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08-08-09 20:05
1 489
Points for Dip
05-08-09 17:57
6 758
Your Opinion please
31-07-09 17:43
12 1.3K
Getting additional subjects
26-07-09 9:21
18 3.4K
Would you say no to a job?
18-07-09 14:19
19 2.6K
Want to teach
28-07-09 20:41
13 1.6K
Videos about forums and education
05-08-09 11:07
1 445
Maynooth H.Dips - Get your timetables?
04-08-09 16:25
3 567
Acels Celt Jobs in Ireland
28-07-09 23:13
3 1.1K
Teaching Spanish - Help
31-07-09 21:26
3 787
Subbing ???
20-07-09 9:36
4 944
IILT Teaching Resources ESOL
31-07-09 0:28
0 1.8K
Yet another ANOTHER TEFL thread
30-07-09 16:13
0 507
Am I qualified to teach?
30-07-09 15:35
4 759
Dublin school to take Hdip student? (HELP)
29-07-09 16:24
5 876
Returning to college deadlines
29-07-09 4:48
2 639
Masters and H-Dip
24-07-09 16:28
10 1.7K
Overpayment of Pension Levy
28-07-09 21:50
0 768
non-business hdip vs business hdip
28-07-09 16:20
0 736
Conference/ correcting dates for French amd German
19-07-09 21:06
2 508
25-07-09 12:18
0 475
vec interview help!
22-07-09 20:49
3 1.4K
tefl recruiters for europe
24-07-09 12:48
0 483
Teacher assistant
18-07-09 20:30
7 1.2K
23-07-09 21:22
0 468
Advice on computer based ESL placement test
20-07-09 6:57
0 370
Cert. of Education in southeast
19-07-09 20:41
1 502
People's experiences after doing the CELTA?
29-06-09 21:33
8 1.3K
Holding a degree vital to teach English in China?
14-07-09 1:26
1 625
Celta course at the Irish Language Centre in Dublin
18-07-09 6:19
0 590