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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Tuesday 29/11

    7.1 miles total including 7x12 sec fast hills, then 8x100m strides. Nothing much to report. I stopped for few minutes halfway through the strides though to have a quick chat with a guy from work who was also out for a run. There was loads of runners out by the Lee Fields on a cold evening.

    Wednesday 30/11

    13.1 miles @ 8:56 - the last 2 mile mile were 9:16, 9:46 - I totally bonked on my longest run since DCM. Although I should have known better - it was my first full day off after 72 hour work week with 4 night shifts - sleep and nutrition were not what they should have been. I was straving afterwards and fell asleep on the couch after dinner - and only a few weeks ago I was knocking out 12-14 milers midweek without much thought. It's funny how things change so quickly. Use it or loose it I suppose.

    Thursday 01/12 & Friday 02/12

    Niet. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Thursday was a planned rest day. Friday - I slept through my alarm and woke up late so no chance for a run today, and I'm out tonight for a Xmas do.

    I don't know whether I just unmotivated or I'm still recovering from DCM but I'm finding it hard going the last two weeks. I just don't feel right. The only thing keeping my going really is the aforementioned arbitrary yearly mileage goal of 2000 miles. I'm at 1906 and to be honest if I had passed the 2k by now I think I'd be taking some time off. I'm hedging my bets that if I keep training through this malaise I'll retain some bit of fitness. I'll also be kicking myself because if I don't hit the 2k I'll have to do it next year (just because) whereas if I do it I can forget about arbitrary mileage goals. I'm am definitely going to try slowing down a bit though - I'm just too tired after some of the supposedly easy runs and my HR is above where I'd like it to be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Friday evening 02/12 -Saturday 03/12

    One steak, several glasses of wine and pints and one curry chips. No taxis. Ran a mile up the hill to get home faster in me socks (1mile@12:04, 196ft elevation) at 3:30am - does that count as a run. A long sleep and a good dose of the fear later on - good God I'm well out of practice. Worst of all I had a couple of fags. Uggh. And then I had to work nights


    The hangover part 2. I'm old. No running, just work. I'll run tomorrow. I've lost my mojo. Running's way better than drinking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Monday 05/12
    Feck all again. That's 5 days straight now and I'm feeling a bit rough.

    Tuesday 06/12

    After a bit of deliberation I've ditched the Pfitzinger plan and decided to start the 10k to HM plan from Myles' Graduate plans which will bring me nicely up to Ballycotton. 60mins@9:32 (6.2 miles), flattish course. I appear to be very very unfit. My HR was ridiculous.

    Wednesday 07/12

    3 miles warmup (9:16; 9:36; 9:25)
    8x1 min hills with 3 min recoveries. Recoveries were a mix of jogging/walking back down the hill, jogging back and forth at the bottom and standing around. Blasted out the first 2 reps and died slowly over the next 6.
    Paces for reps: 7:05; 7:00; 7:54; 8:18; 8:38; 7:56; 8:43; 8:03
    3 miles cool down: 9:46; 9:50; 9:41

    This was a tough session, but I'm looking forward to doing it again.

    Thursday 08/12

    60 minutes@9:28, rolling course. Another ridiculous effort. Either my watch is playing up or something is up. HR is is 15-20 bpm higher than normal for this pace range even with the hills.

    Friday 09/12

    Missed my chance to get out in the morning, so no run today.

    So the mojo is returning slowly. I've had a terrible week sleepwise, and my breathing is a bit off which is probably contributing to the increased effort at was was previously recovery pace but is no bordering on the lower end of LT pace for the final few miles if my HR monitor was to be believed. I'm going to run with the strap rather than the OHRM tomorrow just to see if there's a problem with the watch.

    My plans for next year have been slightly skewed - I was planning on doing the Great railway run 25k in April, but the date doesn't suit, so I'm thinking I might do the Half in limerick.
    So 2017 might look something like this:
    05/02 Dungarvan 10
    12/03 Ballycotton 10
    30/04 Limerick Half ????
    05/06 or 04/06 Cork City Half???
    Mid September: Charleville Half
    Early December: Waterford AC Half?? - I've never done this and it seems like a good race.

    No marathons (yet). I'd also like to do the Ballycotton Summer 5 mile series, a couple of 5k races and a couple of 10ks - shave a few seconds off my 5k and 10k times, and my 5 mile PB is very soft. Could I get my half time down from 1:31:5x to below 1:30? I thought I might do it this year, but I switched focus to DCM half way through the year. I feel like I've lost some of what I gained throughout the year - as in my training paces haven't really gotten much faster and my endurance melted away rapidly after DCM. Still, I need something to keep my mind occupied so I'll start hammering away again. First up is the 2000 miles. I'm at 1928 now, so baring a disaster I should hit the 2k some time over the next couple of weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Saturday 10/12

    Got my ass up out of bed for a pre work run.

    25 min tempo with 15 minute warmup and 20 minute cooldown. Total miles: 7.3

    Warmup 1.6 miles - 9:28, 0.6@9:21
    Tempo: Goal Pace 7:11-7:23. 3.4 miles - 7:21; 7:23; 7:11; 0.4@7:14
    Cool down: 2.3 miles 8:52; 9:15; 0.3@8:54

    I was half asleep starting out. The first mile of the tempo felt a bit tough tbh, but as I warmed up a bit more it felt easier. I was still counting down the last 5 minutes though. Overall I'm happy with this - the effort felt hard, but doable. But I'm a good bit away from where I was a few weeks ago.

    Sunday 11/12

    I didn't stick to the plan. The plan called for 1:45 easy. Easy pace is around 9:00 - 9:30. I went a bit faster than that for a little bit longer. I suppose I started fast, and didn't reign it in. I found I was enjoying myself and not paying too much attention to the watch so I just carried on I suppose.
    13.16 miles in 1:53. I mean how could I stop at 1:45 with only a mile or so to go for a half. I also happened to be a mile away from the car. I'd sort of set myself a goal of running the half marathon distance at least once a month in January - it seemed like a big enough goal at the time, but I achieved fairly easily in the end - a sign of how much I've come on in the year I think.
    I was bloody freezing too and I'd left my gloves at home so my hands were fairly sore afterwards.
    Splits: 8:34; 8:34; 8:22; 8:49; 8:45; 8:34; 8:34; 8:19; 8:32; 8:47; 8:36; 8:23; 8:38; 8:08 for the bit.

    So back in action - total miles this week 41.8, and I'm feeling good about it. A bit of the auld mojo is coming back. 1948 total miles for the year so I should hit the 2k either next week or early Christmas week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    So - this week. 53 miles, 2 good sessions and a 14 mile long run. Hit 2001.2 miles for the year.

    And then boom. I won't say too much here. This log is been more than a log to me - I suppose, reading back, I've logged my mood as much as my training. It's been very important to me and a much needed source to vent. And today was great. Until this evening. If I ever had my doubts about the existence of God before they've been confirmed now. See ye around lads. I think this log is going to be very quiet for a while.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,121 ✭✭✭tang1

    Best of luck, do what you need to do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Hope everything ok M mind yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Ok - so I've not gone as long as I thought. A very patchy couple of weeks. And now I've been struck down with stage 3 manflu just as was getting back into the swing of things. Any time I have run I've probably been pushing it a bit hard - lets just say it's been good for stress levels.
    I've decided to go back logging because as I said in my previous post I can vent here.

    Christmas week was a very tough week personally. But this is a running forum and not Personal Issues so I'll stick to running.

    I've had to ask myself if running is the best use of my time at the moment. I have a plan and I'm just following it blindly. I know this is a corny thing to say but running is my therapy so to speak, and when I run I feel better. And I'm in a better position to help those around me who are relying on me for now.

    Christmas eve I did 8x1 minute hills - tough, but it served a dual purpose of stress relief and training. Christmas Day - 2.5 mile around MP

    The following week - got back into things a bit. Did an hour easy Stephens Day, but then the auld fella got sick and I had to spend a couple of days over and back to CUH. Missed the Togher 5k - but in the grand scheme of things it wasn't important. He's grand again - they do a great job over there in CUH to be fair. Did a couple of sessions in a park near the parents house - 6x2 mins AP on Thursday and 4x6 mins Threshold on Saturday. I was going to do Parkrun, but tbh I just didn't feel like it so did the session instead. Did 5 and bit Friday but was tired so I cut it short. Did 11 New Years Day with the last mile up Summerhill North to Dillons Cross.

    Back to work yesterday - woke up late for a run, but it was an optional rest day/recovery run. But by 10am my nose and eyes were streaming, I was sneezing, coughing and spluttering. Left work early and now I'm out sick today. I probably won't run tomorrow either just to be on the safe side - I'm currently still in the throes of it.

    2017 is here anyway. I'd been debating wether or no to do a marathon, but I think I will - carpe diem and all that. If I am doing one it will be Dublin and it will be for charity - probably Pieta House. I'm going to do another post soon with one of those tables everyone is doing - just to see where I'm at and where I'm going.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Good to see you back logging M here's to a New Year all the best for 2017.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    2016 was my best year of running to date - I really missed very very little time at all pre Dublin due to injury like previous years and saw PBs across any distance I raced. Consistency was key for 2016 - I followed Myles Graduate plan for the first part of the year and then did the P&D up to 55 mile 18 week plan for DCM. I raced a bit less than in 2015, but it paid off I think.

    Here's my table. I'm including 2013, but I only really tracked a handful of small jogs. 2013 was mostly spent in the gym, with a few spins on a bike. It's when I decided to get fit. I didn't really take up running until 2014. Also I couldn't be bothered editing the table


    5K|21:12|20:04|19:58|Only did one 5k in 2106
    5M|-|34:29|-|Should do damage to this in 2017. Didn't do one in 2016
    6M|45:57|-|41:16|My works BHAA race - hilly
    10k|-|-|42:01|Courtmac 10k. Only 2nd ever 10k I raced
    25k|-|2:07:41|1:50:32|Great Railway Run

    I'm looking to see improvements across all distances starting with the Dungarvan 10 and Ballycotton 10. If I improve my 10 mile time the half marathon time should follow. A decent marathon training programme should see maybe 10 minutes knocked off that time as well. There should be 30 seconds to come off my 5k and 10k times. The 5 mile time is very soft - I've broken that time in longer races, including my half marathon PB. I should get at least one PB in 2017 then.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Crap week. I was sick on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday so no running. I went out and did 8x1min hills on Thursday evening before work (6 miles total) and an hour easy over a hilly course on Friday evening (total 7 miles). I was supposed to do a tempo workout Saturday evening, but I got back from being out with the kids and just felt completely drained so I rested instead. Yesterday I did 15 min tempo with 4 min recovery then 10 minutes threshold (total miles 8.6). I found this really hard to do - I was able to maintain the prescribed paces but the effort was harder than it should have been. I'm thinking of doing last weeks long run today and just moving all my workouts ahead by a day which kind of suits due to work. Although I'm sitting here logging instead of running which probably means it won't be happening. On the other hand I appear to have a niggle in my left calf which isn't settling down so a long run may not be the best idea. I will pop out at some stage though even if its just for an hour.

    I'm just finding it hard to be motivated at the moment. I'm nowhere near the shape I wanted to be in by this stage so Dungarvan is more than likely not going to be the race I wanted it to be, so I'll move my focus to Ballycotton.

    It's been a busy few weeks around here (and not in a good way) and i just feel drained both mentally and physically. If I'm being honest the main reason I'm running at all at the moment is so I won't regret not training in a few weeks time when I hope I'll actually feel like training. But getting out the door is the hardest part and once I get going I can do the sessions and do feel better for having done it. I'll just play it by ear for the moment - after all there are more important things in life and this is just a pastime. Sometimes these things we do for pleasure have to take a back seat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Th niggle in my calf was playing on my mind so I went to the physio on Monday evening. She reckoned it was just overloaded. She did a bit of dry needling and it felt a bit better. I have to do some s+c with focus on the glutes again - just to get them activated and strengthen so the calves aren't doing to much work.

    Monday 09/01, Tuesday 10/01

    Rest days. Physio on Monday. Calf was still sore from treatment on Tuesday and the physio said not to run anyway.

    Wednesday 11/01

    5.3 miles easy pre work. 9:38; 9:37; 9:21; 9:11; 9:35; 9:45 for the bit

    Was tired enough doing this. Earliest run in a while.

    Thursday 12/01

    5x5 mins @ CV pace with 4 min recoveries

    Total miles 9.6

    Headed up to a local park for these which has a 500m or so sort of circular tarmac path. Each rep was about 0.75 miles so roughly 2.5 laps.

    1.9 mile warmup - 8:38, 9:03

    Pace for intervals: 6:31; 6:32; 6:38; 6:37; 6:40
    Goal Pace: 6:33 - 6:42

    My usual effort at intervals - go out to fast, slow down too much and only nail the pace in the 2nd half. Although the last 3 were a bit more consistent. For the recoveries I planned to jog the whole lot, but in reality after the 2nd interval that turned into walking for the first 30 seconds or so and shuffling around. I also had to strip off all the excess clothes I'd worn because as we all know snow = sub arctic conditions and that means hats, tights, jackets, gloves, neck warmer etc.. So yeah I overheated during the 3rd rep and nearly puked so I stripped off all the excess gear and did the last two intervals with just my top and tights on.

    Again I was able to hit the paces ok, but the effort level just felt a bit too high - which was born out by the HR data afterwards with the HR creeping into the 180's towards the end of each rep.

    Cool Down: 2 miles back home: 8:56; 8:40

    Friday 13/01

    In between night shifts - just headed in a bit early and did an easy hour around Ringaskiddy. Nice night for it. Dressed like an Antarctic explorer again but I didn't overheat. Took it easy - the calf felt a bit sore for the first 5 minutes but any discomfort went after 5 or so minutes. Pace was fairly consistent too.

    6.65miles @ 9:03/mile

    So I'm getting some consistency back. It's my first full week back to work for a while which helps. I've been doing some glute activation stuff before running as advised. I probably shouldn't have done the CV intervals, but I wasn't feeling any trouble from the calf and would have stopped if I had. I have some threshold intervals to do at the weekend, but I thinking off doing a 4 mile race instead. I haven't raced since DCM so It would be nice to get a feel for where I'm at.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Sooo - if I was to sign up for Cork, then I'd probably want to start training fairly soon. Maybe. I could do the Meno plan which means starting the week after Dungarvan. Alternatively I could just keep going with the Graduates 10k to HM plan until Ballycotton - and then start a 12 week P+D plan. That's if I was to sign up. Then if I was to do DCM - then training would start at the end of June for an 18 week plan - just after I get back from holidays, which will be well needed - if I do Cork that is. Hmm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Sooo - if I was to sign up for Cork, then I'd probably want to start training fairly soon. Maybe. I could do the Meno plan which means starting the week after Dungarvan. Alternatively I could just keep going with the Graduates 10k to HM plan until Ballycotton - and then start a 12 week P+D plan. That's if I was to sign up. Then if I was to do DCM - then training would start at the end of June for an 18 week plan - just after I get back from holidays, which will be well needed - if I do Cork that is. Hmm.

    Decisions decisions :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Saturday 14/1

    Up outa bed at lunch time after night shift. 6 miles easy@9:29 average - just a few laps of the park.

    Sunday 15/1

    I was going to do the Cork BHAA FMC 6k, but I just wasn't feeling it when I woke up - I felt a bit knackered to be honest. I felt a lot better by lunchtime so headed out to the Lee Fields. I'm a day behind on my plan so it was 3x8 mins Threshold today with 3 mins recovery.

    Warmup: 2.23 miles - 9:05, 9:00, 9:31 for the bit, - bit of a headwind. I felt a bit creaky, stiff and tired and was considering just going easy back to the car for a handy 4 miler, but decided to give the intervals a shot

    Intervals: 1 and 3 I had what felt like a slight tailwind. However for rep 2 it felt like I was running into gale (ok - a fairly stiff breeze then). Goal pace was 6:51 - 7:01

    1: 1.19 miles@6:44 - a bit fast but felt ok. Tailwind
    Recovery - 3 min jog@9:33
    2: 1.16 miles@6:54 - into the wind, and was counting down the last minute.
    Recovery - walked for 20 seconds or so and jogged the rest; 10:25
    3: 1.18 miles@6:47 - tailwind again and felt like was working hard.
    I stopped the watch here after about a minute and then just jogged for a bit@8:43.

    I felt good doing these - in control bar say the last minute or two of the 3rd rep. I also felt strong for the first time in ages.

    Cool down: 3.45 miles: 8:27; 8:28; 8:27 and 8:31 pace for the bit. I was enjoying this cool down so I just kept going until I hit 10 miles. Felt great doing this

    Total miles: 10.14. Good session and enjoyable

    Monday 16/1

    13.1 miles - up and out the door by 9am. Did the usual loop from Silversprings into Glanmire and back around to the train station and Horgans quay. Was meant to take it easy after yesterdays session but I just felt relaxed and comfortable so I ran this a tad on the fast side again.

    8:48; 8:45; 8:50; 8:41; 8:30; 8:15; 8:34; 8:25; 8:44; 8:53; 8:51; 8:39; 7:59; 6:50 pace for the 0.1

    Miles 9,10,11 - turned the corner back onto the Tivoli dual carriageway into a hurricane - I passed the car at 9 miles and thought about packing it in. I got the benefit of a tailwind for the last 3 miles though. I spotted a runner ahead of me during the last mile, so rather than be sensible and maintain my pace I just tried to reel them in, which I finally did just before I reach 13 miles. I just decided to but the afterburners on for the last little bit in order to cross the road quick and just to see what I had left in the tank really.

    I started this run thinking that due to my lack of long runs over the last few weeks that maybe 1 miles was a bit ambitious, but I held up well and was glad to get it done.

    Jumped on the scales after - someones been messing with the calibration I'd say. 6kg heavier than I was in October, or so it said.

    Tuesday 17/1

    I was stuck for time today between one thing and another. Got out around tea time for a trot around the city centre

    4 miles - 8:55; 8:40; 8:32; 8:23. This was supposed to be a recovery run - just felt easy at the time. I wasn't really paying attention to the watch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Must be a virus all the scales are coming down with since Christmas mine acting up too !!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Wednesday 18/1

    A sluggish 6 miles@9:04 before work. Average HR 148. Felt way too hard for the pace. Paying the price for running my easy runs too fast and skipping rest days I'd say.

    Thursday 19/1

    Skipped the planned session for an extra hour in bed and a rest day. Turned out to be a busy day at work an I was well knackered by 8pm.

    Friday 20/1

    Nothing yet. Had a crap nights sleep and felt rubbish this morning. Had a bit of a lie in. I might head out this evening if I've time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Friday 20/1

    10x300m@ mile pace, 1 minute recoveries

    Did this on a nice flat stretch out by the Lee Fields.

    Warmup: 2miles@8:52

    Splits for intervals: 1:06; 1:05; 1:05; 1:06; 1:07; 1:05; 1:05; 1:06; 1:03; 1:04
    Pace for intervals: 5:54; 5:49; 5:49; 5:54; 5:59; 5:49; 5:49; 5:54; 5:38; 5:43

    Cool down: 2.4 miles@8:56; 8:50; 8:46

    I found this ok - I'm not really sure what mile pace is supposed to feel like. I just used the predicted pace from the Tinman Calculator. I was surprised I was able to keep up the pace for the whole ten reps to be honest. The recoveries slowed as I moved through the workout - I walked parts of them. Overall I'm happy with how this went.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Saturday 21/1

    7 miles before work after a busy day - 9:07; 8:37; 8:32; 8:41; 8:28; 8:25: 8:33. Don;t remember much about this

    Sunday 22/1

    Headed out around 7pm.

    Did 4x8mins LT with 90 seconds recovery. Reps felt easier than last week, but I was still feeling it by the end of the last two.

    Average pace for reps: 6:50; 6:54; 6:54; 6:54 - each rep about 1.16 miles

    2 mile warmup@8:56

    2.75 miles cooldown@8:32

    10.01 miles total.

    Felt like a decent session.

    Monday 23/1

    11 miles@9:01 average (1 hr 39mins)

    Disaster of a run. I headed out at lunchtime on a nice clear day looking forward to a nice 2 hour run. 4 miles in I was suffering - gassed out. I took a drink of water and felt better. I eased off a bit and got another 3 miles done handy enough, but then I started feeling fatigued again. The last 2 miles were just a struggle to get back to the car. I'd come off nights the day before and hadn't slept well Sunday night either. I hadn't refuelled properly after Sunday evenings run either. I ate all around me for the rest of the day. Ah well, that's how it goes some days

    Tuesday 24/1

    4.4 miles easy/recovery - average pace 9:29. Just a few laps of the local park to stave off the boredom. I didn't fancy doing anything to taxing after Mondays effort.

    Wednesday 25/1

    Tuesday evening and Wednesday proved to be quite stressful. By the time I got a chance to get out on Wednesday evening I was tired and stressed - I think drained would be a good description. I let the bad weather put me off so I binned a planned session and just watched TV


    More moaning. Back to work today and didn't get up in time to go before work and I've no plans to go this evening after a 12 hour shift. So another rest day. I'd set the alarm for 6 - I just forgot to switch it on. I'd planned a 30 minute tempo - would have be fun in that wind this morning.

    It's just one of those weeks so far where life has taken over. I'll hopefully get out out for the last 3 days of the week and try and squeeze a session into one of those runs. Dungarvan 10 is next weekend so I'll try have some kind of mini taper in the few days leading up to it. After Dungarvan I'll finish out the graduate plan for Ballycotton, but I'll try and focus on getting a bit of consistency back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Friday 26/1
    No running.

    Saturday 27/1

    30 minute tempo. I was delayed getting out so didn't get started until after 4pm

    Warmup - 2.2 miles (8:46; 8:53; 8:46 for the bit)

    Tempo (goal pace 7:11 -7:23) - 4.2 miles (7:20; 7:03; 7:12; 7:08; 7:25 for the bit)

    Cooldown - 2 miles (8:56; 9:00)

    Good session. Best described as harder than it should have been but easier than I thought it would be. 8.5 total for the day.

    Sunday 29/1

    8 miles easy before work (in between night shifts)

    8:58; 8:46; 8:52; 9:00; 8:56; 8:44; 9:02; 8:51

    Vanilla run.

    A poor weekly total of 32 miles. One crap long run, one short recovery, 3 days off, a decent tempo and then a "meh just gettin' in the miles" run. My head just wasn't in the right place this week.

    Weekly mileage since DCM: 11.7; 21.2; 32.3; 20.6; 21.3; 41.8; 53.0; 8.8; 39.3; 21.6; 37.8; 47.3; 32.0.

    I'm racing next weekend and it's been a while so the plan is there's no real plan. I'm going to just go all out and see where that gets me. If I crash and burn then so be it, but if not it could be a very good day. At least I'll know where I'm at, and I can set a realistic goal for Ballycotton.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Monday 30/1

    Headed out about 7pm. Did 4.1 miles@8:50 then stopped to give someone a hand, and finished with 1.3 miles@8:08 (mostly downhill). There was very little wind, but it was lashing rain - which i enjoyed tbh. A very enjoyable run, which ended up with me having to disrobe in the porch down to my shorts because I was like a drowned rat.

    Tuesday 31/1

    Got out at lunch time for 7.1 miles@8:40. Got a couple of nice long hills in as well

    Wednesday 1/2

    Session night. I had a choice between following the plan (12x75 secs@ CV) or doing the workout I missed last week (8x3min@CV). Between one thing and another I didn't get out until the evening, I was tired etc. etc. so I went for the scheduled workout. I found it hard to hit to correct pace sometimes and the intervals were so short I didn't really have time to dial in the pace if I went too fast. Most of these were done into a light wind. CV pace is 6:33 - 6:42

    2 mile warm up - 8:46; 8:36

    Pace for intervals: 6:35; 6:33; 6:28; 6:35; 6:18; 6:37; 6:20; 6:23; 6:38; 6:25; 6:39; 6:41. Jogged 1 minute recoveries

    Cool Down - 2.5 miles 8:44; 8:46; 9:06

    Total miles: 8

    I could have managed a few more. Stayed dry for the most part except for the last 10 minutes when I got soaked so I was freezing by the time I got home. Happy enough with this session, felt good afterwards and hopefully it will have sharpened me up a small bit for Sunday.

    Thursday 2/2

    A local 7 miles@8:44, rolling course (a few drags and some small hills). I headed out mid afternoon for this, and felt a bit tired during the run. I'd had a decent nights sleep for the first time in about a week, so I'm guessing I was just tired from last nights session. Nothing remarkable - just a case of getting out there and getting the miles in. I have a scheduled rest day tomorrow - I think it will be my first rest day that I meant to take in weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,015 ✭✭✭jake1970

    Best of luck tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Best of luck tomorrow. ENJOY!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Saturday 04/02

    Slipped out of work at lunch time for 3 miles easy including a few strides.

    Sunday 05/02

    John Treacy Dungarvan 10.

    Not the best day, but I'm not surprised. I'd had one or two problems with my breathing during the week, and I felt a bit congested when I woke up. Nothing like a cold - more allergy related. My stomach also felt a bit ropey early on. I felt better as the morning wore on and thought no more of it. I was really up for it today - I felt excited and was looking forward to getting back racing again. Long story short, I got down to Dungarvan in plenty of time, got togged off an did a couple of miles warm up. I wasn't as nervous as I usually am and couldn't wait to get going. I felt good and decided to have a crack of my PB and see who I got on. 6:50s would have gotten me a small PB (currently 1:08:53) and the conditions were perfect for racing. I positioned myself a bit in front of the 70 minute pacer and in view of the 65 min pacers.

    Miles 1-3. 6:40; 6:45; 6:51

    I thought I was back far enough but there were people streaming past for the first mile. I started out way to fast and put the brakes on a bit, but it was still too fast. It felt comfortable though, and in mile 2 I decided that 6:45 was a decent enough pace and to keep at that. Mile 2 to 2.5 was a bit of drag and I started to slow (already). My breathing was laboured and I was starting to loose the mental battle already. A bit of downhill then. I regained some lost time and felt better and motored on.

    Miles 4-6 6:59; 7:08; 7:10

    Basically any chance of a PB as gone from here. If I'd have run it more sensibly then maybe I could have sneaked one in, but mentally I was gone - making deals with myself, considering DNFing etc. Miles 4 and 5 felt really tough to me - a really long drag into a headwind (I was probably just a stiff breeze but I felt it). Miles 6 was where I finally gave up. It's a rolling mile and although I felt better and was able to pick up the pace again during a downhill section, but another short drag took its toll

    Miles 7-9 7:32, 7:52; 7:54

    Basically I'd given up here. My chest felt a bit tight, and even a slight downhill didn't give me any respite. I though about a sub 70. I could hear the 70 minute pacers catching up behind, and to be honest when the passed I just didn't have the will to follow on. I felt bate and though there's no point in doing nay damage here so slowed right up. Mile 8 would have been faster but I stopped for a slash. I just didn't care. We hit he main road at about 8.5 miles and I started to push on a bit and made a bit of an effort _ I suppose I knew the end was in sight and I perked up a bit. I wasn;t in bad form or anything - I just slowed to between 7:30 and 8:00 pace and felt comfortable at that.

    Mile 10 6:56

    Just before the 9 mile marker we went back up the road that I had trouble with a 2.5 miles. So from there to about 9.3 miles I just tried to maintain effort. When we got to the end of the drag I knew for m last year it was downhill most of the way for the last km. I don't know where it came from but I was able to put the foot down and push for home. I ran the last km in 4.05, and even had enough for a sprint finish where I think I passed a few people.

    Overall assesment - I felt like I was hanging on for miles 5 and 6. The head went at mile 4, the lungs at mile 6 and I felt like my legs had gone at mile 8. I stopped racing and just ran in the last few miles at probably marathon effort. The last km and the finish says I had plenty left in the tank, so I left a minute or two behind me. I should have stuck with the 70 minute pacers and then pushed on after mile 5 or 6 if I felt like it. I should have forgotten about a PB and just tried to run a good race. I didn't do many races in the 2nd half of last year, and haven't raced since DCM, so I suppose I just a bit rusty racing wise. My legs did feel tight and heavy for a good bit of the race (guess whose not doing his s+c and physio excercises) and I wasn't 100% health wise. I gave up too easily - I suppose I'm just not used to pushing myself in that uncomfortable zone any more - I forget what it feels like. A felt a bit stiff during the race as well - across the back and shoulders - I've abandoned the foam roller of late, and it shows.

    Actually there was a lot that was off with me today and I shouldn't have gone for PB. If I look back at the last few weeks - nutrition, hydration, s+c, consistency, sleep have all been below optimal. And weirdly enough (this is a bit TMI so look away now kids) - I felt like I was dying for a wizz for the last couple of miles, but the tank was empty so to speak. Was this down to dehydration?

    But - I had a 6 mile LT run, with a few steady miles afterwards followed by a fast finish on an nice day. If I can get a few decent consistent weeks under my belt I might have a crack off that PB in Ballycotton. I might through in a shorter race or a parkrun before that just to work on the auld mental toughness and race discipline.

    I sort of don't know where this leaves as regards to my plan for the rest of the year. I'd been half considering doing Cork and Dublin. On the other hand I miss the regular racing I was doing in 2015, which I dropped out of last year during DCM training because I stuck as close as possible to my plan. Even though today felt like a bit of a slog and I left dissappointed, I did get that racing bug back. I need to get out and have a good crack off something soon.

    Edit: I've just seen there's a Cork BHAA 5k in a couple of weeks. Hmm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Sounds like a tough day alright, you did well to finish strong enough. Having a lash at a 5k sounds like a good plan to me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Busy week - work and home so some of the runs this week were a mile or 2 shorter than usual. I've ditched the Graduate plan - I was stressing about finding the time to get two sessions and the long run in every week. I jumped into week 2 of the Meno Marathon plan, with a couple of small changes (to try and suit my working hours). And then this afternoon I registered for Cork, so I have to commit now and stop messing about with training.
    Monday 06/02
    4.1 miles recovery@9:38. In between nights. Nice n easy

    Tuesday 07/02

    5 easy - 8:10, 8:23, 8:14, 8:18, 7:41 - Local loop. First mile is uphill for about 500m, the dowhill, then 3 miles of mostly uphill drag, and a fast downhill for the last mile.Pace was a bit hot, but the effort felt ok and the HR was in the right range for most of the run.

    Wednesday 08/02

    Progression run - 2 miles easy, 8 min steady, 8 min MP, 8 min HMP, 8 min 10k, 2 miles easy

    Headed out the Lee fields for this while there was still a bit of light.


    W/up: 8:25, 8:33
    Progression: 1.04 miles@7:42; 1.08 miles@7:24; 1:16 miles@6:54; 1.19miles@6:44
    c/down: 8:34; 8:39

    Steady and MP sections felt good - comfortable enough and enjoyed the MP bit. HMP bit was ok and got tougher towards the end - the pace was slightly optimistic. The 10k bit was tough and I slowed a bit towards the end. Love this kind of session.

    Thursday 09/02

    5 recovery@9:54.

    Yock. Crap. Felt crap. Crap weather. HR monitor wouldn't work. Couldn't wait to be finished.

    Friday 10/02

    I'd planned my long run for today to avoid going before work at the weekend, but I felt a bit ropey in the morning and then a window didn't open until about 8pm so CBA. No run. I was due a rest day anyway

    Saturday 11/02

    Crap sleep. There was no way I was getting up to do my long run before work this morning.

    4 miles easy@8:21 - sneaky lunch run.


    Long run - 14 miles@8:47 - 9:19; 8:52; 9:02; 8:33; 8:53; 8:47; 8:54; 8:46; 8:38; 8:41; 8:59; 8:33; 8:34; 8:30.

    Managed to haul my ass out of bed at 5am. I'm far prouder of than the run tbh. I didn't really get into this until after about 5 miles. I ran this on a cup of coffee and whatever I had left in my system from yesterday - this would be my first time doing a run of this length with no breakfast. The weather was awful and I felt cold for most of it, but I was being pushed along too for some miles. I'm really starting to hate that bridge over to Haulbowline. A good run though -felt good after about 5 miles like I said and didn't really tire until the last mile. Nice to get it done, and no sign of suffering because of having missed my usual bowl of porridge.

    Weekly total: 40.8 miles

    So now I have a plan for the first half of the year, and I'm happy enough with it. I plan on doing the following races:
    Sun 26 Feb BHAA Gas Networks Ireland 5k
    Sun 12 March Ballycotton 10
    Sun 2 April BHAA UCC Carmel Lynch Memorial 10k
    Wed 10 May BHAA Pfizer 6 mile
    Sun 4 June Cork City Marathon.

    I have the option of doing the Limerick Half on April 30 - I'd only be doing it because I usually do a half/25k in the lead up to a marathon. I'm leaning towards not doing it at the moment. I'm going to treat this as a bit of an experiment. If it all goes arseways in Cork in June, I'm sure there's other marathons later on in the year that I can have a crack off. (DCM 2017? :eek:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    CCM 2017 week 2

    Monday 13/2

    7.1 miles easy 8:28; 8:18; 8:04; 8:17; 8:29; 8:39; 8:27

    Out to Ballincollig Regional Park on the way back from Dad's taxi duties. Average HR 146. Very windy - so the pace picked up with the wind to my back. Heart rate rose a bit when I turned into the wind, or when I ran on the trails, so I'd drop off the pace a bit to bring it back down. Nice run - felt great doing it and afterwards too. Nice place for a run - must get out there to actually do a parkrun at some stage.

    Tuesday 14/2

    6.2 miles with 6x100m strides.

    Lovely night for it. Headed down to the port for the usual route before work. Nice and mild, with not much wind - t shirt weather.

    8:29; 8:16; 7:48; 7:48; 7:43 (including strides), 8:33; 0.2@8:11

    Meet a work buddy just after I started into the 2nd mile, so I ran a few miles at his pace (was supposed to 8's). I was actually surprised that I was able to hold a conversation, even though it was a small bit strained. HR didn't rise too much above 75% or HRmax for the faster miles. I turned off after mile 4 to do 6x100m strides with 30s rec. Did this at about 95% effort, and felt good doing them.

    Wednesday 15/2

    Headed out in the evening for 3x2 miles at HM to 10 mile pace with 0.5 mile easy jog recovery. It was mild enough when I started (about 9 deg) but the temps dropped to around 6 with a cold breeze so I was freezing during the cool down tbh. Pace for the reps was closer to last years 10 mile pace than current form, but I felt good doing them. For each rep the first mile felt grand, just floating along, then I started to feel it for the next half mile. The last half mile got progressively harder with each rep. All the same, I felt like this was a good session . Legs were very tired afterwards though.

    W/up - 2 miles: 8:43; 8:40
    Rep 1: 6:49; 6:49
    Rec: 0.5@9:34
    Rep 2: 6:51; 6:50
    Rec: 0.5@9:52
    Rep 3: 6:54; 6:49
    Rec: 9:28
    C/down - 2.5 miles: 8:52; 8:52; 0.5@8:49

    Total: 12 miles.

    Thursday 16/2

    5 miles recovery@9:59

    Tried to keep the HR below 130 (around 70% HRmax) which was ok for the first couple of miles both slowly rose to 140 by the end of the run. Headed out around lunch for this to the park that's mostly trails with some tarmac. Felt crap, with tired heavy legs - still feeling last nights workout. I was wrecked doing this run last week as well. I felt grand then after 3 miles and then just suddenly began to feel more tired. I might look at leaving these recovery runs at 3 or 4 miles in future.

    So a good week so far. Just one aerobic/easy run tomorrow and a 16 miler on Saturday to do before a rest day/recovery day on Sunday. I also decided I'm not going to do the Limerick half - first of all I'd have to go up and down to Limerick on the Saturday for registration, but mostly because it was €57 which way too much for a half -maybe I missed the early bird entry??

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Agree with your thoughts on the Limerick half, have done it the last 2 years and giving it a miss this year. The number collection the day before wrecks my head a bit. Decided to do this instead ->

    3 weeks later and half the price, probably not a fast course but I haven't found Limerick to be. Use the code runclare for 10 percent off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    diego_b wrote: »
    Agree with your thoughts on the Limerick half, have done it the last 2 years and giving it a miss this year. The number collection the day before wrecks my head a bit. Decided to do this instead ->

    3 weeks later and half the price, probably not a fast course but I haven't found Limerick to be. Use the code runclare for 10 percent off.

    Looks good alright, but a bit to close to the marathon for me. I'm happy enough not to do half in the lead up to this marathon, and I have a few other races pencilled in. That looks like a good race series though - I might see about doing one or two of them next year.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,376 ✭✭✭diego_b

    Looks good alright, but a bit to close to the marathon for me. I'm happy enough not to do half in the lead up to this marathon, and I have a few other races pencilled in. That looks like a good race series though - I might see about doing one or two of them next year.

    True it is actually when I see the dates, not going to benefit you in anyway to do it. I was looking for a half to do early this year ahead of doing the full in Tralee in March and couldn't find one or fit in the 10 milers that were on for a few reasons. Guess it means you just stick to your training plan more and on the day itself you are possibly in for a nice surprise!
