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Vegan & Vegetarian

Discussion on all things relating to vegetarianism and veganism
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
awesome cow video
24-05-15 12:22
1 482
Sat 23rd sova!
14-05-15 20:01
5 782
Great curry bake off this weekend
13-05-15 8:01
3 533
Surprised by Comments
14-05-15 11:39
6 756
Getting enough iron on a vegetarian diet
09-05-15 18:03
11 1.1K
Marvelous Veggie Meetup Sunday
24-04-15 20:08
7 1.2K
Overall protein consumption more significant than amino acid profile
04-04-15 14:24
10 1.5K
Vegetarian Parmesan
17-01-11 13:44
11 3.5K
Thai food / vegetarian
04-11-14 12:04
11 2.1K
What's worse, eating meat or throwing it in the bin?
23-01-15 18:34
8 1.6K
18-04-15 19:54
9 1.1K
I'm a new vegan 12
13-05-14 10:55
35 4.1K
Firehouse Pizza- Vegan Mozzarella?
24-03-14 12:12
8 2.3K
Meat Free Week (UK) this week
23-03-15 17:36
6 1.1K
Can't say it enough guys - source locally!
03-04-15 8:55
1 630
Dee's burgers 1234
07-12-08 23:03
99 24.6K
Vegan Beauty?
17-03-15 23:31
2 678
Smoothie recipes
02-02-15 17:28
4 1K
Stuff you can only get in NI
10-03-15 22:02
2 850
Tofu Presser
24-02-15 12:24
1 620
Im thinkig of becoming vegitarian(not vegan) any recipie ideas or advice for me?
22-02-15 12:36
2 843
Vegan cook off in aid of Focus Ireland.
10-02-15 15:02
8 1.1K
Vegan Coco Pops?
04-02-15 4:29
2 1.6K
Best Quorn Selection In Dublin??
15-01-11 0:51
10 4.3K
Vegetarian wanted . . .
29-01-15 12:09
6 1.3K
Twineham Grange cheese
16-01-15 12:10
1 580
Veg*n friendly places in Galway?
18-01-15 16:11
12 1.2K
Vegan cooking courses
20-01-15 15:43
2 417
Favourite veggie books
08-01-15 12:40
1 588
Cauldron Marinated Tofu Pieces
30-11-14 19:03
9 1.2K