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Would you be happy for your children to receive covid-19 vaccine



  • Registered Users Posts: 81,993 ✭✭✭✭Atlantic Dawn

    From a risk v's reward issue of the under 18 age group I'd be inclined not to let them until they were near adult age where their heart has reached maximum size and they can make the decision based on risk themselves.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,383 ✭✭✭d22ontour

    There is no risk v reward with children, they are not a risk group regarding hospital care or death from covid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,018 ✭✭✭Brussels Sprout

    Maybe not but they can act as a reservoir for the virus to survive within.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,383 ✭✭✭d22ontour

    So if all children are infected and all adults jabbed, what's next ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,993 ✭✭✭✭Atlantic Dawn

    You have to decide if catching Covid and having immunity for 6 months is less of a risk to health than taking the vaccine. Every person catching the virus and making a 100% recovery should be treated as a positive thing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,383 ✭✭✭d22ontour

    Numbers of hospital cases regarding children would be helpful, there is little to none to report though. Jab our kids even though none of them seem to be sick from it.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Great to know we have an expert on myocarditis here

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    For the individual only. The chains of transmission to that person and after that person will not have been so free of consequence

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Point of fact on the vaccines and their not being “designed” to prevent transmission.

    The reason the trial only studied prevention of symptomatic and severe disease what because this took less time. On reaching the end points where they could judge the efficacy against symptomatic disease that had clear evidence they had a safe and effective vaccine. With thousands dying everyday it would have been criminal not to submit this data and wait months more to complete studies on transmission also which would require more patients enrolled and much more time. Why wait when you can start saving lives straight away. All safety endpoints had been reached. So the vaccine is released with 95% efficacy in prevent symptoms. A claim on transmission cannot be made until the data is available and it’s not a priority anyway.

    On a related note, Gibraltar is mentioned as a country with 100% vaccination and a delta wave. According to data they have fully vaccinated 115% of the population. This is impossible. They have vaccinated 15% than the number of residents they have. How many of these individuals are residents and how many are workers who cross daily from Spain, we don’t know as they have been vaccinating both. How many testing positive are people who cross the border for work, we also don’t know other than this group are far more likely to be tested regularly

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    Ignoring the first part as I've just been through that with another poster, you are Incorrect re: Gibraltar.

    We do have that information as their government release that data everyday. Resident v non resident and vaccinated v unvaccinated.

    They even post it on Facebook, I assume because they know that's where to start brainwashing people with their antivax far right misinformation. Luckily vaccines work at their intended purpose so deaths and hospitalisations are still down.

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Or, how about "a vaccine so safe that the pharmaceutical companies demanded indemnity" 🤣

    Also, have they started bribing people here like they're doing in the States? Free Theme Park tickets, McDonalds etc for getting vaccinated. Yeah, nothing strange there 😄👍 See the NBC YouTube video below "McDonald's.... with a side of Pfizer". The like:dislike ratio is 1:5. Thankfully shows most people aren't as gullible as raind here 🤡😄

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I am sorry, but likes on social media make facts now?

    You come across as less of a clown when you stick to peddling lies and misinformation

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Thank you, so 10% of cases are imported and 30-40% are in the unvaccinated. Would love to know that stats for symptomatic

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    What "main talking points" were shown as lies? Main (relevant to the thread topic) talking points here were:

    - There is no long-term safety data on mRNA vaccines --> FACT

    - Pharmaceutical companies have legal indemnity --> FACT

    - Based on the data, Covid is of very, very low risk to children --> FACT

    Now, there's you put in your place again. Cry/try harder 😉

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    First fact - it’s over 12 months since the first phase 3 trails began and nearly 18 months since first initial studies. That’s long term. Also the mRNA disappears. Any after effects are a result of the bodies own immune system so effects become apparent in the short term anyway.

    conclusion: part lie, part misrepresentation

    fact 2: indemnity was provided as part of advance purchase agreements prior to data on the vaccines being available. If the vaccines had be less effective or had more side effects governments may still have wanted to use them in particular population even with the risk. As it turned out except in the extremely rare case of blood clots with the adenovirus viral vector vaccines this was not the case as they proved extremely safe and very effective. Even so and adverse effects that were a result of the manufacturing error or non adherence to the gmp requirements would have been on the manufacturers.

    conclusion: misrepresentation

    fact 3: based on data the vaccines are of extremely low risk to everybody and there is no mechanism by which it should perform differently in children, the most vaccinated individuals in society. And even so, it won’t be approved in children in the absence of data.

    conclusion: misrepresentation.

    overal conclusion: DrFrost 100% on brand with lies and misrepresentation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    It's way more than 30-40%, its easily over 50% and some days up to 80%+. I would presume as they're vaccinated most are being found through contact tracing but we don't know.

    We do know that they are concerned enough with it now that they're cancelling events again, despite their phenomenal vaccine uptake.

    Strongly suspect Malta's recent spike in cases to be the same but they don't release that granular data.

    Again this stuff gives me no pleasure and I'd like nothing more than to be wrong on this particular point within a point but you can't just shut down information that doesn't suit the narrative and label it "anti-vaxx".

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    You're trying way too hard. Stop waffling.

    "TAOISEACH MICHEÁL MARTIN has said “it’s not possible to quantify” the potential cost to the tax-payer arising from any claims that may arise related to a Covid-19 vaccine."

    So big pharma has privatized the gains, but socialized any compensation payouts. What a system. We pay for it all, and if anything goes wrong, we effectively sue ourselves, the taxpayer. Amazing.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Self awareness is not a strong point which makes me think you are one of the gullible patsy’s rather that the deliberate purveyors of misinformation

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    That's about the most poorly constructed sentence I've (attempted to) read in a long time. The irony. You're failing in every regard.

    Have yourself a good day, anyway, Shakespeare. Stop aggressively jumping down people's throats who don't agree with your own viewpoints.

    Kind regards,


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,783 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    Ivermectin is undergoing clinical trials at the moment. If/when it is shown to be effective and safe, then it can be approved for use - just like the vaccines were.

    In the meantime, a Cochrane review (the gold standard of evidence analysis) "found no evidence to support the use of ivermectin for treating or preventing COVID-19 infection, but the evidence base is limited"

    Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID-19 | Cochrane

    However, the laboratory tests which showed activity of ivermectin against Covid virus replication used concentrations of drug which were about 250 times higher than anything that could be achieved in humans with very high doses. To get to the required concentration in the blood, you would end up killing the patient.

    Pharmacokinetic considerations on the repurposing of ivermectin for treatment of COVID‐19 (

    I wouldn't be optimistic about it at all to be honest and it's a long way away from being a usable treatment.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,474 ✭✭✭Mimon

    Just glad that most Irish people have a brain and these threads are not representative of most people's views 😊. Empty vessels and all that!

    We could get to 90% of over 12s vaccinated, that makes me happy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,783 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    I see Gibraltar getting an airing above again.

    They are reporting roughly double the number of cases in vaccinated adults as unvaccinated. Now, you might look at that and say "wow, the vaccines don't prevent infection" - which is exactly what the misinformed poster is claiming - but in fact it means the opposite.

    Gibraltar claims to have vaccinated all its adult residents. Obviously there will always be stragglers and those who just won't do it, but let's say they have 95% of their adults double-dosed.

    So, if vaccines really didn't reduce the risk of infection, you would expect the ratio to be 19:1, not 2:1. So the Gibraltar numbers seem to prove that vaccination greatly reduces the risk of infection.

    And of course, the fact that infections among vaccinated people are in single figures or maybe in the teens - and not in the hundreds - also indicates high level of protection against infection.

    Vaccines greatly reduce the risk of becoming infected and they reduce the risk of transmitting it. That is the reason why we should consider vaccinating children even if they themselves are not at risk of serious illness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,210 ✭✭✭Del Griffith

    Oh right yea, a 2500%+ increase in cases in a populous where the adult population is 100% vaccinated sure is absolute proof that vaccination prevents transmission. 😂

    This sort of post is why it's so easy to disregard posters like this. Any actual useful information they provide is lost in the melee of their mission to just shut anyone that presents any sort of (even moderate, well reasoned and backed by data from a neutral source) opinion down.

    Does vaccination lesson spread? Yes sure, certainly as a result of minimising symptoms. Does it stop it? Well Gibraltar (and Malta and probably more with high vaccination + high cases) would suggest otherwise.

    So back to the actual point here, will vaccinating children stop new variants being a possibility and scaring the perpetually scared? Unlikely.

    Your point about the absolute numbers of cases in Gibraltar is equally ridiculous when you take into account the population size.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    This level of bickering and strawmanning is not useful.

    FFF said vaccines reduce transmission.

    Del said vaccines don't prevent transmission.

    These statements are not contradictory, assuming "prevention" means "to stop completely".

  • Registered Users Posts: 857 ✭✭✭PintOfView

    Ok, I take your point re the age profile of the risks, with the risk of blood clots from the AZ or JNJ vaccines in young people being higher than the risk of blood clots from Covid itself. However consider the following ...

    • From age 40 upwards the blood clot risk from Covid exceeds the risk from AZ or JNJ vaccines (over 50 the Covid risk vastly exceeds the vaccine risk)
    • The blood clot risk from mRNA vaccines seems to be much lower than AZ or JNJ risk, or possibly non-existant with mRNA.
    • You say "... age cohorts where blood clot levels are high regardless of getting covid19 or not". Your statement may give the wrong impression that covid doesn't increase the rate of blood clots in the higher age groups! However the study finds 39 cases of blood clots per million people within two weeks of a Covid diagnosis, vs 4 cases per million within two weeks of vaccination with an mRNA vaccine, which shows a clear 10 times higher risk from Covid itself (though still a low risk admittedly).
    • I don't agree with your statement that the title of the article is misleading and dishonest. The results are fairly clear, but only apply to the mRNA vaccines as the AZ and JNJ vaccines had not yet been authorised in the US prior to the study.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,558 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    There is, you wanted 1 year, there is over a year of data on these vaccines, now you want longer.

    In Europe, the pharmaceutical companies take on the legal indemnity, go and read what conditional marketing authorisation means. The article you posted from MM was also before the vaccines went for authorisation.

    But COVID is higher risk than the vaccine, when the chances of catching SARS-COV2 is high then the vaccine is the safer option.

    All above are facts.

    But look, bring your "facts" to the vaccine thread if you're that confident of them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,558 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Will you please stop repeating this:

    "Yes sure, certainly as a result of minimising symptoms"

    It is 100% wrong. SARS-COV2 transmits effectively asymptomatically, stop posting this lie. The vaccines reduce asymptomatic and symptomatic transmission. I can understand why you got banned from Reddit if you kept on repeating this over there.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    There is disagreement and then there are lies. Lies deserve nothing but vigorous confrontation and ridicule

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Gibraltar has around 90%adult population vaccinated and no children

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,236 ✭✭✭mcmoustache

    What does the long term data for covid infections say? I missed it I think.
