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April 2015 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,323 ✭✭✭Roesy

    Spotty, that really sounds like an awful lot to take in one sitting. Obviously tests have shown up all these things and you've been seeing this consultant for a while and have built up a relationship with him but would it be worth getting a second opinion and double checking that his plan is the best way forward with with regards treatment. Not even remotely suggesting that you ignore or go against medical advice here. I have a thyroid issue which I was diagnosed with about 15 years ago at this stage and generally it is well controlled. Obviously I have no way of knowing if it's the same as yours but with monitoring it is manageable. I 'think' and don't quote me on it but the prick checks for some thyroid issues. Anyway, sorry to hear you are going through all this and my words will more than likely make no difference to you. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Thanks you so much Roesy, I appreciate it. The heel prick test, I haven't heard anything about it which I think means it's all fine, they contact you if something's wrong isn't it? But he said to still watch for it, he asked about the heel prick test so yes you're right with that.

    Tbh I would drop him in a second if he was wrong, I've only met him 3 times, no relationship built up with him, particularly after today when I went along on my own expecting to be discharged from care and had all of this landed on me and didn't even have someone as a second set of ears. He even met my husband last week and told him bp was fine (our only concern) so this was really out of nowhere. You're the third person to mention a second opinion, while I'm not doubting him he does seem to approach things in quite an alarmist over cautious way, which - don't get me wrong - is great for spotting problems but I think his manner and English not being his first language makes his delivery and clarity not so great on some things. I think I'll speak to my GP when tomorrow's blood tests inevitably show all these problems are still there (there's a slim chance they've resolved since bloods 8 weeks ago but I doubt it), she's very...practical and if she says he's right then he's right, if she thinks I should get a second opinion I will.

    What gets me is that if I'd had a normal birth or hadn't gotten pregnant and continued only going to the gp sporadically every few years for minor things I would have a 10+ year bill of perfect health, fine bp and healthy weight, the only things they check. So I wonder how many others have these minor issues, particularly after birth, and they are all just fine, and often resolve. It's like how "normal" babies are sent home and might have blood sugar lows and jaundice, but SCBU babies are monitored for them so they're found.

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Spotty I'm going to send you a pm when I get 5 mins between toddler and baby feeding, as you know I was in a somewhat similar position. I didn't want to read and no reply

  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Drdoc

    Hi spotty
    Just to say I'd be interested in what your gp has to say to you. I had noticed from some of your previous posts that it sounded like your consultant is very alarmist so I guess I would be wondering about a second opinion too. Without knowing full details a lot of these problems are very common so really what I'm saying is try not despair until you've talked to your gp. I do understand your worry and frustration though, it's the last thing you need im sure. Good luck!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Thanks so much DrDoc, that helps. A friend mentioned that she thinks these things are quite common, so that's some bit correct? Obviously I'm not expecting you to give me any definitive answers just a general idea from your experience. He is working off blood tests done 2 weeks after delivery, so that was still 38th week of "pregnancy", he says himself bp holds on to actual due date sometimes so while I think it's entirely possible that my body was still a bit haywire with the pre eclampsia I don't want to get my hopes up.

    Thanks for reading and replying guys, it helps a lot just to babble about it. I just really can't believe this crap isn't over.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 168 ✭✭Drdoc

    Thanks so much DrDoc, that helps. A friend mentioned that she thinks these things are quite common, so that's some bit correct? Obviously I'm not expecting you to give me any definitive answers just a general idea from your experience. He is working off blood tests done 2 weeks after delivery, so that was still 38th week of "pregnancy", he says himself bp holds on to actual due date sometimes so while I think it's entirely possible that my body was still a bit haywire with the pre eclampsia I don't want to get my hopes up.

    Thanks for reading and replying guys, it helps a lot just to babble about it. I just really can't believe this crap isn't over.

    Sent you a pm

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Babs spent her first night in her own room last night.
    Slept 10pm-6am then 6:20am-8:20am so I think she liked it.
    Bit nervous putting her in but the Angelcare monitors gives great piece of mind :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    we have a wedding to go to this Saturday and I'm already dreading leaving her for so long :( she's sleeping well though, 1am - 8am then up for bottle and back down 9.30-11.30/12. I'm reluctant to put her to bed earlier as I am not a morning person!

    Has everyone had their vaccinations by now? Must ring and make an appointment. Is anybody getting extra ones?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    we have a wedding to go to this Saturday and I'm already dreading leaving her for so long :( she's sleeping well though, 1am - 8am then up for bottle and back down 9.30-11.30/12. I'm reluctant to put her to bed earlier as I am not a morning person!

    Has everyone had their vaccinations by now? Must ring and make an appointment. Is anybody getting extra ones?

    We've a wedding this weekend too, no scope for leaving him as everyone will be at the wedding and he's still feeding every 2-3 hours day and night. Have sling, will travel (and party) :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Oh I wish I could bring her, but she wasn't invited!! Do you have far to travel? Must try on the dress in planning on wearing actually!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    He was invited I think he's possibly not overly welcome at the evening part but what can I do!. Yep we have about 2.5 hours to travel, you? Staying two nights, dunno how I'm going to have the energy for travelling, meeting everyone the night before, broken sleep, meeting everyone early the day of the wedding, staying up relatively late before another broken night of sleep, then bbq! It'll be graaaand.... :p Packing outfits for 3 of us for 3 days is the trickiest bit, we love our clothes so don't pack light, short on space with the buggy coming for him to sleep in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Thankfully not, about 45 minutes. I'm dreading it - will have to drop her off to my parents around 10 to get ready so it's going to be a long day. I can't figure out how early we can respectably leave! Are you going to dress him up for the day?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Indeed I am :) I have outfits planned for each day, I have genuinely been planning his outfit for the wedding since we found out it was a boy at 20 weeks :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Indeed I am :) I have outfits planned for each day, I have genuinely been planning his outfit for the wedding since we found out it was a boy at 20 weeks :o

    I would be exactly the same!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    I've my sister's 40th in a few weeks, my SIL is minding babs.
    I'm not too worried about leaving her as I know she'll be in good hands, the only thing I'm dreading is that from experience with my son they can be a bit out of sorts going to bed for the next few nights, hoping that doesn't happen as she has a pretty good routine atm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    The good thing about weddings is that people don't notice if you've left unless you are in the wedding party!

    Spotty pace yourself...sure skip out for a nap of necessary. enjoy!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    bp wrote: »
    The good thing about weddings is that people don't notice if you've left unless you are in the wedding party!

    Spotty pace yourself...sure skip out for a nap of necessary. enjoy!

    I can't nap! Not built for it at all which is a pity! It's a family wedding so I'm going to be getting "helpful" offers from people wanting to share him around for cuddles, he's not the the greatest for passing around peacefully so I'm going to be emotionally exhausted from watching this happen while they all think they're doing me a favour by giving me "a break" from him. I'm still traumatised by all that's happened with getting him here, I really really don't want any breaks from him so it's tough to hand him over when I can see he's not totally loving it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    You need an excuse to keep a getting vaccinated so has to avoid germs, something along those lines!

    If it gets to be too much bring your laptop and stay in your room between feeds and enjoy a movie :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    Uh post pregnancy hair loss has begun, happened last time around now so was expecting it but still a bit shocking to see it all in the shower :eek::o

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Spotty just thinking of you wondering how you are getting on. Have you been to your own GP to discuss? How is the wee man? Are you getting any longer stretches?

    We had a family wedding at weekend, first time I left them both with a minder. Worried so much about them sure there wasn't a bother on either of them! The poor minder on the other hand would say needs a holiday to recover!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Hiya, no haven't been to gp yet because I haven't heard back from the fecking consultant yet (start of the week my arse) and I couldnt get an app with my gp til the end of next week anyway. So just sitting worrying which is of course lovely.

    He's ok, he has heat rash at the moment so was a bit off form last night. But we had a lovely bath together and he slept in his nappy swaddled in a light cotton wrap so he's less rashy now and panned out on my chest so gonna try and get some more sleep now. Yeah he usually feeds every 2-4hrs during the day now and 2-3hr and night so that's easier to cope with!

    Did you have a good time at the wedding? We've one this weekend too, can't believe we're those people with the little baby at a wedding now! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Good you are getting longer stretches especially at night.

    Wedding was great, especially catching up with wider family I wouldn't see too much of. Dare I say it too a day and night baby free was actually lovely! Cuddled them to bits the next day though.

    I still suffer terrible with heat rash, it's my arms that get the worst of it! I can nearly tell the upcoming good weather as it gets bad a day or so before the high temperature comes in!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    OH cranky because he was on baby duty last night and baby woke early... Resisted urge to say that I took previous five nights while he was in spare room and I woke early to express anyway!

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Are any other babas a bit off bottles in this heat?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    traineeacc wrote: »
    Are any other babas a bit off bottles in this heat?

    Opposite here - permanently attached to my boob and refusing to nap :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    My wee man isn't keen on feeding at all napping fine, the big man though took ages to get to sleep tonight! We just aren't cut out for heat!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    We really aren't are we!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    We're up an oz in bottles here since yesterday, dunno whether it's due to the heat or not though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    Question: baby only wants to sleep on their tummy but I insist on their back (leading to no sleep), how are your babies sleeping

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  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    My little man has started to want to sleep in his side, he is sleeping pretty good 8-5 a 5 oz bottle then back to 8/9 ish.

    Getting 6oz feeds during the day and sometimes a 7oz going to bed.
