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Ok, what's next?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Brilliant! You looked super strong at half way! Great result & more to come from you I know. Enjoyed the catch up, see you for lunchtime run before the hols :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Great going A, that's a nice time. Great seeing you again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Right, best do a pre-holiday update.

    Monday 18/05 - legs were actually grand. Slept like the dead on Sunday as was exhausted after Terenure. Monday night Bootcamp with Joey, Joey is a character to say the least and when the weather turned to hailstones his language (I'm sure for motivation to us) was gas but at that point I was done crawling on the ground so when the hail started I opted for easy runs between circuit.

    Tuesday - Lunch run with colleague. Nice and easy loop by canal and Ballsbridge, lovely route. Weather mixed. 4.22m in 38 mins. Bit of cycling across town in the evening and another hail shower, super.

    Wed - Walked at lunch as wrecked. BC with Brian Ankers. Good session of sprints over other side of college and then 2 tough circuits with sprints. Lovely evening. **** sleep as back sore.

    Thursday - had to cancel social plans as back was so sore I felt sick from it. Lower QL muscle spasms so that's why back was tender. Eased out muscles and joints. Was exhausted after it. Still awake at 3.

    Friday - FRIDAY! WOO HOO. Cycling at lunch, roasting out. Would love to do BC in the Phoenix park tomorrow morning but have to see how back is as hills will not help. Hoping then to sail for the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Happy hols, A! Hope that back sorts itself out soon. Are you seeing someone about it ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Bungy Girl wrote:
    Happy hols, A! Hope that back sorts itself out soon. Are you seeing someone about it ?

    Thanks. V excited as out of office is on.
    I went to the physio last night so muscles much better anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    So, my log title asked what's next? Had an epiphany last night based on parkrun on Sat and cheerleader last night. This is my calling so here for PB attempts and cheer-leading duties :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    any upcoming targets for yourself A? are you doing DCM 15? race series?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    aquinn wrote: »
    So, my log title asked what's next? Had an epiphany last night based on parkrun on Sat and cheerleader last night. This is my calling so here for PB attempts and cheer-leading duties :D

    Professional pacer/cheerleader ? You could incorporate some stunt work in there too. Awesome. I'd hire you :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Firedance wrote: »
    any upcoming targets for yourself A? are you doing DCM 15? race series?

    Am simultaneously training for the Irish runner 5 mile and the ROK in T-16 days, 180km on a bike! I did my first training cycle on Monday by attacking Howth Summit. 20 impressive miles so a bit of distance to cover yet.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    aquinn wrote: »
    Am simultaneously training for the Irish runner 5 mile and the ROK in T-16 days, 180km on a bike! I did my first training cycle on Monday by attacking Howth Summit. 20 impressive miles so a bit of distance to cover yet.

    forgot you were doing ROK! sure it'll be grand, apart from the sore arse afterwards :D:D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Firedance wrote: »
    forgot you were doing ROK! sure it'll be grand, apart from the sore arse afterwards :D:D

    My thoughts exactly!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    glad to see you taking time out from pacing/cheerleading to update your log... oh wait, where's the update? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    ^^^^ yeah where??!! :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Ok, this is more of a life and social update rather than a training one. Mileage very low of late but this is what I've been up to:

    18/05-24/05 BC with Joey. Hailstones. Not sore from the race. Good circuit Lunch 4.22 in 38. Weather V mixed. Cycle to bankhouse BC with Brian Ankers. Good session of sprints over other side of college and then 2 tough circuits with sprints. Lovely evening. **** sleep as back sore. Physio as back incredibly tender and sore even when sitting and cycling. Ate I'm sure. 3.14 in 30.26. Sailing afternoon Sailing 7.36
    25/05-31/05 No sailing. Camile instead Fly to Bolonga Bolonga - Lucca 3.63 in 34.08 Tourist Tourist 3.15 in 32 mins. Lucca 6.78
    01/06-07/06 5m in 47m. Lucca Pisa - Dublin Sailing in Laser, brilliant. Vintage Kitchen Dying, hangover lunch. Anna introduction to Albert College Park. 6m in 1.01.12 11
    08/06-14/06 3m in 28mins Munich, Very heavy rain 7m Munich around Queen of Bavaria. 1.02.58 Walking/shopping Walking/shopping 1mile off plane. Insides gave in. 5km Pacer parkrun with Anna. 24.19. Beer mile Christening and Family BBQ 13.1
    15/06-22/06 Lunch run, really nice. 4.3 m in 37. Attack of Howth Summit on the bike for ROK training, 20miles in 1.37. The only time I'll have a sub 5 min mile. Incredible sleep Seafront walk followed by fry :-) 4.11 in 37, lunch. Social outing to Santry. Fab sleep 4m in 37. Weighed myself this morning a 27 day absence and delighted post holidays to be a near identical weight, still slightly overweight but I was impressed anyway. Pamper Wedding Hoping to Sail 12.41

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Lucca, oh god I LOVE that city, its been far too long. I don't see Sienna on your list?? very entertaining update, well worth the wait :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Lucca is incredible. Such a spot. Yes Sienna, Florence but my favorite was San Gimignano.
    Great to climb the leaning tower of Pisa. I actually really enjoyed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    aquinn wrote: »
    Lucca is incredible. Such a spot. Yes Sienna, Florence but my favorite was San Gimignano.
    Great to climb the leaning tower of Pisa. I actually really enjoyed.

    oh yes, the drive up there is molta bella! Florence I wasn't that impressed with compared to the others I guess. Now I want to go back!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    I'd have to agree on Florence. Great too see but did love the bridge, that was cool. Also liked the town hall actually. Lots of tour groups. The Dumno was a bit disappointing compared to Siena, was surprised.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


    Another search through the logs to find this.

    Week to date. I left ye last Friday with a pampering session which was AMAZING.
    Saturday I managed a 3 mile limp around the neighbourhood. Back was very tender from massage then night before where there was a mention of lactic acid build up that I needed to ice and heat to release. Also needed loads of water but too busy.

    Sunday sailing was cancelled so bonded with the locals at the club.

    Monday - out with colleague. Legs were very heavy and sluggish, finally picked it up in the home stretch. 4.11 m in 38 minutes. Evening ROK training cycle number 2 with T-12 days to go. Super evening and cycle. Spin up the coast through Sutton and into Howth. Up the hill which was actually ok and then so fast down to Sutton you'd to keep mouth shut with all the flies.
    Slept like the dead, incredible.

    Tuesday - Very warm today out at lunch. A good run but breeze only in the last stretch. Another 4.1 in 37 minutes this time. All runs of late are now done at easy pace so one extreme to the other.
    Tuesday evening cycle about town for jobs. Back getting very tight so eased out on pilates spikey balls.

    Wed - No running on lunch as very important job of getting padded cycling shorts. Who would have thought these would ever be a welcome wardrobe addition for me. Apparently they will save me on ROK so a necessary purchase.
    Another attack on Howth Summit so another 20 mile cycle. Could feel it in thighs so legs won't be happy racing on Sat as a result. Went up and down Sutton side this time. Beautiful evening for it. Back eased out on pilates spikey balls

    Thursday - no running but a cycle at lunch, the heat was unreal and the stress of going through College Green with the busses and state of the road wasn't pleasant.
    Thursday night socialising. For every beer I'd a pint of water. Won't bother with this in the future as far too many toilet breaks during the night. Sh(t sleep.

    Friday - HERE WE ARE. Actually can't believe race series starts tomorrow. Still not half a stone lighter and still haven't started a training plan. Definitely doing it post ROK as aim this year is to do the Dublin Half and enjoy it.
    Back in bits. I walked a bit to work this morning and I swear it was an effort starting out. One leg is heavy, skinny jeans yesterday didn't help (especially with a woman being cut out of them during the week), back aching.
    Might do a 3 mile later but not sure, only that I haven't ran since Tuesday. Like 8 miles ish weekly total pre-race week isn't the mileage of a dedicated runner.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    so, sounds like you're on for 35 mins tomorrow then :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    annapr wrote: »
    so, sounds like you're on for 35 mins tomorrow then :D

    I actually wouldn't be surprised, even with all the above! Aquinn when you do (eventually :rolleyes:) put a proper training schedule together it'll be PB central.

    Really hope your back feels better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    I actually wouldn't be surprised, even with all the above! Aquinn when you do (eventually :rolleyes:) put a proper training schedule together it'll be PB central.

    Really hope your back feels better soon.

    it'll be round numbers table all the way!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    I'll be waiting on the Furze Foad with my starters gun watching out for you tomorrow! Best of luck! I'll be expecting you to pass me at around 10:38 ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    I'll be waiting on the Furze Foad with my starters gun watching out for you tomorrow! Best of luck! I'll be expecting you to pass me at around 10:38 ;)

    10:38??? Are you handing out the t-shirts or what?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Dubgal72 wrote:
    I'll be waiting on the Furze Foad with my starters gun watching out for you tomorrow! Best of luck! I'll be expecting you to pass me at around 10:38

    But I hate the gun?
    Anyway maths isn't your forte so I'll be ok, yes? Unless you've purchased a Garmin 😆

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 785 ✭✭✭Notwork Error

    All the best aquinn! Give it socks:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    All the best aquinn! Give it socks

    Ah here.
    Did no one read this mornings post?
    This is all about the tshirt and mug now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    aquinn wrote: »
    But I hate the gun?
    Anyway maths isn't your forte so I'll be ok, yes? Unless you've purchased a Garmin 😆

    Haha yeah, thought I'd frighten you up that hill and yes, maths is NOT my strong point, meant to say I'll be expecting you at 10:34 :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    That was tough. The heat had me feeling sick. Started off in the elite pen, why not as I can run sub 40 (excluding last year's 5 mile as that was not a good day for me ).
    Aim today was to not have last year performance and especially not to hate it.
    The first 2 miles the pace was great and I enjoyed it. Kept an eye on the watch as was fearful of the S bends. Delighted with any bit of shade though and sorry I had left water bottle in the bag drop. Lovely strong shout from BG at the roundabout.
    Kyber was lovely. I never like going at speed downhill so just relaxed and eased and hopeful of a water station at the end of the hill. Unfortunately this was not to be.
    Onto the S bends and had decided no more checking pace on hills as I knew I had time banked. Just don't stop and keep going so I did. It was ok, obviously not great with the heat but ok. I've had worse days on this part in the Park.
    It's only as I was running I started to remember the route and glanced at the watch and still over a mile and a half to go, ugh. So head turned to 'it's grand, only 12 minutes or so left'. Finally water and couldn't even drink it so dribbled and took a small bit.
    Thankfully mile 4 wasn't the usual people already finished walking by you in their new race tshirt which kills me. More shade thankfully and then DG told me I was looking strong, told her I felt sick.
    Turning the corner and hearing the finish I started to heave and then worried of the painted marking telling you how many more metres. Images of me puking at or across the finish. Another massive shout from BG and the push for the finish. TF!
    Very hot, only remember at breeze on the final stretch. Thought I'd lost a nail but all ok and pedicure still in place. Delighted for the finish line.
    I seem to have broken garmin looking for mile paces. Official and Garmin time of 37.03 so thrilled. Tired now.
    Thanks for the flapjack DG.
    Firedance and Adrian great to see you and cheerleader BG.
    ANNA & D - MY LIFT, THANK YOU. Well done to you both.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Delighted for ya A!!! Great report. Recover well :)
