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The Miseducation of Jimbo Slice



  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Pause squats 130kg x5 (last set)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Walked 2.15 miles in 35 mins with 15kg on my back.

    Total distance walked so far today, 4.5 miles.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    15kg?? What the hell did you have in your bag???

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    15kg?? What the hell did you have in your bag???

    You know my two big giagantic books (finacial management and financial accouting), well there was them, my macbook, charger, a load of notes and notepad too!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


    Box squats (55%):
    60kg 2x2
    80kg x2
    105kg 10x2

    Sumo pulls (75%):
    60kg x3
    100kg x2
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg 8x1

    Stiff Leg Deadlifts:
    60kg x6
    100kg x6
    135kg 3x6

    Good Mornings:
    20kg x12
    40kg x12
    65kg 3x12

    Pulldown Abs:
    plate 5 x12
    plate 6 3x12

    Might not look like much, but when you're trying to apply max force throughout all the sets you get very fcuked very quickly.

    I'm putting a heavy emphasis on my glutes/hamstring/lower back for the next while so I'm hoping it all tie in to my grander plan!!

    It's about 90 mins after I finished the workout and my legs are still shaking.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


    Bench (w/ chains):
    60kg x3
    70kg x3
    80kg 6x3 (2 medium, 3 pinky on rings)
    90kg x3
    *chains off*
    100kg x3
    110kg x2
    120kg x1
    130kg x1

    Dumbbell Bench:
    40kg 'bells 3x10

    Skull Crushers:
    20kg x15
    30kg x15
    35kg 3x15

    Bent Over Lateral Raises (with pause at top):
    15kg 'bells 4x12

    Fat Man Row (with 3 sec pause at top of each rep):
    bodyweight 3x5

    Shrugs: (held at top)
    60kg x10
    100kg x10
    130kg 5x10

    Thoughts later.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    The benching was very weird today. Bar speed on the 80's was fantasitc, really quick and for once I barely any pain (I've been rolling my triceps alot over the past week trying to sort it out). I did feel really unstable tho once I started to work up. I think I just wasn't setting up all that well. Could probably have done 6 on 120 and 3 with 130, bar speed was that good, but I shut it down there because I've a heavy close grip workout on Sunday.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Close Grip Bencg:
    60kg 2x3
    80kg x3
    100kg x3
    110kg x3
    120kg x1
    125kg x1
    130kg x1
    135kg x1 - PR
    140kg x1 but with a finger tip on the bar so it doesn't count
    120kg x4

    3 Board Press:
    120kg x5
    140kg 3x5

    Shirted Bench: (w/ old 44 F6)
    140kg x3
    150kg 3x3 (last 2 reps of 3rd set touched)

    Bradford Press:
    20kg x10
    45kg 3x10

    T-Bar Rows:
    60kg x12
    80kg 3x12

    Face Pulls:
    plate 6 5x15

    Thoughts later.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Yeah so it was a good workout. I was pretty surprised with my strength on the close grips. I definately wasn't expecting 135 to go as easily as it did. 140 was just a step too far today tho. It only took the slightest of touches to get it thru the sticking point and it was an easy lockout from there so some hammering the speed work and pushing against bands should get me there next time.

    I have discovred something cool tho, a max set of 4 reps on the bench is pretty much 89%. I already thought this but the last two weeks have jus confirmed it. It gives me something to base future attempts and strength levels off, which is nice.

    Top end strength is coming back slowly but surely. All time PR off that board is 165 and I don't thik I've gone much above 150x3 or 155x2 and that's netted me a 180kg bench in the past. I've got alot of checks and balances now for my bench so once they start to move my comp bench should follow.

    I put my olf tattered F6 on today because I want to get comfortable in the shirt. It's something I've royally fcuked upin training for the last two comps and it's cost me so I'm working hard on it. I'm gonna keep working in the 140-150 range and just work on touching lighter and lighter weights and get my bar path sorted out.

    I'm loving the Bradford Presses (hyyyoge pump) and the T-Bar rows (feels like my back is being ripped apart).

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


    Sumo pulls w/15kg plates: (2 inch's more ROM than usual)
    50kg 2x5
    80kg x3
    110kg x3
    140kg x3
    170kg x1
    180kg x1
    190kg x1
    200kg x1
    210kg x1 - PR
    220kg x1 - PR

    Paused Squats:
    60kg x5
    90kg x5
    110kg x5
    135kg 3x5

    100kg x12
    145kg 3x12

    Weighted Decline Situps:
    bodyweight x12
    10kg plate on chest 3x12

    That was a pretty brutal frickin workout. The sumo's are up 20kg from last week and form wise they're a hell of a lot better. It's looking like 250kg raw's gonna happen this year. I've never been a good deadlifter, but things are really coming together for me now.

    Pause squats were cool. Stance was out wider than normal again. I guess you could call it just outside my competition stance which I normally only do with my suit on. They actually felt really strong so I might move all my raw work out there and see what happens.

    RDL's once again killed me. I don't like high reps. No, I HATE high reps.

    Really solid workout all in all.

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    220kg sumo pull with 15kg plates

    135kg pause squats, 3rd set of 5

  • Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    Loughlinstown gym Hanley? Nice work...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Those sumos are awesome, I"m sorry I missed going up now!!

    It's funny the difference a week makes, eh?

    Could it be that your body just wasn't used to the increased ROM last week and that's why they were much more of a struggle?? Kinda like when I start on a new exercise (think when I first started DB pressing), they'd be really hard on a small weight but the following week, the same weight would be far too light! I'm not really explaining myself very well but you get what i mean, right??

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    cheesedude wrote: »
    Loughlinstown gym Hanley? Nice work...


    It's TF Castleknock actually!!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Malteaser! wrote: »
    Those sumos are awesome, I"m sorry I missed going up now!!

    It's funny the difference a week makes, eh?

    Could it be that your body just wasn't used to the increased ROM last week and that's why they were much more of a struggle?? Kinda like when I start on a new exercise (think when I first started DB pressing), they'd be really hard on a small weight but the following week, the same weight would be far too light! I'm not really explaining myself very well but you get what i mean, right??

    Nail on the head really. I hadn't done ANY sumo work recently at all so my form was all over the place even with proper plates. I've done a good bit of work during the last week on my normal sumo's so it had a bit of a carryover yesterday!

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Quick update photo.... Sitting at about 100kg in it. Maybe 101, I'll check my weight tomorrow and see. Bit softer than previously, probably 17ish% bodyfat. I've put on a hell of a lot of size over the last few months so hopefully once I get down to about 94 or 95kg my abs will come back to say hi!! Then the journey to 100kg @ 12% bodyfat starts....


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


    60kg 2x3
    80kg 4x3 (medium grip)
    90kg 4x3 (pinky on rings)

    Dumbbell Bench:
    45kg 'bells x10, x9

    Skull Crushers:
    20kg x15
    30kg x15
    37.5kg x15, x12

    Bent Over Lateral Raises:
    17.5kg 'bells 4x12

    Hammer Strength Pulldowns:
    60kg x12
    80kg x12
    90kg x12

    Bit of a crap workout today. My ability to rep weights was in the crapper. I had a fairly hard max effort workout on sunday so I'm guessing I'm still in the sh!tter from that a bit. Bar speed on the benches was really good. I'll try to get a video next week to confirm.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


    Box Squats (60%):
    60kg 2x3
    80kg x2
    100kg x2
    115kg 10x2

    Sumo Pulls:
    70kg x3
    110kg x3
    140kg x1
    160kg x1
    180kg 8x1

    Stiff Leg Deadlift:
    70kg x6
    110kg x6
    140kg 3x6

    Good Mornings:
    20kg x12
    50kg x12
    70kg 3x12

    Pulldowns Abs:
    Plate 5 x12
    Plate 7 3x12

    Thoughts later. Way to pushed for time right now.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    So decent enough day. Bar speed on the squats was grand. I don't really know how fast it should be, but I think they're ok. Back to 50% next week and way so the next 3 week cycle should see the weights moving faster.

    Sumo pulls were decent. Not blazingly quick, but not slow either. Every now and again I'd hit a really good rep and it would pop off the floor. I guess I just gotta make htem all like that.

    The SLDL's were handy. A good bit left there I think. Same goes for the GM's but I'm not really pushing them hard at the moment. Just using them as more of a volume exercise for some extra lower back and hamstring work.

    Here's some vids;

    Box Squat 115x2

    Sumo 180x1

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    your box squats have come on really really well speed is get some bands on there at 50%-60% hammer oit 10 sets of 2 for a 3 week cycle and see the speed get better!

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Thanks man. I'm pretty happy with how well they've gone so far. I just wonder what the carryover from them is gonna be like!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,348 ✭✭✭the drifter

    Only time will tell i seen more carryover without bands but this was working to a max...tom see savage bar speed carry over using bands... i suppose it depends on how you train them.. im gone from them for a few months not anyways...

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


    Floor Press:
    60kg 2x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x3
    130kg 3x3

    60kg x5
    80kg x5
    100kg x5
    120kg x5
    *shirt on*
    140kg x3
    150kg x2
    160kg x2 (none of the reps to here touched)
    150kg x3 (collar pulled high, all reps touched from here)
    140kg x3

    Bradford Press:
    20kg x10
    40kg x10
    47.5kg 3x10

    Face Pulls:
    plate 5 x12
    plate 7 5x12

    Pretty happy with that. The floor presses were a bit all over the place at the start but got better as the sets went on. Shooting for a PR single there next week.

    Took my grip out to index finger on the rings on the bench, made a bit of a difference with power of the chest. Shirted bench was good. Starting to feel alot more comfortable in the shirt now.

    Then later in TF..

    bodyweight 4x10

    Seated Cable Row:
    5x12 moving up in weight

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Deloading my squat and deadlift this week so only trained once aince Sunday....


    60kg 2x3
    80kg x3
    85kg 3x3 (medium grip)
    95kg 3x3 (pinky on rings)
    105kg x1
    115kg x1
    125kg x1
    135kg x1, x2 - PR
    105kg 5x5

    Bent Over Dumbbell Laterals:
    20kg 3x12

    Hammer Strength Pulldowns:
    80kg x12
    90kg x12

    5kg PR on the bench. Previous best was 130x2 back in December so looks like I'm making aome progress there finally.... Missed the second rep first time around because I slid on the bench so Malteaser had to pull it off me. Might have got 3 reps on my second attempt at it but didn't want to miss again. I'll attempt 140x2 in a few weeks.

    5x5's killed. They should hopefull be good for me,

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Hanley wrote: »


    What does the DE mean?

    Nice one with the bench PR.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    BossArky wrote: »
    What does the DE mean?

    Nice one with the bench PR.

    Cheers. I think I'm figuring my bench out (says I AGAIN). I reckon my PR's up about 7.5kg over a 10 week period. Which I'll gladly take!!

    DE=Dynamic effort (basically weights between 50-70% moved as fast as possible for 1-3 reps over 8-10 sets)

    ME=Maximum Effort (weights in excess of 90% for singles to triples)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley


    Wide Grip Pulldowns:
    60 2x15

    Pull ups (palms facing away):
    bodyweight x12,11,10

    *straight into*

    Wide Grip Pulldown:
    60 x15

    Seated Cable Row w/rope:
    70 x12
    77.5 3x12

    Tate Press:
    12.5kg 'bells x12
    17.5kg 'bells 4x12

    Barbell Curl:
    40kg x10
    50kg 3x6
    *drop set to...*
    30kg x12

    Pretty filthy pump all over by the end of this. I'm on the hunt for some extra bicep size and lat width over the next few months so that was the focus for today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,234 ✭✭✭Malteaser!

    Good work today!!

    It's a shame you didn't get a chance to talk to your man crush though!! ;) Maybe next time!! :D:D

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Haha ssssshhh.

    I meant to say, he was doing curls with 80kg after you went upstairs. They were strict like. Ridiculous.

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  • Moderators, Arts Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 9,501 Mod ✭✭✭✭BossArky

    Hanley wrote: »
    Cheers. I think I'm figuring my bench out (says I AGAIN). I reckon my PR's up about 7.5kg over a 10 week period. Which I'll gladly take!!

    DE=Dynamic effort (basically weights between 50-70% moved as fast as possible for 1-3 reps over 8-10 sets)

    ME=Maximum Effort (weights in excess of 90% for singles to triples)

    That's good going.

    Thanks for the explanation. I need to make my log more cryptic too :pac:
