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Still trying to figure it all out.



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Singer wrote: »
    I think you should move on. Also don't be afraid of slowing things down in general in the heat, it's tougher on the body and you won't be able to hit targets as easy over there. You don't want to be coming home from the holiday completely destroyed, and most importantly having running in heat ruining your holiday :)

    +1 when it's gone it's gone:)

    Enjoy the hols and take it handy. I know for me the heat sucks the life out of me so even easy pace can take it's toll on energy levels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Cheers. I had toyed with going out this evening but this is France and Les Bleus are in the final tonight so it's not happening!!! It might be 13 beers not 13 miles! I've a nice 10 miler along the seafront in the morning. I did a similar run early on in the week. At one point I took of my singlet and soaked it under a beach shower and wrapped it round my neck. Worked wonders. Then I ran through a sort of park near the promenade where they had sprinklers going and gave myself a right soaking. Plenty off folk out running in the mornings here. It's just the last two days it's hit over 30. A good rule of thumb f9r me is that if I sweat more lying down half asleep than I would on a recovery run back home I should probably give the running a miss. All in all I'm not really worried because I'm in the intial base building phase and I think I had a pretty decent base built anyway. I'm well enjoying the break and I'd say I've still managed to put some weight on. All you can eat chinese buffets will do that though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    So back home and loads of catching up to do on my log.

    P+D 40-55 week 1 - Started a day early to fit in with travel plans
    Week 27/06 - 03/07

    Monday|LT 8 miles, 4@15k-HMP|2 w/up, 4@LT, 2 c/down|8:34, 8:47, 6:54, 6:55, 7:01, 7:10, 9:27, 9:21|Run by HR|HR too high for last LT mile
    Tuesday|Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Wednesday|General Aerobic 9|9|8:36, 8:53, 8:54, 9:10, 8:45, 8:24, 8:50, 9:00, 9:06|143bpm avg|Outside range - should 9min/mile fastest
    Thursday|Rest or CT|Rest||
    Friday|Recovery 4 miles|6 miles rec.|9:40 avg|138 avg|First hols run. Got lost and added 2 miles to run
    Saturday|12 medium long|12 miles|9:05;9:00;9:01;9:08;11:14;11:11;11:20;10:04;8:55;8:58;9:03|151 avg - rose to 158 for last few miles|Hot - but not humid. Slow miles over cliffs,sand and trails. Loved it.
    Sunday|Rest or CT|Rest||

    Planned miles: 33. Actual miles:35

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 2. On holidays. Got really hot this week with temps > 30 deg C.

    Monday|GA+speed - 8 miles with 10X100 strides|As per plan with 1 min recovery between strides(jog back to start)|5.7 miles-9:31;9:00;8:56;9:22;9:33;9:19. Pace for strides range from 5:06-5:54(Strava) C/down 0.8 miles9:34|122-135 avg for easy miles|Early AM - am I running the strides too fast?
    Tuesday|Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Wednesday|General Aerobic 10|10|8:57;9:08;8:53;8:37;8:55;8:54;9:08;8:42;9:02;9:12|147bpm avg|Outside range - should 9min/mile fastest
    Thursday|Rest or CT|Rest||
    Friday|Recovery 5 miles|5 miles rec.|9:39 avg|129 avg|
    Saturday|13 with 8@MP|5.8 miles|8:51;9:00;8:57;9:11;9:12;8:42 for last 0.8, with 0.5 around 8|Started@135. Rose to 149, then hit 171 after 1/2 mile @MP|Discussed above. Way too hot. Called it a day and went back to campsite.
    Sunday|Rest or CT|Rest||

    Planned miles: 36. Actual miles: 28.9

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 3. 5 days a week now.

    Travelled from the South of France to the Alps this week, so I moved the medium long run from Saturday to Sunday. Back on schedule now. Paced the runs this week a bit better - crazy hot though. Alps region was a bit cooler to begin withDay|Plan|Actual|Splits/Avg|HR|Comments
    Monday|General Aerobic 10|10.3 miles|9:09,9:10,9:05,9:09,9:11,9:01,9:05,9:08,9:12,9:13,9:08 pace|142bpm avg|Nice early morning run
    Tuesday|4 miles recovery|4 miles|9:47 avg|130 avg|
    Wednesday|LT 8 miles, 4@15k-HMP|2 w/up, 4@LT, 2 c/down|9:02,9:13,7:04,7:08,7:22,7:17,9:21,9:32|Run by HR|Did better than I thought in the heat. Early AM, plus a very strong headwind on the last 4. Ran by HR because I was afraid if I started out top fast in the LT section I wouldn't finish
    Thursday|Rest or CT|Rest||
    Friday|Recovery 4 miles|4.5 miles rec.|6:23(not really-bad GPS), 9:21,9:53,9:26, 8:58 pace|HR was off for the 1st mile so HR was roughly 128 avg|First run in new area after a day travelling. GPS was way out for the first mile. Bit of exploring really.
    Saturday|14 medium long|rest|||Took today as a rest day due to holidays, so now I'm following the plan as written
    Sunday|Rest or CT|14.2 medium long|9:16,9:13,8:55,10:16,10:12,13:17;10:52;12:20,9:28,10:23,11:05,9:57,9:57,9:38|148 avg although it spiked higher on some of the climbs|Running up and down a small Alp. 2,426ft elevation gain. Loads of trails, tracks, fields, forest etc. Didn't care about pace when I went off road. I really, really enjoyed this run. Awesome

    Planned miles:40 Actual miles:41.1

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 4.

    Monday|Rest or CT|rest|||
    Tuesday|GA+speed - 8 miles with 10X100 strides|As per plan with 1 min recovery between strides|||Went as planned,
    Wednesday|Recovery 5 miles|5 recovery|9:48 avg|135 avg|Took it very easy. Humid and hot.
    Thursday|10 mile General Aerobic|10 GA|9:00,9:04,9:17,9:15,9:05,9:07,9:03,9:17,9:15,8:59|142 avg|last holiday run
    Friday|Rest or CT|rest|||Left campsite at 10am arrived home at 11:30pm
    Saturday|Recovery 4 miles|4 rec|9:37,9:22,9:50,10:07|123 avg|Took it very handy - was knackered after Friday
    Sunday|15 miles medium long|15 miles|9:33,9:13,9:11,9:08,9:01,8:55,8:48,8:50,8:47,8:31,8:29,8:32,8:29,8:08|137 avg with the last 4 around 148|GPS a bit dodgy for the last mile I think. Just speeded up naturally through out the run.

    Planned miles:42 Actual miles:42.1

    The 15 miler was a bit strange. It was way cooler at home, and the easy pace I set out on felt way, way too easy. I had to consciously keep the pace down and ended up doing the last few miles a bit faster than I should have (Long run pace range is 9:24 to 8:40). I'm begin to wonder if I've set my sights to low with regards to my goal marathon time. I have 16 miles with 10@PMP to do on Sunday and I'll see how that goes. For now my goal time range is 3:25 to 3:30. Given my recent race times this is a bit low (McMillan predicts 3:17), but I've added time on for elevation (I reckon the elevation in Dublin is worth at last 5 minutes more than a flat course). On the other hand I feel very fresh at the moment and will probably feel differently when I start doing 50+ miles per week. 3:30 was my goal for last year which I failed to achieve (3:38:39). Had my goal been 3:35, I think I would have achieved that. I have a lot more training done and have been much more consistent than last year, and have been running my easy runs much easier. So the plan is to train for 3:25 for now, and see how it goes.

    A positive - the 15 miler didn't really seem to take much out of me - yeah sure, I was tired after it, but I felt recovered after a few hours, and feel great today, whereas before I'd be wrecked for the rest of the day and tired the day after too - maybe because I have the pacing right (more or less). So far I'm enjoying this plan, but it remains to be seen how I'll cope when I go back to work (tomorrow) and have to get up at stupid o'clock to do a 5 mile LT run (tomorrow too) before a 12 hour shift. Or a 14 mile run midweek.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 5.

    Monday|Rest or CT|rest|||
    Tuesday|9 miles with 5@15k-HM pace|2 w/up,5@LT,2C/down|8:50,8:38,7:05,7:00,7:00,7:01,7:02,8:58,9:14|133,134,157,166,172,173,155,150|Tough session, harder than I though it would be. Couple of HR spikes going over the bridge into Haulbowline. Ran early AM before first day back at work :(
    Wednesday|Recovery 5 miles|5 recovery|9:28 avg|130 avg|Took it very easy. Pre work run. Bit of a plod really
    Thursday|10 mile General Aerobic|10.2 GA|9:07,8:56,8:59,8:58,9:01,8:57,9:04,8:53,9:07,9:06,9:22|146 avg|Found this harder than expected as well. A bit humid, and a bit fatigue from being back at work.
    Friday|Rest or CT|rest|||Wrecked after 1st night shift in a month. Sports massage
    Saturday|Recovery 5 miles|5 rec|9:22,9:26,9:46,9:39,9:23|135 avg|Tired after the 2 nights.
    Sunday|16 mile w 10@MP|16.3miles - 10@PMP, 0.3 shuffle back to car|9:09,8:46,8:56,9:09,8:59,9:05,7:50,7:51,7:50,7:54,7:54,7:51,7:48 and 9:38 pace for the last bit|137-142 for the 1st 6 and 154 - 163 for the MP 10|Happy enough with this. MP is 7:50-8:00. Struggled with the last 2.5 or so miles - calves felt tired. Need to start doing my S+C exercises again

    Planned miles:45 Actual miles:45.7

    Todays long run definitely showed up weaknesses in strength. I felt fine energy wise and breathing wise. My legs just tired with about 2.5 miles to go - tight calves and I could feel the hips tightening up as well. Definitely need a spin on the foam roller and hockey ball. I didn't get out until the afternoon between one thing and another, but like last week I feel fine now after a couple of hours and a feed.

    With regards to my musing last week about pace etc. a week back at work has made up my mind that I have the right target. My hours mean I do miss sleep during the week, and I'm very often fatigued when training, so I couldn't train at a faster pace because I'd burn out quickly, which is basically what happened last year where I ended up wrecked with 6 week to go before Dublin - and I still raced way too often, so its no wonder I missed my goal last year.

    Recovery week next week and I'm looking forward to it. i think things are progressing nicely, and my endurance has definitely improved already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 6. Recovery week and end of Mesocycle 1

    Monday|Rest or CT|rest|||
    Tuesday|8 miles w/10x100m strides| 8 miles w/10x100m strides |8:53,9:01,9:16,8:00(downhill),9:19. 0.5miles@9:53. Strides – 17s,19s,17s,21s,20s,20s,19s,18s,18s,20s with 1min recovery, 1 mile@10:30|135-146 for warmup. OHR isn’t great with short intervals|Not bad run. Did the strides on grass, but they felt harder than last 2 times
    Wednesday|Recovery 5 miles|5 recovery|10:03 avg|132 avg|Post work run – felt very heavy legged and tired, but better afterwards. This felt like more effort than it should have been.
    Thursday|8 mile General Aerobic|8.1 GA|8:24,8:11,8:32,8:44,8:51,8:33,8:30,8:23,8:30|147 avg|This one got away from me. AM run less than 12 hours after the 5 miler the day before but I felt fresh. Temps were quite cool and the humidity was low. I really enjoyed this.
    Friday|Rest or CT|4 miles recovery|9:38,9:51.10:13,10:26|140 average – 144 for last mile|This was a bit of a struggle – a warm humid day and I struggled to keep the HR <140. Probably paying the price for yesterday and for skipping a rest day
    Saturday|Recovery 4 miles|12 medium long |9:07,8:25,8:37,8:37,8:48,8:38,8:48,8:41,9:03,8:50,8:42,9:17|147 avg|Garmin Connect says it 94% humidity and it felt like it too! I was soaked with sweat. This run had plenty of hills, both up and down, and some strong head and tail winds. I was actually surprised I could maintain that pace as the effort felt easy. I was also in between night shifts and was running with only about 5 hours sleep, so I’m quite happy with this
    Sunday|12 medium long|Rest|||

    So this week I decided to move Friday’s rest day to Sunday and do 5 days in a row. I thought I’d take advantage of an easier week to do this - next week I’m moving all my runs forward by a day so I can do my long run on Saturday and avoid having to do an 18 miler in between night shifts. 50 mile week planned for next week, so it’s definitely getting serious! Mesocycle 1 is done and dusted with only one workout missed so I’m happy enough with that. I feels like a long time to be going without racing though, especially with all the races going on around here at the moment, but I’m going to try and stick to this plan as best I can. The next mesocycle will be very telling as the mileage ramps up to 55 miles which is more than I’ve done before

    Planned miles:37 Actual miles:37.1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 7. Mesocycle 2 Lactate threshold + endurance

    Monday|10m w/5@15K-HMP|3 easy, 5@LT, 2 easy|8:49, 8:48, 8:59, 7:24, 7:17, 7:19, 7:12, 7:18, 9:25, 9:41|140, 139, 141, 166, 170, 172, 172, 173, 145, 144|Ran this by Hr. Really struggled. Fair enough it was a humid day, but my LT pace was 7:00 -7:05 a few weeks ago, if not faster. Is this a result of not doing any speedwork/intervals for a few weeks?
    Tuesday|Recovery - 4| 4.2 miles|9:04, 9:11, 9:19, 9:21|136 average.|
    Wednesday|Medium long run – 11 miles|11|9:01, 8:46, 8:47, 8:26, 8:32, 8:30, 8:41, 8:30, 8:13, 8:36, 8:17 |142-160| Ran this a bit fast over a fairly rolling course. HR only rose to the higher range over the last 2 or 3 miles. Enjoyed it though. Watch recorded all the splits but not the map – really annoying.
    Thursday| Rest or CT |Rest|| |
    Friday| General Aerobic+speed – 7m w 8x100m strides|5m, 8x100m strides, 1.4m |8:43, 8:35, 8:37, 8:46, 8:51then 8x100 in 19, 19, 20, 20, 19, 19, 20, 18, 9:22 and 0.4@9:07|136-144 for warm up, 151 for cool down | Early morning run. Legs felt good. Misjudged the distance back to work so that’s where the extra 0.4 comes from
    Saturday|Long run – 18 miles|18 miles |9:00, 8:54, 8:50, 8:56, 9:10, 8:53, 8:52, 8:57, 8:45, 8:57, 9:06, 9:03, 9:03, 9:03, 9:12, 9:04, 9:20, 9:29|HR started off ok, but then started drifting up and up until the last mile was average 164. |Awful run. Felt tired going into it. Stopped a couple of times. Breathing was all off. Felt like I was going to bonk @12 miles and took my “emergency” gel. HR was way out of whack
    Sunday|Rest or CT|Rest|||

    An ok week bookended by 2 pretty awful runs which left me feeling crap. I think the long run was hampered by just not having eaten enough the day before. A week of negativity and creeping doubt. The only good thing is that I’d organised the week so that both Sunday of this week and Monday of the next week are rest days.

    Planned miles:50 Actual miles:50.7

    P+D week 8. Mesocycle 2 Lactate threshold + endurance

    Monday| Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Tuesday| Recovery+speed – 7m w 6x100m strides | 5.2m, 6x100, 0.8m|9:13, 9:21, 9:23, 9:35, 9:52, 0.2@9:48, 6x100 on grass, 0.8@10:04|129-141for the warmup, 143 for c/down|
    Wednesday|Medium long run – 12 miles|12.2|8:38, 8:40, 8:41, 8:45, 9:00, 8:02, 8:34, 8:43, 8:44, 8:17, 0.2@7:55|129-155 which is within the range for long runs| A bit of a humid day. Mostly flat course with some climbs and dips from miles 6-9. Felt really good on this run. I knew I was pushing the pace a bit, but the effort felt ok.
    Thursday| Rest or CT |Rest|| |Physio appointment – massage and dry needling on calves and glutes. Ouch. I really need to start taking better care of myself
    Friday| 10m w/5@15K-HMP |2 easy, 6@LT, 2easy |8:55, 8:42, 7:05, 7:16, 7:20, 7:18, 7:19, 7:10, 9:14, 9:15|131, 143, 163, 168, 169, 172, 171, 174, 153, 146 | Out and back on a flat course with LT pace feeling very hard again – although it started raining during the last mile and that felt better. Have I slowed that much? Endurance has improved though. Ran this after work on a warm muggy evening
    Saturday|Recovery – 5 miles|5.1 miles |9:43, 9:38, 9:48, 10:12, 10:08|135 average |AM run – tired after the run the previous evening so just plodded around the get the distance in. Strong headwind for the last 3.
    Sunday|Long run 20 miles|20 miles|9:26, 9:02, 9:05, 9:14, 9:04, 9:03, 9:00, 8:53, 8:41, 8:47, 8:47, 8:50, 8:39, 8:43, 8:36, 8:32, 8:31, 8:37, 8:30, 8:18|128 to 154 |Great run. Felt good throughout. I made sure to eat loads yesterday. I had been trying to train without gels, but that’s out the window after last week. Took a gel at 8, 12 and 16 miles . Regretted that at mile 18. Mile 19 is faster for a reason

    Most of the runs this weeks were good. I’m still concerned about the LT pace. Both LT workouts over the last 2 weeks have been in warm conditions so maybe it’s that? The plan has some intervals @5k pace coming up so maybe that’ll sharpen things up. Overall I’m happy with the week. I was dreading the 3 runs on Friday, Saturday and Sunday – I had questioned my ability to do them but in the end it was ok and that’s the second biggest mileage in the plan done and dusted.

    Planned miles:54 Actual miles:54.3

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Oh, that's why you had some fast splits at the end of your 20 miler - not sure about that as a race strategy though :) Solid run stuff anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    [P+D week 9. Mesocycle 2 Lactate threshold + endurance

    Monday| Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Tuesday| Recovery 6 miles | 6m|9:30, 9:40, 9:46, 9:51, 9:55, 9:28|120, 125, 129, 136, 139, 141| Tired after nights. Warm enough evening too. Can really remember much about this one.
    Wednesday|Medium long run – 14 miles|14m|8:53, 8:41, 8:46, 8:48, 8:43, 8:44, 9:01, 9:03, 9:03, 8:59, 9:00, 8:54, 8:58, 9:14|130-146 (low at the end of the run| Meant to get up early to do this but failed. I had a day out planned with the family so this run had to wait until the evening. Got vicious heartburn/indigestion about 7 or 8 miles in which made this really hard so I had to keep to pace slow (Greasy fish and chips is not good long run fuel). It was getting dark towards the end too and got really cool which meant me feeling cold for the first time in ages which probably accounts for the low HR
    Thursday|Recovery 6 miles |6 on grass |9:49, 9:50, 10:08, 9:55, 9:51, 9:54|135-148 – way outside recovery range |HR was way above where it should be (<142) Just did laps of a local GAA pitch. I was still feeling a bit ill from the day before so by the time I got to do this I hadn’t eaten in over 24 hours. I probably should have skipped this one, and it felt way harder than it should have been, but I was glad I did it in the end
    Friday| Rest or CT | Rest ||
    Saturday|Recovery – 6 miles + 6*100m strides|6.0 miles |9:28, 9:31, 9:39, 9:34, 6x100 in 19,20,19,21,18,18 (1 min recoveries), 9:41|138 max for w/up, 148 for c/down |Pre work run – so pretty sluggish but felt a lot better than Thursday. Today was mostly about eating.
    Sunday|Long run 16 miles with 12@MP|16w/12@MP|8:57, 9:11, 9:00, 9:00, 7:57, 7:52, 7:54, 7:55, 7:50, 7:52, 7:53, 7:48, 7:50, 7:48, 7:48, 7:40 |126-137 for easy miles, 149-163 for MP miles|Very happy with this. Up at 5:15am and out the door by 5:50 to run to work. Mile 1 was straight downhill into town so a nice easy start. My first run in the dark in ages. The sunrise over the estuary at Mahon was spectacular. I stopped a couple of times to give the calves and quads a quick stretch. The MP miles felt hard at first but as I relaxed and got into the run the miles just rolled away. 13.5 to 15.5 miles were the toughest with a couple of tough drags but I came through it ok. This is the sort of run that fills me with confidence. Gels at mile 8 and 12.

    Happy enough with this week. The medium long run was good despite the issues. The marathon pace session turned out quite well. I was bit nervous about this because of the early start and also because it was a point to point run – there’d be no baling out if things went pear shaped. But as it turned out all went well. Long day at work afterwards though! A recovery week next which I’m looking forward too even if it has some 800 repeats @5k pace - barring strides this will be the fastest pace I’ve run in 2 months. I’ll be trying for the same pace as my last 5k race, but I have a feeling I’ve slowed a bit.
    Overall I’m in better shape than I was at this point in my training for DCM 2015. I’m less fatigued, and I have far less niggles (if any). I working a bit less than last year and eating better. Sleep is better too, but not by much and it’s the one area I feel is letting me down, but night shifts make it difficult sometimes. I think a big factor is the fact that I haven’t raced yet since following this plan, and last year I was racing nearly every week. I was also running my recovery runs and long runs way too fast (McMillan paces for a McMillan plan) and just felt burned out by this stage.
    My first real test is Charleville in 3 weeks which I’m really looking forward to doing, but I have no real idea how it will go given that I’ve been struggling with LT pace runs of late and I haven't raced lately so I have no idea what sort of form I'm in. Here’s hoping for a nice cool morning, with no breeze. A bit of light rain around mile 8 would be ok too. My goal for Charleville will be around 1:32, but I’d be happy to do better than last year which was 1:34:39.

    Planned miles: 48 Actual miles: 48.1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 10. Recovery week

    Monday| Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Tuesday| 8 General Aerobic| 8 miles|8:38, 8:14, 8:23, 8:26, 8:31, 8:18, 8:22, 8:29|136, 147, 146, 146, 150, 154, 152, 155, 152| Felt good, pace felt easy(ish), evening run before work. I’ll have to start updating my log more frequently because by the time it gets to the end of the week, I canlt really remember the easy runs at the start if the week
    Wednesday|VO2 Max – 8 w/ 5x800@5k pace |2 warmup, drills, 5x800m (2 min rec), 2 cooldown |w/up 2@9:22, Pace for intervals – 6:32, 6:22, 6:36, 6:36, 6:34, c/down 2@9:00| HR reached 184 during repeats| God that was awful. My most recent 5k was June so the pace from that was 6:25. In all bar one of the repeats there was no way I was running that pace for 800m. Legs felt dead and I just wanted to pack it in after the first 800. Also kept going out to fast over the first 100m or so and then fading badly over the last 100-200. I’ll be aiming for 6:30-6:35 for these type of workouts in future. Didn’t instill me with any great confidence. I wasn’t the best heading into this session though so I’m trying not to read too much into it
    Thursday| 5 Recovery| 5 miles|9:52, 9:46, 9:54, 9:42, 10:25| 124 to 144| Just around the local park and soccer pitch. The last mile looks a bit slow but there’s a bit coming out of the park with a load of swtichbacks and the GPS never picks it up properly. Still felt a bit off for this
    Friday| Rest or CT |14 miles|8:33, 8:57, 8:47, 8:02, 7:58, 8:49, 9:04, 8:58, 9:00, 8:46, 8:44, 9:29, 9:01, 9:29|133, 147, 161, 157, 151, 151, 149, 151, 153, 159, 157, 162, 159, 161|14 mid afternoon miles. 1st 5 were very hilly ,with a few flat miles in the middle, but by the time I got to those middle miles, my legs felt dead after some steep downhills, and I was running into a strong headwind. A sharp hill around mile 11.5 or so just killed off this run and I plodded the last couple of miles home. I wasn’t paying attention to HR during this run, and I looking at the data afterwards I was working way to hard. Heat and cumulative fatigue at play here. Did this today instead of Sunday because of work and the weather forecast
    Saturday| 8 General Aerobic w/8x100m strides|Rest|| | Wrecked tired and lashing rain outside. I had to work an extra day today, so put off running in the morning because of the weather, and by the time 8pm came I just couldn’t be arsed.
    Sunday|14 medium long |8mile +8x100m strides |8:59, 9:00, 9:08, 8:58, 8:58, 0.5@8:54, then 8x100m with 1 min rec, the 1.2 miles@ around 9:15|127-141 the first 5.5,146-148 for the Last mile|Dragged myself out of bed for this, and was tired to begin with. Didn’t push the strides (maybe 90% effort), but overall a pretty decent, if somewhat unremarkable run

    The best I can say about this week is meh. Only the first run felt any bit good. The rest either felt too hard or were run with disinterest. I kept delaying going out. Just generally fatigued this week, and was beginning to wonder if I coming down with something. It becoming so obvious just how much my pace can change for a similar effort depending on the weather, fatigue levels, fuelling etc. Hamstring really tightened up on Saturday after Fridays hilly run, and was still a bit tight in Sunday morning, but as soon as I got going on Sunday it loosened out. Sunday run sort of made up for the rest of the week to be honest. Three tough weeks ahead now.

    Planned miles: 43 Actual miles: 43.1

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Today was one of those days were I'm left thinking that I really have no idea what I'm doing. The plan was to do 11 miles with the middle 7 at LT pace - i.e 15k to HMP, which for me was around 6:50-7:15 earlier on in the year, but more like 7:20 lately. I headed off and after 2 miles gentle warmup launched into the LT section of the run. Mile 1 was run at 7:05 pace and felt good, but I pulled it back to 7:11 for the second mile. I had to stop after 1.7 miles for a breather. Headed off again this time slower again at around 7:20 pace and let ok and relaxed, only to have to stop again after a mile or so. Ran another 0.4 miles at around 7:48 pace to the end of my out and back route and just stopped. Looking at the data the HR just kept climbing and hit 184 a couple of times (max is 186). I took a break there for a few minutes and had to start to head back the 5,5 miles or so to the car. I decided to just recover for a bit. Did half a mile @10:30 pace with the HR ridiculously high at 146bpm (usually around 130 or less for that pace), but felt ok so tried to do a few more miles to try and salvage something from the day. I've calculated my LT HR to be 153-169, so decided if I could keep the HR around the 165 mark I'd be ok - managed 1 mile @ 7.54 (MP) and 0.3 miles @ 8:40, all with the HR in the 160-169 range, but I just had to stop. I jogged back to the car, with a few bits of walking with split of 9:44, 10:21, 10:33 and around 0.7 miles @ 10:16.

    It was hot and humid and I was soaked through with sweat. I just seems every workout lately is too hard. Am I doing to much? I don't think so.
    I shouldn't have gone at that pace today. It was 20 degrees, but heavy, close and overcast and I've done really badly in similar conditions all year.

    So whats gone wrong? One big change is that I've dropped around 5 kilos in weight since mid July. I'd been struggling in a similar fashion before going on holidays this years when I was a couple of kilos heavier than now. Reduced mileage when away plus the usual holiday stuff meant I put on about 3 or 4 kilos when I was away, but I felt healthy and strong for it. So I was about 72.5kg in June, about 76kg in July and now I'm 71kg. I just don't think I'm strong enough at this weight. I'm probably not refuelling properly - i only really pay attention to this after long runs and just eat normally during the week.

    I'm at a loss now as how to approach Charleville next week. I have no idea of what I'm capable of, but if todays effort is any indication the answer is not much. I'm half thinking of not bothering tbh.

    I've definitely entered the irritable, many, tired stage of training alright. And also the "I can't wait for this to be foookin over" stage aswell.

    What remains for me this week - 7 miles recovery+strides, rest day, 12 MLR, 5 rec, 20 long. The plan is to slow the pace on all runs until I feel a bit better and also to eat sh1tloads of food. I need to gain a couple of kgs I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Bummer M that sounds like a rotten session for you. I know nothing about P&D plan so can't give you any input but will mention it to FBOT and he might be able to throw some light on it for you as he has done this plan before. Mind yourself. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    I can't really comment on the weight issue other than to say when you up the intensity and mileage it would not be unusual to lose a few pounds. 3lbs which is what you appear to have lost since June doesn't sound like a lot I'd generally lose up to a half stone during a good marathon cycle but everybody is different.

    I'd say you are suffering from a little bit of mid-cycle burnout for want of a better phrase. P&D are a tough programs especially when stepping into it for the first time and it can take the body and mind a while to adjust. There are some very tough sessions and they are designed to push you to force your body to make adaptions. I would look at the amount of rest and recovery that you are getting. Are you eating healthy and regularly? Are you refuelling correctly after your runs to give your body what it needs to get the return the plan is designed to give? And key to it all are you getting enough sleep? Also if you are doing all your runs solo I would try to get a few runs done in company to rest the mind while still putting the body through its paces.

    I would also avoid getting distracted by the heart rate stuff unless you have done a proper max heart rate test or gone and done an LT test. Finally, I would say that if the weather in cork is anything like Dublin then it is unusual hot and humid for this time of the year. These type of conditions can significantly add to fatigue and can't be ignored when assessing how you are feeling.

    So in short make sure you are sleeping and eating well and don't ignore the weather conditions. This should allow your body to make the necessary adaption over the next couple of weeks that will see you capitalise on tough training to date............KEEP THE FAITH!!

    PS see you in Charleville :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Cheers lads. Just a bit of mid programme panic I think!! Sleep is the killer for me all the time. I work two days, then two night shifts and its a killer during heavy training (Its 3:45 am now, I'm at work by the time I get to bed I'll have been awake for around 22 hours). I've assigned this workout to the dustbin of time - at best it was a good simulation of what hitting the wall feels like - including the mental anguish! As for the conditions today - well the car said it was 21 degrees and it was 94% relative humidity. I was gasping for air a times today, and was sweating in the car on the drive down to start the run.
    I've some mistakes wrt to refuelling alright - I was good enough at it for the first few weeks, but I've drifted back to old bad habits, and only really focus on it after the weekend long run. I've lost 3lbs since June, but I've lost 12 since July - but maybe I lost 2 or 3 lbs today in sweat, because I weighed myself after running
    As for Charleville - I'll see the back of your head as you disappear off to Killamallock alright! Fingers crossed for 10 degrees at 10am and some light drizzle. I had hoped for a time around 1:30, but I'm not there yet - I don't think I'm even in half marathon PB shape, but I'll be having a crack off the PB anyway.

    And lastly some positives -while I do feel that I have lost some pace at the sharper end of things I have seen a marked increase in my endurance. I really struggled through my long runs last year, but last two big ones this year (20 and 16 w/12@MP) were great. The MLRs are excellent and its a bit mad that I'm knocking out 12 and 14 mile runs midweek without a bother. And its the endurance and MP running that I'm training for after all. I like being able to run (relatively) fast, but I love being able to run for hours. While I ideally love to be able to do both together, if I had to choose between the two I think I'd pick endurance. I was knocking out PBs at all the shorter distances last year, but when it came to the marathon, even though I got a PB in Dublin I hit the wall with a bang. I'm more hopeful that the wheels won't come off this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Cheers lads. Just a bit of mid programme panic I think!! Sleep is the killer for me all the time. I work two days, then two night shifts and its a killer during heavy training (Its 3:45 am now, I'm at work by the time I get to bed I'll have been awake for around 22 hours). I've assigned this workout to the dustbin of time - at best it was a good simulation of what hitting the wall feels like - including the mental anguish! As for the conditions today - well the car said it was 21 degrees and it was 94% relative humidity. I was gasping for air a times today, and was sweating in the car on the drive down to start the run.
    I've some mistakes wrt to refuelling alright - I was good enough at it for the first few weeks, but I've drifted back to old bad habits, and only really focus on it after the weekend long run. I've lost 3lbs since June, but I've lost 12 since July - but maybe I lost 2 or 3 lbs today in sweat, because I weighed myself after running
    As for Charleville - I'll see the back of your head as you disappear off to Killamallock alright! Fingers crossed for 10 degrees at 10am and some light drizzle. I had hoped for a time around 1:30, but I'm not there yet - I don't think I'm even in half marathon PB shape, but I'll be having a crack off the PB anyway.

    And lastly some positives -while I do feel that I have lost some pace at the sharper end of things I have seen a marked increase in my endurance. I really struggled through my long runs last year, but last two big ones this year (20 and 16 w/12@MP) were great. The MLRs are excellent and its a bit mad that I'm knocking out 12 and 14 mile runs midweek without a bother. And its the endurance and MP running that I'm training for after all. I like being able to run (relatively) fast, but I love being able to run for hours. While I ideally love to be able to do both together, if I had to choose between the two I think I'd pick endurance. I was knocking out PBs at all the shorter distances last year, but when it came to the marathon, even though I got a PB in Dublin I hit the wall with a bang. I'm more hopeful that the wheels won't come off this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Hi M, there has been a lot of discussions on LT runs on the sub 3 thread over the last couple of days and you will be glad to know that you are not alone in struggling with that P&D 7m LT run. I can also say from personal experience that I found/find the LT runs in P&D the hardest and often struggle to hit target pace. Looking back at last years training I actually pulled the plug after 6 on that 7m run this time last year on a very hot if nothing else you can take reassurance from others having similar experiences to you. I hope back on track and getting a bit of sleep in.

    Finally on the weight question I would avoid adhoc weigh-ins after runs, etc. If you want to monitor weight the best option is to do it weekly at the same time under the same conditions. I do it out of habit now on a Wednesday morning when i get up and log it in health app on the phone. Never use the information for anything but have it there as a reference point to look back on if I feel the need.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Cheers FBOT01. I was actually reading the same thread yesterday and it did put things into perspective. I think if I was to do this plan again I'd modify that workout into a 3+2+2 with an 800m recovery, or something along those lines. Either that or just do it somewhere between MP and HMP. In fact, if doing this plan in the summer again, I would probably try to do the longer LT pace runs during a race. I always run way better in a race.
    Now, I know you said not to be distracted by the HR stuff, but just for the sake of comparison, I ran a 10k race at the end of June and my HR for that race was in the same range (if not lower in parts) as it was when I was struggling with the 7 mile LT session. So while I thought I was running @LT pace, I was probably running at closer to 10k effort and harder in places. Once this training cycle is over and I've recovered I think I'll definitely be looking into getting the testing done to determine my true HR max, LT threshold etc. because I think there is more to be gained from training at the right effort than at the desired pace - it keeps you honest I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Cheers FBOT01. I was actually reading the same thread yesterday and it did put things into perspective. I think if I was to do this plan again I'd modify that workout into a 3+2+2 with an 800m recovery, or something along those lines. Either that or just do it somewhere between MP and HMP. In fact, if doing this plan in the summer again, I would probably try to do the longer LT pace runs during a race. I always run way better in a race.
    Now, I know you said not to be distracted by the HR stuff, but just for the sake of comparison, I ran a 10k race at the end of June and my HR for that race was in the same range (if not lower in parts) as it was when I was struggling with the 7 mile LT session. So while I thought I was running @LT pace, I was probably running at closer to 10k effort and harder in places. Once this training cycle is over and I've recovered I think I'll definitely be looking into getting the testing done to determine my true HR max, LT threshold etc. because I think there is more to be gained from training at the right effort than at the desired pace - it keeps you honest I suppose.

    Maybe you were just slacking in the race ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    The empty reaching at the finish line says I wasn't.

    Well - not for the last 200m anyway. ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 11. End of Mesocycle 2

    Monday| Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Tuesday| 11 w/7@15k-HMP| 11miles|Didn't do the session as planned|All over the shop|Already discussed above. Have moved on now.
    Wednesday|7 recovery+6x100m strides |7+strides|10:06,9:41,9:42, 1/2 mile@9:44, strides, 0.4@10:12, 9:44, 9:42 | 116-131 before strides, 143-137 after| Nice and easy, strides@90%
    Thursday| Rest or CT| Rest|||
    Friday| 12 medium long |12.2 miles|9:01, 8:56, 9:46, 8:59, 8:45, 8:16, 8:33, 8:12, 8:42, 9:28, 9:02, 8:54, 0.2@9:03|152 average, but more like 157-161 when climbing|Hard work and hilly
    Saturday| 5 Recovery|5 miles|10:03 average|129 average, bit higher at the end | Very enjoyable, nice and easy
    Sunday|20 long run |20 miles|9:07, 8:58, 8:57, 9:01, 8:54, 9:01, 8:54, 8:51, 8:52, 9:00, 8:43, 8:46, 8:43, 8:53, 8:35, 8:35, 8:50, 8:35, 8:44, 8:46, 8:33, 8:19|133-150 (1-10), 152-17 (11-18), 160-165 (19-20)| Ran over a lost of the CCM course for this. Fierce windy

    Highest mileage week so far (maybe ever?) After a bad start, things went ok for the rest of the week

    Wednesday 7/9

    In between night shifts, so went out the park at the back of the house and had a very relaxing and easy run. The strides went ok - although I accidentally pressed the lap button early so did the first couple going up a drag. Felt a lot better after this

    Friday 9/9

    A nice 12 medium long run. The day itself was a write off. I had trouble adjusting back to normal sleep pattern after night shifts this week. Didn't get to sleep until 3am the night before. Due to having a very understanding mrs, I didn't wake until about 12. The weather was cat, and I just wasn't in the mood. Eventually headed out around 4:15pm - the plan was to do laps of the park again, but once I got out the weather had improved so I had a bit of a wander. Went around to Ballyvolane, down to Blackpool the up to Gurranabraher and Hollyhil, around Apple, then down Shanakiel, up over Sundays Well, then on up Wellington Road to Dillons Cross and around by the prison, then home. In other words, I climbed a few hills. I wasn't paying attention to the HR, which ended up being above the range for these type of runs, but I felt strong enough on the hills, without pushing too hard. All in all it felt like a good days work.

    Saturday 10/9

    Another crap nights sleep. Very easy head clearing plod around the park. Remarkable in its unremarkableness. Various thoughts going through my head like "Is toenail Tuesday toenail Monday now?" and "I wonder if I could do a 50k?" Took it very handy. Headed out in the car in the evening to stash water for Sundays run

    Sunday 11/9

    Up early for once. Had the porridge and took a Beet-It as practice because its been a while since I had one and I just wanted to make sure. Because I can't run the course in Dublin for training, I thought I do some mile for the Cork marathon as a simulation - especially the 2nd half, simply because it has a fair few drags, and my usual long run route around the Blackrock walkway and the Marina is fairly flat. I started a bit faster than I should, but the pace felt comfortable so I just kept on going. I pushed on a small bit at about half way, and had a faster last mile, where I ended up doing a lap of the quays to make up the distance. The wind seemed to be coming from every direction possible. It was in my face as headed out the Tivoli dual carriageway, and when I turned to come back, it was still in my face! Although my average pace was exactly the same as my last 20, this felt harder, although that's not surprising given all the ups and downs of the last 11 miles. The last few miles were tough mentally, but I always feel good afterwards when I ignore this and drive on. My right hamstring has been grumbling all week, and it did feel very tight for the last five miles or so, especially at the top. Gels at miles 8,12 and 16. Did a light stretch straight after. Got home and had a protein shake, did a full stretch routine on the floor and foam rolled. Glute meds and TFL are very tight so I'll see about physio during the week. Foam rolling was painful, but I haven't done it in a while so that's my own fault.

    All in all, a good end to the week and my meltdown on Tuesday. I felt I had to grind out the last few miles of the long run, but its all good practice I suppose. I'm still neglecting strength work and its showing towards the end of the long runs, so I must do more of this before Dublin. Second 20 miler done and dusted and 37 miles in 3 days. I've Charleville next week, so the plan is to plan to go out conservatively and push on for the 2nd half, then in a burst of adrenaline at the start line, ignore all my plans, move up to the next pace group, go at like a mad thing and wonder where it all went wrong!!

    The clock is ticking - only 7 weeks to DCM day.

    Planned miles: 55 Actual miles: 55.4[/QUOTE]

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    "Is toenail Tuesday toenail Monday now?

    OMG! I hadn't thought of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    P+D week 12. Start of Mesocycle 3

    Monday| Rest or CT|Rest|||
    Tuesday| V02 max- 8 miles w/5x600 @5k| 2.6 w/up, 5x600m (1:30 rec), 2.8 c/down| Interval times: 2:21, 2:22, 2:22, 2:21, 2:18|127-134 for w/up, 149-140 for c/down, Intervals about 160-170|Early morning – felt great.
    Wednesday|12 medium long |12 miles|9:20, 9:11, 9:07, 9:09, 9:10, 8:56, 8:40, 8:29, 8:49, 9:12, 9:14, 9:28 | 124-149, a couple of spikes to the 160s when climbing | Local, with 6 miles on a 500m loop
    Thursday| Rest or CT| 5 recovery/easy|9:20, 9:17, 9:25, 9:13, 9:22|139-144, 160 spike on hill|More mental recovery than physical. Prework. Post physio
    Friday| 5 recovery w/6x100m |Rest|| |
    Saturday| 8k-15k race|4 recovery + strides| | |
    Sunday|17 long run |Charleville Half|||

    My first major deviation from the plan this week. I’m running the Charleville half, and had decided on this race long before I had decided on this plan, so it stays. There’ll be less mileage this week, and I won’t be doing the planned long run after a race (the book says not to if racing a half marathon). I decided to do the first 2 runs, and then just run easy and rest for the remainder of the week.

    Tuesday 13/9
    Up at the crack of dawn for this session and thankfully the weather was fine – cool and sunny, a big change from the muggy dampness of previous days. I’d been dreading this session ever since the 800s a couple of weeks ago, but it turned into a great session in the end. Whereas I was struggling from the off during the 800s, I had to restrain myself today, and only started to tire during the 4th interval. I’ve listed the times above but the paces were a bit faster than 5k pace – 6:18, 6:21, 6:21, 6:18, 6:10. I started this around 6:45am, and with no track I went off down to Ringaskiddy ferry port near work. The area were the cars queue for the ferry has a perimeter of around 600m, is flat and has really smooth tarmac, I took off during the first interval and noticed the watch said 5:5x after about 50m or so, so I slowed down. Looking at the data I’m really bad at judging pace, so I keep speeding up and slowing down. You can see this in the chart below:


    My 5k pace is about 6:25, but these felt like 5k pace today. I just really needed a good session to boost the morale and I got it today. Recovered well between intervals, and fairly quickly afterwards as well. 8 miles for the day. A great confidence booster

    Wednesday 14/9

    Uggh. I’ve been spluttering and wheezing a bit lately in the mornings – I was hoping it was allergies, but maybe it’s a virus the young lad had a couple of weeks ago. You now the kind that makes you feel a bit rotten but not very sick. Anyway, I got up and saw the kids off to school. Had breakfast and went upstairs to get ready – and just climbed back into bed for a couple of hours. Ended up not going out until about 2pm – I just didn’t want to do it. I just went local, and pottered around for about 2 or so miles – I got a bit of a stitch in my LHS during the first mile, but that faded. My heart really wasn’t in this run. I hadn’t slept well the night before, I felt a bit ill and sore. I ended up in a local park with a 500m tarmac loop – twas an easy mile or so I thought. After about 2 miles there, I just really got into the run. I felt way better, energy levels up, so I ended up doing just over 6 miles on this 500m loop. I really had to watch the pace because it just felt so comfortable and I was getting faster on each lap. It was a real shock to the system when I left the park to go back onto the lumpy local roads. I meandered down to the trails in the park at the back of my house, and did a couple of plodding miles, including the sharp hill out of the park that nearly killed me. Just one of those runs that I wanted to get out of the way, but really enjoyed it (the middle few miles anyway), so I'm glad I got out.

    Thursday 15/9
    In between night shifts. Only got about 4 hours sleep and felt rotten – again not sick, but just a bit congested. I had a physio appointment (right hip and hams have been very tight the last week) so she did a bit of release work and dry needling on the hams, TFL, glute meds. Avoided needling the calves because I normally can’t run for at least 24 hours after that. I had decided to do 5 miles easy today before work but wasn’t looking forward to it. I was sore after the physio, I’d a headache (moan, moan, moan etc) and in the end just decided to go for a run before work and see how far I’d get. In the end it turned out to be one of the most enjoyable runs in while. It was a bit faster than normal recovery pace (not by much), but I really enjoyed it - this became more about mental recovery than physical recovery to be honest, just running for the sake of it and not really watching the mile tick off. I knew after about 500m or so that this was going to be a good one. I felt invigorated, the breathing/congestion had eased and I as smiling away to myself. A nice evening too, with a little bit of warmth from the setting sun, and the lightest of cool breezes off the harbour.

    I can’t wait for Charleville now. I’m really looking forward to this race whatever the result and it’s been ages since I’ve raced – I really miss it, and it’s what makes training worthwhile. If I was to follow this plan again, I think I probably try and get in a couple more races early on - maybe use them as LT runs, or do one of the MP sessions during a half. So last year – too much racing, this year maybe not enough. It’s all about striking a balance really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    Best of luck tomorrow HBS. Enjoy!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Have a great race tomorrow M :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Cheers lads. After much deliberation I have decided my plan for the day is just to go out and give it a good lash and see what happens. The main aim is to get back to Charleville while there's still some cake left.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Cheers lads. After much deliberation I have decided my plan for the day is just to go out and give it a good lash and see what happens. The main aim is to get back to Charleville while there's still some cake left.

    You do realise FBOT is going there will be no cake left !!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Cheers lads. After much deliberation I have decided my plan for the day is just to go out and give it a good lash and see what happens. The main aim is to get back to Charleville while there's still some cake left.

    I approve of this :D

    Have a good race, enjoy!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    1:31:55 by my watch. A new PB. Online results aren't up yet. The last 2 miles are a f0cker. Tired, a bit sore and happy now. I'll do a proper report sometime later maybe. All the online calculators are giving me a marathon time of between 3:13 and 3:15. They must taking the proverbial. Couldn't eat the cake. They only had small iced ones anyway.
