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House for life for 55 euro a week.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,790 ✭✭✭2Mad2BeMad

    I've sent them a message. 35yo living at home with my 70+ yo parents. Can't afford rent or a mortgage (again). How do I go about getting a house?

    Let's see how they reply. I'm going to be totally honest with them, and see what kind of 'service' they offer a full time employed single male with no dependants living at home with his elderly parents and not enough left over to rent. Should be interesting.

    Go on the housing list then when your accepted you can then get the HAP.

    I know more scroungers on the dole then people who genuinely need it.
    I'm sure a lot of people know more scamming the system then in need of it.

    Job seekers allowance needs to have a time limit on it. Say 6 or 12 months if you don't have a job tough **** you lose the dole. It's easy to get a job now there's so much out there you'd have no excuse.
    As regards housing. I'm all for it if you need it but if you are like that girl a while back who slept in the guarda station with all her kids then cried about it while robbing penny's a few weeks later. You should be sterilized from having kids and have your current kids taken off you. Popping them out when you know your current situation is that you simple can't afford them so rely on the state to help you is ridiculous.
    I ****ing despise mothers and fathers like this what type of parents are yous to bring children into this world when you know you can't give them a good upbringing
    What ever about having 1 kid by mistake but having 3 and 4 when you don't have a penny to your name.
    We are too soft in this country
    Give the slackers a boot up the hole they either work or live off nothing.

    Like I said I'm all for genuine people who need it
    People who fell on hard times with kids
    But the lifers need to be axed
    And again I'd bet my ****ing life on it that there is a lot more then a (small mimority) screwing the system youd have to be blind to think its mostly honest people on it. Id guess 50/50 at least based off who I know is screwing it and who needs it unfortunately it's a stat no one will ever know

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,181 ✭✭✭CinemaGuy45

    Oh I know i'm not going to get anything, but I want to see their reply as to why other peoples right to a house is more important than my right to my own house for €55 a week. And i'm saying right, as that seems to be the line Ms. Cash and her ilk are using.

    You work and I bet you don't even have a criminal record the state has no interest in helping you out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,879 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    You work and I bet you don't even have a criminal record the state has no interest in helping you out.

    Correct. I haven't spent a single day since I turned 18 without a job. I've never received any benefit, nor did I want one as I was able to maintain my own life, my own house, car, job, etc. I've no interest in children and never want them, and I'm happy to stay single right now and think people in relationships spend too much time together much to their detriment. Also, how appealing is a 35 year old male living at home with his parents?! No point in getting my hopes up! Plus, not only do I not have a criminal record, I spent 9 years helping others get theirs!

    So yeah, you're right, they have no interest in helping me out, but I still want to see their reply. I genuinely cannot afford rent, and while I contribute what I can at home, it wouldn't cover the usual rent/bills associated with renting, even with other people (cheapest rent in a house share near where I work is €90/pw not including bills).

    I have 2 options, stay living at home or give up the car. I can't afford to give up the car as going by history and trends, I'll never be able to afford insurance again if I leave it lapse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,523 ✭✭✭LeBash

    I know that post has 57 thanks.
    Many many people in social housing work the county has been flooded by cheap workers and wages have collapsed.

    Many people did not get to go to college and there is an army of people with minor disabilities who work in low paying jobs who would be unemployed if they got booted out of the area that has a concentration of these poxy jobs.

    I live in social housing and have always worked I did not get many chances in life and I know many other people like me.

    How do you think your supermarkets garden centres restaurants and bars are going to be staffed and stocked if the people that staff them are thrown down the ****hole of nowhere?

    I have a minor disability that has prevented me from climbing the social ladder but I work my ass off and always have. Do you think I should be kicked down to some ****hole if I happen to lose a job to a place I would never get another?

    Your post had a lot of emotion in it and I am sure it made you feel good and it got plenty of thanks but under closer scrutiny, it has a lot of holes

    It has 64 thanks now. It had no emotion either.

    But you've just said you are working horse. So the part you highlighted where I said people not working don't need the stock inside the M50 would apply to you to.

    I do 100% believe we should house everyone. But if we build new houses outside all the cities in Ireland house prices will drop for those paying the tax that pays for the social housing.

    I'd love to be able to get home at 5.30-6. Instead it's 7-7.30. Many others are in the same situation and the kick in the teeth is we compete with our own tax money to be closer to work and lose out to bids from local councils that are propping up another bubble and filling the pockets of some landlords.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,029 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    LeBash wrote: »
    We do need social houses. There are people who genuinely are living in hotels and on the street.

    The 1 annoying thing about it is, people working in Dublin (I'm sure other cities are similar) end up having to move 50+ km away from where they work because they can't afford to compete with their own tax money.

    If someone is in need of social housing and isn't working, then they don't need to be inside the M50 or even Dublin. The person contributing to the social housing ends up with a 3 hour commute each day. That's just plain wrong.

    if someone is in social housing and isn't working, then they will still need to be within dublin and the m50, as that is where the majority of the resources that they will use are situated. to throw them down to wherever will either cost us a ridiculous amount either to build everything from scratch, or regeneration down the line. throwing the wellfare dependants or those needing help from the state to the arse of nowhere was tried and it failed, badly. places like bally mun for example were effectively rural when the tower blocks were being put up.
    the person contributing to the social housing will nearly always end up with a 3 hour commute as houses within the city will always be way more expensive then those which aren't. the idea of all the workers, or even those saw as the right type of worker, being within the city and being able to buy houses for cheap mortgage rates while everyone else is shoved out to elsewhere is not one that can and will ever be successfully implemented. it just doesn't and can't work.
    hmmm wrote: »
    The rage is building in people, and Casey (a poor candidate who got 20%) is only the start. The real working class in this country, i.e. the lower paid workers, are sick and tired of seeing social welfare and social housing going to people who have never contributed. The working class are not represented by the so-called "left", Labour were always champagne socialists, the hard-left represent the non-working class.

    Fianna Fail used to be the natural home for this group, but they have lost touch. FG are too pompous to represent them, unfortunately, despite the working class actually being a lot closer to them than they think.

    Something changed last week with the Presidential election, and I think the tide is beginning to turn.

    nothing changed last week. a few people voted for someone who told them what they wanted to hear, who wouldn't have been able to do anything about the issues. business is continuing and will continue as usual.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,181 ✭✭✭CinemaGuy45

    LeBash wrote: »
    It has 64 thanks now. It had no emotion either.

    But you've just said you are working horse. So the part you highlighted where I said people not working don't need the stock inside the M50 would apply to you to.

    I do 100% believe we should house everyone. But if we build new houses outside all the cities in Ireland house prices will drop for those paying the tax that pays for the social housing.

    I'd love to be able to get home at 5.30-6. Instead it's 7-7.30. Many others are in the same situation and the kick in the teeth is we compete with our own tax money to be closer to work and lose out to bids from local councils that are propping up another bubble and filling the pockets of some landlords.

    I see your point but I am also showing you there is more than one way to view this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,029 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    Job seekers allowance needs to have a time limit on it. Say 6 or 12 months if you don't have a job tough **** you lose the dole. It's easy to get a job now there's so much out there you'd have no excuse.

    if it is easy to get a job now there's so much out there you'd have no excuse then we'd have a 100% employment rate and no unemployable. the reality unfortunately is rather different. we have unemployable and we will never have a 100% employment rate.
    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    As regards housing. I'm all for it if you need it but if you are like that girl a while back who slept in the guarda station with all her kids then cried about it while robbing penny's a few weeks later. You should be sterilized from having kids and have your current kids taken off you. Popping them out when you know your current situation is that you simple can't afford them so rely on the state to help you is ridiculous.

    where is the money and resources coming from to be taking children off their parents because they slept in a garda station? or just because you don't agree with them or because they don't lead the exact type of life you lead?
    forced sterilisation isn't going to happen, it's time to move on from suggesting it. it likely breaches human rights law for a start.

    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    I ****ing despise mothers and fathers like this what type of parents are yous to bring children into this world when you know you can't give them a good upbringing
    What ever about having 1 kid by mistake but having 3 and 4 when you don't have a penny to your name.

    people have children. that's life. i'm afraid you are going to have to deal with it because your idea of there only ever being perfect parents who only ever have children they can afford and who will do everything the exact same as you, is not something that will ever be the full reality.

    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    Where too soft in this country

    no we aren't. we simply deal with reality (well, we need to improve on that) and we also understand that things won't always work the way we would like it to.
    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    Give the slackers a boot up the hole they either work or live off nothing.

    and then they go to crime, or even more crime, and we will have to spend a lot more money on trying to deal with that problem. probably a lot more then if we paid wellfare to them. where is that money going to come from? where are the prison spaces coming from? and all the other resources to deal with those problems.
    because the reality is, for the few who do not want to work, they won't be working. for the few who would like to work but find it impossible to get work that pays a reasonable wage, that will likely remain to be the case.

    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    Like I said I'm all for genuine people who need it
    People who fell on hard times with kids
    But the lifers need to be axed

    it's not viable. the lifers are there for life because not only is it probably cheaper for the tax payer but who would want to have to deal with them in a work place?

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭tretorn

    if someone is in social housing and isn't working, then they will still need to be within dublin and the m50, as that is where the majority of the resources that they will use are situated. to throw them down to wherever will either cost us a ridiculous amount either to build everything from scratch, or regeneration down the line. throwing the wellfare dependants or those needing help from the state to the arse of nowhere was tried and it failed, badly. places like bally mun for example were effectively rural when the tower blocks were being put up.
    the person contributing to the social housing will nearly always end up with a 3 hour commute as houses within the city will always be way more expensive then those which aren't. the idea of all the workers, or even those saw as the right type of worker, being within the city and being able to buy houses for cheap mortgage rates while everyone else is shoved out to elsewhere is not one that can and will ever be successfully implemented. it just doesn't and can't work.

    nothing changed last week. a few people voted for someone who told them what they wanted to hear, who wouldn't have been able to do anything about the issues. business is continuing and will continue as usual.

    Over three hundred thousand voters is not a few people and dismissing your fellow country men and womens legitimate fears and unhappiness is very disrespectful.

    Doing this wont put the three hundred thousand voters in their place, there will be lots and lots of other unhappy people who didnt bother giving Casey support but now that they know voting for him has sent a message they will make sure they vote next time.

    Peter Casey has made a difference, Michael Lowry and another Tipperary TD have said there are problems with travellers, neither of these two public representatives would have spoken out if they didnt see hundreds and thousands of voters supporting Peter Casey. Even this thread hasnt been shut down and very shortly now some media commentators will say what background people who are convicted of crime come from, I had noticed the newspapers were calling a spade a spade even before Peter Casey said what he said.

    This thread would have been locked down long before now pre Peter Casey. People in workplaces, in pubs, with friends and neighbours are talking about the traveller issue and the ethnic status and asking how come the countries laws dont seem to apply to them. This has to be a good thing for everyone including decent travellers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,915 ✭✭✭cursai

    Try_harder wrote: »
    Not a life I want or desire. But I dont begrudge those that need it

    but they don't need it. other genuine people do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,029 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    LeBash wrote: »
    I do 100% believe we should house everyone. But if we build new houses outside all the cities in Ireland house prices will drop for those paying the tax that pays for the social housing.

    what do you base this belief on?
    LeBash wrote: »
    I'd love to be able to get home at 5.30-6. Instead it's 7-7.30. Many others are in the same situation and the kick in the teeth is we compete with our own tax money to be closer to work and lose out to bids from local councils that are propping up another bubble and filling the pockets of some landlords.

    and if it isn't them, it would be someone else. the reality is property within the cities is sought after. this means prices will be high.

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭tretorn

    Some of the housing charities are bidding up prices too.

    Simon for instance bought three houses for over three hundred grand each and installed anti social tenants in them. You can bet your life Simon management arent buying up houses in their own estates.

    I am not donating a cent to this outfit again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,919 ✭✭✭✭Spanish Eyes

    Casey has opened up the floodgates for those without a voice up to now.

    Brilliant move and TBH he said nothing wrong either, that's what is driving the MSM and SJWs absolutely mad at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 29,029 ✭✭✭✭end of the road

    tretorn wrote: »
    Over three hundred thousand voters is not a few people and dismissing your fellow country men and womens legitimate fears and unhappiness is very disrespectful.

    Doing this wont put the three hundred thousand voters in their place, there will be lots and lots of other unhappy people who didnt bother giving Casey support but now that they know voting for him has sent a message they will make sure they vote next time.

    Peter Casey has made a difference, Michael Lowry and another Tipperary TD have said there are problems with travellers, neither of these two public representatives would have spoken out if they didnt see hundreds and thousands of voters supporting Peter Casey. Even this thread hasnt been shut down and very shortly now some media commentators will say what background people who are convicted of crime come from, I had noticed the newspapers were calling a spade a spade even before Peter Casey said what he said.

    This thread would have been locked down long before now pre Peter Casey. People in workplaces, in pubs, with friends and neighbours are talking about the traveller issue and the ethnic status and asking how come the countries laws dont seem to apply to them. This has to be a good thing for everyone including decent travellers.

    if voting for kasey has sent a message, then i'd suggest that those who voted for other candidates have sent an even bigger message. one which rejects kasey. peter kasey has made no difference, plenty of people have been discussing the issues within the traveling community for decades, including on this site, where in actual fact traveler threads are rarely locked unless they descend into a junk show. no doubt the same people who always discussed the issues in the traveling community are continuing to do so, as they always have done, but it won't change the fact that travelers are an ethnic minority, which people will have to get used to, and it won't change the fact that the laws of the country apply to all, and if the authorities aren't enforcing them then that is their fault and they must do their job. however, perhapse we are best discussing this in the peter kasey thread?

    ticking a box on a form does not make you of a religion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,181 ✭✭✭CinemaGuy45

    if voting for kasey has sent a message, then i'd suggest that those who voted for other candidates have sent an even bigger message. one which rejects kasey. peter kasey has made no difference, plenty of people have been discussing the issues within the traveling community for decades, including on this site, where in actual fact traveler threads are rarely locked unless they descend into a junk show. no doubt the same people who always discussed the issues in the traveling community are continuing to do so, as they always have done, but it won't change the fact that travelers are an ethnic minority, which people will have to get used to, and it won't change the fact that the laws of the country apply to all, and if the authorities aren't enforcing them then that is their fault and they must do their job.

    Well if you'd suggest it that's the end of the matter then.:D

    By the way, your having a go at people who voted for him and as one of those I will just point out it is Casey with a C, not a K.;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,800 ✭✭✭tretorn

    Peter Casey has made a huge difference and hopefully the top brass in the Garda management have been told by Leo to get the finger out now and tackle rural crime.

    People are no longer as cowed as they were and more brave people will come forward and organise themselves in the face of officialdom not giving a damn. The farmers in North Dublin are already doing this and if rural communities across the country can unite under a law and order banner then they will get someone independent elected in the next General election, this is democracy in action.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,919 ✭✭✭✭Spanish Eyes

    I often wonder why we have been silenced for so long.

    It took a non politician to wake other politicians up from their slumber.

    At last. Hopefully. But remember, we have a compliant media still.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,523 ✭✭✭LeBash

    what do you base this belief on?

    and if it isn't them, it would be someone else. the reality is property within the cities is sought after. this means prices will be high.

    I base it on not being a heartless bastard.

    Property will always be more expensive in cities but it is basically unreachable for the average couple/person at the moment. New banking regulations and the crazy rental market is making it almost impossible. Property will always be sold at what the highest bid is. When it's a council bidding constantly, the asking prices can sore because they have pressure to empty housing list and bloody deep pockets. If it is only private money available for the same stock it wouldn't be long before the prices fall.

    This is caused by not building social housing and councils rent/buying for people on the scratch.

    I still have the same 2 points, working people compete with their own tax for houses in Dublin (rental and sales) and they can only afford housing that is many hours away from where they work.

    We may never have it ideal but what's happening now is not helping any working person. It's actually making life harder for many families.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,015 ✭✭✭✭James Brown

    2Mad2BeMad wrote: »
    Go on the housing list then when your accepted you can then get the HAP.

    I know more scroungers on the dole then people who genuinely need it.
    I'm sure a lot of people know more scamming the system then in need of it.

    Job seekers allowance needs to have a time limit on it. Say 6 or 12 months if you don't have a job tough **** you lose the dole. It's easy to get a job now there's so much out there you'd have no excuse.
    As regards housing. I'm all for it if you need it but if you are like that girl a while back who slept in the guarda station with all her kids then cried about it while robbing penny's a few weeks later. You should be sterilized from having kids and have your current kids taken off you. Popping them out when you know your current situation is that you simple can't afford them so rely on the state to help you is ridiculous.
    I ****ing despise mothers and fathers like this what type of parents are yous to bring children into this world when you know you can't give them a good upbringing
    What ever about having 1 kid by mistake but having 3 and 4 when you don't have a penny to your name.
    Where too soft in this country
    Give the slackers a boot up the hole they either work or live off nothing.

    Like I said I'm all for genuine people who need it
    People who fell on hard times with kids
    But the lifers need to be axed
    And again I'd bet my ****ing life on it that there is a lot more then a (small mimority) screwing the system youd have to be blind to think its mostly honest people on it. Id guess 50/50 at least based off who I know is screwing it and who needs it unfortunately it's a stat no one will ever know

    So you're telling him 'tough sh**'?
    You live with your folks, can't afford rent? Tough sh*t.
    Wanting something for nothing? If you can't make rent go out and get a better job ffs...rar rar rar :rolleyes:

    You realise the vast majority, by a massive amount, are working people on low income who can't support themselves through no fault of their own, like our friend you replied to?
    Making it all about scroungers who don't want to work is telling our friend, 'tough sh*t'. Which is what you are doing.
    All for those who need it is great, but then talking nonsense about a slim minority in the same breath dismisses the fact it's bad government policies, not the Dutch Gold aficionado has us where we are.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,879 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    They replied:
    Respond wrote:
    Thank you for contacting Respond Housing Association, the largest Voluntary Housing Association in Ireland, which has built over 5,000 homes. These homes are all let, and casual vacancies arise only if an existing tenant moves out of a Respond property, or if the tenant dies. From time, to time, we develop or acquire new housing schemes and these are advertised on our website.

    When Respond has a vacancy in one of its properties, we contact the Council and they will normally nominate people from their waiting list in accordance with their letting priorities.

    To be eligible for housing in Social Housing you normally need to be on the housing list with your Local Authority and capable of independent living. Can you please ensure that you are registered with your Local Authority and approved for housing. Remember, you may be registered with ONE Local Authority at any time (although there are sometimes exceptions for towns located at the boundary of 2 Council areas).

    You should also ensure that you have selected or ticked the option for ‘voluntary housing’ on your application to the Local Authority. Respond is a Voluntary Housing Association and the Local Authority will refer you to Respond, only if you have ticked this option on the application form. The main difference between Local Authority housing and Voluntary Housing, is that tenants in Voluntary Housing have no right to buy.

    Once the Local Authority nominate proposed applicants for the property, Respond will issue application forms to be completed and returned. On receipt of a completed application form, Respond Assessment Officers will visit those applicants in their home to discuss their housing needs. Garda checks may also be completed at this stage.

    For further information on Respond please visit our website at

    If you have any further enquiries please email or alternatively you can speak to a customer services advisor by calling 051840200.

    So still down to the local authority who have told me previously that I don't meet the terms, because I'm a single male with no partner or dependants who is working full time. Guess I'll never get my foreva hohm.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,015 ✭✭✭✭James Brown

    I often wonder why we have been silenced for so long.

    It took a non politician to wake other politicians up from their slumber.

    At last. Hopefully. But remember, we have a compliant media still.

    The only problem is we bitch and moan about things and blame everyone but FF/FG so we can continue to vote FF/FG, get a sh*t show for our troubles and blame some lad on the dole or a Traveler because working taxpayers can't afford rent.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,593 ✭✭✭Wheeliebin30

    Let’s be honest if you can get yourself into a socaial house for life you have struck gold and won the lottery all at the same time.

    What a farce.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,593 ✭✭✭Wheeliebin30

    High level of unemployment???

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,593 ✭✭✭Wheeliebin30

    1 in 20 unemployed is a high unemployment level?

    Are you been serious?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,857 ✭✭✭professore

    Fann Linn wrote: »
    Or, put more industry in rural areas.

    Put more social housing in rural areas. Move it all out of the big cities. If you want a choice where you live, get a job and pay for it like the rest of us.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,181 ✭✭✭CinemaGuy45

    professore wrote: »
    Put more social housing in rural areas. Move it all out of the big cities. If you want a choice where you live, get a job and pay for it like the rest of us.

    What about people in social housing that are working but could never afford a mortgage nor a private rent should they be thrown down into the arsehole of nowhere onto welfare to make you feel better?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,751 ✭✭✭Greyfox

    What about people in social housing that are working but could never afford a mortgage nor a private rent should they be thrown down into the arsehole of nowhere onto welfare to make you feel better?

    As there contributing by working they can stay, most working people can't afford a mortgage. those working and have social housing have an unfair advantage over those employed in min wage jobs and pay full rent.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,046 ✭✭✭Berserker

    The only problem is we bitch and moan about things and blame everyone but FF/FG so we can continue to vote FF/FG, get a sh*t show for our troubles and blame some lad on the dole or a Traveler because working taxpayers can't afford rent.

    I don't get why people are blaming FF/FG for this. Do you think things would be any better under the alternative i.e. PBP, SF, AAA etc? Their policies have even more bias against working people. A counter balance to the economic right is needed in politics here, badly but I can't see where it is going to come from. The next decade or so here is going to be a continuation of the extension of the welfare state that we've seen over the last few years.
    What about people in social housing that are working but could never afford a mortgage nor a private rent should they be thrown down into the arsehole of nowhere onto welfare to make you feel better?

    These people deserve help and support. I'm lucky in that money isn't an issue for me. I'd have no problem paying more than tax if it went to these people. F'cked if I'm paying more for Jacinta, who has no interest in working, so she can get a four bedroom house within walking distant of her parents.
