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Would you be happy for your children to receive covid-19 vaccine



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,177 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    This study includes all ages i.e. age cohorts where blood clot levels are high regardless of getting covid19 or not, so is therefore not an accurate comparison. And on top of that, the study does not include vaccines that use the "viral vector" method such as Astra Zeneca and JnJ - the biggest blood clot culprits

    Giving the article the headline

    "Covid-19: Risk of cerebral blood clots from disease is 10 times that from vaccination, study finds"

    is misleading and dishonest to say the least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,177 ✭✭✭Markus Antonius

    This is the new fad now - "Covid-19 has a much higher incidence of X side effect than the vaccine does" but err, eh, we don't have the data to back this up but it sounds like it would make sense doesn't it?

    Why do all these vaccine shills all assume that if you don't get the vaccine you are automatically destined to be infected with Covid-19? Here's a statistic for you - we've been through 4 "waves" now and only 6% of the entire population of Ireland have been infected.

    I like those odds, have a nice day in bed after your vaccine 😆

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Saying you are working in a vaccination centre lends weight to the idea that you are a healthcare worker and that you know what you are talking about when you say what happened. I notice you don't say what your job is but that's not obligatory.

    Personally I would consider that you are not a qualified nurse or responder or you would not be commenting on specifics like this without actually knowing what really hapoened with these people , am I right ?

    I have read many of your posts on the other threads which were always against restrictions and that Covid was not a serious illness , even to the point of saying your daughter was not that sick , even though she was very pregnant when she got it .

    We all wish your daughter well .

    By all means you are entitled to your opinion , but please do not try to pass off anecdotes as reliable information against , first Pfizer , then Moderna .

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Measures to reduce respiratory virus transmission cause reduction is said virus transmission shokka.

    Care to share your scientific qualifications?

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,558 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    Markus doesn't believe in space rockets (or specifically the science in how space rockets work), so I'm not sure you're going to get a great set of credentials there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Hi Del.

    You know that you can argue that point without going into all the territory presided over by antivaxxers?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,766 ✭✭✭growleaves

    How many times can you insult people by calling them stupid and snottily telling them well actually you're not a scientist? I doubt if this anti-charm offensive is winning anyone over but hey you must know what you're doing, so keep it up I guess.

    Re the social consequences of not going along with this, what social consequences? No one I know is falling out with their friends or family because they didn't take an mRNA injection. When I started my new job I was told its politically incorrect to even ask someone if they'd taken a vaccine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,920 ✭✭✭✭Goldengirl

    Hope you don't include me in that group of zealots but sure here goes anyway ...

    The virus circulating in February has changed its pace and is way more infectious .

    Delta is hospitalising twice as many children young people as the previous variant , despite the fact that generally they are less susceptible .

    I agree that every parent should consider all reliable sources of information before making their decision , discuss with their GP , but largely ignore social media and other parents discussions unless those parents are qualified to advise .

    I don't think any child should be stopped from attending school or college , but if outbreaks are occurring in those institutions it will cause problems no doubt .

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    Vaccine shills? This is the most poignant and intelligent description I have heard to date.

    Did you know that two of the most prominent vaccine critics, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny and Dr. Joseph Mercola, have recently collaborated on a scientific paper, that will be released in the not too far future? They have proven that the botanical ingredients in Fentimans Curiosity Cola completely disable the magnetic nanocrystals that are injected during the Covid vaccination. This may sound a little odd, because of the quirky 'Curiosity Cola' name, but does not really take away from the efficacy of the botanical ingredients. Case in point, both doctors are currently in talks with Fentimans, to negotiate a contract to re-sell re-branded bottles of Curiosity Cola under a more serious, more descriptive name.

  • Registered Users Posts: 80 ✭✭Ashdublinc13

    Thank you for taking the time to respond.

    I only referenced February because my real life experience didn't match what was posted on boards. On boards, posters weren't sending kids back to school. Parents were scared. All my kids returned to full classes and all my friends sent their kids back to school.

    At the moment, the same holds true. I haven't heard anyone in real life that wants to vaccinate their children. At that moment. I appreciate this might change. Yet on this thread alone, there are a number of poster who come across over jealous to vaccinate their children, quick to label anyone with concerns anti vax. In real life, shouting at people doesn't get them to change their mind!

    Your post came across clear, non -consending and has given me more to ponder. Thanks

    Other question if you don't mind. The CMO told us the swine flu vaccination was safe. Unfortunately this hasn't turned out to be the case. See recent court case. What's the difference? Our CMO doesn't have the best track record (IMO)

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I've already made my point about mRNA vaccines. As for vaccine passports, opposition to that isn't only about taking an mRNA or not. I'd be careful about blindly "eating your vegetables" every time the government tell you to (in reality, the EU, where policy is being dictated down from).

    Believing it's a temporary measure and will stop at current levels if you just keep consenting would be like believing "just two weeks to flatten the curve" in the beginning 😄

    That's for another thread, though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 382 ✭✭Unicorn Milk Latte

    I've been thinking about how to best deal with vaccine misinformation. I think a better approach may be not to ignore Facebook and other social media that are know for misinformation, but do the opposite: look at what's posted there, and also visit a few conspiracy websites. Go to the source. Compare the content. This is educational, because it shows the unfiltered source of the antivax misinformation, and puts it into context with other types of misinformation from the same sources. It shows who prominent figures are in the antivax scene, and gives insight into their thinking. Like, vaccine 'criticism' that sounds kind of reasonable of Facebook, but comes from a person that describes how your body connects to 5G towers after vaccination - which is conveniently left out on FB.

    Earlier today, I saw stats about vaccinations in Ireland - over 85% of adults had one dose, over 72% are fully vaccinated. Good to keep in mind that the antivax crowd is a small but very vocal minority. The small numbers may also explain some of the desperation: on antivax protests in London and Dublin last week, speakers have suggested to gather names of doctors and nurses and execute them.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Were you saying the same about Pandemrix during the swine flu pandemic?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,994 ✭✭✭c.p.w.g.w

    As an adult who is vaccinated, no...

    There isn't sufficient data for children and the vaccine

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    Canada has vaccinated 71.42% (1,744,969) of 12-17 year olds. How much data is enough for you?


  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    He'll probably wait until 2023 when the Phase 3 trials are complete.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    Which specific trials are you referring to?

    The Pfizer-BioNTech phase 3 adolescent trial completed in March and the results lead to FDA and EMA authorization for 12-15 year olds.

    I realise I'm attempting a reasonable debate with a Great Reset conspiracy theorist, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

  • Registered Users Posts: 964 ✭✭✭riveratom

    The piece you’re sadly missing is that the four waves were largely under lockdowns, that’s not going to be the case over the rest of your life, is it?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 583 ✭✭✭crooked cockney villain

    Care to explain why? It' simple- kids do not need the vaccine as the vaccine is likely more risk for them than Covid itself. Children do not get seriously ill or die of Covid generally speaking.

    If the three gimps are so sure of it put their money where their mouth is. I wouldn't bet against some of the loudest mouths on this refusing to have their own kids done. Reminds me of Tony Blair back in the early 2000's, telling everyone else to get the MMR while his hippy new age wife dragged her heels about getting it for their own baby son.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Most of the trials on for the vaccines have "study completion date" listed as 2023.

    Long-term safety data for a new vaccine cannot be established in one year from "study start date" (2020) to "primary completion date" (2021). Without getting into technicalities, the point is obviously that a lot of parents won't subject their children to a new vaccine still only authorized by the FDA for emergency use, that has no long-term safety data.

    As for the Great Reset, I don't know what you mean by "conspiracy theory". It's something openly proposed and discussed by The World Economic Forum. Most heads of state attend their annual Davos meetings. Klaus Schwab is quite public with his vision for the future, which to most people, sounds a bit... insane. If you're on board with said ideas, then fair enough; to each his own. I've a feeling you don't really know or understand anything about it, though; rather just clicked into my profile and saw it mentioned 😄

    Anyway, enough. Keep things on topic.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 31,058 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    Again, which specific phase 3 trial are you referring to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,783 ✭✭✭Former Former Former

    It drives me bananas that people are against vaccination not for medical or scientific reasons but for political ones.

    Look at the vaccine map in the US. The states with low take up are all the Trump-voting, gun-toting, evolution-denying Red states. We're dealing with a scaled down version of that here: people objecting to the vaccine based on everything EXCEPT science.

    People aren't looking at the actual data. They're against vaccines because they see it as being told what to do, or it's all part of a conspiracy. They're not getting vaccines because they're sick of NPHET and sick of lockdown. But they're so angry they can't see the wood for the trees, that vaccination is the only way to end NPHET and lockdowns. That's the level we're dealing with, too bitter to realise their actions are prolonging the thing they're railing against.

    There is no convincing these people. We can only hope they don't harm many others.

  • Registered Users Posts: 710 ✭✭✭TefalBrain

    Exact same situation here. Our kids will not be getting vaccinated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,474 ✭✭✭Mimon

    Have you any statistics on this or are you basing this off one or two incidents you have seen?

    Are you a medical professional or admin? If the latter you shouldn't be offering an uninformed non medical opinion when the stakes are so high.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Here's one of many I'm seeing:



    BioNTech SE



    Information provided by (Responsible Party):

    BioNTech SE

    Actual Study Start Date  :

    April 29, 2020

    Estimated Primary Completion Date  :

    November 2, 2021

    Estimated Study Completion Date  :

    May 2, 2023


    This trial includes boosters. Will give us a much better idea of overall safety upon study completion in 2023. Especially considering boosters will likely be rolled out to the public over the next 6-12 months.

    Don't come back to me with any study "proving" long-term safety after one year 😆

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,356 ✭✭✭✭NIMAN

    Had my kids been over 16, I would have probably advised them to take it, but they are all under 12, so at this present time, I see no reason that they need it.

    I am not a conspiracy theoriest at all, and usually laugh at most of what they say, but funny now how I remember many of them saying last year, "they will vaccinate the adults, then tell you that the children all need vaccinated too, just you wait and see"......and it appears they were right on this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,558 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    This is funny.

    Did you read the studies title? Or did you just google and pasted the first one you found.

    As you didn't read it, I'll post it again:


    Now, I'm sure you've missed it again, so I'll paste the important part of this:


    So, what does this tell us? Well, it means that Pfizer is doing a separate study into different dosing schedules of SARS-COV2 vaccines.

    Does that impact the trials and approval that have already concluded? Nope, it just means they are doing more studies and that in the future new vaccines with new dosing might be released after going through trials and getting approval.

    How long have you been spouting this "still in phase 3" nonsense with a complete misunderstanding of what you were reading? Will this change your mind or will you jump back to the anti-vaxxer hive mind for the next set of easily debunkable data to base your arguments on?

    Answers on a post(card).

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,558 ✭✭✭✭astrofool

    The vaccines will be made available to everyone from babies upwards, babies are the most vaccinated individuals of anyone in the population, this isn't a conspiracy, this is what happens in vaccine development. The early childhood vaccination program is updated very frequently to both remove, add and combine vaccines, for example, the BCG vaccine that most adult Irish people received as children is no longer being included. SARS-COV2 vaccines will be part of the early childhood vaccination program in a few years (unless the virus dies out completely), again, not a conspiracy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,994 ✭✭✭c.p.w.g.w

    I'd be more concerned about potential long term effects, I am willing to assume the risks for myself...but I wouldn't feel comfortable doing so for my child...

    I understand there is always a potential risk with any vaccine/medical treatment...but initially we were told, the Covid19 vaccine wouldn't be for children and all of a sudden it's suitable for children...

    I have been called anti-vax for the above despite being vaccinated myself...which is total hyperbole

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,044 ✭✭✭TaurenDruid

    People who are vaccinated have a lot in common with atheists and vegans - we'll tell you all about it 😉

    But yes, nobody in my job is required to vaccinate, but it's been great over the last few weeks seeing/hearing of ppl take some time off to go get their jab. Puts a spring in your step!
