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Immigrant in London slams immigrants



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    tipptom wrote: »
    [/B] The thing is Sonny you don't decide who gives opinions or try and stifle discussion.

    Maybe that's the way your cowardly mates in the establishment/FG/FF operate to try and hide their incompetence and corruption and you may think that some crumbs might fall of the table in to the gutter for you to peddle your BS scare story's for them and your BS about let "the adults decide"

    Now I wonder would you be as brave coming out from behind your computer and speak to my face like that?

    I would like to hear your opinion on what Syriza achieved, how they made Greece a better place?

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,822 ✭✭✭✭First Up

    tipptom wrote:
    You have no thinking for yourself,only what idiots from Brussels and FG feed you,your a brave boy alright.

    Yes, in my cowardly way I have listed about a dozen specific area in which Brexit would damage the UK, Ireland and much else. Your couragous contribution is that Enda Kenny and FG are a crowd of wasters.

    I bow to your heroic analysis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,490 ✭✭✭stefanovich

    steddyeddy wrote:
    All equally scum IMHO.

    Such an anti immigrant country that 350000 arrived there last year. Give me a break.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,219 ✭✭✭tipptom

    I would like to hear your opinion on what Syriza achieved, how they made Greece a better place?
    How in gods name could Syriza improve Greece from the position of where FF/FG type politics that it has been left in over the years of corruption with the full approval of their mates in Brussels.

    They should never have been In the EU in the first place but with Brussels ongoing corrupt thirst for power over as many country's as possible they just decided to ignore this and allow them to join despite it being obvious that they were not economically fit to join.

    Syrzia were given a mandate from the Greek people to try to negotiate a better deal with Brussels and they tried their very best to do this for their people.

    That is something that is very alien to Irish goverments to actually try and do what they were elected to do and what they promised to do.

    That's exactly what the british government are doing and fair play to them.

    The great British public are well aware that there are difficult times ahead if they do decide to leave and to a lot of them that short term pain would be worth it and who is to say that the EU project will not be a basket case in the next few years anyway?

    I personally would prefer for them to stay in and a serious root and branch change to all aspects of the EUs power grab over member country's social and economic rules.

    If that happened we would have a lot to be thankful to Britain in showing us the way in how to let the real people make decisions about Europe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,421 ✭✭✭ToddyDoody

    I like this. How about 'Grumpy b*stard gives out about grumpy b*stards.'

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