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knackers..... again!!



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,790 ✭✭✭Linoge

    Originally posted by dudara
    If you'd bothered to read some of the previous posts, you'd see that the word "knacker" is being used here to describe the local echelons of the community, not travellers specifically.

    If you'd bothered to read the other posts you'd see that every type of knacker was being dicussed. I just happen to be talking about the travelling type. BTW, what was the point of your post? Or were you just stating the obvious? Let me have a go, you are a tit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,518 ✭✭✭✭dudara

    Linoge, that's just downright rude. Cop yourself on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 189 ✭✭m4cker

    A tax on hi-aces won't do s**t they all drive range rovers

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 843 ✭✭✭DaithiSurfer

    by golly i have the solution.

    a tax on frowns and lines on the forehead.
    Also a tax on freckles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    Originally posted by DaithiSurfer
    How about a massive tax on Caravans, knives, hoop earings, shiny tracksuits and Hiaces AND stamp duty on Caravans. Kind of like the Credit card tax (eg you have to pay it even if you're on the dole).

    No good - they don't pay tax.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,889 ✭✭✭Third_Echelon

    i think they meant in the form of VAT on the said products... in that way they would be paying tax..

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,196 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    Add burberry baseball caps to that list and you've got my vote.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    Originally posted by Third_Echelon
    i think they meant in the form of VAT on the said products... in that way they would be paying tax..

    They pay VAT on stolen goods?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,889 ✭✭✭Third_Echelon

    Originally posted by Zulu
    They pay VAT on stolen goods?

    they dont steal everything they "own"...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,438 ✭✭✭TwoShedsJackson

    There are 30,000 travellers in Ireland. They can't all be bad can they? All your opinions about travellers came from what 0.01% of them did. In other words, in every case it is the same 3 travellers. If only the Gardai could catch them..........

    So why is it that no-one is ever recalling their nice friendly happy interactions with knackers?? Maybe not all 30,000 are acting up, but the proportion that are certainly make enough aggro to make it seem that way.

    I have never had a normal social interaction with a knacker - always it's getting them to fuck off from your doorstep, dodging stuff thrown at you, avoiding pools of piss and puke around a campsite.

    Is it members of the settled community illegaly parking on someone else's property, wrecking the place, then demanding 25 grand to clear off - is it fuck.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,965 ✭✭✭✭Zulu

    Originally posted by Third_Echelon
    they dont steal everything they "own"...

    ...and you know that because??? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,242 ✭✭✭aodh_rua

    Originally posted by Third_Echelon
    they dont steal everything they "own"...

    You're right - but just cos they didn't steal it themselves doesn't stop it from being 'stolen'. The back of a lorry isn't likely to charge VAT either.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 237 ✭✭frantic_mel

    Well i have had my share in dealing with knackers.

    Im from Limerick i know i know stab city and all that crap, i was born and raised in a knacker estate but me personally i am the complete oposite, our family is one of the decent families living in this area. Well i did live there up until 3 years ago when i moved in with my boyfriend and went to college.

    Anyhow, i hate them completely, the guards are scared of them, they get away with murder and i mean murder, there bullies, if you deal with one you deal with the whole family.

    Just let them all kill each other off, thats my motto.


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,905 ✭✭✭User45701

    Originally posted by Zulu
    Bummer dude.
    That would be knackers for you - I recommend you move to a nicer place.
    If we can get normal people to move to different estates, and get all the scum into there own estates, then killing them off will be a whole lot easier.
    We could poison the water or somthing.

    ... or we could build a wall around their estates and create human zoo type parks, where we could go to throw coins or just point and laugh.

    If you are being real (and i hope u are) then i completly agree.
    Exterminate them all, or place them in a zoo.
    The gardai seem to fear then tho i do not kno why.
    Originally posted by frantic_mel

    Well i have had my share in dealing with knackers.

    Im from Limerick i know i know stab city and all that crap, i was born and raised in a knacker estate but me personally i am the complete oposite, our family is one of the decent families living in this area. Well i did live there up until 3 years ago when i moved in with my boyfriend and went to college.

    Anyhow, i hate them completely, the guards are scared of them, they get away with murder and i mean murder, there bullies, if you deal with one you deal with the whole family.

    Just let them all kill each other off, thats my motto.


    Well just to pint thats anothe rperson saying the guards are afraid of them.

    What you said about letting them kill one anohter off, it dosent and wont work. They mate like rabbits and will contune to repopulate themselves unless we stop them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,196 ✭✭✭✭Sleepy

    But you know what sickens me the most? Scumbags can *literally* get away with murder, yet the best we can manage to do is bitch about it on bulletin boards. We need tougher laws, more police and a prison system that doesn't either act as a revolving door or a boot camp for organised crime. Harsh penalties that genuinely deter people from becoming criminals are needed.

    Hell, at this stage I'd be in favour of Martial Law if it would effectively deal with the violent scumbags that infect this country. Bring back the work houses, get rid of the dole for those that are too lazy too work, neuter people who are unfit to be parents and give the police force the strength they need to deal with these scum.

    In fairness, there are some decent members of the travelling community. (That's why I'm using the word scumbag instead of the word knacker because the term knacker is a little too ambiguous for my liking and could lead to innocents being tarred with the same brush as thieves, murderers and just generally worthless members of society.) Unfortunately, it seems that the majority of the community fall into the latter category. This does not, however, excuse ill treatment of the minority.

    To my mind: if you won't comply with the laws of the land, don't expect it's rights. If you think it's okay for you to behave like you're in a war zone, be prepared to be shot, regardless of your background. We need a tough and fair policing system where the punishment fits the crime. Who has a problem with a rapist being castrated? With a thief having his freedom taken from him? With a murderer being murdered? I don't. Society is better off without them. We live in a democracy, yet the majority doesn't seem to rule.

    And before someone jumps in with one of the usual "have you never downloaded an MP3/smoked a joint?" arguments, I'll answer you in advance: if you were a cop and saw one person litter whilst another was headbutting someone, which would you sort out first? We need to tackle the large problems first. The social problems CREATED by these scumbags (who then claim to be the result of them, the irony escaping them) are the ones that effect the ordinary people of Ireland most. Who suffers from piracy? A minority, the shareholders of the music industry. I don't defend piracy, but we have bigger problems on the national agenda.

    sorry about that, I got kinda caught up in the ranting... it releases some of the anger

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,905 ✭✭✭User45701

    What would be wrong with matial law? It would solve more problems than it would create, what do u want? freedom to do whatever u do or life free from crime?
    What do u do that u wouldent want seen/recorded

    Also we dont need matrial law why not just a camra on EVERY SINGLE street corner and then have every crime followed up with clear evidence from the camra.

    Tougher laws, ye i agree .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 237 ✭✭frantic_mel

    my message above didnt come across clear

    i was actually born in a scumbag estate , im not from a travelling site or anything, although been from a scumbag area is just as bad.

    Been a decent family in this area is hard i tell you.

    My father worked everyday in a good job (lets just say he is a qualified electrician) and paid his taxes to come home with enough to put food on our table. Couldnt even afford to pay for a car, never took out loans, always saved for what he wanted. To have to step outside your door seeing all the scumbags burning there rubbish in a corner while we pay for high prices for wheelie bins, while they drive around in there 04 cars and not working a day in there life, where there are about 10 - 15 in the family only months apart and each and every one of them looking the exact same, have u ever seen the tan dirty looking ones. Shaved heads, earings, whelly boots, holding sticks, mother pregnant again, women *itches, oh dont forget the horses.

    I really cant stand them, they hurt u so bad, call u names, and there is nothing in this world that u can do to stop them, if u try speak to the parents there just as bad, if u ring the guards they tell u to try and keep away, try and keep away, how long have we been trying to keep away, its not like were the ones that go looking for something, they come to us, they follow us, they hunt us down, so how can we exactly keep away from them. Take one look and thats what anyone would want to do. In Limerick we have a few well known familys, they are scattered everywhere, if u fight with one then they whole gang is down on top of you. I am digusted with my city, disgusted of Ireland, disgusted with the government, but i have to say i will always as ever be proud of been irish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20 (someguy)

    Martial Law? If there's something worse then knick knacks it's giving lazy, corrupt policemen power to do whatever they want ( well maybe it's not worse then knackers but it's pretty bad )

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,312 ✭✭✭mr_angry

    Yeah, in all fairness - if the laws were to be implemented correctly and no injustices were ever carried out, I would have no problem with these people being dealt with severely. But that is plainly not possible, and so we can't do it. However, I do believe that the prison system needs serious reform. I say solitary confinement 24/7 for all of them!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,905 ✭✭✭User45701

    that takes up to much space, how about feed them bread and water and they EARN there water and bread by working - they can build our roads and mabe tidy up after our late nite drinkin sessions - you all know the state town is in at 5is am

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  • Registered Users Posts: 78,352 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    Originally posted by newband
    I'm 20 years old, i am living in Tallaght but don't hold that against me or else 'oill ****in bate ya'

  • Posts: 15,814 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Try having long hair though. To them, its like I have two heads. Getting some of these 'victims of racism' to show thier true colours only takes about 2 seconds for me.

    I know exactly how you feel. It seems to single me out for ten times more abuse than normal people.

    I would like to apologise for my use of the word knacker, I feel on reflection that scumbags is a much more appropriate word.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,089 ✭✭✭D!ve^Bomb!

    Originally posted by Victor


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 448 ✭✭Agent Orange

    I loathe knackers.

    I hate everyone of their scum-sucking, Nike-wearing, gold-sovereign-ring-sporting, golden-toothed, teenage-pregnant, scabby-faced ilk.

    One day a rain will come and wash the scum from the streets.

    Eventually folks, it'll just be us and them. And we must ensure a safe home for our wives and children.

    We must round them up. We must destroy them. We must burn their homes, kill their children and eradicate any memories of their foul breed. We must make them pay for not having any taste in clothes, for having commoner accents but most of all we should punish them for being born in the wrong place.

    It's time to take back Limerick city folks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,905 ✭✭✭User45701

    Ive always wonderd if it would be possible to design a MASSIVE bio weapon that would kill all scumbags in the woruld, Sure we would kill ober 1 billion people but **** it we would solve so many problems, food shortages and housing problems people will be safe to walk the streets again.

    On another note allot of ppl on boards seem to have extremist views on this - i like that i didnt know so many of you wanted the scumbags to be "fixed".

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,192 ✭✭✭Dathai

    A word of advice:

    Never beat up knackers unless you are sure they won't go for help.Because if you do and they go get help a van of them pull up outside your house with knives and sh¦t.It happened to a friend of mines family,but my mates dad came down to the house with a shotgun seldgehammers and a few of his mates.The travellers had machetes and everything it was mental.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,726 ✭✭✭quank

    Sheesh! Extreme....

    TBH, I would be scared ****less if a scumbag pulled a knife on me.
    Wouldn't mind if it was just a easy fisty cuffs :) match or anything, but I dunno, weapons, just seem to pussy like or something.....

    Wait, I'm the pussy! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,213 ✭✭✭✭therecklessone

    Originally posted by Rella
    With the throwing of Lucozade bottles & Chips do you not think that this behaviour is knackerish and that YOU may be a knacker!!!!???

    Oooh, hark at her...:rolleyes:

    When did I say anything about Lucozade bottles? I threw a chip at a mouthy scobie skanger bitch who gave me and a few mates grief because she wanted to push her bastard child past us in a pram despite there being an acre of space on either side of us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,488 ✭✭✭SantaHoe

    Originally posted by therecklessone
    I threw a chip at a mouthy scobie skanger bitch who gave me and a few mates grief because she wanted to push her bastard child past us in a pram despite there being an acre of space on either side of us.
    Hah :D
    10 points if you can throw one through her hoopy earrings.

    What did she do after you hit her in the head with a chip?
    Probably said something like "c'mere you an' oi tell ye'... d'yeh seEEe yeew... your a bleedin' muppeh... oi'll baaate the bleedin head awf yeh"
    I can see how chip-throwing could be considered skangish in itself, but it's the only thing these people understand.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭bizmark

    Originally posted by User45701
    Ive always wonderd if it would be possible to design a MASSIVE bio weapon that would kill all scumbags in the woruld, Sure we would kill ober 1 billion people but **** it we would solve so many problems, food shortages and housing problems people will be safe to walk the streets again.

    On another note allot of ppl on boards seem to have extremist views on this - i like that i didnt know so many of you wanted the scumbags to be "fixed".

    Wow this has gone from ploting the death of 50,000 to 1/6th the population of the earth tis pretty impressive :p .

    But i agree with the general tone of this thread they are scum and i hate them all
    :dunno: ill join the hunt!

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