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April 2015 Babies Club



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    My toddler slept for the day after the 2 month one, knocked out cold!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Lying here watching baba waiting on her to wake up. She's six weeks today and 11lb so decided to not wake her and see when she wakes herself.. She had her last feed at 11.30 and was in bed around 00.30 and she's still fast asleep! I woke at 4 to go to the loo and she was awake just lying there not making a sound, strange baby!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Well vaccinations are done and dusted. He had to be laid down on the bed, not held by me, and the woman doing them had a horrible approach, kept saying "Oh God help you" because it was 1st baby, 1st vaccines, "he will scream and scream you know". He did cry, but the same about that he cries for a nappy change, not a patch on his crying for baths at the beginning or when he hates the carseat. A few seconds of cuddles afterwards and he was back to his lovely self :) So hopefully now he'll be ok over the next few days.

    Haven't heard from my consultant yet about my bp meds, but was visiting my friend and her new baby today and met the PHN that came to me when I got home, she checked my bp (I've literally been too busy the last two days since prescription ran out to check it) and it was 122/80, after a very busy morning, woohoo! So I'm going with the theory that I'm in the clear for now, I'll check it again myself over the next few days. The PHN was so, so lovely, said she remembered me because of how I'd been treated by the midwives and her own nosiness wanted to know what my bp is now :p

    How's your bp traineeacc?

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Bp finally going down, getting consistent reading under 80 so doctor starting process of reducing the meds. Took ten weeks on my first and exactly same again this time. Otherwise all good, little man sleeping 8.30 -3/4 ish fed and straight back to 8ish, toddler sleeping great too, getting 8-8 most nights from him too. Injections next week but don't mind that so much as been through it before. Hope everybody doing well

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    That's great traineeacc. I'm off the medication now since Monday, and just now it was 101/74 so yay :) Back to consultant next week now, I'm still dreading it because he mentioned I had high lipids in my blood test so am expecting a lecture about high cholesterol, but like it's not dietary, if it is high it has to be genetic so I'm not in the mood for listening if I get the same attitude as the high bp, that it's basically my fault!

    Still feeding every 1.5-2hrs here at night, can't encourage him to take more at bigger intervals no matter what I do. He's thrown up twice since the vaccines, which isn't like him at all, so just going to muddle through as I have been doing, like a zombie!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    bp was it you who was trying Colief? How did you find it? We've been using it a few days and explosive nappies are unreal!

    Delighted the blood pressure issues are going away for ye ladies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    bp was it you who was trying Colief? How did you find it? We've been using it a few days and explosive nappies are unreal!

    Delighted the blood pressure issues are going away for ye ladies!

    Yep Colief. If the nappies are too runny reduce the number of drops by one - we do two drops per feed.

    Spotty I am delighted for you :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Delighted for you spotty too, after our tough run with bp we are both well on the road to full recovery. 10 weeks ago we didn't think we would be writing this!! Hope baba doing well too

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    He's just off form after the vaccines, which is a pity because he was just starting to smile and chat and now the windows of time for that are marred by a cranky upset baby who doesn't seem to know what to do with himself at all :( Hopefully it wears off in a few days.

    He was just hysterical in the car, I absolutely had to get petrol when he was already after waking and getting hysterical because it was nearly empty. It was 10 minutes of hell to get petrol, pay and get home (and we live seconds from the petrol station), he's asleep on me now and still doing big hiccupy breaths now and again from the crying :( I can handle a lot of things but seeing his little face riddled with misery and knowing I have to put him back in the car seat and keep going is heartbreaking.

    On a happier note we had lunch outside a lovely restaurant and then mommy and daddy bought a lovely "My First Year" book, must backdate it over the weekend :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Have I killed the thread?

    Hope everyone enjoyed the fine weather today. I'm not having a great day today, think this kind of started last night. Even though baby is 10 weeks old now being 3 weeks premature he's still really somewhere between 7 and 10 weeks. Which means we aren't really getting as much interaction and smiles as an actual 10 week old, which means it's getting to be a bit Groundhog Day-ish around here. Everybody says the smiles give you some bit of a reward for all the exhaustion, long nights, crying, etc, but now I'm at a point where I'm running quite low on fuel, but reaping very little of the interactive rewards. So every day is still feed, wind, change, chat and play with him while he stares blankly at me, run around getting stuff done during his brief naps, repeat, repeat, repeat. I might get a few minutes of smiles and gurgles but then it's back to crying with tiredness, vaccines, or whatever or blank stares. I'm not concerned about his development, he's definitely getting more active and involved and nosy about what's around him, just isn't at the "I'm so glad to see you and look at the things you're showing me!" stage yet.

    My husband is working 6 day weeks so then when he is here he expects me to know what is wrong when the baby cries, how to fix it, and still get all my crap done around the house. I had a suitcase of my clothes that needed unpacking since Tuesday, I got a 20 minute window today to do it, that's ridiculous. I think he thinks I'm cracking on just fine and don't need help, but there's not much he can do when baby wants feeds and to lie on my chest 24/7.

    The 2 hourly round the clock feeds are getting a bit much, every day I think "surely tomorrow he'll stretch out some bit of it" but it never happens. Two nights ago he went 4 hours (and a 3 hour sleep) before being hungry, I thought we were getting somewhere, then he woke an hour later looking to be fed again :confused:

    I've been doing so well since he was born that I think everyone thinks I've got it under control now, but it's backwards I'm going because he's staying kind of still at the moment if you know what I mean. I just need a few more smiles or chats, or a bit more sleep, something that shows me there's hope of getting past this monotonous stage! :(

    Edit: I don't believe this!! My husband has fallen asleep here on the couch opposite me. How the feck is HE tired and allowed to get sleep, when I'm the one up every 2 hours and not able to catch up during the day?! Omfg.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 517 ✭✭✭moving_home

    Tough going spotty. As FTM to a 20 week old baby I think I crashed around the 10 week mark. My baby was very unsettled so it was tough going. You need to ask for help. Everyone thinks you have everything under control and most of the time you probably do but you need a rest so express and hand over the baby and get some sleep. If you wake up engorged express a bit and go back to sleep. Drastic measures needed for a straight 6 hour stretch of sleep and you will feel great. For what it's worth its all uphill from 12 weeks in my experience.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Tough going spotty. As FTM to a 20 week old baby I think I crashed around the 10 week mark. My baby was very unsettled so it was tough going. You need to ask for help. Everyone thinks you have everything under control and most of the time you probably do but you need a rest so express and hand over the baby and get some sleep. If you wake up engorged express a bit and go back to sleep. Drastic measures needed for a straight 6 hour stretch of sleep and you will feel great. For what it's worth its all uphill from 12 weeks in my experience.

    But that's easier said than done though, to express enough for one feed takes me minimum 2 days, at least two pumping sessions so that's 2 days if I get the chance, I can't get more or get time to get more than that in a day. So to sleep 6 hours I'd need two feeds worth of milk, will take ages to get that, 4 days away minimum. I'm already working on enough for two feeds I have to miss in the next two days so that's next week before I'd get enough for everything. I'm also naturally a light sleeper, there is no way I could just go back to sleep after the bother of waking up to express.

    12 weeks could likely be 15 weeks mark here with him being early, that's my problem. It's all just a bit relentless at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    Oh I feel your pain - although he goes for four hours stints at night he is so loud that I cannot sleep for more than an hour at a time :-(

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    Weird, I'm sure I posted a reply last night! Just a suggestion but have you tried him with a soother? In case sometimes he's using you for comfort rather than genuine hunger? We find it great anyway but I know every baby is different!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Oh angeldelight he's had a dummy since before he had me in special care. I always stop him feeding at night once I know he's doing that, dummy and back to bed. Usually he stops feeding when he's done, I'm for feeding dummy is for comfort/messing, as my mum says he rolls off like a stuffed leech when he's fed :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    10 weeks on Friday & I think we're getting into the teething process:eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    10 weeks on Friday & I think we're getting into the teething process:eek:

    Same here! My first cut his first 2 teeth between 5 and 6 months so fully prepared for same, he has almost full set by 1. On the bright side he was zero trouble teething!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    traineeacc wrote: »
    Same here! My first cut his first 2 teeth between 5 and 6 months so fully prepared for same, he has almost full set by 1. On the bright side he was zero trouble teething!

    We were the same, first tooth at 3 months & almost all of them by one. Thankfully getting teeth never bothered my son, I'd just look in his mouth & see a new one, hoping it will be as easy this time round too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    Same here although they do so earlier is much easier, my niece is 13 months cutting her first and she is in awful form last month or so with teething. Who knows although I do have fingers crossed for a easy teething time again!! How are things otherwise with you and baby?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    We're doing good, she definately more demanding than my first but I think I was just spoiled with him, he was such a good baby.
    She is a good sleeper at night though & she sailed through her first injections on Monday so that's good.
    Physically I'm just feeling back to myself which I wasn't expecting as I recovered so quickly after the section last time, I thought I'd be flying around alot quicker after a natural birth.
    Baby weight is coming off even if it's only coming off slowly, doesn't help see Kate Midleton in her skinny jeans 6 weeks after having her baby, I don't know how they do it:eek:
    How are you coping with 2?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Ms2011 wrote: »
    Baby weight is coming off even if it's only coming off slowly, doesn't help see Kate Midleton in her skinny jeans 6 weeks after having her baby, I don't know how they do it:eek:

    It's just a body/figure type, her thin body doesnt put on excess weight other than baby, fluid, etc so just loses most of it when the baby is born. Remember the shots of her after George was born? I thought it was great she showed she still had a bump, that it didn't magically disappear, she obviously just reverts to her normal shape relatively quickly. Everybody is so different in how they put on and store weight. My mum put on very little weight when pregnant but it took a full year for just a few extra pounds to go, I was back in my skinnies 7-8 weeks after my c section, but I like what my sis in law said, I went through a rough time of it so I deserve something nice like looking thin fast! Except none of my pretty clothes fit my boobs now...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    I think having a chef for your pregnancy and a nanny etc helps, but I do feel for her with the constant scrutiny - she isn't allowed (by the media) wallow and eat chocolate

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    Well there was a woman at my breastfeeding group today with her toddler and 2 week old and she was the same shape as Kate Middleton if not thinner, no chef or nanny there just her genetics.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    I definately didn't win that genetic lottery anyway :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,731 ✭✭✭bp

    Me neither! Just jealous :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    I will get there like I did last time, I'll just have to settle for being the tortoise rather than the hare of the weight loss race though ha! :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,175 ✭✭✭angeldelight

    I desperately need to buy clothes - I have approximately four outfits that I just wash and dry all the time, it's driving me nuts!

  • Registered Users Posts: 401 ✭✭traineeacc

    I'm the exact same with clothes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,128 ✭✭✭Ms2011

    I desperately need to buy clothes - I have approximately four outfits that I just wash and dry all the time, it's driving me nuts!

    Same here & some are maternity tops I'm still wearing :o
    If only I could get into half the clothes in my wardrobe I'd have a much better selection ha!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,832 ✭✭✭spottybananas

    I'm absolutely devastated at the moment and I don't know what to do, or to make of it or who to talk to so I just need to write it here because I don't know where else to talk. I don't expect anyone to have any answers or even read the whole thing, I just need to get it out.

    I had my follow up appt with consultant about my bp today. I'm off the meds two weeks now and my bp is fine, he had met my husband a few days ago and told him it's fine and he's happy with my progress. I knew he had found that my cholesterol was high and wanted to address that, so I had braced myself for that.

    He said my LDL is very high, it's either familial cause (none I know of have high cholesterol), diabetes, or thyroid problems. He said I have mild goitre (my mother says she was also told that before and it turns out it's just how her neck looks so I might be the same) and have some low level thyroid problem, could be caused by pregnancy but might stay. He said I have fat on my liver and my liver function is slightly odd, again most likely caused by pregnancy but not sure yet. He said I might have to start drugs for one of these (I can't remember) that will affect breastfeeding, after I fought so hard not to take bp meds that would stop me doing it. He said I need to lose another 5kg/11lbs, bringing me down to my lowest adult weight from two years ago, 10 stone at 5ft 8. The last time I got that low I was constantly hungry and my iron plummeted. And I have to have lost it by the time baby is 6 months old and they will do more tests. My diet is really good already so I have to exercise my ass off. He also said that when I stop breastfeeding my bp could go up again, and I'll have to accept it and go on meds permanently.

    I'm so upset. I thought today would be the day that I put all this sh!t behind me, looked forward to the future and no more of this hospital crap. And I just get told that a ton of things are wrong with me, probably requiring lifelong medication, and that he didn't tell me these at the last appointment because he didn't want to raise my bp :rolleyes: It would've been better than hitting me like a ton of bricks later.

    And all I keep hearing from everyone is how great I look and all this sh!t, everyone bases everything on appearances, when clearly I'm f*cked on the inside. I just can't deal with all of this. All I wanted was to have my first baby and enjoy it, what I've gotten is a gorgeous baby, which clearly messed up my body so much that this was all a terrible idea that I shouldn't do again. And Christ knows what I've passed onto him, the doctor said to watch in case his growth slows because that would mean he has a thyroid problem too.

