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Irish Women; Gods Gift to the Earth



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 831 ✭✭✭Laslo

    I haven't chatted up an Irishwoman in about 5 years. Last time I made the effort I was impolitely told to f**k off. I was polite, sober and friendly and didn't deserve it. I wasn't exactly 'crushed' but it wasn't a very nice experience. After that, I spent some time observing Irish women and their social habits when it comes to being approached by the opposite sex. I've noticed one thing - the modern Irish woman (perhaps just Dublin women?) is an incredibly insecure piece of work. This can result in aggressive and bitchy behaviour but I wouldn't say that Irish women are nasty. Just insecure.

    A disproportionate number of my friends (good blokes by most accounts) are going out with foreign women. French, Italian, Polish, Australian, German girls, etc. Very few of their girlfriends have female friends who are Irish. Almost unanimously they say that an unfortunately large percentage of Irish women are very bad natured. I think is a really sad development although I'm not sure if I buy it 100% yet.

    A disproportionate number of my female friends are single - many in their early to mid-30's (and beyond). Most of these women are incredibly frustrated at being single and are wondering where it all went wrong. One or two of them have made s**tty, jealous remarks about some of my friends foreign girlfriends - I've since stopped hanging around with these girls, which is also a sad development. My other single female friends want to be in a relationship but refuse to be approachable or to approach guys. I really don't see them going anywhere except Spinsterville.

    I don't really have a point with this post. Just some casual observations I've made over the last few years! Most of the guys I know (including me) are going out with foreign girls and about 50% of the girls I know are single (most unhappily so). We're all in our 30's. I suppose it's a sign of things to come unless Irish women become more approachable or actually work up the courage to chat men up (God forbid!)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,983 ✭✭✭leninbenjamin

    I love Irish women. unfortunately they don't love me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,235 ✭✭✭Dave147

    Not into Irish women at all, not because there's anything wrong with them but I simply love foreign women, polish especially. I find them to be a far more beautiful race and from what I've seen more loyal. But then again there are good and bad. Each to their own*

    *Except me, I'll stick with the poles :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,235 ✭✭✭Dave147

    Laslo I think that is an excellent post and a very accurate observation. My two best female friends are polish and south african, not friends with irish girls cos they're so bitchy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 848 ✭✭✭Dinxminx

    Phil01 wrote: »
    I would expect the girl to be curtious weather she like me or not weather she was pissed off at me or not. To at least say sorry i can't talk now , im with my friends. And not say "Hey will you ever f**k off."

    Okay seriously I'm just interrupting for a second because your spelling is really irritating me.

    It's COURTEOUS not curtious and WHETHER not weather.

    On topic.. I would say that Irish girls are quite bitchy but I don't think it's an exclusively irish thing - girls are pretty much the same the world over; at least the (many) I've met.

    Phil, when you approach a girl (or your friend approaches a girl) do you think you might come across as a bit aggressive - maybe with your body language? Girls tend to get very defensive when they're feeling threatened.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,017 ✭✭✭Bendihorse

    Jaesus theres a lot of post on this...

    Im going out with someone for 6 years, all through college and now into working life. When im nout I try not to make eye contact with lads so they dont get the impression im available and come over and chat me up as it saves an embarassing situation for both of us.

    If a guy does approach me and he seems genuine ie. not pissed/coked off his head ill have a conversation with him but make sure to drop in that im more or less married... often this makes no difference and they think your still up for it by virtue of the fact that your still talking to them... Its very hard to win.

    Then theres the charming ones that say 'oh where the F is he so if you have a BF ya stuck up bitch, ya could just tell me your not interested and not bother lying' :rolleyes: Thankfully this happens less often the older i get :)

    The trials and tribulations of a night out are joyous! Still, iv met and had interesting converastions and great craic with random lads iv met out in pubs, in fact i love meeting new people on my wavelength but truth be told, 90% of lads wouldn't bother goin near ya for a chat if they didn't want to give ya one :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,714 ✭✭✭Balmed Out

    Can we all just agree that there are a lot af guys that grope and are too forward, and there are a lot of girls that can be rude and obnoxious. Question though, last poster complained about guys that keep on talking to her after thay find out she has a boyfriend. Thats unfair, im always doing that not because im hitting on them still but because i dont want to be a langer and just **** off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 541 ✭✭✭hopalong85

    Wicknight wrote: »
    Did I say I don't like meeting new people? No, I didn't. So how about you bother to read my post before you coming in with this nonsense. :rolleyes:

    Eh,yeah you kind of did actually. I have read your posts, unfortunately.:rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,562 ✭✭✭cance

    connundrum wrote: »
    My Irish woman is God's gift.

    /copies and pastes post into e-mail in hope of a hug when I get home :D

    i agree ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    hopalong85 wrote: »
    Eh,yeah you kind of did actually.

    I "kinda did" .. oh well obviously I'm a self hating anthropophobic :rolleyes:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    Phil01 wrote: »
    Why is it all irish women think they are god's gift to the earth? I mean come on, Irish guys out there like me must also see how arrogant and selfish irish women are.
    Now im not classing all irish women as arrogant and selfish because there are alot out there who are genuine lovely girls. But the majority seem to think they are above everyone, and im not just saying its the beautiful skinny girls that are arrogant, i've seen alot of overweight irish girls who think they are god's gift.
    Foreign women seem to be completely different there seems to be more of them that are kind and sincere than are actually arrogant. They dont get as drunk and are not as slutty as the irish women. But thats not the point; the point is why are irish women so arrogant?? Why do they think they are above everyone?

    Again i want to say that alot of irish women are nice and sincere, i'm just pointing the majority. Who shoot down ever guy that even looks at them.

    Anyone got some insight into this?

    Editing your post after nearly 8 hours? Wonder what changed?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    I must say I find this thread fascinating.

    It is basically an 8 page rant from Irish guys about how Irish women are the problem. They are nasty bitchy mean impolite causing the decline of the population etc etc

    They should be nicer to Irish guys, they should be more approachable, they should make it easier for Irish guys to talk to them, they shouldn't be rude to any of the guys who come up to them, no matter what has already happened, they shouldn't prick tease Irish men, they should be friend and want to get to know new people etc etc

    Has it actually dawned on anyone yet that maybe the issue with Irish women is Irish men? (and I'm saying this as an Irish man)

    Women aren't stupid.

    They know this aggression towards them exists in Irish men. They know that if they turn a guy down, politely or not, in a night club he is over at his mates putting a brave face on it calling her a prick teasing bitch.

    Any of the girls I know are simply sick of Irish men, our immaturity level, our in ability to respect women on a certain level.

    This entire thread is actually a brilliant case in point.

    At no point in this entire thread was there any attempt made by any of the guys having a rant to understand why a woman might tell a guy to piss off in a bar, despite plenty of the women her on this thread saying it is because they are sick to death of drunk Irish guys forcing their way into conversations looking for a shag. At no point was it said "Those drunk Irish guys are ruining it for the rest of us". Nope its the women's fault, they have to be nice to us no matter what.

    At no point was any attempt made to question if going up to women in bars is actually what the woman wants the guy to do. This was completely dismissed as nonsense, of course women want this!!, sure don't they want to meet new people as well!! And if they don't want to meet new people ("new people" being drunk Irish guys at 3am in a dark nightclub) well then the problem is still on them for being weird and not wanting to meet new people!!

    Its bizarre. Guys seriously read over the thread. Women should want to be chatted up in bars! They should want to meet guys in bars! They should want to talk to us! They should be polite if they don't want to talk to us!

    The entire perspective of how these women view Irish men was ignored, and dismissed as women simply being arrogant stuck up b*tches, who should be there to facilitate us, Irish men.

    Its not our fault, its their fault. They are to blame. They aren't doing it right

    This tells me far more about the guys on this thread than the women they claim were rude to them. As I said, women aren't stupid. Respect is a two way street.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    Phil01 wrote: »
    This guy really like this girl that worked at a bar he use to drink at, we always made fun of him because he never said a word to her. When we were at a nightclub later we saw her there, and we made him go up to her and introduce himself. She told him to p*ss off.

    Maybe he looked a little rapey?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,747 ✭✭✭MikeHoncho

    I'm confused. Personally I have subscribed to this theory in the past but the fact of the matter is this. If the woman does not find you attractive (no matter how stupidly high her standards are) she has every right to be obnoxious to you. She did not ask for your attention and if she feels uncomfortable with the way you have approached her then you should be told to **** off. It might not feel nice but thats the game we play. Rejection is as much a part of it as pulling is and if you cant cope with it then dont bother.

    I also think that if a woman does think that she is gods gift its probably because a man made her think that. Have you ever seen some of the heffers that score good looking guys?

  • Registered Users Posts: 541 ✭✭✭hopalong85

    Wicknight wrote: »
    I "kinda did" .. oh well obviously I'm a self hating anthropophobic :rolleyes:

    I said kiind of not "kinda". With regard to the second part of that sentence, if you're not you should be.;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger


    thats what this thread is about


    if the op wants to get drunk and letch women they havce to be nice to him?

    no way

    lads a bit of advice

    i taxied through college and i said this time and time again to sado youngfellas pissed outa their heads and whinnging that they counldn't get a girl

    stop fecking drinking

    sure have a quick double to take the edhe off but thats it

    then by 3 am you will seem the most mature, non-sweaty, co-herient,
    intelligent fella around

    no-one likes a drunk

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    Dragan wrote: »
    Maybe he looked a little rapey?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    MikeHoncho wrote: »
    I'm confused. Personally I have subscribed to this theory in the past but the fact of the matter is this. If the woman does not find you attractive (no matter how stupidly high her standards are) she has every right to be obnoxious to you. She did not ask for your attention and if she feels uncomfortable with the way you have approached her then you should be told to **** off. It might not feel nice but thats the game we play. Rejection is as much a part of it as pulling is and if you cant cope with it then dont bother.

    I also think that if a woman does think that she is gods gift its probably because a man made her think that. Have you ever seen some of the heffers that score good looking guys?

    i'm gonna say that i've never had a nasty knoick back

    i reckon its a combination of the fact i'll only approach after eye-contact and with an excuse me rather than a hello

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,497 ✭✭✭✭Dragan

    The simple fact of it is that if you approach a lass in a polite and mannerly fashion then your off to a good start. Being funny always helps, every now and then chance something a tad odd and see how they respond?

    I will simply say that if your the kind of guy who takes knock backs really personally then maybe you would be best to stay at home and have yourself a hand shandy.

    From my experience in clubs over the years, as both staff and punter, a lot of guys would do really well to leave there ego at the door. You normally only get one Alpha Male in the room, odds are it ain't you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,017 ✭✭✭Bendihorse

    OP, Are you saying that if a girl that you simply dont fancy for one reason or another, comes over and chats you up in a club, that you would take time out from talkin to your mates or time out from your persuit of someone you DO actually fancy, to chat to her and make sure you let her down gently and dont hurt her feelings? I think not.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    Appearences are everything and how a male looks is important to (most)women,but a scruffy unshaved guy smelling of booze ,who makes little or no effort in his appearence is definitely a turn off both irish, and non irish women , however if a guy approaches a girl in a nice manner and she coldly tells him to fcuk off, then she aint in my book worth bothering with in the first place anyway .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    Bendihorse wrote: »
    OP, Are you saying that if a girl that you simply dont fancy for one reason or another, comes over and chats you up in a club, that you would take time out from talkin to your mates or time out from your persuit of someone you DO actually fancy, to chat to her and make sure you let her down gently and dont hurt her feelings? I think not.

    i would / do

    especially if she had a bit of class

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Phil01

    Dinxminx wrote: »
    Okay seriously I'm just interrupting for a second because your spelling is really irritating me.

    Your a real spelling nazi aren't you!!
    Quote by 6th; Editing your post after nearly 8 hours? Wonder what changed?

    Just changed a grammar mistake, didn't want Dinxminx giving out :D
    Quote by Wicknight; Has it actually dawned on anyone yet that maybe the issue with Irish women is Irish men? (and I'm saying this as an Irish man)

    Nobody has ever said irish women men were perfect; my main beef is that your throwing all irish men into the one bucket; thinking they are rapist's out to molest young irish women. This is simply not true, ok there are alot of guys who get considerably drunk and do start groping women. And its understandable how a women would react to this, and its normal.
    But your faith in guys wicknight is lacking, is it impossible to believe that they are nice guys out there how are genuine and want to meet a nice girl, and play it by the book and go out to meet them in bars and clubs. After all you do go to socialise in a bar's and not in cinema's.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,247 ✭✭✭✭6th

    If you think the spelling nazis are bad wait til someone spots that your sig breaks the rules! (more than 8 lines of text).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,017 ✭✭✭Bendihorse

    rbd wrote: »

    thats what this thread is about


    if the op wants to get drunk and letch women they havce to be nice to him?

    no way

    lads a bit of advice

    i taxied through college and i said this time and time again to sado youngfellas pissed outa their heads and whinnging that they counldn't get a girl

    stop fecking drinking

    sure have a quick double to take the edhe off but thats it

    then by 3 am you will seem the most mature, non-sweaty, co-herient,
    intelligent fella around

    no-one likes a drunk

    TRUE TRUE and so TRUE Rdb,

    Its actually a pleasure when some guy comes up for a chat at the end of the night and you realise hes not a drunk idiot and have a bit of banter and a chat! Drunk sweaty lads hanging off their mates for support are surprisingly enough, not attractive in the least.


    My brother had a novel approach to this, he had 'scoring nights' where he and his mates drank less and chatted up girls, and 'lads nights' where they got blotto and didn't bother with wimmen at all. This seems the best approach, realistically, you cant do both on the same night.

    He had a great chat up line too that always seemd to work: if he caught a girls eye, he'd go over with cheeky smile and ask politely 'hi ya, is there any point in me chatting you up'... Disarms a girl straight away because you are asking her permission and it also gives her a complement her in a round about sort of way :) If she replies to this with 'piss off' you are either too drunk and messy or else she IS a bitch.

    Lack of manners, drunk poeple and rude people are my No.1 turn offs, looks hardly come into it with me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 192 ✭✭halfinch

    Ive worked in my bars over a few years and you will always get druken eijets trying to chat you ip but it is quiet easy to just smile and say thanks but no thanks.......

    Although I have a friend who if a fella even attemps to make eye contact she tells them to f*ck off

    Its all about personality really....

    Some fellas are pricks some are genuinely nice....same goes for girls

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Phil01 wrote: »
    Nobody has ever said irish women men were perfect; my main beef is that your throwing all irish men into the one bucket;

    No, your "main beef" is -

    Why is it all irish women think they are god's gift to the earth? I mean come on, Irish guys out there like me must also see how arrogant and selfish irish women are.

    When I say "Irish guys" I don't mean all Irish guys. I mean Irish guys, like you, who think like this. Irish guys who don't respect women, who seem them things that should make us feel better. And there are a lot of them out there is this thread is anything to go by.
    Phil01 wrote: »
    But your faith in guys wicknight is lacking,
    It certainly is after reading this thread ...
    Phil01 wrote: »
    is it impossible to believe that they are nice guys out there how are genuine and want to meet a nice girl, and play it by the book and go out to meet them in bars and clubs.

    What the f**k is "the book" Phil?

    Who wrote this book, who decide that this is what Irish women should want a guy to do this?

    You talk about "nice guys" but again you are coming back to the central point, objectifying women as having a certain role to play in the mating conquests of Irish men. By god they aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing!! Damn them!

    A nice guys is someone who views a woman as a human being with all the complexities that being a human brings. A nice guy is a guy who thinks "Maybe that girl didn't want me talking to her". A nice guy is a guy who thinks "Maybe that girls boyfriend just dumped her, maybe her parents are getting divorced, maybe she is just having a really bad night and she doesn't want to talk to me"

    Not someone who views women as pieces in a rule book, "How to get laid 101" who have a certain role to play and who have no right to the range of emotions that everyone else has.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,705 ✭✭✭✭Tigger

    halfinch wrote: »


    Although I have a friend who if a fella even attemps to make eye contact she tells them to f*ck off


    she sounds like a southpark charachter

  • Registered Users Posts: 848 ✭✭✭Dinxminx

    Sorry! I know! I'm so weird about people spelling things wrong...

    Phil, maybe you're just attracted to that kind of girl? Some girls can give off this "cold" vibe that some guys find really hot...

    Edit: Also, what's all this about people going to clubs to meet new people?? I go out to catch up with my friends, dance, and so on. Meeting new people doesn't actually come into the equation at all. If I do, well that's great, but it's not the reason I go out.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    Best chat up line is ' whats a bad girl like you doing in a nice place like this ? ' , guarantee the wimmin will throw themselfs at you after that ....:)

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