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Worst housemates ever?



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,385 ✭✭✭Jemmy

    I shared a room with a girl who thought it was cool to bring men back to our room while I was asleep at the other end of the room, text me one night saying oh I'm bring X home, don't worry we won't make too much noise! :eek::eek::eek:

    I didn't go home that night and lost the head with her the next night! She took it to the the kitchen/sitting room then so we just had to eat breakfast to the smell of sex :mad::mad::mad:

    Ugh I could go on she was a total freak but thats just mild compared to other stuff! :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭robert2000

    Our phone bill was itemised so we all marked off our calls and i would add it all up and tell everyone what they owed, this bloke would hang up before the call got to 2 minutes and redial the number so his calls would not be long enough to be listed.....Git

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,750 ✭✭✭liah

    This isn't the worst one of the bunch but it's had me absolutely fuming lately and I need a bit of a rant, so fúck it.

    I live in a small one-bedroom flat with a good mate of mine. I get the bedroom and he sleeps on the couch in the livingroom; this is his choice, he slept in there even when the bedroom was free, he likes being near the computers and the kitchen. Anyway, a good friend of his got stuck for a place because the guy she was living with before tried it on with her when she very clearly let him know it wasn't on, you get the idea. So of course my housemate said that if she was really stuck for a place, she could come stay with us.

    I was grand with this; the bed's a double and I don't mind sharing, especially if it means getting someone out of a really dodgy situation like this girl was in. I have a weird sleep schedule anyway (as evidenced by the time in which I'm posting) and she had college, so basically I'd go to bed during the day and she'd have the bed at night.

    Worked fine like that for a bit. She's in college in Dublin, an hour away from here (Mullingar) and doesn't drive, had to commute every morning. She needed 51 euro a week for the bus, was getting the runaround in regards to getting a grant and had no money at all. So my housemate, who's on the dole as it is, gave her the money every week to get the bus, leaving absolutely no money to afford food after rent and ESB were paid off.

    So, he gives her the money one week. She turns around and goes drinking with it. Then asks him for the money back that she drank, knowing full well our very delicate financial situation.

    Found out later that not only was she getting the money for the bus from my housemate, but also from another friend-- so she was getting 102 euro a week, and not telling either party that she was getting money from the other person. Also turned out that the week return for the bus was only 37.50. God only knows what she did with the cash. Drinking, I'd assume.

    So, she finally gets her grant. 1500 euro for the first installment. Buys herself a bunch of new clothes, a little bit of food for herself, drinks the rest. Gives NOTHING to my housemate for compensation for rent, food, ESB, etc.

    She's a hard girl to live with, was constantly grating on our nerves. Would sleep here once in a blue moon, would sleep other places other nights, but she'd still come in for 10-15 minutes a day to collect clothes and have a shower here, using our immersion for the shower. Saw her once in awhile outside of that. Now this girl has LOADS of stuff. ALL of her stuff was in our 2-room flat (kitchen/livingroom, one bedroom, one small bathroom). You could barely move down the hallway for her stuff, had to squeeze against the wall. There was no walking room in the bedroom for her stuff. No walking in the kitchen/livingroom for her stuff. It was everywhere, and I'm honestly not exaggerating. And she just left it there while she fúcked off and had herself a bit of craic leaving us with nothing.

    So her and my housemate had a falling out over something that really didn't have anything to do with the issues I've addressed so far. Disappears for 2 weeks. Sends a mutual friend to collect clothes and stuff for her from our gaff.

    Came in the other day, pleased as punch, she apparently found a place-- and is paying two months' rent for it ahead. Where she got the money, we have no idea. We haven't seen a single penny of it. Think she said a word of thanks? Nope. Just raved about how amazing her new flat was and how delighted she was, etc. Wearing all new clothes and makeup. Obviously well taken care of.

    Had the balls to ask my housemate for tobacco, even though I saw she had a full unopened pack of fags in her bag.

    Just completely taking the piss. I'm completely furious at her for how she's treated my housemate after he took her in when absolutely no one else would (seriously, no one would take her in, even her best friends, now we know why), gave her the money to get to college, gave her money to go drinking when he was sat at home not able to go out because he was skint. She completely used him. Totally took advantage, and it's awful, because he's one of the sweetest, most kind people you would ever meet in your whole life, and completely didn't deserve any of it.

    He still hasn't seen a penny from her. She finally said thanks, briefly, while she was moving all her crap out of our flat. Acting all super happy and nice even though she knew full well we weren't happy with her, my housemate especially.

    Ugh. Boils my blood. I don't get a lot of income but the second I get a cent it goes straight to my housemate and straight to food, I never, ever get to go out-- I've been out maybe 3 times in the last few months and that was with a seriously good mate of mine who I needed to have a catch-up with, and I couldn't spend anything while I was out. I always make sure my housemate knows how appreciative I am for everything he's done for me, which is an awful lot, to see her completely take advantage of him like this... sickening.

    Why are people so goddamn cruel? Why is it always the nice people who get completely screwed over? And she's been talking shíte about him to their mutual friends who are now acting really cold with him, even though he's done absolutely nothing wrong!

    Fúcking bint.

    Oh yeah, and New Years night she comes back with some guy she's seeing. I was sick all night and was in my bed with my boyfriend at the time who was looking after me. She asks for the lend of the room for the hour with her man, I could barely even move! But I let them have it anyway. They left fúcking massage oil handprints all over my walls as evidence of their "activities" that I have to fúcking look at every day. Which is petty to get pissed off about but it was just too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,397 ✭✭✭Evolute

    liah wrote: »
    Oh yeah, and New Years night she comes back with some guy she's seeing. I was sick all night and was in my bed with my boyfriend at the time who was looking after me. She asks for the lend of the room for the hour with her man, I could barely even move! But I let them have it anyway. They left fúcking massage oil handprints all over my walls as evidence of their "activities" that I have to fúcking look at every day. Which is petty to get pissed off about but it was just too much.

    Make her lick it off the wall the dirty HOOR. Either that or next time you see her box her down the steps and rod her wallet:p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 11,221 ✭✭✭✭m5ex9oqjawdg2i

    Jemmy wrote: »
    I shared a room with a girl who thought it was cool to bring men back to our room while I was asleep at the other end of the room, text me one night saying oh I'm bring X home, don't worry we won't make too much noise! :eek::eek::eek:

    I didn't go home that night and lost the head with her the next night! She took it to the the kitchen/sitting room then so we just had to eat breakfast to the smell of sex :mad::mad::mad:

    Ugh I could go on she was a total freak but thats just mild compared to other stuff! :rolleyes:

    Jealous she was getting some?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,844 ✭✭✭shivvyban

    I used to live in one of the most notorious student houses near my uni...

    There were about 11 other people living there (I was the only one who wasn't sharing a room, manily because my room was more like a coffin).

    The first year I was there, there were these two girls who would consistanly go out and come back wreck the gaff. One night they decided to but up another girls oranges and throw them around the kitchen... I came downstairs to make breakfast and pulp was falling from the ceiling on top of me. Not to mention the fact that I was struggling to get through second year and was having an all night cramming session for an exam and they decided to have a house party... around me! They never got evicted even though every other person in the house reported them.


    That summer a polish girl moved in. I was woken up every night to what I am assume was her shouting 'Stick it to me!' in Polish to her fella. Every morning at 6am she would have the radio on full blast - she worked in Spar and usually had an early shift and I worked in a pub on lates.... She also didn't get evicted.

    The next year two chinese girls moved in. They were quiet and kept to themselves but it was their cooking that used to wreck my head! They would buy live crabs and keep them in the fridge... Moving and everything. Then when they would cook them, the would simply squish them. If they didn't finish their dinner they would leave said crabs in the frying pan on the oven.... I had to work Christmas Eve and St. Stephen's day that year and was in late on Christmas eve (got home at 5am) and the girls thought it was ok to start a party at 10am, take the table out of the kitchen and use all the pots. I spent christmas day in my room knawing on uncooked pasta because there was nothing I could cook with.

    There was also two Banladesh guys - one was lovely and the other was an odd ball! I would be in the sitting room watching tv and he would come in and sit there staring at me. My OH came over when we first started going out and the Bangladesh guy didn't know we were a couple so proceeded, in very broken english, to ask me to his christmas party. My OH thought it was hilarious and told him that he was my older brother and of course I would go. I hid for three weeks in my room.

    As for their food, they would buy entrails (cheapest meat you can buy for a reason) and leave them on a plate on the kitchen table. The smell would waft around the house. It looked like intestines and livers and other such yuk!

    I'm not even fully explaining just how bad that house was... I couldn't do it justice. I think I amy have blocked the majority of it from my mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭Spore

    liah wrote: »
    Why are people so goddamn cruel?

    Why are people so gaddamn naive?!!
    I was sick all night and was in my bed with my boyfriend at the time who was looking after me. She asks for the lend of the room for the hour with her man, I could barely even move! But I let them have it anyway. They left fúcking massage oil handprints all over my walls
    You kind of asked for that...

    Seriously people, was I the only person born with a bullshit detector? I can see muppets like that a mile off and I steer well wide...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,385 ✭✭✭Jemmy

    Jealous she was getting some?

    I was getting some hence the didn't go home that night :P, I just stuck with the same man not different men every night! ;)

    She was a complete nutjob and by the time I found out it was too late!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 150 ✭✭peepeep

    liah wrote: »
    Oh yeah, and New Years night she comes back with some guy she's seeing. I was sick all night and was in my bed with my boyfriend at the time who was looking after me. She asks for the lend of the room for the hour with her man, I could barely even move! But I let them have it anyway. They left fúcking massage oil handprints all over my walls as evidence of their "activities" that I have to fúcking look at every day. Which is petty to get pissed off about but it was just too much.

    Why did you give her the bed? In fairness you were a bit silly to get out of bed and let her to it. You should have firmly told her to **** off and while she's at it to pay up the money she owes. I can never understand why people are allowed to get away stuff like this, I'd never put up with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 734 ✭✭✭builttospill

    liah wrote: »
    Oh yeah, and New Years night she comes back with some guy she's seeing. I was sick all night and was in my bed with my boyfriend at the time who was looking after me. She asks for the lend of the room for the hour with her man, I could barely even move! But I let them have it anyway. They left fúcking massage oil handprints all over my walls as evidence of their "activities" that I have to fúcking look at every day. Which is petty to get pissed off about but it was just too much.

    Are you taking the pish? Haha. Did you stand next to the bed serving refreshments and did they wipe themselves on you when they were finished?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,340 ✭✭✭yimrsg

    Yet it didn't cross your mind that his Schizophrenia and peculiar behaviour weren't linked? The man obviously had a disorder, it's nothing that you should be sharing with the World. Show a bit of consideration.

    Firstly thanks for missing the point completely, where did I share specific details of his life? I did not mention what condition(s) he had nor would I be able to, only what medication he wasn't taking. Your "expert prognosis" from my experience is schizophrenia, which you revealed not me.

    Secondly, I shouldn't feel threatened in my own house which upon finding out he wasn't taking his meds I did. Would you like to live in a house with someone who you had suspicions regarding their mental health/state and have them vividly confirmed? And if that person was difficult to deal with regarding paying a simple gas bill, how would bringing up for example, the delicate issue of him not taking his medication go down?

    Thirdly; as for him not taking his risperidone which is used for a multitude of conditions not just schizoprenia and sharing my experience of a "bad" housemate, you're right I can see how I am a bad b@stard. If you wish to chastise me further please do so via my ignore list.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 23 _Faithless_

    When I was running from the law and hiding out in Vegas, I moved in with some people, to save on rent but I ended up losing my sanity.

    I think it was the aroma of the place I remember best. The dishes, which never got done unless I did them, were covered in fruit flies and dried food. When the other female roommate did break down and do them, she refused to wash the bottom of the plates, saying, “Food doesn’t touch there.” I know, I didn’t get it then either and I still don’t get it now.

    The best part though was that she had two cats that crapped everywhere. One couch was literally drenched in urine. They went through countless bottles of Febreeze, which to the product’s credit, cannot possibly counter the smell of hell and death combined. It was nauseating. The space under the kitchen table was also a favored spot for the cats to relieve themselves. Puddles of urine would dry and stain the floor dark yellow.

    One night, I returned from an exhausting 12-hour work shift (prostituting myself) to the three of them smoking pot, playing video games, and hanging out in urine, oblivious to the scent. At that moment, I saw them sitting in cat piss. I silently packed my things and left the apartment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,330 ✭✭✭Daroxtar

    liah wrote: »
    This isn't the worst one of the bunch but it's had me absolutely fuming lately and I need a bit of a rant, so fúck it.

    I live in a small one-bedroom flat with a good mate of mine. I get the bedroom and he sleeps on the couch in the livingroom; this is his choice, he slept in there even when the bedroom was free, he likes being near the computers and the kitchen. Anyway, a good friend of his got stuck for a place because the guy she was living with before tried it on with her when she very clearly let him know it wasn't on, you get the idea. So of course my housemate said that if she was really stuck for a place, she could come stay with us.

    I was grand with this; the bed's a double and I don't mind sharing, especially if it means getting someone out of a really dodgy situation like this girl was in. I have a weird sleep schedule anyway (as evidenced by the time in which I'm posting) and she had college, so basically I'd go to bed during the day and she'd have the bed at night.

    Worked fine like that for a bit. She's in college in Dublin, an hour away from here (Mullingar) and doesn't drive, had to commute every morning. She needed 51 euro a week for the bus, was getting the runaround in regards to getting a grant and had no money at all. So my housemate, who's on the dole as it is, gave her the money every week to get the bus, leaving absolutely no money to afford food after rent and ESB were paid off.

    So, he gives her the money one week. She turns around and goes drinking with it. Then asks him for the money back that she drank, knowing full well our very delicate financial situation.

    Found out later that not only was she getting the money for the bus from my housemate, but also from another friend-- so she was getting 102 euro a week, and not telling either party that she was getting money from the other person. Also turned out that the week return for the bus was only 37.50. God only knows what she did with the cash. Drinking, I'd assume.

    So, she finally gets her grant. 1500 euro for the first installment. Buys herself a bunch of new clothes, a little bit of food for herself, drinks the rest. Gives NOTHING to my housemate for compensation for rent, food, ESB, etc.

    She's a hard girl to live with, was constantly grating on our nerves. Would sleep here once in a blue moon, would sleep other places other nights, but she'd still come in for 10-15 minutes a day to collect clothes and have a shower here, using our immersion for the shower. Saw her once in awhile outside of that. Now this girl has LOADS of stuff. ALL of her stuff was in our 2-room flat (kitchen/livingroom, one bedroom, one small bathroom). You could barely move down the hallway for her stuff, had to squeeze against the wall. There was no walking room in the bedroom for her stuff. No walking in the kitchen/livingroom for her stuff. It was everywhere, and I'm honestly not exaggerating. And she just left it there while she fúcked off and had herself a bit of craic leaving us with nothing.

    So her and my housemate had a falling out over something that really didn't have anything to do with the issues I've addressed so far. Disappears for 2 weeks. Sends a mutual friend to collect clothes and stuff for her from our gaff.

    Came in the other day, pleased as punch, she apparently found a place-- and is paying two months' rent for it ahead. Where she got the money, we have no idea. We haven't seen a single penny of it. Think she said a word of thanks? Nope. Just raved about how amazing her new flat was and how delighted she was, etc. Wearing all new clothes and makeup. Obviously well taken care of.

    Had the balls to ask my housemate for tobacco, even though I saw she had a full unopened pack of fags in her bag.

    Just completely taking the piss. I'm completely furious at her for how she's treated my housemate after he took her in when absolutely no one else would (seriously, no one would take her in, even her best friends, now we know why), gave her the money to get to college, gave her money to go drinking when he was sat at home not able to go out because he was skint. She completely used him. Totally took advantage, and it's awful, because he's one of the sweetest, most kind people you would ever meet in your whole life, and completely didn't deserve any of it.

    He still hasn't seen a penny from her. She finally said thanks, briefly, while she was moving all her crap out of our flat. Acting all super happy and nice even though she knew full well we weren't happy with her, my housemate especially.

    Ugh. Boils my blood. I don't get a lot of income but the second I get a cent it goes straight to my housemate and straight to food, I never, ever get to go out-- I've been out maybe 3 times in the last few months and that was with a seriously good mate of mine who I needed to have a catch-up with, and I couldn't spend anything while I was out. I always make sure my housemate knows how appreciative I am for everything he's done for me, which is an awful lot, to see her completely take advantage of him like this... sickening.

    Why are people so goddamn cruel? Why is it always the nice people who get completely screwed over? And she's been talking shíte about him to their mutual friends who are now acting really cold with him, even though he's done absolutely nothing wrong!

    Fúcking bint.

    Oh yeah, and New Years night she comes back with some guy she's seeing. I was sick all night and was in my bed with my boyfriend at the time who was looking after me. She asks for the lend of the room for the hour with her man, I could barely even move! But I let them have it anyway. They left fúcking massage oil handprints all over my walls as evidence of their "activities" that I have to fúcking look at every day. Which is petty to get pissed off about but it was just too much.

    She is a but a cúnt. She needs a visit from Face kicker

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,018 ✭✭✭Mike 1972

    Some classic ones here

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,286 ✭✭✭WesternNight

    Worst was one who stole money out of my bag, got himself evicted for not paying rent, had screaming matches with landlady on the phone as she was telling him he had to go.. He left, and we then found a letter he'd left behind saying he was wanted because he'd broken his parole. And then people called 'round to the house looking for him because he owed them money.

    Fun times.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭TheGod

    His name for the purpose of this post will be "Barry"

    "Barry" was quite possibly the most annoying housemate I have ever had. Barry was making big money working IT and thought his **** smelt of roses. You could tell the guy was seriously bullied in school and had an agenda against the world. He was a nerdy, slight type but made up for this harmless looking appearance with his smug, condescending attitude.
    Barry would regularly insult my other room mate who was recently unemployed with comments such as "Can you be more quiet when your going to bed, some of us actually work in the morning" and joking about my room mate probably "couldn't even afford the plastic bag in aldi let alone shop there"
    He regularly ended arguments with comments such as "I wouldn't expect you to grasp that concept" etc.

    When we had a house party he called a friend a "blubbering idiot, who had taken too many hits to the head from rugby" This same friend happened to be a professional rugby player who has a degree in biochemistry (luckily for us, he simply ignored Barry excusing his behaviour on the fact that Barry probably had too much to drink)
    That same night Barry made a friend of mine cry by repeatedly slagging her tattoo.
    Barry was indeed drunk that night and soon went off to bed and passed out leaving me, my room mate and of course his girlfriend. His girlfriend was from Moldova and an absolute stunner (we had previously joked that he probably got her as a mail order bride) She was actually sober as well.
    To cut a long story short, me, my roomate and Barry's girlfriend had a menage a trois in my room whilst Barry lay passed out in the room beside mine. We literally did every imaginable thing to her. As a final insult my roommate, who had been laughed at by Barry for being unemployed, decided to bang Barry's girlfriend on the kitchen table around 20minutes before Barry was due to have breakfast before going to work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,484 ✭✭✭Bazzy

    TheGod wrote: »
    His name for the purpose of this post will be "Barry"

    "Barry" was quite possibly the most annoying housemate I have ever had. Barry was making big money working IT and thought his **** smelt of roses. You could tell the guy was seriously bullied in school and had an agenda against the world. He was a nerdy, slight type but made up for this harmless looking appearance with his smug, condescending attitude.
    Barry would regularly insult my other room mate who was recently unemployed with comments such as "Can you be more quiet when your going to bed, some of us actually work in the morning" and joking about my room mate probably "couldn't even afford the plastic bag in aldi let alone shop there"
    He regularly ended arguments with comments such as "I wouldn't expect you to grasp that concept" etc.

    When we had a house party he called a friend a "blubbering idiot, who had taken too many hits to the head from rugby" This same friend happened to be a professional rugby player who has a degree in biochemistry (luckily for us, he simply ignored Barry excusing his behaviour on the fact that Barry probably had too much to drink)
    That same night Barry made a friend of mine cry by repeatedly slagging her tattoo.
    Barry was indeed drunk that night and soon went off to bed and passed out leaving me, my room mate and of course his girlfriend. His girlfriend was from Moldova and an absolute stunner (we had previously joked that he probably got her as a mail order bride) She was actually sober as well.
    To cut a long story short, me, my roomate and Barry's girlfriend had a menage a trois in my room whilst Barry lay passed out in the room beside mine. We literally did every imaginable thing to her. As a final insult my roommate, who had been laughed at by Barry for being unemployed, decided to bang Barry's girlfriend on the kitchen table around 20minutes before Barry was due to have breakfast before going to work.

    Pics or GTFO

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,213 ✭✭✭bonzodog2

    Mike 1972 wrote: »
    Some classic ones here

    Fixed your link !

  • Registered Users Posts: 734 ✭✭✭builttospill

    TheGod wrote: »
    His name for the purpose of this post will be "Barry"

    "Barry" was quite possibly the most annoying housemate I have ever had. Barry was making big money working IT and thought his **** smelt of roses. You could tell the guy was seriously bullied in school and had an agenda against the world. He was a nerdy, slight type but made up for this harmless looking appearance with his smug, condescending attitude.
    Barry would regularly insult my other room mate who was recently unemployed with comments such as "Can you be more quiet when your going to bed, some of us actually work in the morning" and joking about my room mate probably "couldn't even afford the plastic bag in aldi let alone shop there"
    He regularly ended arguments with comments such as "I wouldn't expect you to grasp that concept" etc.

    When we had a house party he called a friend a "blubbering idiot, who had taken too many hits to the head from rugby" This same friend happened to be a professional rugby player who has a degree in biochemistry (luckily for us, he simply ignored Barry excusing his behaviour on the fact that Barry probably had too much to drink)
    That same night Barry made a friend of mine cry by repeatedly slagging her tattoo.
    Barry was indeed drunk that night and soon went off to bed and passed out leaving me, my room mate and of course his girlfriend. His girlfriend was from Moldova and an absolute stunner (we had previously joked that he probably got her as a mail order bride) She was actually sober as well.
    To cut a long story short, me, my roomate and Barry's girlfriend had a menage a trois in my room whilst Barry lay passed out in the room beside mine. We literally did every imaginable thing to her. As a final insult my roommate, who had been laughed at by Barry for being unemployed, decided to bang Barry's girlfriend on the kitchen table around 20minutes before Barry was due to have breakfast before going to work.

    I'm fairly sure Barry posted in this thread a few weeks ago mouthing off about you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,123 ✭✭✭Spore

    Stopped believing your post right about here:
    TheGod wrote: »
    To cut a long story short, me, my roomate and Barry's girlfriend had a menage a trois in my room whilst Barry lay passed out in the room beside mine

    Sorry "The God" but fantasy does not equal reality no matter how much you hated "Barry".

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,750 ✭✭✭liah

    peepeep wrote: »
    Why did you give her the bed? In fairness you were a bit silly to get out of bed and let her to it. You should have firmly told her to **** off and while she's at it to pay up the money she owes. I can never understand why people are allowed to get away stuff like this, I'd never put up with it.
    Spore wrote: »
    Why are people so gaddamn naive?!!

    You kind of asked for that...

    Seriously people, was I the only person born with a bullshit detector? I can see muppets like that a mile off and I steer well wide...
    Are you taking the pish? Haha. Did you stand next to the bed serving refreshments and did they wipe themselves on you when they were finished?

    In fairness I let her in because I was too damn sick to deal with the ensuing argument that would surely follow-- she's incredibly aggressive and it was just easier to move to the other room.

    As for the rest, nice to know we're getting shíte for trying to help someone out. Yeah, she may have walked all over us, but my conscience settles better knowing that we at least tried to help someone out who we thought had no choice. It wasn't our fault she took advantage-- it was hers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,803 ✭✭✭El Siglo

    I stayed in a house in Maynooth for the summer. Basic enough no frills experience. Sharing with another chap, not so bad he seemed sound enough. How wrong was eye. Now whether he was on drugs (defo) but I think he was dealing as well. Anyway, it go to the point where I lived in my room, ate in my room because he had the biggest knackers over. One week, three nights were spent as follows:

    1) He's got his mates over, not so quite and not so sober playing pes till half 2, I had work at 9 in the morning, wasn't too thrilled.
    2) Has his girlfriend over, spends the night riding her, fucking bint moaning till about half three or four in the in morning.
    3) He trips balls on some of his stash, spent the night screaming then singing, then laughing, then screaming in his room. This went on till about six in the morning.

    After this, I left the gaff. I didn't feel like getting shanked by one of his competitors or an unruly customer.
    TheGod wrote:
    To cut a long story short, me, my roomate and Barry's girlfriend had a menage a trois in my room whilst Barry lay passed out in the room beside mine

    The whole 'getting one up on the dick head' is for Hollywood not boards or reality in general. I'm sure "Barry" was a right cunt, but the menage a trois... nah, sorry.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 225 ✭✭TheGod

    Ha o.k, no one knows me on this site, I have no intention of ever meeting anyone off this site so I really don't gain anything by lying but if you don't believe it thats fine by me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    TheGod wrote: »
    Ha o.k, no one knows me on this site, I have no intention of ever meeting anyone off this site so I really don't gain anything by lying but if you don't believe it thats fine by me!

    Dont worry mate I believe you and if I was in the room with you would get a major "High 5%:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    TheGod wrote: »
    Ha o.k, no one knows me on this site, I have no intention of ever meeting anyone off this site so I really don't gain anything by lying but if you don't believe it thats fine by me!

    When you said she was a stunner from Moldova did you actually mean she was a rotund, buck-toothed girl from Switzerland?

    Cause I'd believe that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,322 ✭✭✭✭super_furry

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    When you said she was a stunner from Moldova did you actually mean she was a rotund, buck-toothed girl from Switzerland?

    Cause I'd believe that.

    Hey, you know Sara too?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    When you said she was a stunner from Moldova did you actually mean she was a rotund, buck-toothed girl from Switzerland?

    Cause I'd believe that.

    Whats with the bitterness?

    **** like that happens...obviously not in your world but it happens...:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    Whats with the bitterness?

    **** like that happens...obviously not in your world but it happens...:rolleyes:

    I don't need to detail my peccadilloes online.

    Things like this do happen yes. But the story strays a bit too much into the 'Dear Playboy' type category.

    Also - I'm not bitter, I was taking the p*ss.

    Are we familiar with humour? No?

    P.S. - nice incorrect use of the roll-eyes there too. That really showed me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,207 ✭✭✭partyguinness

    AnonoBoy wrote: »
    I don't need to detail my peccadilloes online.

    Also - I'm not bitter, I was taking the p*ss.

    Are we familiar with humour? No?

    P.S. - nice incorrect use of roll-eyes there too. That really showed me!

    LOL...who are you to decide the correct or incorrect use of roll eyes...please do elaborate..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    LOL...who are you to decide the correct or incorrect use of roll eyes...

    Well it would normally indicate that you were being sarcastic so by putting it at the end of the statement 'but it happens' it would imply that you didn't believe it happens. But that's not what you were trying to say.

    So you used it incorrectly.
