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Trinity College Dublin.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Living Expenses
20-08-12 14:19
24 3.2K
Colaiste Mhuire
09-09-12 17:47
0 358
Anyone with direct knowledge of marking rubrics at TCD?
09-09-12 3:04
5 1.7K
FRS2 forms
06-09-12 16:10
7 966
Just how naughty have they been?
09-09-12 4:43
1 737
Any safes/secure storage at Trinity Hall?
07-09-12 20:25
2 592
Chemistry grinds
07-09-12 17:51
2 454
Are lockers safe/secure?
07-09-12 14:08
3 750
26-08-12 14:19
15 2.5K
Entrance scholarships
05-09-12 0:47
5 968
Anyone looking for accomodation?
03-09-12 10:39
9 881
Paying fees online
06-09-12 17:03
2 458
SFI funded Phd laptop
02-09-12 15:03
4 1K
Do you need to have ECDL for all third level courses?!
05-09-12 18:33
5 1.4K
Tcd timetables
04-09-12 16:13
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Cheapest way to commute?
05-09-12 10:31
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Looking for another first year trinity student to share a twin room in city centre...
05-09-12 18:06
0 330
Trinity Music Interviews
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TR076: Nanoscience, Physics and Chemistry of Advanced Materials
05-09-12 14:48
0 481
Irish accomidation
21-06-12 7:47
16 1.8K
Getting Form Stamped
04-09-12 14:25
2 500
Life in Trinity?
03-09-12 13:43
16 2.3K
Library - 24-hour study room closed this Saturday 8th September
04-09-12 15:02
0 319
Enterring Maths
17-08-12 0:05
40 3.8K
Where is the best place to sell books?
01-09-12 17:01
3 626
TCD Dental Science: Question/Lurk
03-09-12 14:49
0 437
tsm french psychology exams TCD
03-09-12 0:42
1 707
Doing a language outside lectures?
19-07-07 21:44
10 1.2K
Laptop/Computer situation
22-08-12 16:17
18 1.7K
Tranferring Courses Question
31-08-12 19:07
1 362