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General Discussion on Vendors, Devices etc.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,255 ✭✭✭tommy2bad

    Gillian72 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! :) A lot of the regular posters on here seem to be vaping a while and yous seem to have tested most of the stuff on the market.

    I'm sure yous can all understand how confusing this all is to a beginner. I'm one week and one day off cigarettes today. I got off to a good start with vaping, but I'm beginning to feel totally overwhelmed with all the different products.

    I'm using an eGo K with a Kanger MT3 tank, but already I wishing that I could get more of a throat hit and more flavour.
    Throat hit is a bi-product of nic content, what % nic do you use?
    I like tobacco flavored e-liquid and from what I hear they destroy coils. So which e-cig and tank should I be using?

    What do you guys find the best? Do you use Mods? Are they the best? Is this one any good:

    That Mod seem a good price. I couldn't afford any of the ones that are €300!!!

    Plus what is the best tank to use? Which one is your favorite? Is a tank and a clearo the same thing?
    Not really a tank is a thing that sou rounds a carto so you can hold more juice to avoid constantly topping up. I used to like dual coil tanks, duno iff you can still get them.
    I don't think I'm ready to start re-building tanks yet, so approx how often should I be changing my tank? (or am I using a clero??? UGH!) Is it ok to carefully wash it and re-use it? Or should I use a new one each time?

    Any advice would be MUCH appreciated!!! :)

    Thanx! :)
    Hi Gillian. I'm using a combination of rebuildable dripper and a vision clearo. A clearo is a tank with only a coil surrounded by liquid as opposed to a tank which has a carto with wolly stuff as a resivour for the liquid.
    I like the dripper for the hit and flavor but it a pita for daytime use. The visions are good and they now have dual coils for them. (Dual coil is what it sounds like two coils) I get around 20 ml through them first 5 ml being the best but ok for the next 15. After that they taste burned and drain a battery faster than a fast thing for draining battery.
    Throat hit is a bit of a personal thing, youll never get the 'hit' you did from a cig that light headed feeling from the first few drags after a break (getting all nostalgic now (sheds tear) ) what you do get is the 'hurts me lovely' feeling though especially from a high, say 24mg nic, juice.
    Draw back is too much of that and you start to suffer from overdose. Starting out is a b1tch because you still crave something and end up vaping a lot to keep your hands busy so high nic can sicken you and low nic just doesn't quell the need a fag feeling.
    As to mod? I don't bother much with them, I might end up down the rabbit hole off shinyitise. Ego battery is fine for me. Someone more knowledgeable than me might chip in here!
    heliguyheliguy found a vid faster than I could, he must have ninja level google skills.

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    Watch this it should answer a lot of your questions
    If you're still unsure of anything which you will be, you will at least have more specific questions.

    Thanx! :) Although I've watched this video before. I love his videos, I'm friends with him on FB & I've subscribed to him on You Tube. But this video is more about omh's law.

    I was just interested to hear peoples favorite e-cigs/Mods. And favorite tanks etc.

    Thank-you! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    tommy2bad wrote: »
    Hi Gillian. I'm using a combination of rebuildable dripper and a vision clearo. A clearo is a tank with only a coil surrounded by liquid as opposed to a tank which has a carto with wolly stuff as a resivour for the liquid.
    I like the dripper for the hit and flavor but it a pita for daytime use. The visions are good and they now have dual coils for them. (Dual coil is what it sounds like two coils) I get around 20 ml through them first 5 ml being the best but ok for the next 15. After that they taste burned and drain a battery faster than a fast thing for draining battery.
    Throat hit is a bit of a personal thing, youll never get the 'hit' you did from a cig that light headed feeling from the first few drags after a break (getting all nostalgic now (sheds tear) ) what you do get is the 'hurts me lovely' feeling though especially from a high, say 24mg nic, juice.
    Draw back is too much of that and you start to suffer from overdose. Starting out is a b1tch because you still crave something and end up vaping a lot to keep your hands busy so high nic can sicken you and low nic just doesn't quell the need a fag feeling.
    As to mod? I don't bother much with them, I might end up down the rabbit hole off shinyitise. Ego battery is fine for me. Someone more knowledgeable than me might chip in here!
    heliguyheliguy found a vid faster than I could, he must have ninja level google skills.

    That first hit is attainable and with the right gear surpassable to the point of a cigar were can't inhale it all or it will make you feel ill (nicsic)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,137 ✭✭✭artyeva

    Ok this is rank, going back to my regular wick :(
    note: this ekowool is from wire and stuff so others may be better.

    is ekowool not a brand then? i thought ekowool was a brand. why is it rank btw, i was hoping it'd solve that 'breaking in silica' taste.

    in other news - fasttech have some new stock...


    whoops - wrong photo...


  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    tommy2bad wrote: »
    Hi Gillian. I'm using a combination of rebuildable dripper and a vision clearo. A clearo is a tank with only a coil surrounded by liquid as opposed to a tank which has a carto with wolly stuff as a resivour for the liquid.
    I like the dripper for the hit and flavor but it a pita for daytime use. The visions are good and they now have dual coils for them. (Dual coil is what it sounds like two coils) I get around 20 ml through them first 5 ml being the best but ok for the next 15. After that they taste burned and drain a battery faster than a fast thing for draining battery.
    Throat hit is a bit of a personal thing, youll never get the 'hit' you did from a cig that light headed feeling from the first few drags after a break (getting all nostalgic now (sheds tear) ) what you do get is the 'hurts me lovely' feeling though especially from a high, say 24mg nic, juice.
    Draw back is too much of that and you start to suffer from overdose. Starting out is a b1tch because you still crave something and end up vaping a lot to keep your hands busy so high nic can sicken you and low nic just doesn't quell the need a fag feeling.
    As to mod? I don't bother much with them, I might end up down the rabbit hole off shinyitise. Ego battery is fine for me. Someone more knowledgeable than me might chip in here!
    heliguyheliguy found a vid faster than I could, he must have ninja level google skills.

    Thank-you so much for explaining the difference between a tank and clearo! Its starting to make more scene to me now!

    You made some great points in your comment and things are becoming clear. Especially this bit of your comment:

    "Starting out is a b1tch because you still crave something"

    Yep, its still early days for me. In my head I'm thinking that if I spend more cash then I'll find eventually find an e-cig that is exactly like a cigarette. So, I'm gonna have to just forget about cigarettes altogether.....

    I'm gonna hang onto my eGo K for now. I'm gonna stock up on clearos and maybe a few tanks. And I'll stick with that for now.

    Thank-you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):):)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,559 ✭✭✭Ionised

    Quick question...anyone ordered anything from or had any experience with them?

    I ask as I'm so tempted with all the shininess on offer... This for example :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    artyeva wrote: »
    is ekowool not a brand then? i thought ekowool was a brand. why is it rank btw, i was hoping it'd solve that 'breaking in silica' taste.

    I thought so to but I really don't know if it's a brand or style, I just got impatient with it, I'll give it a try again.
    As the original mention was that tbs had got it in stock; I wanted to make it clear that I had bought it from them.
    Strong silica taste, but also not wicking as well as the ordinary stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭Rattleshakes

    Gillian72 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone! :) A lot of the regular posters on here seem to be vaping a while and yous seem to have tested most of the stuff on the market.

    I'm sure yous can all understand how confusing this all is to a beginner. I'm one week and one day off cigarettes today. I got off to a good start with vaping, but I'm beginning to feel totally overwhelmed with all the different products.

    I'm using an eGo K with a Kanger MT3 tank, but already I wishing that I could get more of a throat hit and more flavour.

    I like tobacco flavored e-liquid and from what I hear they destroy coils. So which e-cig and tank should I be using?

    What do you guys find the best? Do you use Mods? Are they the best? Is this one any good:

    That Mod seem a good price. I couldn't afford any of the ones that are €300!!!

    Plus what is the best tank to use? Which one is your favorite? Is a tank and a clearo the same thing?

    I don't think I'm ready to start re-building tanks yet, so approx how often should I be changing my tank? (or am I using a clero??? UGH!) Is it ok to carefully wash it and re-use it? Or should I use a new one each time?

    Any advice would be MUCH appreciated!!! :)

    Thanx! :)

    Keep it simples,thats my advice.Theres lots of different combinations and variants when it comes to vaping.I own the device you linked and it would definitely give you a better vape than your current setup,but be mindful,once you do get into experimenting with different setups,it can become an expensive headache,because you're constantly trying to improve your experience and constantly on the lookout for stuff you may want,but dont necessarily need.Its fun,but just be cautious.

    The device you linked will give you variable voltage and variable wattage.
    VV will enable you to change the voltage of your device,to achieve the vapour production,flavour and throat hit you're after.VW will read the resistance of the atomizer(MT3) and then use that to determine what voltage it needs to apply to each atty used.VW main benefit is when you're using a lot of different attys,but want the same vape from each.I actually dont use it that much,so I wouldn't worry about it for now.

    I generally use a carto tank setup and RDA's,but if I was you,I would stick with clearomizers for now.You will notice a significant difference using your MT3 on something like the Innokin iTaste STD:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    ah ha!

    " if rinsed/flamed delivers better clarity of flavour than most of the other silica wick i've used"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,305 ✭✭✭Green Hornet

    Let us know how it goes anyway. If that doesn't work, it looks like another passing fad.

    By the way, how long do you get from a spheroid wick/coil? 3-4 days is about as much as I get. Strange cos the Bulli or Clockworks RDA last longer. I assume the filler rubbing off it when screwing the base on and off messes if up in the spheroid though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,026 ✭✭✭grindle

    ah ha!

    " if rinsed/flamed delivers better clarity of flavour than most of the other silica wick i've used"
    You didn't flame your silica already?

  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    grindle wrote: »
    You didn't flame your silica already?

    I've done it before but not found the need with silica I've been using.

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    Keep it simples,thats my advice.Theres lots of different combinations and variants when it comes to vaping.I own the device you linked and it would definitely give you a better vape than your current setup,but be mindful,once you do get into experimenting with different setups,it can become an expensive headache,because you're constantly trying to improve your experience and constantly on the lookout for stuff you may want,but dont necessarily need.Its fun,but just be cautious.

    The device you linked will give you variable voltage and variable wattage.
    VV will enable you to change the voltage of your device,to achieve the vapour production,flavour and throat hit you're after.VW will read the resistance of the atomizer(MT3) and then use that to determine what voltage it needs to apply to each atty used.VW main benefit is when you're using a lot of different attys,but want the same vape from each.I actually dont use it that much,so I wouldn't worry about it for now.

    I generally use a carto tank setup and RDA's,but if I was you,I would stick with clearomizers for now.You will notice a significant difference using your MT3 on something like the Innokin iTaste STD:D

    Thank-you! :) You explained that in plain English, so I REALLY do appreciate that! I reckon I'll splash out at the end of the month and get the Innokin iTaste STD. And as you say I'll stick with my MT3. That is the exact kind'a advice that I was looking for. Your a star!

    Thank-you so much everyone for all the advice. Vaping can be very daunting to start off. I had been a smoker for 26 years until I found vaping. I was a week and one day off smokes today. Although I did have a minor melt down 20mins ago..... My boyfriend left a large cigarette butt in an ash-tray on the table beside me. He went out to the shop and I picked the cigarette butt out of the ash-tray and smoked it......... :(

    Yes, I am a dirt bird!!! But it was like I couldn't control what I was doing. It didn't even taste that nice (cigarette butts generally don't!) But I still enjoyed it! So, does that put me all the way back to day one again? Ummm.... no, I think I'll keep this info to myself, well me and everyone on the internet! ;) I'm sorry that I smoked the butt, but I feel I've got some of the cravings out of my system now.

    Thanks again for all the advice. I hope I'm not wrecking your heads with all the stupid questions. I am glad that I asked them though, coz I've had my questions answered in a language that I understand!

    Thanks a million!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    Let us know how it goes anyway. If that doesn't work, it looks like another passing fad.

    By the way, how long do you get from a spheroid wick/coil? 3-4 days is about as much as I get. Strange cos the Bulli or Clockworks RDA last longer. I assume the filler rubbing off it when screwing the base on and off messes if up in the spheroid though.

    2 or 3 days at work, longer at home because I switch atties.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,561 ✭✭✭rickyjb

    Ionised wrote: »
    Quick question...anyone ordered anything from or had any experience with them?

    I ask as I'm so tempted with all the shininess on offer... This for example :D

    Seems like a very good price for the SVD:

    Not sure how much postage would be but for 40 euros that's cheap.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,567 ✭✭✭✭Fratton Fred


    I have been using various clearos and found the T3s works nest for me.

    I love wingnuts ecto fusion for taste, but add in some RY-4 to give a bit of a cigarette type kick.

    I've been off cigs for a month, started on Greensmoke lookalikes and invested in an eGo-t with CE4 clearo and RY-4, tried several variations and this seems to work.

    One other thing, the novelty is starting to wear off, so I'm not vaping for hours on end and don't suffer from nic sickness anymore.

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    Thanks Fred! :) I'm dying to try the RY-4! I reckon I'm gonna like it!

    Ok, I have one more question and then I swear I'll ask no more.

    I just wanna know that if I bought one of these Kanger Protanks:

    And if it stopped working as well after a few days (as they do) Then do I just have to buy and replace these:

    These look pretty simple to replace. They look like they just pop in.

    So, if I got these Kanger Protank Replacement Heads and popped them into my Protank, then would that make the Protank as good as new???

    Is it as simple as popping in a replacement head? Or do I have to start replacing wicks and stuff?

    Thank-you!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,255 ✭✭✭tommy2bad

    Gillian72 wrote: »
    Thanks Fred! :) I'm dying to try the RY-4! I reckon I'm gonna like it!

    Ok, I have one more question and then I swear I'll ask no more.

    I just wanna know that if I bought one of these Kanger Protanks:

    And if it stopped working as well after a few days (as they do) Then do I just have to buy and replace these:

    These look pretty simple to replace. They look like they just pop in.

    So, if I got these Kanger Protank Replacement Heads and popped them into my Protank, then would that make the Protank as good as new???

    Is it as simple as popping in a replacement head? Or do I have to start replacing wicks and stuff?

    Thank-you!!! :)
    No, you just swap the head for a new one and the tank is as good as new. Go for a low res head 2.1 to 2.2 if using a standard battery, if you have a VV batery like the twist the higher res head is good s you can up the volts to get a stronger vape.
    Give it a good clean and dry first, the auld juice is messy if you dont.

    Mmmmmm RY4 used to love that stuff, must get some more for old time sake.

  • Registered Users Posts: 826 ✭✭✭DublinCJM

    Gillian72 wrote: »
    Thanks Fred! :) I'm dying to try the RY-4! I reckon I'm gonna like it!

    Ok, I have one more question and then I swear I'll ask no more.

    I just wanna know that if I bought one of these Kanger Protanks:

    And if it stopped working as well after a few days (as they do) Then do I just have to buy and replace these:

    These look pretty simple to replace. They look like they just pop in.

    So, if I got these Kanger Protank Replacement Heads and popped them into my Protank, then would that make the Protank as good as new???

    Is it as simple as popping in a replacement head? Or do I have to start replacing wicks and stuff?

    Thank-you!!! :)

    I've been using that pro-tank for a while now Gillian, I find it great!

    Really easy to clean, and simples to replace the heads too! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,305 ✭✭✭Green Hornet

    I fairness to the protank, its pretty good for a clearo. It's the best of them by a stretch I'd say.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 915 ✭✭✭heliguyheliguy

    Does it not look a bit odd on an ego battery?

    are there many using the protank on ego batteries how do you find it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 616 ✭✭✭BrendanD

    I use it on mine all the time no issues at all
    Does it not look a bit odd on an ego battery?

    are there many using the protank on ego batteries how do you find it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 826 ✭✭✭DublinCJM

    Does it not look a bit odd on an ego battery?

    are there many using the protank on ego batteries how do you find it?

    Use mine all the time on a 900mah Ego-T, looks a bit chunky alright, but works a treat!

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    I'm just after taking my eGo K out of the charger and its broke :(

    The blue light on the button won't light up, the screen is blank and it has no power.

    It only lasted 9 days. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 267 ✭✭redkid

    Gillian72 wrote: »
    I'm just after taking my eGo K out of the charger and its broke :(

    The blue light on the button won't light up, the screen is blank and it has no power.

    It only lasted 9 days. :(

    Try gently lifting the little plate inside the connector

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    redkid wrote: »
    Try gently lifting the little plate inside the connector

    Hi Redkid! :) I've tried messing around with it but I can't get it to work. The button won't light up, the screen that shows my puff count and my battery power is blank. And there is no life in the battery. Its dead..... :(

    I reckon it is a cheap make. It doesn't have any brand name printed on it or anything.

    I would love to run out and but this now:
    But I've only just realized that I'd also have to buy the tank, batteries and charger separately. I just don't have the cash.

    (My Boyfriend and I bought a 2nd hand car today, I posted about it in the motor section of We were so excited! We got it home today and went for a drive. After a few miles my Boyfriend had to pull over. The brake is rubbing off the wheel, the thing was burning up! Something called a Callabor needs to be replaced. :( A mechanic quoted us €300!!!! :( My Son says he might be able to pick up second hand parts and he might be able to fix it so fingers crossed. Anyway coz of all this I'm TOTALLY BROKE!!! :( )

    So, I won't be able to get a fancy Mod just now. I contacted and they recommended that I get this:

    So I'm gonna order that tomorrow with a Kanger ProTank. I miss having a spare eGo battery, but e-smokeireland have a fast delivery so if I order it tomorrow then I should have it by Thursday. The shop in Marys Street sells Joyteck eGo's, but I'm not sure what they are charging for them. If I thought they were the same price then I'd run into town tomorrow and buy one coz I hate not having a spare.

    I wish I'd found these threads before I'd bought my eGo K Starter kit......

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Vaperus

    Gillian72 wrote: »
    I'm just after taking my eGo K out of the charger and its broke :(

    The blue light on the button won't light up, the screen is blank and it has no power.

    It only lasted 9 days. :(

    Presume you tried pressing the button 5 times quickly

  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    Vaperus wrote: »
    Presume you tried pressing the button 5 times quickly

    Yep, I've tried that. But I can't get any life out of the flaming thing.

    In general I'm really not having the best of luck lately.........

    Thank-you for the suggestion though! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 351 ✭✭Vaperus

    You sure its charging
    If the contacts are dirty from liquid etc or contact on the battery has been pushed down
    did it indicate it was charging and then charged.

    Also ive known the wires get disconnected inside

    As redkid mentioned if the connector plate has been pushed down it may not have charged
    but be gentle and ideally something not conductive or avoid pressing the switch while your doing it

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  • Registered Users Posts: 198 ✭✭Gillian72

    Yes Vaperus, it has to be fixable. Coz I didn't drop it or anything. I just charged it and then it didn't work......

    My Son is having a look at it now. He has a real knack at fixing things. He is once of these patient people who loves to figure things out. If its fixable then he will fix it. I'll show him the you tube video.

    Thank-you for all your help and suggestions! :)
