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Having ibs is ruining my life :(



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    1.618 wrote: »
    Tomk1 wrote: »

    I bet you are O-type,

    A neg as it turns out.

    Massive post there, fair dues.

    My update-

    I purposely avoided updating before now because I didn't want to do the 'I'm doing good while other's are not'.
    Basically, I've gotten to grips with it big time. Since I first started posting in this thread I've seen a huge improvement and have only had a minor relapse about 6 weeks ago. No radical change in diet and still lots of water/fluids and a 'reduced stress' frame of mind.

    I firmly believe that this is a very 'individual specific' problem and there is no magic bullet that fixes it, but needs to be tailored/tweaked (within the diet and stress management regime) to each person individually.

    I hope everyone will get there eventually cos there's no doubt- its a bastid.
    I'm thrilled for you :) At the moment I've a fair bit on my mind so I'm trying to sort that out. I'm cutting down on chocolate and overly processed foods and have my sachets of fybogel mevebrine to help in case of a bad day. It's a horrible affliction and even my son who's 6 has pointed out on numerous occasions that I hardly go anywhere. It's a big deal when he sees that change in me. I didn't think he'd notice at that age but he did. I feel like I'm letting my kids down over it sometimes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭Dan133269

    qrrgprgua wrote: »
    try and limit your meals to 3 a day.

    That is questionable advice I would say, why is it better to eat 3 meals a day? As far as I understand from reading on nutrition, eating 6 small meals rather than 3 big meals is better because it will:
    - give your body a steady supply of energy (instead of highs and lows from eating so infrequently)
    - keep blood sugar and insulin levels constant
    - stop your stomach from being stretched by eating too much in one sitting
    - help reduce hunger as you're not going for long periods without eating.

    Of course this depends on the individual, but if you have a healthy appetite, this applies.
    KKkitty wrote: »
    I'm thrilled for you :) At the moment I've a fair bit on my mind so I'm trying to sort that out. I'm cutting down on chocolate and overly processed foods and have my sachets of fybogel mevebrine to help in case of a bad day. It's a horrible affliction and even my son who's 6 has pointed out on numerous occasions that I hardly go anywhere. It's a big deal when he sees that change in me. I didn't think he'd notice at that age but he did. I feel like I'm letting my kids down over it sometimes.

    You shouldn't feel like that, you have an illness. Do you have a garden? You could play with the kids there, and wouldn't have to leave your home environment.

    By the way, I think a little bit of dark chocolate will be fine for you, the good quality stuff. It's very healthy for most people, and it's considered fine for the low fodmap diet as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    Thanks Dan :) I have a garden but I'd love to feel comfortable bringing both my boys to the park again. The nearest toilet to it is in a hotel so it's way to daunting if I had to use that toilet. Have tried dark chocolate but didn't like it. Wish I could find what's good for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 984 ✭✭✭ViveLaVie

    [/Quote] Good to hear you're on the mend!
    Can I ask you what the dietician did for you? I've never seemed to have any trigger foods with my Crohn's. I went 5 years in complete remission eating absolutely everything and anything, including a lot of indulgence :)

    But over the last while I've been trying to see if any foods make me worse. I stuck to the low fodmap diet rigidly for about a month and had no improvement at all. So I'm wondering, is there anything a dietician could realistically do for me? I'm not going to hand over 50 euro to be told to eat fruit and vegetables.[/Quote]

    I have Crohn's too and I find my dietician invaluable. When I'm in remission there's no real need for her but she has been so useful when sick. That said she's a particularly good dietician - I have had absolutely useless ones before.

    She has started me on very specific prescription dietary supplements which are nutritionally complete and can be used as food replacements when I'm not up to eating. Some of these can also be used as sole sources of nutrition and are designed specifically for IBD so have been proven to be as effective as steroids in reducing intestinal inflammation and inducing remission.

    I would say go for a consultation anyway and see is it worth your while.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    Its ages since I posted on this thread and my ibs symptoms have been more or less under control for years with the exception of certain foods, and minor stomach acid/cramping that is tolerable.

    So the reason I am posting is news. I had an operation on my sinuses a few weeks ago, to remove nasal polyps and clean out the sinuses and since then, my stomach acid is mostly gone!! It turns out that post nasal drip can affect the stomach by draining away down the throat all day. I never even knew it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8 marann

    Its ages since I posted on this thread and my ibs symptoms have been more or less under control for years with the exception of certain foods, and minor stomach acid/cramping that is tolerable.

    So the reason I am posting is news. I had an operation on my sinuses a few weeks ago, to remove nasal polyps and clean out the sinuses and since then, my stomach acid is mostly gone!! It turns out that post nasal drip can affect the stomach by draining away down the throat all day. I never even knew it!
    I think you definitely have something there. I found my ibs aggravated by sinus infections in the past, I also associated sinus trouble with pre menstrual stress and stress in general, all a vicious circle, causing fatigue/ exhaustion.Marann

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    An update from me. Received a letter from my doctor this morning regarding a blood test for coeliac disease that I had done last year saying there may have been a fault with the analyser of my blood sample and that I could have been given a false negative of that test. I have to give another blood sample soon to see what the story is and also see if they'd test for candida albicans. Any ibs medication I've taken has been little or no help so I'm determined to get to the bottom of this once and for all. Username123 that's excellent news. Long may your good health last :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    Thanks marann and kkkitty, unfortunately they cant 'cure' my sinuses, just control them on and off with steroid sprays, but at least I know whats happening.

    kkkitty - I hope your test happens soon. If you suspect candida albicans you can eradicate that from your system by taking a fluconazole tablet, you can get it over the counter in the uk or ni, a 'canestan oral' is the same. I buy a generic version from amazon for 3 pound or so. You would be able to rule out candida with that - thats how I found out I had it, and I get it on and off now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    Username123 I have been looking online about candida albicans and I have quiet a lot of the symptoms. I'll talk with my GP on Monday when I'll be getting my blood taken. Since ibs medication hasn't provided me with any sizeable relief I'm going to make sure my doctor listens to me. It's ok for them to fob patients off but they're not the ones suffering.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    Yeah I got fobbed off for a couple of years (and thousands of pounds worth of doctors visits) on it. Western medicine doesnt recognise candida as a problem, but it can be. Good luck with your doctor.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    Thanks username123. I'll let you know how I get on. It's terrible the way doctors fob patients off.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    KKkitty wrote: »
    Thanks username123. I'll let you know how I get on. It's terrible the way doctors fob patients off.

    I know. I dont know if its a lack of funding or what but it seems to me that I can look after my own health better in a lot of cases by using google rather than taking my doctors advice!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    KKkitty wrote: »
    Thanks username123. I'll let you know how I get on. It's terrible the way doctors fob patients off.

    I know. I dont know if its a lack of funding or what but it seems to me that I can look after my own health better in a lot of cases by using google rather than taking my doctors advice!!
    It's nearly better if you go to a chemist and ask for advice. Won't cost you anything only the time you're in the chemists and a pharmacist would know more than a doctor. Doctors just consult their medical books or computers and rattle off a load of jargon that goes over your head most of the time.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,321 ✭✭✭sham69

    update from me:
    Had a consultation with a gastroenterologist on Monday.
    Asked me all about my symptoms.
    Told him that I havent had a bad episode since the last time I drank Guinness, have been drinking lager in small quantities with no issue.
    Only real problem now is uncomfortable like feeling on bottom right of my stomach and sometimes there is some blood in my stool.
    He said I was over weight for my height and that he was concerned about my blood test and in particular my liver (my doctor said the bloods were all clear?)
    When I said this to him he kind of back tracked and said " well maybe all is ok, as the ultrasound would have shown something up but we'll keep an eye on it "

    So I have been given an appointment for a full Colonoscopy, I thought I would feel relieved after the gastro visit but if anything he freaked me out even more.
    He was quite direct and abrubt but I suppose thats his job.

    I also suffer from really bad nasal drip so thats another thing I never thought of mentioning (thanks username123)

    Anyway I have a 2 month wait and am not really sleeping.
    I have 3 young kids and although its only a minor procedure I am having done I am shi**ing a brick and thinking the worst.

    Best of luck to all the rest of you suffering with similar symptoms, I hope you all feel better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    Sham I really hope your colonoscopy has good results. Could the blood be from straining the rectal passage? Is there a lot of blood? I had my blood taken on Tuesday just gone. The nurse was less than impressed with the hospital not letting her know there was a fault with the analyser for coeliac disease testing.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    sham sorry to hear you had a less than productive gastro visit.
    Just to put your mind at ease, I used to have a lot of blood in my stool, black digested blood sometimes, fresh red blood sometimes - they never found anything wrong despite cameras up and down - it was eventually agreed that my own reactions to stress(I was in a very stressful situation at the time) and clenching the gut was causing build ups of acid to eat away and cause minor bleeds - but it was nothing serious and cleared up on its own.

    Im glad youre getting the colonscopy, they need to have a look to see whats causing that heavy feeling for you - it might be nothing but it might be something and always best to check. Please dont worry about the colonoscopy, its really not a big deal, the worst part is the medicine to clear out beforehand, the procedure itself is not bad. And look at it this way - I know its scary to think something is wrong, but at least of they know whats wrong they can get on with fixing it! Whereas now, you just have unexplained symptoms. Try not to worry, I know its hard.

    On the post nasal drip - have you thought of trying an antihistamine (a lot of them are drowsy inducing so one going to bed might be a double win for you right now), might help, certainly wouldnt do any harm to try.

    kkkitty - dont blame the nurse being annoyed! When do you get the results?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    I know username123. She is the main nurse for dressings and house visits for elderly patients so she's got plenty to do anyway without calling back every single person that had a blood test with that analyser. Not sure when I'll get the results yet but as soon as I get them I'll post the outcome on this thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,321 ✭✭✭sham69

    Thanks for the replies guys.
    I am just anxious now to get it done I suppose as it will be a year since the symptoms began come October.
    I bought some nasal rinse thing on amazon, I think it's just a saline rinse, it gets great reviews.
    I suppose I am lucky as I don't really have any pain as such just uncomfortable feeling.

    Good luck with the blood results KKkitty
    And thanks for all the advice from you and username123.
    It feels better when I talk about it with people who understand.
    Have a great weekend all

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    You're more than welcome sham. I started this thread to understand ibs myself and so we could all help each other with it. Since it's not a life threatening condition it's almost swept under the carpet in my estimation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,321 ✭✭✭sham69

    Ah it just gets worse.
    I got a letter from the mater with forms from the liver disease department , asking me to bring them when I next get bloods done.
    I rang and booked them for Tuesday morning ( so much for my day off work)
    I am disgusted at my gp for giving me the all clear with my bloods when the doc in the mater obviously thinks there is an issue.
    He put hep a ,b and c on the form.
    I am really freaked out now as is my partner.
    I am too paranoid to have a beer so going to stay off it till after the scope ( w months)
    I was hoping to avoid more bloods as I am not great with needles after my last visit when the nurse butchered my arm and scarred me mentally for life with regards needles, I was fine with needles before that.
    No sleep for me for the weekend...
    Thanks all again for the replies.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,484 ✭✭✭username123

    Try not to be worried sham, sounds more like they are just giving you a thorough going over to rule out everything and anything they can. Its better they test for everything in case its something simple and easily treatable.

    Different docs always think different things, Ive had a lot of that too.

    I know all the medical stuff is very stressful but its better to looking into it instead of suffering.

    Im sure a beer or two wont do you any harm. Good luck next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,321 ✭✭✭sham69

    Thanks username..
    I had a few beers on Thursday night as a work colleague was leaving.
    I had a terrible pain bottom right side of my stomach all day yesterday.
    Not sure if I was stressed after receiving the letter, being paranoid about my liver or wether the drink actually caused the pain but I am going to give it a break for a while ( not that I have been drinking much lately)
    Not looking forward to Tuesday but it might set my mind at ease at least.
    Thanks again for the reply.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    Sham the best of luck with it all. As username123 said have a drink or 2 and try and relax. Whatever it is that's wrong you will get through it with the help of your partner. Again the best of luck :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,321 ✭✭✭sham69

    Thanks KKkitty, this thread has been so helpful, everyone has been ver supportive and it really helps.
    I will update after Tuesday.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭Bearcat

    Sham.....your symptoms of ibs maybe very much related to your nasal drip as in infected sinuses. That gunge going from top to tail can really react with the system.

    a colonoscopy is imperative, blood check is ticking all the boxes.

    me thinks you should be seeing an ent may need serious antibotics or surgery if your sinus cavities are job and G/A.

    btw the colonscopy is a piece of wont feel a thing or know a before prep yourself well as per the instructions which means an easier inspection. A lot of folk arriving for these jobs not cleaned out fully which means an unsuccessful scope.

    besta luck.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    sham69 wrote: »
    Thanks KKkitty, this thread has been so helpful, everyone has been ver supportive and it really helps.
    I will update after Tuesday.
    You're more than welcome sham :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,391 ✭✭✭✭mikom

    snip- quoted spam

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,321 ✭✭✭sham69

    Thanks bearcat, that makes me feel a lot better.
    My family are putting pressure on me to try to get the colonoscopy done private so it's done quicker.
    2 months is not a long time but I would rather it done sooner.
    I will check about my sinuses, it's something I never thought of but should have due to the bad nasal drip.
    I have bought a sinus Cleanse thingy on amazon to see,if,that helps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,534 ✭✭✭KKkitty

    All day I've had nervous indigestion. Stomach feels like there's butterflies in it and I've been jittery all day too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,321 ✭✭✭sham69

    Sorry to hear that KKkitty, I was like that all day Friday.
    Had to go to bed.
    I felt terrible as I took the day off to spend with the kids and then ended up in bed.
    I was grand yesterday and today .
    Crappy weather doesn't help.
    Hope you feel better soon.
