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Still trying to figure it all out.



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    1:31:55 by my watch. A new PB. Online results aren't up yet. The last 2 miles are a f0cker. Tired, a bit sore and happy now. I'll do a proper report sometime later maybe. All the online calculators are giving me a marathon time of between 3:13 and 3:15. They must taking the proverbial. Couldn't eat the cake. They only had small iced ones anyway.

    Yup, that bridge around mile 11 really sucks a lot out of you, despite its relatively short length. I was running with a friend of a friend, who was mad to push on. I convinced him to just stick to the pace we were going at as I knew the bridge was coming and see how he felt after that. He didn't push on :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    1:31:55 by my watch. A new PB. Online results aren't up yet. The last 2 miles are a f0cker. Tired, a bit sore and happy now. I'll do a proper report sometime later maybe. All the online calculators are giving me a marathon time of between 3:13 and 3:15. They must taking the proverbial. Couldn't eat the cake. They only had small iced ones anyway.

    Well done today. Great run. BTW the cakes were very tasty. I managed a couple ;)

    Keep up the good work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Saturday 17th

    4 easy including 6x100m strides. Just a saunter round the Glen, with a few strides on the football pitch to loosen out towards the end. 9:45, 9:52, 9:33 the 6x100m with 1 minutes jog back and a slow lap to cool down.

    Sunday 18th

    Charleville 1/2 marathon

    Before I decided on Dublin this was going to be my goal race for the year so even if it didn't exactly fit into the plan, I was always going to do it. Usual morning routine. Arrived in Charleville with an hour to spare. Got my number and togged off. Met FBOT01 and TBL and had a quick chat all hyped up on nerves and coffee. Bumped into a neighbour of mine so I toddled of for a slow warm up with him (1.5 miles @9:31). Did a very good impersonation of someone doing a dynamic warmup stretch yokey and lined up behind the 1:30 pacers. Just like last year it started to p1ss rain about 10 minutes before the off (I think I run better in the rain anyway, and it was still quite warmish). Headed off with the pacers ---- where the f are the pacers??? Caught up with them and looked at the watch - f this sez I where doing 6:35 here (one of em finished just outside 1:27:xx after) so I backed off. Bloke next checks what pace I'm on - he says something in metric and me in imperial and we both nod as we have the faintest idea what the other is on about. Anyway there's about 6 or 7 heads there all falling of the back of the 1:30 group all agreeing the face is too hot. After about a mile another pacer with no balloon makes his way up to us and we follow him at actual 1:30 pace. Well, they did anyway, I dropped back after about four miles. Felt a bit sick going through Killmallock (not again - happened at DCM 15 too). Looking at the HR data afterwards it says my average HR for the mile through Killmallock was 191 with a max of 203, and while I did get a boost and push it a bit from the (small but appreciated) crowd, I'm not in a hospital bed with wires hanging out me, so I'm calling BS on the optical HR here. Out the backroad then, which was a bit undulating. I passed a few here and was passed too. I went with a guy who I met after, but he took off and I couldn't stay with. The few downward drags gave a bit of respite, but I was flagging by mile 11. Mile 12 was mental torture and mile 13 was just pure evil. The last 4 miles were a long drag really with a hoor of a bridge, which was fun on the out but seemed to be mocking me on the way back. In the last mile it felt like I was alternating between slow HMP and MP. The final drag/hill as you turned the corner in the last mile - I took it easy and then launched the afterburners. Turned the corner towards the finish line and dragged out the last of my reserves (thank you 100m strides) the cross the line in a PB of 1:31:52 chip time. Previous time from last year was 1:34:39, but I was really trying too break an in race split of 1:32:3x or so from a 25k race earlier on in the year. Went swiftly to the fence for the purposes of having a good empty reach. Met FBOT01 and TBL again, only this time I was all hyped up on PBness and adrenaline. To my disgust I couldn't stomach the cake so had half a ham sandwich. The massages were outside this year. I queued up for a bit in the heavy rain, and then couldn't be bothered so I left for a cool down jog/slog - barely managed the 1 mile in 10:23, but I was freezing by this stage. Had a nice hot, free shower in the GAA hall and headed back home for a big plate of stew and spuds. One yeah - the splits

    6:33 (fer focksake), 6:50, 6:45, 6:47, 7:01, 7:03, 6:59, 6:50, 7:09, 7:11, 7:16, 7:16, 7:21 (oh dear!), finish line dash in 6:35

    Not as flat as a pancake, but no real hills either. A great well run race where all you have to do is rock up and run and everything else is looked after. Big kudos to the youngsters manning the water station in such horrible weather. I ran this like a 10 miler with a few "oh jesus make the pain stop" miles thrown in for good measure at the end. There's a sub 1:30 in me eventually, just not yet. Delighted to get a time like this in the middle of mara training. In summary back of 1:30 pace after 5 miles and tried to hold a steady 7:00 to 7:05, but the lungs stopped playing ball after mile 8 and the legs joined in after mile 10. A good day at the office. If only my splits were the other way round.


    Smashrun graphic:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Nice work M congrats on the pb :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    Well done and congrats on the PB.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 13 Part 1

    Monday| Rest or CT|S+C and recovery work|||
    Tuesday| 8miles General Aerobic| 8.2 miles| 8:57, 8:51, 8;41, 8;30, 8:40, 8:32, 8:48, 8:56 and 0.2@8:59| 142 avearge |Evening run – paced too fast in the middle, tired by the end
    Wednesday|9mi w/ 5x100m @5k |2 w/up, 5x1k rec 2:30, 2.6 c/down|9:04, 9:03, 1ks in 3:55; 4:00; 3:53; 3:58; 4:01, 8:55; 8:40, 8:45| <139 w/up, 147-151 c/down. Strap acting funny for a couple of intervals but up near 180| Felt fine. Cool evening, but dizzy after
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |Had planned on doing more S+C but life happened. Ate a kebab instead. It was dirty and gorgeous.
    Friday| 12 mi Medium long |12|9:07; 8:44; 8:51; 8:54; 9:12; 8:41; 9:14; 9:00; 8:58; 9:08; 8:43; 9:14|132-144 average/mile, couple of spikes higher on short climbs | Hilly/Rolling course, wind blowing me backwards in places
    Saturday| 5 recovery| | | |
    Sunday|18 mi w/ 14@ MP | |||

    Monday 19/9
    Epsom salts in a hot bath followed by stretching and foam rolling. Also 2x15 eccentric calf lifts, 2x15 single leg squats, 3 point bridge – 2x15 lhs + 3x10 rhs, 2x15 lunges, Rope stretches – hamstring, hip flexors. Full foam roll, trigger point ball on glute meds and TFL. Probably some other stuff too. Felt good after this and surprisingly not to wrecked after the half on Sunday.

    Tuesday 20/9
    8 miles General Aerobic.
    Woke up feeling tired and couldn’t face running. Threw my gear in the bag and went to work and I’d make up my mind in there on what to do. I decided to do the miles that evening around the city centre in the dark and was actually really looking forward to the change of scenery and it was 12 hours extra recovery after the half wasn’t it? I thought I’d feel really sluggish but had to check myself after the 4th mile to slow down. That said the last 2 miles felt forced. Enjoyed this run

    Wednesday 21/9
    9 miles with 5x1000m @ 5k pace , 50%-90% interval time between
    Just like last week, I woke up feeling crap. I somehow foolishly thought that getting up early to do an interval session less than 10 hours after I finished last night’s run was a good idea. I woke up late with a headache so I did the only thing you can do in this situation – rang in sick, turned over and went back to sleep for a bit. The extra sleep did me good and as the day wore on I started feeling restless and dying for a run. Headed out to the Lee Fields to do an interval session on the Straight Road, fully prepared to pull the plug if things went awry. I felt good during the warmup and launched into the first interval. I was reading someone elses log during the week (can’t remember who) and they described their intervals as (paraphrasing here) “too fast, the too slow, then just right at the end” which is an accurate enough description of each 1k here. The recoveries were ok – but I had resorted to walking the first 30 seconds of the last 3 recoveries. I think I stopped for a breather once or twice during the recoveries. Anyway, the splits are in the table above – all fairly close to 5k pace (about 4min/km). The 3rd one was a bit off because I paid too much attention to my watch when the start of the interval was under tree cover. Overall the intervals were hard work, and I was wrecked after the 5th one (which was fairly hard) and was struggling over the last 300m or so of each one. The warm down was weird. I took the 2:30 recovery and then just picked it up slightly. After about half a mile I felt really strong, and the 2nd recovery mile was approaching steady pace. I just felt like I was floating along effortlessly, like my legs were moving by themselves– it’s almost like I couldn’t feel them. Actually it had gotten a bit cold and I couldn’t really feel my legs. When I stopped I felt fairly dizzy for a few seconds – I hadn’t eaten much that day. I downed a bottle of Lucozade sport and felt a bit better. I was fairly happy to have completed the session more or less on target with the paces.

    Friday 23/9
    12 medium long
    In between night shifts. I’d left work an hour early to get an hours extra sleep in. I think I slept for about 6 hours, so not bad. I headed into work 2 hours early to get this run in. This was one of thise going through the motions runs – I’d have happily sat at home eating biscuits but just wanted to get the miles in. The paces were all over the place as can be seen above, but the HR was fairly consistent throughout so an even effort more or less. I choose a route with a few short hills – more for variety than anything else – I’m starting to get a bit bored with my usual routes. The wind was also horrendous – I was definitely going 2min/mile slower coming back over the bridge out of Haulbowline at one stage – and I don’t think I felt the benefit when it was behind me. Anyway, I was just glad to get this out of the way and done. I’m still surprised at how blasé I’ve become about these midweek 12-14 mile runs during this training program. I’m not even thinking of them in terms of being a long run anymore. I suppose this means the training is working.

    Overall a good week so far – a few niggles and twinges on the 12 mile run, but I think I’ve recovered ok from the half. I appear to be fighting a headcold of sorts that keeps coming and going and I’m praying doesn’t develop into full blown sickness. I got a bit freaked reading the Random Running Questions thread – basically there’s no way I should have done Wednesdays session so soon after racing – I even reread the relevant parts of the book. Every little niggle I might have or not have is feeling fairly amplified at the moment.
    I’m now contemplating dropping Sundays scheduled run and just doing 18-20 easy miles, and then doing the MP run next week instead of the 10k race followed by a long run the next day. I don’t know yet, it’ll depend on how I feel Sunday morning and what way the weather is. I can’t do the 10k race because I’m working nights Friday and there isn’t really one on anyway. I did find a 10k fun run in Bruff at 2pm on Saturday – but doing that would mean getting up after only about 3 hours sleep to drive 1hr20mins up the country, then driving back down for another night shift, then getting up early again to fix the sleep pattern and run 17 miles – so completely ridiculous. Of course this means this I’m seriously considering it.
    Either that or I sneak out of work to do the Lust for life 5k thing at 2am on the runway in Cork Airport – but that’s €25 for a 5k (even though its for charity). What will probably happen in reality is a half arsed solo 5 mile tempo around the harbour in Ringaskiddy before work (is going to be planned as a 10k but I’ll give up) that I’ll call a “time trial”.
    I’d actually like a decent session to do just so I can get some good training benefits and still run the next days long run on tired legs – it would be better than trying to bang out race pace miles on my own. These are really important weeks of this plan and I don’t want to make a mess of them and waste all the previous weeks of training.

    Edit: Having read everything on the RRQ thread, and looked at the plan and my own training, I've decided to give the PMP session a lash on Sunday. I raced a half, when the plan had a 10 mile race with a 17 mile long run afterwards, and I ran a 45 mile week when the plan had 55 miles if you raced a 10 miler. I'm also toying with the idea of doing some of it at 3:20 pace (7:38/mile) just to get a feel for the pace and see if running DCM based on what all the online calculators say I can do is possible. McMillan say 3:13:20. gives an average of 3:12:12 based on a VO2 max prediction of 3:11:20, a Riegel formula prediction of 3:11:31 and a Cameron Formula prediction of 3:15:12. (I don't know what the last two are but they sound impressive ;) ). So taking the slowest at 3:15 and adding 5 minutes for elevation gives 3:20. I just afraid to actually commit to that - it would mean an 18 minute PB, so I'll give a few miles a 7:38 a lash and see how they feel.

    Edit 2: It's quite night here. Anyway:

    Distance|PB|Date of PB|McMillan Prediction based on HM|Daniels Prediction
    10 mile|1:08:53|06/03/16|1:08:52|1:08:57

    So all these times are fairly close to the predicted except for the marathon. Am I selling myself short by going for 3:25 - 3:30 or being sensible? 2 things have happened this year - I've gotten faster and built endurance from following Myles' Graduate plan. I haven't really gotten any faster from following P+D, but my endurance and recovery has improved - this hasn't really been tested yet though - the 25k was run at the end of the graduate plan with a 1:32:30 HM split, so some improvement on that but not much. It looks like I'm running pretty close to my predicted times and if you plug any of those PBs (except the marathon) into a calculator it'll spit out times close to the other PBs. Do I dare go for a 3:15 to 3:20? Is that the kind of thinking that gets you into trouble - respect the distance and all that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 13 Part 2

    Monday| Rest or CT|S+C and recovery work|||
    Tuesday| 8miles General Aerobic| 8.2 miles| 8:57, 8:51, 8;41, 8;30, 8:40, 8:32, 8:48, 8:56 and 0.2@8:59| 142 avearge |Evening run – paced too fast in the middle, tired by the end
    Wednesday|9mi w/ 5x100m @5k |2 w/up, 5x1k rec 2:30, 2.6 c/down|9:04, 9:03, 1ks in 3:55; 4:00; 3:53; 3:58; 4:01, 8:55; 8:40, 8:45| <139 w/up, 147-151 c/down. Strap acting funny for a couple of intervals but up near 180| Felt fine. Cool evening, but dizzy after
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |Had planned on doing more S+C but life happened. Ate a kebab instead. It was dirty and gorgeous.
    Friday| 12 mi Medium long |12|9:07; 8:44; 8:51; 8:54; 9:12; 8:41; 9:14; 9:00; 8:58; 9:08; 8:43; 9:14|132-144 average/mile, couple of spikes higher on short climbs | Hilly/Rolling course, wind blowing me backwards in places
    Saturday| 5 recovery| 5 miles|9:50, 9:38, 9:46, 9:49, 9:46|136 ave, more like 145 by the end | Just going through the motions
    Sunday|18 mi w/ 14@ MP |4 easy+14@MP|9:00, 8:59, 9:08, 9:11, 7:51, 7:43, 7:49, 7:47, 7:43, 7:49, 7:50, 7:49, 7:47, 7:43, 7:45, 7:50, 7:57, 7:59, 7:48, 7:45|Averge per mile for MP section going from 151 to 166|Windy!!

    Saturday 24/9

    5 Miles recovery

    Woke up way too late after nights (about 3:30pm) feeling like that head cold was settling into my chest. Got change and just went out to see what I could do. Went for a few miles around town, felt like crap. It was fairly humid and I was struggling at recovery pace. I just got the miles done and went home. I decided then that Sunday was probably going to be a write off. Dosed myself with nasal spray and antihistamine. Got to sleep a little after 2am which was good considering I'd only been up for just over 10 hours.

    Sunday 25/9
    18 miles with 14 at MP

    Woke around 12 and felt a bit better. Had a late breakfast and just sat around seeing how things were. I felt ok by 2pm so I decided to give this workout a crack. I chose a route that meant I would be passing the car after every 4 MP miles in case I decided to bail out. Took gels at mile 8, just before mile 12 and at 15.5 miles. 250mls water every 4 miles. Parked the car in Silversprings and headed off for 4 easy down to Glanmire just past Grandons - these miles actually felt tougher than the first few MP miles. Then an about turn for the 1st 4 MP miles. Miles 1+2 were easy and relaxed. Mile 3 was a bit tougher with a strong cross wind. Mile 4 was like running in wind tunnel. I stopped for 30 seconds at mile 4 to stretch my right hamstring which had been complaining a bit and too take on water. I also wanted to just assess the situation and make a decision about continuing -so I decided to do another 4 miles and see what happened. 5 and 6 were a bit of a struggle heading back into town down the Lower Road past the train station with a strong headwind - but this would be at my back as I turned onto Horgans Quay and headed back to Silversprings. 7,8 and 9 from Horgans Quay to the Glanmire Roundabout - no headwind, but the sun was out and it felt warm, but not humid thank God. Quick ham stretch before turning back into the headwind again to do the Lower Road/Horgans Quay Loop again. The last mile into the wind going past the train station was the first time I really felt like packing it in. Pace had dropped and I was struggling. Miles 13 and 14 of the MP section - I had the wind at my back again, but was tired by now so I was doing well to hold onto 7:45-7:50 pace for most of it.

    To be honest, while some of those MP miles were tough (more mentally than anything else) at the moment I don't feel like I've run 18 miles today. I've had plenty to eat and a light stretch and although the legs feel a bit tired, they're not in bits.

    I;d been going round in circles in my head all week about doing Sunday's run - was it too soon after the half, was I feeling well enough to do it etc. I was thinking of doing it next week instead, but it have meant doing it after coming off nights and that would have been a disaster. In the end I'm glad I got it done. A couple of niggles in the right hamstring/glute med area so I'll be rolling the bejaysus out of that tomorrow and probably go and get some pins stuck in me during the week as well. Between last week and this week I've had a half marathon and 14@MP tired legs to help me nail down my marathon goal. I;m ignoring the calculators and calling it now. A goal:Sub 3:25. B Goal: Sub 3:30. C goal: PB. My plan is to got out around 7:50 pace and pick up the pace a bit from half way. I'd love to negative split this and finish strong. Who knows? On a good day, with the right weather, fully rested, fuelled and tapered I'm confident I've a decent marathon in me.

    Planned miles: 52 Actual miles: 52.2
    YTD: 1580

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 14 Part 1

    Monday| Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Tuesday| 8miles w/5x600m@5k|11 medium long| 9:01, 9:03, 8:55, 9:10, 8:50, 8:47, 9:03, 8:41, 8:49, 9:02, 8:59| 146 with some spikes on short climbs |Warm day, tired legs. Swapped with Wed.
    Wednesday|11 medium long |8miles w/5x600m@5k - 1:30 rec.| 600m splits(pace) 2:22(6:21), 2:19(6:13), 2:21(6:18), 2:18(6:10), 2:18(6:10)|| Swap with Tues. Late PM
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |
    Friday| 4 recovery w/6x100m strides |4 with strides|10:05, 10:06, strides (1 min rec) - 19, 18, 19,20, 18, 19, 9:42, a bit at 10:35|creeped up to about 140 during warmup - a bit high| Laps of the pitch.
    Saturday|8k-15k race (9-13 miles total)| ||1 |
    Sunday|17 long ||||

    Monday 26/9

    Does building flat pack furniture an putting boxes in the attic count as cross training?

    Tuesday 27/9
    Was supposed to do the VO2 max session today, but swapped it around with the 11 miler. I'm having trouble getting up early before work, and doing the 11 on Wednesday meant a 5am wake up call. Today was nice so I just did 11 easy around the southside, with a few drags thrown in for good measure. I was still a bit tired after Sundays effort, so I kept the pace sensible.

    Wednesday 28/9

    Turned over when the alarm went off at 5:50 so I had to do the V02 max session after work. A strange evening - pitch black, but around 16 degrees with some light mist and rain and fairly breezy. I'd been on my feet on and off for 12 hours, so I wasn't expecting anything spectacular. I felt a bit heavy legged in the warmup and was thinking of just doing 8 easy. I eventually decided to just give it a lash and see how I got on. The reps were a bit fast, but I'm happy enough with the effort. Used the same loop as the last time - this time there was a headwind for the first half and a tailwind for the second half of each rep. Went out too fast again, but settled into each rep and maintained more or less constant pace. 3 mile warmup, 2.5 mile cool down.

    No running. Work all day.


    Plodded around the pitch for 4 miles with 6 strides after 2 miles. I didn't think I was putting full effort into the strides, but the times are similar to what I've done before. I'm having a ongoing battle with a headcold or allergies - anyway I very congested and it comes and goes. I felt a bit crap today to be honest, so I might give in and go to the doctor on Monday is this doesn't go away

    All in all - very tired this week and my work schedule is crap this weekend - working tonight and tomorrow night. I always knew this week and next week would probably be the toughest in the training cycle. I'll have to move around my runs next weekend as well to avoid doing my last 20 miler between night shifts. I'm definitely looking forward to the taper now.

    And, as always, I have a dilemma. The plan has an 8k to 15k race on Saturday and 17 miler on Sunday. I working form 8pm tonight until 8am Saturday, then from 8pm Saturday until 8am Sunday. My options are:

    1. A 10k race about 70 minutes drive away at 2pm Saturday - leave work about 6am, get about 4 hours sleep and head off.
    2. A 5k race about 70 minutes drive away at 3:30 pm on Saturday - Leave work about 7am, get about 6 hours sleep. 2 mile warmup, race, 4 mile cooldown (maybe with the middle 2 tempo)
    3. Leave work@ 8am, go to Ballincollig, drink coffee, 2 mile warmup, 5k Parkrun, 4 mile cooldown (maybe with 2 tempo miles?) - home by 11, 6 hours sleep.
    4. Leave at 8am. get about 7 hours sleep and do a solo 8k -10k time trial. I just don't fancy it tbh
    5. Leave at 8am, 7 hours sleep. Ignore the plan, do 10miles@MP (or a progression run maybe?) to induce fatigue. The fatigue from this run plus the fatigue from the night shifts mean the training effect from the doing the 17 miler on Sunday will be the same - I'll definitely be tired doing it anyway. Its also pyschologically easier to do this
    6. Somehow I'll come up with a decent session to do instead of the race that will leave me feeling as tired as if I had raced, but that I'll be able to face doing solo instead of a time trial.

    I'm leaning towards either number 2 or number 5. I've read a lot of peoples logs and a few have said they got a real benefit from doing the race and the long run the next day, so I don't want to miss out on this. I have a similar schedule in 2 weeks time, but because I'm working days on the Saturday in 2 weeks I'll have to do a time trial first thing in the morning. I haven't made a decision yet because a lot of it hinges on how I feel when I wake up tomorrow. I may just end up doing 90 mins - 2 hours easy tomorrow. I feel like I'm may be approaching my limit training wise. I was advised that this was a tough plan, and that has become very apparent in the last few weeks. The cumulative fatigue is making things tough, but I know I have only one more hard week after this week, so I'm going to keep going, keep the chin up and try to get it all done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Progression run sounds like a good plan. Not good to have so many ideas
    swirling in the head I find, have a good run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Progression run sounds like a good plan. Not good to have so many ideas
    swirling in the head I find, have a good run.

    Yeh, #5 is best - travelling for races in between two night shifts won't help performance or recovery. PMP or alternating +- 20 secs or progression sound like good options.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Thanks lads. I'm going to go with number 5 - something like 2 easy, 4 PMP, 3 HMP, 2 10K (or whatever I can manage), 2 easy. Common sense prevails.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 14 Part 2

    Monday| Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Tuesday| 8miles w/5x600m@5k|11 medium long| 9:01, 9:03, 8:55, 9:10, 8:50, 8:47, 9:03, 8:41, 8:49, 9:02, 8:59| 146 with some spikes on short climbs |Warm day, tired legs. Swapped with Wed.
    Wednesday|11 medium long |8miles w/5x600m@5k - 1:30 rec.| 600m splits(pace) 2:22(6:21), 2:19(6:13), 2:21(6:18), 2:18(6:10), 2:18(6:10)|| Swap with Tues. Late PM
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |
    Friday| 4 recovery w/6x100m strides |4 with strides|10:05, 10:06, strides (1 min rec) - 19, 18, 19,20, 18, 19, 9:42, a bit at 10:35|creeped up to about 140 during warmup - a bit high| Laps of the pitch.
    Saturday|8k-15k race (9-13 miles total)|Makey-uppy progression run - 1.5 easy, 3@MP, 2.5@HMP, 1.5@10k, 1.5 easy |8:57, 0.5@9:15, 7:44, 7:40, 7:40, 6:55, 7:05, 0.5@7:01, 6:50, 0.5@6:46, 9:16, 0.5@9:33|151-156 ave for MP bits |10k bits were more like 10 mile.
    Sunday|17 long |17 miles| 9:27, 9:17, 9:05, 9:23, 9:02, 9:12, 9:06, 8:56, 9:00, 9:12, 9:28, 9:19, 9:18, 9:16, 9:29, 8:53, 8:01|1-9 130-144 ave, 10-17 145-165 ave|One of the hardest runs yet

    Saturday 02/10

    Decided on doing a progression run late in the evening just before work. 10 miles total. The bargaining started the minute I woke up after night shift (go out at 4, no 5, do 13, just do an easy run etc.) so I settled on a 10 miler that didn't look to intimidating. Felt sluggish during the easy warmup. Felt greta during the MP sections. I kept having to dial the pace back as I was drifting towards 7:30 pace a lot. HR stayed nice and low as well. Even so, I plan on starting the race at 7:50 or so, so this is a good sign. The rest was pretty tough. The HMP section was harder than expected. I had to stop briefly after 2 miles to have a coughing fit. Set off again and the same happened about 1/2 a mile into the 10k-10 mile section. Was able to the do the last bit of the 10k bit closer to 10k pace but it was mostly @ 10 mile pace - I couldn't go any faster. Still happy enough with this run given it was between night shifts and it served the purpose of inducing fatigue for Sunday

    Sunday 3/10
    17 LSR. Pure torture. One of the toughest runs in a while. The tank was pretty empty - I'd had a small lunch at midnight, porridge at 7 and then about 5 hours sleep. I had 2 slices of toast and marmalade and headed out around 3ish. The weather was ok about 14 C, but with a stiff cold breeze. The book says to start these off at recovery pace and push on if you can once you loosen out, but I never really got going. I felt comfortable from mile 4 to about mile 9, but then I started to tire. Around mile 10 I felt that familiar bonky feeling coming on so I took an emergency gel. I took another around 13 miles. HR also started to climb after mile 10. I stopped watching the pace and just tried to run an even effort but tbh the head just wasn't into it and the legs were really tired. I stopped just after 15 miles for a few seconds, debating whether to just walk back to the car, but decided to push on. I upped a gear from about 15.5 miles on and was surprised to find something left in the tank. I even had a little bit left for a bit of sprint near the end if the last mile - I was crossing the road, I sped up because there was cars coming and it felt ok so I kept it up for a minute or so. I sure as hell hope the training effect from todays run was worth it because I did find it really tough for nearly the whole thing - so much so that I'm considering not repeating a similar run in two weeks time.

    I have a choice now in two weeks time of doing a 8-10k time trial Saturday morning before work (plan has a race and I'm working) and then my last long run of 16 miles on Sunday or just doing the 16 earlier in the week and doing a 10k race on Sunday. I' m definitely leaning towards racing tbh - I've only race once since June and I could do with the practice. I'm a small bit raging that I missed Cork to Cobh this morning as well. I really like that race and would have done it as a long run or MP session if I was off. I'm really looking forward to the taper now, and it seems I've made it this far without the wheels coming off, but to repeat myself, I feel like I'm at the limit of overreaching and hopefully some of that good old supercompensation will kick in.

    I'm still finding it hard to nail down what my MP should be. I'm very comfortable anywhere between 7:40 and 7:55. Maybe my A goal (well A* really) of 3:25 isn't ambitious enough, but I had an ambitious target of 3:30 last year. I gave it a rattle and the ran out of juice at 21 miles and badly so. I just want to run a respectable time without having to resort to run-walking for the last 5 miles.

    This is one of my favourite pics from last year taken outside the RDS:


    There will be no repeat of that this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 15 Part 1

    It's the first week of October!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

    I had to shift things about a bit this week for work reasons and to facilitate doing the long run on Saturday.

    Monday| Rest or CT| 7 recovery w/6x100m strides |4.2 miles @9:24 average, strides, 1.8 miles@9:34|<140 bpm for w/wup, <143 for c/down| Laps of pitches. Windy.
    Tuesday| 7 recovery w/6x100m strides| VO2 max – 10 miles w/4x1200m @5k pace |W/up 3@9:14. 1200m splits/pace 4:46(6:18), 4:46(6:20), 4:54(6:30), 4:52(6:30) , c/down 2.7@8:53. Recoveries 3min/400m |OHR went nuts after 2nd interval. Recorded HR max@187 during 2nd interval | Done on the track. Good session.
    Wednesday|VO2 max – 10 miles w/4x1200m @5k pace |11 MLR |9:07, 9:03, 9:21, 9:01, 9:01, 8:31, 8:49, 8:46, 9:07, 8:50, 8:50|144 average, with spikes higher| Castleview in Blarney. Hilly. On grass.
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |
    Friday |11 MLR |4 recovery | |
    Saturday| 4 recovery|20 long | |
    Sunday| 20 long| Rest | | |

    Monday 03/10
    A few PM laps of the GAA pitches. Very windy. Strides alternated between into wind and away from it.

    Tuesday 04/10
    Headed out to the Mardyke track late in the warming. Warmed up around the Lee Fields and finished on the track. This was my first time doing a workout like this on the track. I started at the finish line and used that as my mark to count laps. I found it easier than doing it on the road . I went out too fast for the first 2 intervals, and slowed a bit for the last 2. The very last 400m were a killer. Strong headwind for the last 100m (x3) (meaning a tailwind on the back straight) Recoveries where roughly 400m ( a bit more for the 1st one), but never more than 3 minutes. Walked the first 50-70m of the cool down. A couple of laps of the track with a mile or so around the Lee Fields to cool down. The wind is really messing with my pacing, although my apce was more consistent on the track compared to what it’s like on the road. Thoroughly enjoyed this session.

    Went to the physio in the afternoon. I must do my 3-point bridges (repeatx100). A good loosen out and a load of dry needling – calves, hams, glutes and all down the RHS – but nothing major to wory about. She should charge me double for the sports psychology thrown in. Nearly had me convinced to go for a sub 3:15.

    Wednesday 05/10
    6th day in a row. There was no way I was doing this on Thursday morning at stupid o’clock so it had to be done today or not at all. Headed out to the Castleview running trail in Blarney for a few “easy” laps. I forgot how hard it can be. It’s about 1.5 miles of rolling (mostly climbing) grass trail with about 0.5 mile descent back to the start. Fierce headwind on the very last climb as well reduced me to to a walk on one occasion. HR never really got too high, although the effort felt greater – probably more due to fatigue than anything else. It was still quite warm though – so off with the t shirt ( I was the only one out there). The splits look better than they were – pace was up and down a lot - I thought I was doing 9:30s tbh. Nice change of scenery and 11 more miles ticked off.

    Thursday 06/10
    Rest day/start of work week. I don’t think I’ve looked forward to a rest day like I have this one in a long time. Probably not the best idea to squeeze everything into 6 days, but I’m none the worse for wear. The last long week is nearly finished, and the target is in sight. I’m starting to get nervous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Friday 07/10
    Was supposed to do 4 miles recovery, but I didn't sleep very well, so didn't wake up in time. Because I was doing a long run on Saturday I didn't want to go after work either (i.e @ 8pm) so I enjoyed my extra hours sleep and had my first 2 rest days in a row since after the Cork Half. I think I needed it

    Saturday 08/10
    20 Mile Long run

    Woke up late again. Didn't get going until around 12:20. It got quite warm towards the end.

    9:04, 8:54, 8:48, 8:49, 8:53, 8:41, 8:35, 8:34, 8:37. 8:42, 8:43, 8:50, 8:39, 8:46, 8:41, 8:57, 8:42, 8:57, 9:10.

    Gels/water every 5 miles - just because he way the route took me past my car every 5.

    I felt a bit knackered starting off, and should have started a bit easier. There were a few issues with headwinds/tailwinds and a bit of out and back running so I mostly ran by feel, just trying to keep it nice and comfortable with half an eye on the watch. I felt a bit sluggish for the first 4 or so miles, but then loosened out and was quite comfortable up until about 14 or 15 miles, when I started to tire a bit ( had a quick calf stretch around 14 miles). I did a turnaround at 15 miles into a headwind (well more of a strong breeze but it had an effect). After a couple of miles of this the legs started to tire. Around 17 miles my legs were quite sore and tired. Around 18.5 miles I got a bad stitch on my RHS - not in my side though, it was directly under my ribcage so I slowed down and didn't do as I would have liked (finish strong). Looking back at the data my heart rate was in the right zone - average 146 for the run, max about 157 momentarily a couple of times when climbing, but overall quite low. However, like the 11 miles on Wednesday the effort felt greater than the HR is indicating. It was also 18 degrees by the end and I was sweating a lot - salt crystals behind the ears and on my temples sweaty. With no electrolytes taken during the run, I think I was very dehydrated towards the end despite taking on water. I'd a busy day at work yesterday and didn't take on as much water as usual, so that must have had an effect.

    I kinda fell like I might have overdone it - I'm not sleeping well, I'm tired a lot, my legs are tiring much earlier into a run than 3 or 4 weeks ago and when you go through in the HR data from my last 2 runs then this would indicate to me that I'm definitely fatigued. I just hope I'm not overtrained and glad that the taper starts now. My inner monologue is telling me I might have left it after me in Charleville and the 18 miler with 14@MP the next week - but he can be a bit of a b0ll0x so I'm ignoring him.

    In saying all that, one thing I've learned over the course of this training plan is to take the rough with the smooth and not to read too much into one bad run. I had a few wobblers at a few stages over the last few months, but I always bounced back after a day or two, so while I might be a bit concerned, I'm not worried. I've a lot of training done, and a lot of miles in the bank - I'll just have to start having confidence in my training.

    Anyway, it's plenty of sleep for the next 3 weeks (starting Monday - I've night shifts to do first). I need to be more fastidious with my foam rolling and stretching routine to try and get the legs feeling right again.
    I'm in a bit of quandary about next (whats new :rolleyes:). The plan has a 10k race on Saturday with a 16 miler on Sunday, but that was horrible last week and I'm just not going to do it - Saturday would be a time trial due to work anyway, and another carp long run would just leave me feeling deflated. I need a confidence boost so I've entered a 10k on the Sunday as a tune up. I might do the 16 on Thursday and just take it easy Friday and Saturday (maybe some recovery miles+strides on Saturday). I won't be gunning for a PB because its not the flattest course. Of course if this fatigue doesn't go away that won't be happening. I know doing the 16 on Thursday won't leave me the freshest for Sunday but its the last long run and I'd like to get it done

    I also have 2 more v02 max sessions which I'll be considering dropping if things don't improve. Although I have been enjoying them lately, so I'll only drop them as a last resort.

    Roll on the 30th of October.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 15 Part 2

    Monday| Rest or CT| 7 recovery w/6x100m strides |4.2 miles @9:24 average, strides, 1.8 miles@9:34|<140 bpm for w/wup, <143 for c/down| Laps of pitches. Windy.
    Tuesday| 7 recovery w/6x100m strides| VO2 max – 10 miles w/4x1200m @5k pace |W/up 3@9:14. 1200m splits/pace 4:46(6:18), 4:46(6:20), 4:54(6:30), 4:52(6:30) , c/down 2.7@8:53. Recoveries 3min/400m |OHR went nuts after 2nd interval. Recorded HR max@187 during 2nd interval | Done on the track. Good session.
    Wednesday|VO2 max – 10 miles w/4x1200m @5k pace |11 MLR |9:07, 9:03, 9:21, 9:01, 9:01, 8:31, 8:49, 8:46, 9:07, 8:50, 8:50|144 average, with spikes higher| Castleview in Blarney. Hilly. On grass.
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |
    Friday |11 MLR |Unscheduled rest | |
    Saturday| 4 recovery|20 long |9:04, 8:54, 8:48, 8:49, 8:53, 8:41, 8:35, 8:34, 8:37. 8:42, 8:43, 8:50, 8:39, 8:46, 8:41, 8:57, 8:42, 8:57, 9:10. | 146 average |
    Sunday| 20 long| 4 recovery | 10:01, 9:29, 9:39, 9:52| 130 average|

    Sunday 09/10

    Had a decent enough sleep, and decided to do a few recovery miles. Felt stiff enough, but loosened out after 1/2 a mile or so. Did a few laps of the soccer pitch, then 2x1 mile trail loops, with a few more pitch laps to finish. Just ran easy. HR was low throughout, but it matched the perceived effort. This recovery run felt like the book describes them - it felt like I was storing energy, recharging the batteries. I felt better and better as the run went on, and felt great afterwards too. Did a full stretch/foam roll/trigger point ball afterwards.

    Planned miles: 52 Actual miles: 52.2
    YTD: 1681.8

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Hey HBS,

    Following up to your post on the DCM thread here, as I don't really know what I'm talking about :)

    I think you're in good shape for 3:25 and could well do better. A well run marathon would be very satisfying for you (i.e. negative splits and not falling apart, atoning for last year!), so I'd put that ahead of going for 3:20. Your slow start plan sounds good to me - though I'd go even slower than 3:25 pace for the first 10k, as it's got the biggest climb of DCM. If everything goes great on the day, you get a solid negative split and pip the 3:20 pacers on the line :)

    Did you end up buying that DCM pace spreadsheet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Singer wrote: »
    Hey HBS,

    Following up to your post on the DCM thread here, as I don't really know what I'm talking about :)

    I think you're in good shape for 3:25 and could well do better. A well run marathon would be very satisfying for you (i.e. negative splits and not falling apart, atoning for last year!), so I'd put that ahead of going for 3:20. Your slow start plan sounds good to me - though I'd go even slower than 3:25 pace for the first 10k, as it's got the biggest climb of DCM. If everything goes great on the day, you get a solid negative split and pip the 3:20 pacers on the line :)

    Did you end up buying that DCM pace spreadsheet?

    I did. Sent you a PM on that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 16 Mesocycle 4 - Taper

    Monday| Rest or CT| Rest||
    Tuesday| VO2 max – 8 miles w/5x600m @5k pace|3 w/up, 5x600(200rec),2.3 c/down |W/up 3@9:06; 600m splits/pace 2:22(6:18), 2:19(6:05), 2:19(6:12), 2:20(6:17), 2:21(6:11), c/down 2.3@8:55 |w/up 140, c/down 151. HR max during reps – 174, 190, 187, 193(?!!?!), 190|Mardyke Track
    Wednesday|Recovery 6 miles |6 miles |9:12, 9:18, 9:30, 9:16, 9:20, 9:40|124, 127, 137, 136, 143, 145, 147 (138 average)| Local roads and park trails.
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |
    Friday |Recovery+speed – 4 miles w/6x100m strides |4miles with 6 strides | 8:58, 8:56, 0.3@9:23, strides/recoveries – 20, 1:24, 19, 44, 19, 51, 18, 44, 18, 58, 19 – 0.7@9:05| Wore the strap for a change – reckon HR was 10 bpm higher than usual|AM pre work.
    Saturday| 48k-10k tune up race (9-11mi total)|1.5 w/up+c/down, 10k solo time trial in 42:41 |w/up 1.5@9:12, c/down 1.5@9:30. 10k splits – 6:47, 6:41, 6:53, 6:56, 7:02, 6:49, 0.23@6:46| OHRM turned off – watch fault | Stupid o’clock in the morning
    Sunday| 16 long| 16 miles | 8:52, 8:44, 8:52, 8:44, 8:36, 8:29, 8:34, 8:42, 8:38, 8:21, 8:25, 8:22, 8:26, 8:34, 8:26, 8:36| Started in the 130s, then drifted slowly up to about 153, then a mad jump to 165-175 range at 13.5 mile for no reason. Cadence lock I think | A bit too fast but I felt good.

    So the plan was to change the plan and swap things around but I had to change that plan and ended up following the plan. Is that clear?
    Tuesday 11/10
    Decent session down the Mardyke track in the middle of the day. Strong winds on the home straight again – but I over compensated. Goal pace was 6:25-6:30. I was doing that into the headwind and so when I had the tailwind I was going at the same effort only faster. I also chickened out and only ran the home straight once per rep.
    Wednesday 12/10
    Generic plod about.

    Friday 14/10
    Bog standard run to the naval base and back with strides. First couple off strides were into a strong headwind. I took an extra long recovery after the first one by mistake. I had my watch set to lap button press to end the recovery section but was waiting for the beep.
    Saturday 15/10
    Up at 5:45, left the house at 6:15 and started running at 6:42. It felt like the middle of the night. Anyway after a quick warm up I set off on the 10k time trial. My Garmin has an estimated finish time function so I thought I’d use that. I displays the distance remaining, time elapsed and estimated finish time. Set off too fast and the watch was showing a 41:3x finish time after mile 2. Slowed right down for mile 3. Mile 4 involved crossing a steepish bridge twice, so I knew this was going to be slower. The 5th mile was the slowest, but my head wasn’t really in it at this stage – the watch was display 42:5x finish time and I was happy enough with that. I got a bit of a second wind then and finished off strong enough in 42:41 which is 40 secs slower than my PB. It was hard to get up to full effort running around a ferry port and naval base in the early hours of the morning with nothing but seagulls and auld fellas out walking their dogs for company. I reckon I’d have definitely gone faster in a race, but it was a decent session all the same. 1.5 miles easy jog to give 9.2 for the day
    Sunday 16/10
    16 miles I had been dreading after the 17 miler a couple of weeks ago, but I was surprised at how good my legs felt. I wasn’t fatigued at all really. Same problem as before with strong headwinds and tailwinds messing up the pacing a bit – well I was probably using the tailwind as an excuse to run a bit too fast, and the headwind as an excuse for the Hr being a bit too high. I tried out some salt tablets I’d bought in the Edge earlier in the week – no ill effect so I’ll be using these in Dublin. A nice cool day – perfect for running if the wind was a bit calmer. So my final long run was a good one and a good confidence booster. The only worry was small bit of discomfort in both Post Tibs for the last two or so miles – I’ll have to take good care of my calves for the next two weeks. I’m seeing the physio on Wednesday so I’ll probably get a bit of dry needling

    Planned miles: 43-45 Actual miles: 43.3
    YTD: 1725.1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Singer wrote: »
    Hey HBS,

    Following up to your post on the DCM thread here, as I don't really know what I'm talking about :)

    I think you're in good shape for 3:25 and could well do better. A well run marathon would be very satisfying for you (i.e. negative splits and not falling apart, atoning for last year!), so I'd put that ahead of going for 3:20. Your slow start plan sounds good to me - though I'd go even slower than 3:25 pace for the first 10k, as it's got the biggest climb of DCM. If everything goes great on the day, you get a solid negative split and pip the 3:20 pacers on the line :)

    Did you end up buying that DCM pace spreadsheet?
    I was messing around with that spreadsheet tonight and I got he following proposed splits:

    8:01; 7:45; 7:54; 7:34; 8:05; 8:02; 7:39; 7:28; 7:28; 7:28; 7:35; 7:27; 7:39; 7:50; 7:29; 7:23; 7:29; 7:24; 7:26; 7:26; 7:34; 7:46; 7:30; 7:33; 7:34; 7:44; 0.2@7:35. Total 3:19:54
    10k in 48:52, 1/2 in 1:40:56. 2nd 1/2 in 1:38:58. 2:58 negative split

    Might be do-able, but some there's some fast miles in there. I'll have a think about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    I think that is a 1:58 negative split which sounds pretty much on. Enjoying the log HBS.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    denis b wrote:
    I think that is a 1:58 negative split which sounds pretty much on. Enjoying the log HBS.

    Cheers. Just edited my post there to reflect that. Glad your enjoying the log.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    Hi HBS,

    Just read through your entire log there.
    For what it's worth I think you should stick to your original 'A' goal of 3:25. You've done all your MP training runs at that pace, so changing to a pace 10-15 seconds faster per mile at this stage and trying to maintain that for a full marathon may come as a major shock to the system. The time to experiment with this would have been during the training cycle. Trying it out for the first time on race day could end in disaster. Would you even be considering 3:20 if the calculators weren't suggesting it? Most people fail to hit McMillan/VDOT predictions for the marathon, because the predictions are based on race times at other distances so far removed from the marathon that they're just not accurate/relevant for all but the most experienced runners. From what I can see, your main issues to date have been with endurance, so it would be a shame to shoot for an optimistic target and end up getting a replica of the 2015 photo outside the RDS.

    I'd suggest starting just ahead of the 3:30 pacers and gradually moving away from them by halfway. If you get there on 3:25 pace feeling good and confident you can hold a faster pace to the finish, by all means pick it up and run a negative split passing people all the way to Merrion Square. That would leave you with a really enjoyable experience and a time of 3:20-3:25. If you're not able to speed up, you'll still come home in 3:25-3:30 and hit your 'B' goal. Go out in 3:20 pace and it's <3:20 or bust. My fear is it's more likely to be the latter, where 'bust' won't even be a PB.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    yaboya1 wrote: »
    Hi HBS,

    Just read through your entire log there.
    For what it's worth I think you should stick to your original 'A' goal of 3:25. You've done all your MP training runs at that pace, so changing to a pace 10-15 seconds faster per mile at this stage and trying to maintain that for a full marathon may come as a major shock to the system. The time to experiment with this would have been during the training cycle. Trying it out for the first time on race day could end in disaster. Would you even be considering 3:20 if the calculators weren't suggesting it? Most people fail to hit McMillan/VDOT predictions for the marathon, because the predictions are based on race times at other distances so far removed from the marathon that they're just not accurate/relevant for all but the most experienced runners. From what I can see, your main issues to date have been with endurance, so it would be a shame to shoot for an optimistic target and end up getting a replica of the 2015 photo outside the RDS.

    I'd suggest starting just ahead of the 3:30 pacers and gradually moving away from them by halfway. If you get there on 3:25 pace feeling good and confident you can hold a faster pace to the finish, by all means pick it up and run a negative split passing people all the way to Merrion Square. That would leave you with a really enjoyable experience and a time of 3:20-3:25. If you're not able to speed up, you'll still come home in 3:25-3:30 and hit your 'B' goal. Go out in 3:20 pace and it's <3:20 or bust. My fear is it's more likely to be the latter, where 'bust' won't even be a PB.

    That's my fear too really. Time for a reality check - McMillan gives 3:13 for me Half PB. It also gives 1:50:22 for 25k - PB is 1:50:36
    VDOT gives 3:11 or 3:14 on two different sites. So round up to 3:15 - but it was a flat half, so 3:15 for a flat course. Add 5 minutes for Dublin's elevation so 3:20. Add another 5 for the stated endurance issues give 3:25. So maybe aim for a 1:42 half way split and push on from there to get between 3:20 and 3:25 or hold on for a 3:25 -3:30. Either way it's massive PB of nearly 8.5 minutes minimum. 3:25 makes sense

    All my PBs (5k, 10k, 10 mile, half, 25k) from 25k down, all set this year line up pretty well with the calculators - although the 10k is a small bit out (42.01 with the calculators giving 41:12 - 41:29) - I suppose I though aiming for 3:20 wasn't stretching it. But this my be my last marathon for a while - that's where the temptation comes in to try and push it a bit more. I'm going to print off that picture and hang it up everywhere to remind me of what happened the last time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 17 part 1

    Monday| Rest or CT| Rest||
    Tuesday| 7 miles w/8x100m strides|7 with 8 strides|9:10, 9:04, 9:12, 9:11 - strides - 1.8@ 9:20ish | 143 max for the first 4, bit higher for the jog home|Felt fresh
    Wednesday|V02 max - 8 miles w/3x1600@5k pace|8 miles with 3x 1600|w/up 1.9@9:05, 1600m splits - 6:25, 6:46, 6:27, 1.8 cool down@9:27| w/up - 136 average, About 170 average for reps, c/down - data says 165 average - cadence lock again I think.| Track was busy so had to do this on the road. HR monitor acting up
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |
    Friday |Recovery+speed – 5 miles w/6x100m strides || ||
    Saturday| Rest or CT|| |
    Sunday| 12 medium long||||

    Tuesday 11/10

    Legs felt good, so recovery pace was a bit faster than it usually was. I'll have to watch that over the next few days. Strides were ok, but I felt a bit of tightness in my left glue which worried me a bit as it's normally my right glue that gets stiff.
    Starting to feel rested though

    Wednesday 12/10

    V02 max session - 1600m repeats. I had planned to do these on the Mardyke track, so I park the car at the Lee Fields and did a 2 mile warm up around there and down to the track. The track was full of secondary school kids so I had to turn around and do my reps on the roads and pathways around the Lee Fields. Barely managed 5k pace for the first and last rep, and the 2nd rep was over at about 1200m and I struggled to finish. 1 and 2 had a slight headwind, 3 had a slight tailwind. Mentally though I wasn't 100% up for this - I had convinced myself these would be tough, and I was thrown by not being able to get on the track. I had the fear of injury in the back of my mind as well. Its waaayyyy easier to do these on the track though - my face was all over the place, starting too fast then slowing down to much to compensate with a big fade over the last section. The 3rd rep was actually the best executed. I was using a workout setup on the watch, but I had recoveries set to 4 minutes instead of lap button press by mistake, but recovered were more like 4.5 minutes - I'd stop the watch for 30 seconds after each rep to catch my breath. I was walking for the first minute of timed recoveries. I had a light jacket on during the warmup too which I only aged to ditch after the 1st interval. So a bit of disorganised mess really.

    But - a major lesson learned from this training programme - sometimes sessions just don't go the right way and that's fine, just move onto the next one. I'm actually happy enough with this session considering. I didn't hit the required pace all the time, but I certainly felt like I was hitting the required effort.

    I had my last physic session in the afternoon and she showed me no mercy - needles everywhere - glute meds, TFL and one right into a big knot in my left calf that almost had my in tears. It's still sore this morning so I'm going to have a nice Epsom salts bath later and do a few stretches after.

    Anyway the plan has me doing 5 with strides on Friday and 12 medium long on Sunday, but I'm going to swap these round because I'm working Sunday morning. At this stage I think getting more sleep is more important than getting up at a crazy hour to get the miles in. I might not do the full 12 either - maybe just do 90 minutes. It depends on whether or not I'm feeling tired

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    That physio session sounds painful :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Mrs Mc wrote:
    That physio session sounds painful

    She takes no prisoners, but it works for me. Although I'm starting to get a bit worried - she seems to enjoy getting a big reaction from the needles a bit too much.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    She takes no prisoners, but it works for me. Although I'm starting to get a bit worried - she seems to enjoy getting a big reaction from the needles a bit too much.

    No pain no gain !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 17 part 2

    Monday| Rest or CT| Rest||
    Tuesday| 7 miles w/8x100m strides|7 with 8 strides|9:10, 9:04, 9:12, 9:11 - strides - 1.8@ 9:20ish | 143 max for the first 4, bit higher for the jog home|Felt fresh
    Wednesday|V02 max - 8 miles w/3x1600@5k pace|8 miles with 3x 1600|w/up 1.9@9:05, 1600m splits - 6:25, 6:46, 6:27, 1.8 cool down@9:27| w/up - 136 average, About 170 average for reps, c/down - data says 165 average - cadence lock again I think.| Track was busy so had to do this on the road. HR monitor acting up
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|| |
    Friday |Recovery+speed – 5 miles w/6x100m strides |12 medium long|9:08; 9:09; 8:54; 8:45; 8:38; 8:32; 9:00; 8:55; 8:47; 8:46; 8:56; 8:46 |148 average| Meh
    Saturday| Rest or CT|| |
    Sunday| 12 medium long|5 miles w/6x100m strides|9:16, 9:27; 0.6@8:55 -6*100m (19, 20, 21, 18, 19, 18) - 9:04, 0.4@9:10|123-144 for easy bits|

    Friday 21/10

    12 medium long moved form Sunday because of work. Felt good until 6 miles but them my left hip/glute started to get tight so I slowed down. I wasn't 100% happy with this run because the effort felt slightly too hard for the pace by the end. I'm guessing I wasn't fully recovered from Wednesdays session and physio visit. The left hip thing had me worried because it's a new thing and I don't lik new things this close to race day

    Sunday 23/10
    Pre work recovery run with strides. The usual headwind/tailwind lark so the splits are all over the place. Legs felt better this morning. I took it a bit easy for the first 3 strides. That twinge in the left hip hasn't gone away fully. It's freaking me out a small bit because its new. If it was my right hip/glute/hamstring or left calf/ankle I'd probably ignore it, because these areas can get a bit tight from time to time, but this left hip thing is new. The last time I had problems with that area was at mile 21 last year where my left hamstring cramped - I'd had no problems with my left hamstring all through training (same as this year).

    I'm a bit niggly at the moment and it's not just taper madness. I've deliberated between 3:25 and 3:20 for ages now so I'm going to split he difference and go for 3:22. Completely arbitrary, but I just feel comfortable with it. I think I''l be looking to get a sports massage early on next week on focus on the left hip.

    Taper madness is in full swing. Everything is sore and tight, I can't stop eating and I'm becoming increasingly less confident of my goals.

    I'd murder a pint.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    hang in there you're nearly there hopefully the lower miles this week will help. Having taper madness myself new pains new niggles and doubt think it's all part n parcel of it and hoping it will sort itself out before Sunday. Hang in there !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    hang in there you're nearly there hopefully the lower miles this week will help. Having taper madness myself new pains new niggles and doubt think it's all part n parcel of it and hoping it will sort itself out before Sunday. Hang in there !

    Cheers A. I'm definitely going to see the physio though - more because she'll talk sense into me than anything else!
