentally unstable, and dangerous, person living with you?

    Nope. I left about two weeks later. I was hardly asking him to leave.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,286 ✭✭✭WesternNight

    redout wrote: »
    Nope. I left about two weeks later. I was hardly asking him to leave.

    Nothing about asking him to leave - but assuming your story is true, then he terrorised people and vandalised other peoples' property, so the obvious thing to do in that case is to call the Gardaí. It's fine for you, you were able to leave...what about the next person he lived with? What's to say something worse wouldn't happen them?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,534 ✭✭✭Dman001

    Used to live with this guy who was very annoying and sarcastic, always used to tell these stupid jokes. He worked for some computer company and had a really annoying girlfriend with a super annoying laugh. He was a big fan of Baywatch and he even insisted that we get a pet duck. But he ended up moving to the apartment across from us with his girlfriend, they got married, and they eventually moved to a house.

    I think his name was Chandler.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,783 ✭✭✭Hank_Jones

    redout wrote: »
    Once shared a room with a right nutcase. (student accom with doors usually left open)One evening the lads next door call in and ask to borrow some sugar. I thought nothing of it and told them to work away. About an hour later roommate returns home and notices his sugar is missing. "Where is my sugar" he said. I told him the lads next door borrowed it, "fcuking cnuts" he says and proceeds to take out big fcuker kitchen knife and proceed next door, 10 seconds later screams ring out so I run nextdoor to find the three lads huddled in the corner brickin it and yer man stabbing the fcuk out of the the kitchen presses then proceeds to rip up the sofa all the time the lads brickin it in the corner. He then finished ripping the fcuk out of the sofa and cool as you like turns around and tells them "thats my fcukin sugar", "cnuts" and waltzed back to our kitchen to cook!

    Seems quite reasonable.

    Man likes sugar.

    Man needs sugar.

    Maybe he was a diabetic.

    Pfffttt lads hiding in the corner from a lunatic with a big kitchen knife, wimps or what?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,435 ✭✭✭✭redout

    Nothing about asking him to leave - but assuming your story is true, then he terrorised people and vandalised other peoples' property, so the obvious thing to do in that case is to call the Gardaí. It's fine for you, you were able to leave...what about the next person he lived with? What's to say something worse wouldn't happen them?

    I didnt really feel it necessary to invole anyone else as the my roommate and two of the lads next door new eachother from secondary school. Whether they were classmates or not I dont know. If the lads didnt contact the Gardai or the building security well thats their business. I still had to share a room with this chap until I could leave a couple of weeks later so contacting the Gardai wasnt exactly top of my to do list.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,175 ✭✭✭Red_Marauder

    I just want to come to the defense of some of the 'creeps' in these situations. remember there are two sides to every story.

    I consider myself a very easy going guy and have got on with every housemate I ever lived in bar one.

    I usually like the company of other guys or country/ horseriding/ lesbionic tomboy girls so I found it weird to be living with a very girly, convent school urban blonde arts student in my 3rd year of university.

    I never had much to say to her because I knew nothing about One Tree Hill, and she knew nothing about sports or art or whatever interested me.

    Anyway we got on but didn't 'gel', but we both knew it and it made everything awkward. I guess she thought it was worse than I did because I came home early from college and was lying on the sofa one day when she thought I was out, and I heard her next door telling some girlfriend all sorts of weird stuff about me she had totally blown out of proportion.

    For example, I was in veterinary training, and had diagrams & various bits of fake specimens lying around my room, maybe common areas I cant remember - she told her mate I collected animal parts.
    I have a habit of talking to myself - she started ranting about how she thought I was schizophrenic and going on about various things I hadn't even told her personally about my family.
    She didn;t like my girlfriend of the time, (really nice girl but kinda shy around my flatmates), and said she was waiting for the day we turned psycho on her and how my gf was always staring at her- really untruthful stuff.

    I was really hurt about how she had blown that stuff out of proportion and twisted it. To make matters worse, a few weeks before the end of the term, I got locked out of the house one night after being out with mates. I saw the living room window open and climbed in - but of course as it would happen this girl hears it,comes downstairs and when she sees me using the window, goes psycho at me and won't calm down. We havent spoken since, but I had to listen to an earful from one of her female friends the next day about "trying to scare _________ with the lights off". She also had her brother stay over the next night which made me feel worse but was totally uncalled for. Crazy stuff.

    Like I said I have my moments, I do talk to myself and I do prefer my toast burned but for goodness sake, it has to be said there are some very dull, overly sensitive housemates - often girls - out there who find it all to easy to get freaked out by not very much at all, and may have a tendancy to elaborate creatively. Ugh, sorry rant over...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,783 ✭✭✭Hank_Jones

    That's funny about the climbing in the window.

    A lad would probably laugh hysterically at that, but then again you can see how might be worried, being home alone etc.

    I find that girls are very judgemental when it comes to living with lads, maybe they are jealous that we can pee standing up.

    I think they are just more uptight, well some of them, I'm certainly not tar/brush etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 491 ✭✭The HorsesMouth

    Once lived with someone (who I didnt know at all at first) who on the first day of meeting them decided a full get to know you conversation was appropriate with him on the jacks(sitting) with the door wide open.

    Kind of got used to it...used to come home from work and there he'd be,door wide open!Said he felt a bit out of the loop if we'd be talking and hed have to go..weird..nice guy though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭Valmont

    I was looking forward to moving into a shared apartment when I move to the UK this September but after reading this thread, I am terrified. I bloody hope I don't get coke fiend party animals for room mates. ****.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,463 ✭✭✭Leftyflip

    This thread is nearly a year old, why won't it die?

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,069 ✭✭✭✭The_Kew_Tour

    taram wrote: »

    Girl before her kept some rabbit in the fridge...except it was still furry, dirty and bloody from being shot and dripped blood all over everyone else's food.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,227 ✭✭✭awhir

    i lived with an awful goon at the start of the college year, seemed fine at first but then i think working night shift all the time got the better of his brain. he was soooooo unsocialible, used to come at 3 in the morning from work when everyone was asleep, start banging doors, washing any of our dishes that we left there...badly might i say. as in ya pick up a cup and it slips out of your hand from the grease.

    he neglected to tell myself and other housemates (who are mates of mine and we moved in same time) that the house was previously broken into, he also had alot of stuff belonging to previous tenant who had been in trouble with the gardai. many shady looking hoo-ers used to come around looking into our windows and doors. used to take stuff from my press and another housemates as well without asking EVER or saying he had taken something.
    he had a major problem with me which only happened after he found out what age i was. (im only 20!)

    to top it off, the day before myself and two other housemates moved out. he decided to come home at 5 o clock with a bunch of people he didnt even know to have a "house party". he neglected to tell these people that he had housemates upstairs asleep. so being quite drunk they decided to make as much noise as humanily possible. doors slamming, loud music, shouting, ringing our doorbell, trying to open our bedroom doors (lucky they were locked!!) then hearing these people planning on robbing stuff from his room and downstairs.

    my other housemate confronted him (i should mention shes as quiet as a mouse) he got right in her face and started to shout abuse in her face. then sometime later he done the same to me. when he finally went to bed he left these randomers alone downstairs in the house. who then tried their luck with myself and my housemate once we went downstairs. they stayed in the house until we could finally get them to leave, this was around half 9. the house was in an awful state, beers soaked into the carpets, bottles everywhere, smell of smoke everywhere, lights left on, heat left on all night, doors left wide open, p!ss all over both toilet seats, one of them broke the toilet seat, my housemates underwear which she had just washed and was on a clotheshorse had gone missing! perverts... :eek:

    next day since we were up all night, we moved out very early that next morning. no apology or nothing. we spoke to the landlord, and told him about that night. sadly enough we moved to a different house in the same estate and have to see this goons face now and then :mad::mad::mad:

    Wow , you have never had a houseparty so :P
