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Irish Women; Gods Gift to the Earth



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Phil01 wrote: »
    They should be, don't they want to meet nice guys.

    They should be?? Are you serious...?
    Phil01 wrote: »
    How else are u ment to make friends or get to know people
    100s of ways ... are you honestly saying you cannot think of any other ways to meet women except chatting up random strangers ... I think that might be your problem right there.
    Phil01 wrote: »
    Well duh... i know girls dont owe me anything nor do i owe them anything, i would never expect anything from a girl, just to be polite, and to be treated as how she would like to be treated.

    You expect that you should be able to go up to random girls in a nightclub without invitation and start a conversation with them and every time you or any other guy does this the girl has a duty to be polite and nice back to you, no matter often this has happened to the girl, no matter how annoying they find this or no matter how pissed off they are at the moment.

    That is ridiculous.

    They don't owe you anything, they certainly don't owe you a polite response. You are intruding on them.

    They might love the attention, you might start dating and you might get married and have lots of kids. Or she might tell you to f**k right off.

    That is the chance you take

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Phil01

    I have to say, I'm tickled pink by the way you keep going on like a wounded puppy, when the very first thing you did in this thread was slag off every woman in this country :D

    I never slagged any women off, i just said the majority of them are arrogant and selfish. I also said there was alot of nice and genuine girls out there.
    Please read what i said before u miss quote me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    Lou.m wrote: »
    But i just want to say that all women are beautiful in their own way.
    Liberal wishie-washie. A lot of girls are wrecked.
    I am very slim for my height i have been called skinny and do you know what it does not mean a thing only shallow people would think it mattered.
    Well size is only one aspect, in all fairness I'm sure your beautiful, but there are a lot of girls who are thin and ugly.
    I pity men who think that way they will never really know what it is like to deeply love someone.
    Rubbish, they may well find love - she'll just be hot and a little harder to find.
    The one you love is the most beautiful to you.
    ohh that a bit of a stretch. Beautiful - yes, the "most" beautiful - unlikely
    YOU do not get to decide what is beautiful and what is not!
    Yes "you" do. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Phil01

    First off this is not about me, i know there are loads of other ways to meet women within clubs and societies, but i'm talking about the loads of nice guys i've seen been truely crushed because the girl they tried to talk to told them to p!ss off.
    Wicknight wrote: »
    Originally Posted by Phil01 View Post
    They should be, don't they want to meet nice guys.
    They should be?? Are you serious...?

    As for that i dont know what to say, if an irish girl can't be nice to a guy then its worse than i thought.
    Wicknight wrote: »
    You expect that you should be able to go up to random girls in a nightclub without invitation and start a conversation with them and every time you or any other guy does this they should be polite and nice back to you, no matter how annoying they find this or pissed off they are.

    I would expect the girl to be curtious weather she like me or not weather she was pissed off at me or not. To at least say sorry i can't talk now , im with my friends. And not say "Hey will you ever f**k off."

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Phil01 wrote: »
    As for that i dont know what to say, if an irish girl can't be nice to a guy then its worse than i thought.

    You aren't talking about and Irish girl being nice to an Irish guy.

    You are talking about an Irish girl being nice to a random stranger who has just come up to them uninvited and started chatting them up.

    There is a big difference.
    Phil01 wrote: »
    I would expect the girl to be curtious weather she like me or not weather she was pissed off at me or not. To at least say sorry i can't talk now , im with my friends. And not say "Hey will you ever f**k off."

    Why would you expect that. They don't want you to talk to them. Why are you talking to them? They are finding it annoying and rude, and they probably had 10 other guys doing it to them already. Why would you expect them to be polite and curtious to you?

    What if the girls on this forum turn around to you and said they expect you not to chat them up in a nightclub when they have not given any indication that they want to talk to you?

    The argument well how else are you going to get laid isn't a particularly good one. :rolleyes:

    Its like the Roma demanding that the Irish to be polite and curtious to them when ever they hobble up to them with a half dead baby begging for money. Its f**king annoying. Stop doing it. If you hobble up to me with a half dead baby and ask for €20 I'm going to ignore you or tell you to f**k off.

    Seriously I can't stand this attitude that Irish guys have (and I'm a guy btw), that women owe them a good night out, that they owe them the right to try and get a girl friend or just get laid.

    As Pink once sang "I'm not here for your entertainment ... We didn't get all dressed up just for you to see. So quit spilling your drinks on me"

    Women are not there for you to facilitate you getting a girlfriend.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Phil01 wrote: »
    I never slagged any women off, i just said the majority of them are arrogant and selfish.

    Seriously, WTF?

    Ok, I'm slowly beginning to think we have all just been duped by a troll :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Phil01

    OK, i gotta go now to watch soccer match, but first what the hell is a troll. And second i really hope your a guy, because if your not, i think i will never ever date an irish girl. It perhaps wasn't clear to me at first but reading what you are saying has made me believe that their is a serious problem for irish women that irish guys cannot stop.
    This stuff doesnt bother me, i have my portuguese gf who i absolutly love.
    But for all the other irish guys out there i feel very sorry for them.

    Wicknight i think you just proved my theory on irish women right... Thank you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    ...I might also add - the only people I know who complain about "Irish girls" are the one's who can't actually score any.
    Charm gentlemen - charm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    LadyJ wrote: »
    Just to point out, women when they go out, like to dress up sometimes. I wouldn't go on a night out wearing a wooly jumper and jeans, I'd wear a skirt and probably a low cut top. Why would that seem slutty?

    When a girl has nice legs etc. why shouldn't she show them off in a skirt? It's not slutty.
    Fair enough. Just don't get pissed off when we stare at you.

    Rob_l wrote: »
    I have never been approached by a girl who wanted to be friends

    LadyJ wrote: »
    That because I don't think girls walk up to guys in clubs asking to be mates! I know I don't.
    Rob_l wrote: »
    they dont:eek:
    So what do they expect?
    Exactly. What do they expect?
    Wicknight wrote: »
    You seem to be having a really hard time grasping the difference between:

    - communication between people who both desire to communicate

    - communication between people where one person doesn't desire to communicate.

    I'm not sure why exactly. As I said it is a very common human behavioral trait that people will get annoyed (and sometimes aggressive) if they are required to talk to someone they do not want to talk to. The longer the communication continues the more annoyed they will get. This has been studied many many times.

    Everyone one enjoys talking to people they want to talk to

    No one enjoys talking to people they don't want to talk to

    If you don't believe me you can run this little experiment. The next time you are on the bus get slightly drunk and start talking to random people, and record (if you can) how many people are actually enjoying talking with you :rolleyes:
    That's true. I've often annoyed people on the bus while in a drunken stupor.
    I always feel embarrassed the next morning.
    Wicknight wrote: »
    Don't f**king talk to me unless I want to talk to you.

    Its a pretty simple rule.

    And of course guys don't like this, or don't accept this, because they want to chat up girls. They go there to chat up girls. They want the girls to be wanting them to chat them up

    It makes it easier and less embarrassing, and you always have the fall back if you do get rebuffed that you can say to yourself "Well she wasn't playing by the rules"
    So how exactly are we to know when you would like us to talk to you?
    Do you wear a sign saying around your neck "You can talk to me now"?

    Don't give me that "It's when a girl smiles at you" thing.
    I've fallen for that one too many times.
    It's always just some chick laughing at me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Phil01 wrote: »
    i think i will never ever date an irish girl

    I'm sure the Irish nation of women is weeping right now :rolleyes:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    Terry wrote: »
    So how exactly are we to know when you would like us to talk to you?
    Do you wear a sign saying around your neck "You can talk to me now"?

    Are you honestly telling me you cannot tell when another human being does or does not want to talk to you? Seriously?
    Terry wrote: »
    It's always just some chick laughing at me.

    If the chick is laughing at you its a safe bet she doesn't want to talk to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,327 ✭✭✭✭fits

    Well theres nothing wrong with trying to initiate a conversation say while at the bar. Then you should go on body language, so if she smiles and turns towards you, thats cool. If you get monosyllabic answers, its not...

    Jeez its just like in all walks of life.

    I actually quite like talking to new people male and female alike when I'm out in nice bars.. (rather than cattle market clubs)... often guys assume you're coming on to them too. (I'm in a steady relationship so thats not a factor)... that said... I dont feel them in the crotch, say they're 'up themselves' and tell them they've a small lad if they refuse to talk back to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,238 ✭✭✭humbert

    Wicknight wrote: »
    Are you honestly telling me you cannot tell when another human being does or does not want to talk to you? Seriously?

    Are you seriously suggesting that in a pub or club, unless you are somehow sure a girl wants to talk to you, any reproach is justified?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,022 ✭✭✭ali.c

    Just my 2c, at the age of 25 i have only known of one irish girl that was purposely a bitch to guys on nights out. Outside of that most girls arent horrible to guys trying to chat them up. the only problem is that some guys just dont get the hint, when "no thank you i am not interested" results in the guy grabbing my ass yes "**** off" is the response. Also a lot of guys have a weird sense of entitlement, its like hey i am talking (AKA slobbering all over you) ergo to you so you are one lucky girl.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    oh look another thread about why somones forgien fúck is better then all the irish women i the world, been a while from when there was one of these, a while being about a month.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 271 ✭✭Rebeller

    Interesting thread, with many predictable responses.

    I think what it really boils down to is respect for your fellow (wo)man. Basic politeness and civility costs you nothing.

    It always shocks and saddens me how so many people (of both genders) can treat each other so disrespectfully and with so little basic consideration in a variety of different social settings.

    Human beings are social animals, the majority of whom seek out and enjoy social interaction (whether that be chatting someone up in a pub/club or making small talk with the person waiting in the queue in front of you etc) with other members of the species. However, that is not to say that you are not entitled to your private space and that you are obliged to converse, actively interact with every stranger you meet. That doesn't mean that it is acceptable to tell someone of either gender to "f**k off" or to offend or insult them just because you're not in the mood for chit-chat.

    A firm, honest "Look...I'm not in the mood to talk to you and I'm not interested in being chatted up by you" should be sufficient for most reasonably intelligent, socially aware people. Aggression, insults, rudeness as a response to a polite approach is merely indicative of a badly-educated, ignorant, socially inept individual.

    My own view is that the apparent awkwardness of social interaction between men and women in Ireland is a result of our continued policy of single sex education and the over-feminisation of the educational system.

    Due to the preponderance of female teachers and the large percentage of single parent households (headed by women) in this state it is possible for a girl to spend her entire educational life from primary through to secondary with very little if any social interaction with members of the opposite sex.

    Take the (possible extreme) example of a girl with only female siblings, brought up by a single mother, who attends an all-girl primary school in which 90% of the teachers are female. The male of the species are an alien unknown quantity. Her first, proper interactions with members of the opposite sex will probably occur when she first starts drinking and going out to pubs/clubs. As she has no experience with boys/men in a non-threatening, every-day social setting she develops the belief that all men are sex-crazed, lecherous beasts who devote their live to trying to get inside her pants.

    The same applies to boys educated in single sex schools who will often have little or no daily, non-drinking interaction with girls/women. They never have the chance to interact in an everyday manner with members of the opposite sex. When they then start going to pubs/clubs they see all women as potential bed partners and members of an alien species instead of just another group of people with admittedly interesting bodily accouterments:D.

    The human race is composed of an almost equal number of men and women. To condemn either gender to spending up to 14 years (primary and secondary schooling) with little contact with the other gender is only asking for social ineptness, misunderstandings and an inability to communicate.

    Take a look around next time you visit other European countries (I exclude the US because I think they practice a severely screwed up kind of gender politics) and note the higher numbers of mixed gender groups of all ages on the street, in pubs. There, it is far more common for boys and girls, men and women to develop lifelong, platonic, non-sexual relationships with each other as they have grown up interacting with and respecting each other. They see each other as people, as fellow humans, not members of an alien, unknown species.

    We have all evolved as social beings. A bit of thought and respect for your fellow (wo)man will go a long way to avoiding gender conflicts and misunderstandings.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,243 ✭✭✭✭Jesus Wept

    connundrum wrote: »
    My Irish woman is God's gift.

    /copies and pastes post into e-mail in hope of a hug when I get home :D

    A hug?? You really are Elmo....

    bragan wrote: »
    Lol, I'm not even sure how to respond to that!

    Guys seem to think that if you are in a club or pub it's ok to feel girls up. It's not just me that this happens too.

    I don't think the majority of guys do this, I'd be surprised. I've never felt a random girl up randomly, nor have my friends.
    what places do you frequent?
    taconnol wrote: »

    It's just part of this society's obsession with judging women, their appearance and their sexuality. Seriously doesn't anyone realise that generalisations are insulting and of no use?

    ffs. Society likes to judge everything, not just women.

    LadyJ wrote: »
    Even the times when it has seemed like the guy chatting me up is nice and just wants company, it has always turned out that he wants sex. I have never been approached on a night out by a guy who wanted to be friends.

    There are going to be guys who only want sex, and have no desire to know you beyond that.

    But the majority of guys who chat you up, imo are open to a number of things, sex is one of them, getting to know you, possible companionship, a combination of all 3, etc.

    Any guy who approaches you in a nightclub purely wanting to be your friend and never wanting it go any further, is most likely homosexual.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,556 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    OP - you were really asking to be flame-grilled with this thread weren't you?

    You stated that the majority were unapproachable and that a certain amount were sound. You put your argument across quite sensibly and, maybe understandably given the sensitive nature of the topic, got a lot of PI for it.

    But I have to agree with your overall sentiment.

    I've worked abroad for about a third of my professional life. I find Irish women to be either incredibly insecure or off the scale at the other end. I only realised this when an ex-gf, who happened to be Austrialian, pointed this out to me a number of years ago.

    Yes, Irish women are suspicious by nature, but that's more to do with Irish guys in general. We're usually only as faithful as our next best option and what's more, Irish women know this.

    It's only in the last 10 years that we've upped our game. I do remember a time in the late 80's/early 90's when Irish women didn't look after their hair/nails and Irish guys didn't care if they wore a shirt that hadn't seen the inside of a washing machine plus iron in months.

    The rules have changed, but the game still remains the same. While most of my best buddies are Irish and female, there's zero sexual attraction, which probably accounts for the fact that we're still friends.

    As Irish guys, we still have as many problems as our female counterparts, but at least the foreign wimmen haven't twigged it yet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 541 ✭✭✭hopalong85

    Wicknight wrote: »

    People, in general, don't like random strangers talking to them. It is weird.

    If I don't want to talk to you, if I have no reason to talk to you, if I don't know you or have given any indication that I want to talk to you, why the f**k are you talking to me. People don't like that.

    Meh, speak for yourself. Fortunately most people don't actually share your opinions, most people actually DO enjoy meeting new people,it would be a pretty boring world if the majority of people shared your views. From now on it would be great if you could put "in my opinion" in front of more or less everything you say. You see basically that is all it is, your opinion, it's not factual as you seem to believe. Thanks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Phil01

    Thaedydal wrote: »
    oh look another thread about why somones forgien fúck is better then all the irish women i the world, been a while from when there was one of these, a while being about a month.

    Good to see your contribution to a honest thread. At least make a comment that will contribute towards this rather than a smart comment that nobody need to here.

    I dont want to be comparing irish women to foreign women as im sure if u were to compare the irish guys to other foreign guys we would have alot of differences too.
    But i do believe that in general, irish women are alot harsher towards guys chatting them up than foreign girls.
    Perhaps Rebeller has a point about the differences in attitude between the sexes, Irish girls see all Irish men as crazed sex addicts and most of the irish guys see women as there "prey". But i dont think you can throw all the men into the one bucket, and nobody should ever be treated badly if they were trying to chat girls up and told to p*ss off.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    hopalong85 wrote: »
    Meh, speak for yourself. Fortunately most people don't actually share your opinions, most people actually DO enjoy meeting new people

    Did I say I don't like meeting new people? No, I didn't. So how about you bother to read my post before you coming in with this nonsense. :rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 398 ✭✭Hydroquinone

    Phil01 wrote: »
    First off this is not about me, i know there are loads of other ways to meet women within clubs and societies, but i'm talking about the loads of nice guys i've seen been truely crushed because the girl they tried to talk to told them to p!ss off.
    Truly crushed? Give over.
    Anyone who can be truly crushed by a complete and utter stranger telling them to piss off shouldn't be allowed out without his Mammy.

    If a man puts himself out there and tries to get talking to some random stranger who wants to talk to him, then he's golden. If she doesn't want to talk to him and he can't take the hint, then a piss off is the only way to go.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 25,848 ✭✭✭✭Zombrex

    humbert wrote: »
    Are you seriously suggesting that in a pub or club, unless you are somehow sure a girl wants to talk to you, any reproach is justified?

    I'm saying don't complain if a girl who has made no obvious signs that she is in any way bothered about talking to you tells you to piss off when you go up to her and try and crack on to her.

    By all means give it ago. But don't whine about it afterwards if it blows up in your face, blaming the girl for your own embarrassment. The girl is under no obligation to talk to you.

    (when I say "you" I mean guys in general)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 21,191 ✭✭✭✭Latchy

    Irish girls can be as rude and obnoxious as any other race of female i suppose ......i have 3 irish sisters , heeeeeeeeee

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Phil01

    Anyone who can be truly crushed by a complete and utter stranger telling them to piss off shouldn't be allowed out without his Mammy.

    This guy really like this girl that worked at a bar he use to drink at, we always made fun of him because he never said a word to her. When we were at a nightclub later we saw her there, and we made him go up to her and introduce himself. She told him to p*ss off.

    It took alot of courage to go up to her and she just crushed him with 2 words. I don't think thats called for.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,238 ✭✭✭humbert

    Wicknight wrote: »
    I'm saying don't complain if a girl who has made no obvious signs that she is in any way bothered about talking to you tells you to piss off when you go up to her and try and crack on to her.

    By all means give it ago. But don't whine about it afterwards if it blows up in your face, blaming the girl for your own embarrassment. The girl is under no obligation to talk to you.

    (when I say "you" I mean guys in general)

    I can appreciate your perspective but I don't agree. In my opinion if a person makes a polite attempt to talk to you it's only good manners to be polite back to them. Even if it's a terse rejection there's no excuse for being offensive.

    Really it doesn't bother me but it's just bad manners so I wouldn't condone it. It's a totally different matter if the guy is drunk or obnoxious.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 398 ✭✭Hydroquinone

    Phil01 wrote: »
    This guy really like this girl that worked at a bar he use to drink at, we always made fun of him because he never said a word to her. When we were at a nightclub later we saw her there, and we made him go up to her and introduce himself. She told him to p*ss off.

    It took alot of courage to go up to her and she just crushed him with 2 words. I don't think thats called for.

    To be crushed by that is feeble - that's the point I'm making.
    You "made him" go up and introduce himself when you knew he was shy and as easily crushed as that? Some mates ye are.

    I'm not saying she was right to tell him to piss off, I'm saying that if such a tiny thing can crush a person, then that person has no business putting himself in that sort of position.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 206 ✭✭Phil01

    I'm not saying she was right to tell him to piss off, I'm saying that if such a tiny thing can crush a person, then that person has no business putting himself in that sort of position.

    If he didnt go up he would be wondering for the rest of his life, did he miss an opportunity. So its good that he went. He's not that shy just lacking confidence, he can approach women but isn't confident that they will like him for him, thats the best way to explain it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 makluse

    To be crushed by that is feeble - that's the point I'm making.
    You "made him" go up and introduce himself when you knew he was shy and as easily crushed as that? Some mates ye are.

    I'm not saying she was right to tell him to piss off, I'm saying that if such a tiny thing can crush a person, then that person has no business putting himself in that sort of position.

    So you think he should sit on the sidelines of life just because he is a bit sensitive

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 169 ✭✭quackquackBOOM

    i agree with u phil i hate our thick ankled irish girls
    pr**k teasers
    if you ever notice the more you ignore them the more they come looking for comments,drinks,dance or basic teasing

    they think they can get away with murder

    but not every1 is going to be tarred here there are some gud ones out there who finish the job they started 2, 3 or 4 hours previous.:D

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