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One step at a time



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,285 ✭✭✭Speedy44

    Sosa wrote: »
    WIT / WAC 6k - 21:17 ( 5:47 Pace )

    Decided to go ahead with my little experiment today,only decided at 1pm to actually race,left the house at 1:15,10 mins over,park the car,jog to registration...back to the car to get ready...4k warm up and i was good to go.
    The route itself was a 2 lap circuit riddled with hills,3 tough climbs each lap...with a bit of downhill and flat after that.
    Ran steady all the way and my last 2k were my fastest ( 5:31p and 5:28p ),one lap was about 6:20p as the full k was up and up and up,so nothing i could do about that.
    Didnt even let loose on the last 2k,just steady...should have went a bit more but hindsight is a great thing.
    Snagged the team prize again....happy days.

    I think today taught me that i need to run hard in the lead up to a race...the week before the 10k last week was way to easy and i paid for it...i didnt even feel yesterday 10m in the legs.

    nice going Sosa.
    Been coming to that conclusion myself, running hard ('ish) leading up to a race.
    Think I tapered too much leading up to Dublin last year. Daniels taper isn't exatly gentle :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Speedy44 wrote: »
    nice going Sosa.
    Been coming to that conclusion myself, running hard ('ish) leading up to a race.
    Think I tapered too much leading up to Dublin last year. Daniels taper isn't exatly gentle :rolleyes:

    Thanks Speedy,im just one of those fellas who gets sluggish if i dont have some sort of a blow out every few days.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    So much for a recovery run,felt very energised today so hit my country route and enjoyed every minute...topped off by the 'Pool hammering Utd 3-1...when Kuyt scored his third i saluted in celebration...into a thorn bush...blood everywhere...ahh it was worth it...

    8.5m @ 6:44p

    That run today put me over 40m for the first week since the dungarvan 10 and before that was early November...miles at an all time low but if i increase the quality i'll be ok.

    How did everyone get on in Ballycotton today..Cioubanu broke 50 mins...great running there..

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    The watch is still on k's form the race Saturday,just a nice trot after the school drop on a perfect moring for running,nice and cool,no wind or rain....beautiful.

    10k @ 7:29p

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭tisnotover

    Nice going again Sosa, I reckon your gonna have a good year over the shorter stuff, any track races in pipeline for ya over summer?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    tisnotover wrote: »
    Nice going again Sosa, I reckon your gonna have a good year over the shorter stuff, any track races in pipeline for ya over summer?

    Im mad to compete in some sort of masters here are a couple on over the coming months,so i;ll have to try get to one of them...
    another thing...a little birdie told me the w/e that the National half is on down here this year...if thats the case it will be my target race of the year

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    5 days on the spin its been a long while since i have done that,and a good 5 days at that...capped off with the tough intervals at the track tonight.

    Up with the birds this moning for 4m into work at 7:46p,im going to stop calling this a recovery as the legs are asleep for 2m,then i have a mile uphill and its only mile 4 that im starting to come round,feels more like 7:10p tbh at that hour.


    1.5m down to the track form work @ 7:18p

    8*600 @ 5:10p,5:08p,5:04p,5:10p,5:11p,5:09p,5:08p,5:11p
    90s rec inbetween

    Then :

    150 flat out...50m walk/jog to next spot 150m flat out...50m walk/jog to next spot...*3 ( 3 laps )

    The intervals were tough as i lead the group for all of them,im not a front runner but the usual flyers were not there tonight...not surprisingly i ran them quicker last week chasing them down.
    The 150's were all 4:20/4:30 pace

    3m slog home @ 8:28p...usually i would always clip home nice and handy after intervals,but i have started doing the 150's at the end of sessions now and the trot home is now a slog...a real indicator that i have had a tough session.

    12.5m at varying pace

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Had not ran since Tuesday........the week started off promising with nearly 20m on Mon/Tue...i was never running Wed or Fri but had sessions planned for Thurs and Sat...didnt happen for one reason or another.
    So got out today finally.....

    Mini Tempo

    A mile out of the traps at a tad faster than 7:00...then my tempo...had planned 4m but hoped for 5...ende dup with 3 !
    Mile 1 of tempo @ 5:45p...mile 2 - 5:47p...that was a bit fast,should have kept it at 6;00...mile 3 was 5:52...i stopped then for a quick breather before the trot home.
    In hindsight all i needed was 2*6:15p miles to break 30 mins for 5,i could have slowed to that but i only realised it when i had stopped...pity...must remember next time.

    6.3m @ 6:32p

    Hopefully next week will be 40+.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    A lovely morning for a run,out on rolling country one to bother me...peace.
    Pace wise it was a nice clip,the calves were a bit sore after yesterdays run,i put it down to the inactivity for the 4 days beforehand and attempting a tempo probably was not through today unscathed...first 2m were over 7:00 pace then i got going and finished with a few around i was happy with that.

    Intervals tomorrow evening,looking forward to those.....

    8.5m @ 6:44p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Tuesday night is track night...and a great session we had tonight.
    The usual 2m downhill,i took it a bit easier heading down tonight as i was tired all be honest i was not looking forward to this at all.
    Got there for 5:10 and the other 2 lads were doing a few laps so i stretched a bit before we headed onto the first 600 of 8
    Pace per 600 were :
    4:52 ( out of the traps a bit quick,but it didnt feel like 4:52p)
    5:07 (got delayed a few seconds starting,tying my lace,tough one)
    90s rec inbetween...and it was badly needed.
    One thing i noticed,we had further to go to start after finishing a leg...not ideal,you should aim to start close by where you finish imo.

    I then roped i one of the lads to do a few 150's with me,we only did 4 this week as the intervals were strong today so no sense pushing to much.
    All were 22/23s (sub 4:00p :eek: )
    Trudged up the hills to home afterwards at just under 9:00p...reall good session today...delighted with it.

    7.5m in total

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    I was fairly tired after yesterdays intervals so was thinking that the runs into and home form work today would be tough going....and they were.

    4m into work
    Started off in the darkness and by the time i got there it was almost bright,lovely to run through the transition from night to day...not much to say about the actual run other early,legs were like lead and alli wanted was more sleep,but got through it @ 8:04p none the less.

    5m home
    Legs were sore all day today so again the run home looked like a tough one but thankfully i skipped home with the backpack on me at just under 7:05p

    All in all the same about of miles done this week so far that i did in the entire last week...have to be happy with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Mini Tempo

    What a morning....sunny,cool and crisp...perfect.
    Droped the big fella off to school and off i went...
    2m easy @ 7:28,7:07
    3m @ 5:59,5:58,5:57
    2m easy @ 7:17,6:58

    Next week i will do 4m tempo,than back to 5m under 30 mins...i have not done that in a while on my own

    7m Total

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    I was shattered yesterday,as tired as i have been in a long time.
    After Fridays tempo,i got a heat rash all over my upper body,im putting it down to the new compression top i wore Friday morning,i hadnt washed it beforehand and i usually would with anything new thats not 100% cotton....took some zirtek and i was zonked for about 36hrs,12 of which were a night shift,so that didnt help...i slept 16hrs from 8am Sat morning to 8am this morning...was tired starting out today but feel better now that the run is done....

    10.2m @ 6:48p

    42.2m for the week also with intervals,tempo and 18.5m under 6:50p (10m & 8.5m)
    A good weeks training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Its been a while since i had a recovery run so i treated myself this morning...and what a morning it was...the body is still itchy from the rash but i got non drowsy tabs,so hope to be ok in a day or 2.....
    I had to keep tabs on the watch to slow down as im not used to running this pace much anymore.
    A great way to start the week.

    7m @ 7:41p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    The plan behind Mondays recovery run was to have a tough session at the track last night but that didnt happen due to the big fella inviting half his class up to our place yesterday,no harm though as i had great fun playing football,hurling with a bunch of 7yo's...
    So today was a planned rest day but no way that was happening.
    On Sunday i set out too fast on my tempo,and i only got 3 done as a consequence of that,the idea today was 4m all just under 6:00
    0.75m warm up to get me over a hill out by the Municipal Golf Course.
    Stopped the watch then and i went.

    Mile 1 in 5:57...lovely and comfortable...Mile 2 a bit faster in 5:52....going well here careful not to go to fast..Mile 3 another 5:52...feeling good,working hard but comfortable enough...Mile 4 which was supposed to be my last was a bit faster that stage i quickly totted that all i needed was a 6:31 mnile 5 to break 30....not to often i do that on my own so i kept going...with the comfort of knowing that taking the foot of the pedal a good bit was not going to do any harm i clipped the last mile in 6:02 to finish the 5 in 29:31....
    A quick breather before i had the 1.25m trek uphill heroics here...

    7m Total
    w/5m @ 5:55p :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Nicest morning of the year so far running into work,it was almost bright by the time i got week it will be total brightness on the way in and home,that will be the business.

    Into Work
    The legs were grand after yesterdays tempo,so the jaunt in at that early hour was enjoyable today...skipped the 4m at 7:54p

    Fantastic evening for the run home which passed by nicely.
    The legs were a bit heavy but did the 5.2m home at 6:58p none the less.

    Rest day tomorrow and some sort of med long with long intervals thrown in there for good measure Saturday morning ( hopefully )

    Total - 9.2m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    your going well sosa, a good honest tempo the other day, any races coming up for ya?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    seanynova wrote: »
    your going well sosa, a good honest tempo the other day, any races coming up for ya?

    Going ok Seany...would like a bit more mileage but we cant have everything
    I have a 4m early April in Tramore,more of a fun run but i will be seeing where i am at that,as we have a big 4 miler down here Easter Sunday morning and i dont really know what pace i can hold for 4.
    I ran 22:18 last year which looking back at it was very fast for me,i dont think i can replicate that tbh,the 28:24 i ran last Feb in a 5m still has not been beaten...i have gone close with a 28:28 and 28:39 but those two races from last year are proving hard to beat.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Another fantastic morning,i was looking forward to lacing them up today.
    I didnt have time for the planned 12/ a good 10 was called for.

    5m @ 6:44p
    Including some tasty hills,felt good here...

    3m @ 6:03,6:12,6:07
    Wanted to run as fast as i could while staying totally in control,wanting to feel that i could push on whenever i wanted...that was tha pace for that type of run today...felt good.

    2m @ 7:29,7:26
    a bit faster than planned for the recovery but it felt slower...

    Total 10m in 67:21 ( 6:44p )

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    An unexpected jaunt in lovely conditions today,Just up out of the bed before 4pm after work last night,nobody in the house...cue...get the gear on and get out before they come home...delighted i was a nice awakener ( is that a word ? )

    5.2m @ 7:19p

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Tired today,always am coming off nights....managed to get out for a short one before wrecked now but not back to work until Friday so will get some quality in the next few days.

    5m @ 6:58p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    The usual intervals didnt take place today,the lads were recovering from the munster masters road race the w/e,where they won the gold medal for the club :D,i couldn't take part as i was working but even if i did it would have been tough going to get on the winning team...the lads ran 21:17,22:10,22:22 and 22:25...22:18 is my best for 4m and that nearly killed me so i would have had to be on top form to score for the club on Sunday.
    I hope to get to the masters Track event in Cork in late April ( fingers crossed )

    Anyway the big fella went back to Athletics tonight so i ran with a group from the track,they did 7+ but i turned off near the end to do 5.5 myself.
    Tempo tomorrow so just a nice easy stroll tonight.

    5.5m @ 7:25p

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    Time was of the essence again today so i barely made time for this short run,i planned the same route as last weeks tempo but quickly knew i was not doing 5 today as there was an unreal wind in my face for 1.5 of the first 2m....i got through them in 6:09 and 6:04 but they felt like 5:45's,if i had to do the 4 along this stretch i would have had to slow down but i just jkept plugging away until i got to Ballindud roundabout where i was taking a right and was praying that the wind would fup off...thankfully it did and i got a nice straight wind free run in the tramore road (mile 11 and 12 from the Waterford half )...mile 3 was 6:01 and i did a quick tot and thought i would have a crack at sub 24 for 4...i needed 5:45 last mile to break it so off i went,glancing at the watch every 30/40s or so,watching the average lap pace coming down gradually...i was 5:50p for that mile with 0.2 to go and i pegged it...finishing the 4 in 24:00 second out and i was gasping like finishing a race...enjoyable though,the effort was there anyway...that 24:00 would have been 23:30 on an easier day....

    6.5m Total
    0.7m warm up
    w/4 @ 6:09,6:04,6:01,5:46
    1.8m warm down

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭seanynova

    Sosa wrote: »
    Going ok Seany...would like a bit more mileage but we cant have everything
    I have a 4m early April in Tramore,more of a fun run but i will be seeing where i am at that,as we have a big 4 miler down here Easter Sunday morning and i dont really know what pace i can hold for 4.
    I ran 22:18 last year which looking back at it was very fast for me,i dont think i can replicate that tbh,the 28:24 i ran last Feb in a 5m still has not been beaten...i have gone close with a 28:28 and 28:39 but those two races from last year are proving hard to beat.

    id say there is no bother times in the future, just a matter of getting it right on the day.
    long summer ahead by the looks of it, for someone doing as little mileage as you, you really are making the most of it!
    best of luck with it anyway lad...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,656 ✭✭✭village runner

    Did i see you out on the beach today ?? Very windy out the tramore road today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    seanynova wrote: »
    id say there is no bother times in the future, just a matter of getting it right on the day.
    long summer ahead by the looks of it, for someone doing as little mileage as you, you really are making the most of it!
    best of luck with it anyway lad...

    After breaking the 60 mins in Dungarvan i thought i was going places,i seem to have gone back the way race intervals are better this year but have not yet translated that into results.
    I have a couple of races in April so we will se where we are at those.
    Target race for the year is the National Half down here on Sept 4th
    Did i see you out on the beach today ?? Very windy out the tramore road today.

    Not me VR...that Tramore road can be a nightmare sometimes alright...but it toughens you up a bit

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Windy Hilly Medium Long

    Today i ran the longest that i have since the Waterford Half on Jan 15th....(most until today was 10m )terrible really but just finding it hard to get out.
    The route i picked was undulating to say the least....and seriously windy but i enjoyed it none the less...
    I didnt have any time set out for myself,i just ran and enjoyed running longer for a change...when i think of all the long runs i did in prep for cork last year....they would kill me now....
    I had no aspirations setting out to break 90 mins...i just ran.

    Total 13.1m @ 6:54p ( 1:30:34 )

    When (if) i decide to do a marathon again...this route will be used....great challenging hills...loads of them...and all quiet country roads to add to the enjoyment :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa

    Intervals & Recovery

    Late down to the track today,only off nights and a hundred and one things to do before i headed down,but finally got there late,they were on there first rep when i got down so i did 3 laps warm up and was ready to join in on their 3rd rep.
    Session was 5*1k w/2mins rec (3 with group,2 on me tod )
    The pace per rep was 5:14,5:23,5:07,5:20 & a strong 4:59 to finish.
    Pace all over the place really,must try keep them more consistent.
    3 more laps warm down afterwards.
    I then headed off with a different group for 5.5m casual...again pace all over the place...first mile 9:00+...then 8:00 something but finished 7:41p overall for that run.

    Total 10.1m

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,120 ✭✭✭Gringo78

    Sosa wrote: »
    Thats savage running Gringo....sub 17 is a target of mine but a lofty one.
    What races have you targeted for the summer ?
    Are you planning to come down for the national half on Sept 4th ?

    Some 5k's and a 10k in may/June and would love to aim for half in sept. On course I think for sub 17/35/78

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,209 ✭✭✭Sosa


    I was shattered all day from the intervals yesterday,was thinking of not running at all but came around a bit so i put the gear on at 8 and headed out the door...
    Four steady miles @ 7:01,6:36,6:35,6:29 and 2.2 slower @ 7:40 ave

    Total 6.2m @ 6:58p
