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Would you be happy for your children to receive covid-19 vaccine



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,768 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    It's not even about vaccines any more, it's just your bog standard stubbornness in refusing to admit he/she was wrong. Spectacularly so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,245 ✭✭✭CruelSummer

    How did we get here from March 2020.

    There is no science at all to back up healthy children needing vaccinations. They are not at risk, they spread Covid much less than adults as so many are asymptomatic, and the vaccine statistically WILL cause more harm to young children than Covid ever will.

    Some vulnerable younger children may benefit statistically from the vaccine if their underlying conditions put them more at risk of Covid.

    The data is out there for all to see. Dr Karina Butler is giving interviews on Claire Byrne talking about ‘children feeling more secure with the vaccine’, the damage done by lockdowns and the vaccine helping them move on, complete waffle. No facts whatsoever as to why children would ever need it. Vaccines do NOT lessen transmission risk for children as they transmit much less than adults already. Vaccination of adults in general does not prevent transmission but just helps to reduce it as it reduces symptoms developing in adults. I’ve seen Dr Philip Nolan give slides and information about this many times at NPHET press conferences over the last 12 months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭MontgomeryClift

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,768 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    It is a lie that vaccines do not reduce transmission.

    Anyone continuing to claim this is an anti vaxxer. It's that simple.

    So you decide for yourselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,058 ✭✭✭MontgomeryClift

    The problem with these analogies is that even if brushing teeth and putting on Preparation H were equivalent to having an injection, neither the brushing of teeth nor the application of Preparation H to one's arse are mandatory for admission to a pub.

    As this madness intensifies, the justifications and analogies from believers are becoming increasingly deranged.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Totally different situation now.

    Infection in young adults and children is sky rocketing because of the rest of the population being vaccinated.

    So while most infections are mild , children are more at risk now than any other time during the pandemic. The more infected a population the higher the risk of severe disease and hospitalisation. That is true for any group .

    It also encourages the risks of more mutation of the virus .

    Prof Butler does not want to be panicking people , but admissions of young people to hospital have increased and although outcomes are better for younger people , nobody wants to risk children getting Covid .

    Except maybe parents who put their own ignorance about the facts before their children's health

    Maybe that's too harsh, stubbornness and unwillingness to take on board generally approved and perceived knowledge and wisdom because they like to kick back against authority.

    In this case that is misplaced.

    Thankfully these people are in the minority .

    Post edited by Goldengirl on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    I'm guessing you didn't bother to look at the data in the Government posted stats of the cases then, which include ages.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    I'm happy to say that Covid19 transmits asymptomatically, I've never said otherwise or contradicted that statement. You keep putting words in peoples mouths when you can't make an argument (ironically making you the liar).

    I'll ask yet again - are you denying that the reduction in transmission is widely and primarily attributed to the lessoning of symptoms? Because this is all I've referred to. I won't hold my breath, you don't like the answer so you ignore it and continue trying to shout everyone down that doesn't follow your line.

    Any comments on the transmission amongst the vaccinated in Gibraltar, currently accounting for well over 50% of the daily cases? Yea, didn't think so.

    Head in the sand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    I imagine all of us want to minimise risks from all things, including from Covid, and from any potential side effects of vaccines. To make a judgement we've got to read up on available information.

    When you say "That's because you're only listening to Doctors and Scientists promoted by mainstream media" you set off alarm bells as regards your objectivity when reviewing available information.

    The 'mainstream media' you refer to include the vast majority of the media outlets world wide. Are you suggesting that they have been unsuccessful, or are incapable of assessing the facts and covering the relevant information, and that somehow alternative sources (such as youtube, facebook, etc) are more reliable?

    Do you think the vast majority of doctors and scientists world wide don't understand the risks, despite more of them looking at this than ever before, but somehow your cherry picked references have it correct?

    Why can't you provide links from more reputable sources for your claims?

    I too want to minimise the risks I and my family face from Covid, or from vaccines, etc., but I'm not interested in opinions put out by fringe elements. There are many more reputable scientists and doctors assessing and assembling information to the best of their ability, and without agendas, and I would put a lot more credibility in those sources than the ones that you provided so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    Oh yea, it wouldn't be like NPHET at all to start panicking people. Very much out of character indeed for a member to refrain.

    Just how does she manage to hold back??

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  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    That roadmap was last updated in Q3 2019, long before anyone heard of Covid19.

    The 'Actions' proposed were the following

    Examine the feasibility of developing a common vaccination
    card/passport for EU citizens (that takes into account potentially
    different national vaccination schedules and), that is compatible
    with electronic immunisation information systems and recognised
    for use across borders, without duplicating work at national level.

    How is any of this relevant to the question you responded to?

    Or are you a believer in the conspiracy theory that all this as planned beforehand?

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    The safety of the vaccines is one thing, and definitely to be assessed thoroughly.

    The rationale for vaccinating the whole population, including children, is, I would have thought, pretty clear. Why would you leave a percentage of the population unvaccinated and remain as a reservoir of infection? Do you think Polio has been practically eliminated from the world by not vaccinating children. Why do you think the MMR and other vaccines are given to children at a very young age?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,555 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    The reduction in transmission rates has been shown in both symptomatic and asymptomatic cases, I'm not sure why you're holding your breath as you're being responded to fairly quickly. This is important because for children and a lot of young adults, contracting SARS-COV2 remains asymptomatic, the vaccines also reduce transmission in those cases and the viral load of those who are tested and are asymptomatic is cleared much faster than those who haven't been vaccinated.

    If your argument is that children are mostly asymptomatic so don't need a vaccine to prevent spread, the data does not support that.

    While you have ignored the data posted above for Gibraltar, to repeat it, in a highly vaccinated group like Gibraltar, the fact that 33% of those cases are unvaccinated and 66% vaccinated is great news and matches the published effectiveness for the vaccines, others have already gone through the math's on this, but we can repeat it if you like.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,555 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Here is you insisting that spread is reduced by lessening symptoms, was this a misquote, or did you just forget to mention the asymptomatic reduction in transmission?

    Every time you lie about transmission reduction being solely down to symptom reduction, you will be called out on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,555 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    At 13 months, children have received 32 vaccines as part of the early childhood vaccination schedule, most of the diseases are very low risk for a baby.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    All children unvaccinated, 10% of adults unvaccinated, 10% of the vaccinated susceptible to mild symptomatic disease, large portions of the workforce crossing the border daily from delta variant red zone. Would be more surprising if the weren’t cases. Now, any data on serious illness relative to pre vaccination?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Everyone not vaccinated or previously exposed will remain at risk as they get older. Vaccination is far easier path to the level of immunity required to prevent serious illness for the rest of their lives than illness. There is no age groups with data suggesting infection is milder than vaccination. Repeated exposure will likely maintain that immunity into the future for most

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    She is highly professional and is used to dealing with scared parents and children.

    You are really grasping at straws now with your posts over the last day or so.

    You say you are vaccinated.

    Good for you.

    All I am saying is that children are the new vulnerable now, but they can't get vaccinated and are dependant on their parents or guardians to make that decision for them, however they make it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,245 ✭✭✭CruelSummer

    Wow, so people who have seen first hand the non-existent threat to children's health for the past year are 'ignorant' and 'in the minority'. I assume I don't need to state I'm not anti - vaccine in general and am vaccinated myself against Covid and have taken many other travel vaccines but you never know when the tried and tested 'in the minority' / 'fringe idea' is being dug out and shovelled around. Can you point to statistics showing the volume and number of children in hospital currently with Covid?

    The blasé suggestion that Dr Karina Butler 'doesn't want to panic people' is laughable - all they do is try and panic people. Have you forgotten the 'hurricane Delta Force attack' about to hit Ireland just a few weeks ago?

    1. Where are the studies that show young children who are vaccinated against Covid do not transmit it?
    2. Where are the studies validating the safety of all these Covid vaccines for children from aged 5 - 12 and show that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks for this age group?
    3. How can Western society sit here paying Pfizer and other drug companies through the nose for these 'boosters' and theoretical children's doses when so many of the world including healthcare workers haven't even been offered a single first dose? How can anyone morally reconcile this?
    Post edited by CruelSummer on

  • Registered Users Posts: 18 Johnlynch1970

    i have both vaccines, but not a chance in hell will my 12 year old get it not now not ever

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  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    I'm trying to make out what point you are making when you say ...

    Any comments on the transmission amongst the vaccinated in Gibraltar, currently accounting for well over 50% of the daily cases? Yea, didn't think so.

    Head in the sand.

    When I look up the Gibraltar Covid info (, I find the following ...

    • 15 new Covid positive cases yesterday, 6 vaccinated individuals, 9 unvaccinated individuals
    • Gibraltar is reported as having a very high level of vaccination, including most of the Spaniards who work in the territory
    • Gibraltar has a population of 32,000. Let's imagine 90% are vaccinated (28,800), and 10 % unvaccinated (3,200)
    • If 6 vaccinated people get Covid, out of 28,800, that's 1 in 4,800
    • and if 9 unvaccinated get Covid, out of 3,200, that's 1 in 355
    • So the unvaccinated are 13 times more likely to get Covid (these are all rough numbers, but you get the idea?)

    can you explain your reasoning, and the conclusions you draw?

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    I have edited my post before you replied. Ignorant too harsh.

    Not a personal attack on you. Never .

    Really, how would anybody have that research yet when those have yet to be released?

    But there is plenty of data from everywhere that shows increased hospitalisation to1 in young because of Delta. In Scotland it is estimated at 2.2% where originally it was half that.

    I will not give specific details of cases, as I am not going to breach confidentiality. Take it or leave it .

    I am not the enemy here so tone down the outrage please.

    But why would you trust someone on the Internet and not a qualified experienced paediatric consultant anyway?!

    Karina Butler has never hyped or sought to cause panic, you are mixing her up I think, with others.

    She ensured that NIAC took this decision with the utmost caution and consideration and did not rush into it.

    She is not a government shill and NIAC are made up of pharmacists and specialist doctors.

    As a parent you can wait until all that data has been reproduced for public consumption, and then if you think that you understand all the ins and outs, decide for yourself.

    Or you can trust professionals .

    It appears to me that a lot of people are trusting everybody else , social media , internet , quack doctors and politicians , but not placing their trust in the people qualified to make the decision.

    I am on my phone and the site is constantly seizing up on me . 🙄

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    No one has yet to articulate a rational reason why. Did they / Will they get the hpv vaccine?

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The vast majority of mainstream media outlets are funded and controlled by a surprisingly small number of wealthy individuals, corporations, or in the case of national broadcasters, governments. You know this. Now, ask yourself, honestly, do you think these people ever have agendas of some sort? Do you think they prioritise their own wealth and control... or your health, well-being, and freedom?

    Did you just refer to Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine, as a "fringe element"? 😁

    You say you need a more "reputable source", then link to an article by a nobody who in turns links to an article on a French site. On that website, the front page leads with a large picture of somebody all masked up, in hazmat suit, about to stick a swab up someone's nose. The accompanying headline is about "Delta variant cases". No propaganda here. This, instead of covering the MASSIVE protests all over France at the moment in opposition to the new vaccine passport system. Are you starting to understand agendas now and how you're being lead and distracted? 

    Some of us said last year that vaccines would not be a one-off; but rather, multiple shots, given annually or even more regularly. Nothing to do with money or big pharma lobbying, of course. They said it was “conspiracy theory”. Look where we are now.

    We said last year a vaxx passport system would be introduced to "encourage" vaccination, and would eventually include not just travel, but concerts, cafes, supermarkets etc. They said it was “conspiracy theory”. Look where we are now. Macron is a little ahead in France with the supermarkets.

    The digital vaxx passport system will eventually be bridged to centralized digital and biometric ID's. They're building the infrastructure for it now. I see Tony Blair is the latest to shill it. No vaxx passport system = no digital/biometric ID's. Hence the massive push and coercion to get the system in place. I assume this is one of the reasons they want everybody vaccinated, including children, who the data shows are at near-zero risk of serious Covid illness or death. "Nobody left behind" and “Build Back Better” the EU politicians begin to parrot in unison. Must be coincidental. But hey, whatever keeps you feeling “safe”, right?

    Keep going along with it all anyway, my friend; your mainstream media only have you 6-12 months behind what’s actually happening. “Two weeks to flatten the curve”, remember? 😉 We'll see where we end up.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm amazed that that doesn't get more attention. The coincidences (always dismissed as 'conspiracy theories') are legion.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." ― Mark Twain

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    What's serious illness got to do with this? I have to say in every second post that vaccines work, I like vaccines, vaccines prevent illness and death, etc just to stop you going down this route.

    But you still do, because you've nothing else to say.

    Anyway, clear as day that transmission is rampant from vaccinated to vaccinated in Gibraltar and most likely every area with high vaccination rates.

    Thankfully hospitalisations and deaths still down, because the vaccines work like they were developed to do.

    Unfortunately though for you cowards out there there's still massive spikes in transmission, so the narrative of pressurising (or even backhandedly forcing) children to vaccinate, solely to alleviate your 'what if' fears of a new super variant, would appear to be largely in vain.

    So let's perhaps drop that one from the playbook shall we?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,474 ✭✭✭Mimon

    Anyone who has young children will know how much of a reservoir of disease these children are. I know in September mine will get a cold and within a day or two I will have it also. Happens a few times like this in the year.

    If we don't want Covid circulating in a large reservoir and thus mutating children need to be vaccinated. It really is not that complicated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    To be fair she does come across as rational and professional, I didn't intend to have a dig at her personally.

    However to suggest that NPHET, FF/FG and RTE wouldn't be completely capitalising on a narrative of children being the new vulnerable is incredibly hard to believe.

    The Irish media in particular absolutely gorge on doom and gloom, it would be shouted from the rooftops were it the case (and probably rightly so). To suggest they would hold back to spare people worry, a literal total U-turn in Covid reporting policy to date.. yea, no I don't think so.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 325 ✭✭virginmediapls

    Yes, I would be happy as I am not a gowl-acting tosspot.
