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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Seanad abolition - does any one other than McDowell and the Senators really care? 12...56
07-09-13 14:16
168 15.8K
Seanad Abolition MAYO HIGHEST 'YES' VOTE
05-10-13 17:02
4 814
Young People not receiving polling cards?
05-10-13 17:19
4 615
Differences between Irish and Greek protesters? 1234
10-09-13 12:58
116 10.1K
SWP/PbPA to contest Euro elections.
07-10-13 0:27
0 324
Humor me
05-10-13 20:17
4 671
Anglo Tapes 12...2425
24-06-13 11:40
739 77.5K
Got Irish passport but can't vote?
04-10-13 15:42
18 1.7K
Peter Mathews TD resigns from Fine Gael 12
03-10-13 14:49
45 3.6K
Where does you tax go? [accurate?]
03-10-13 10:27
19 2.2K
FG and its assualt on democracy.
04-10-13 11:12
11 852
Austerity hitting the Defence Forces
02-10-13 11:47
14 1.9K
General Elections in Germany
23-09-13 3:49
5 802
Removal from the electorial Register Form RFA1 Grounds For Removal
29-09-13 18:55
3 639
Martin Mc Guinness speaks on Political Unionism.
03-10-13 19:32
18 1.1K
UVF quotes Martin Luther King on mural 12
23-09-13 17:33
56 4.7K
Appeals Court 12
11-09-13 9:45
60 4.9K
Received voting card but not citizen
02-10-13 12:54
6 613
Sinn Fein more popular than FF , Lab drop to 6% 123
01-10-13 9:35
64 4.7K
EU concludes proposed financial transaction tax illegal 123
10-09-13 14:19
70 6.2K
Why is so little being made of the removal of the president's referendum calling...
03-10-13 10:47
7 873
Article 53 & 55
04-10-13 0:18
3 308
Sinn Fein Mayor backs Poppy Appeal lights plan. 12
29-09-13 22:04
53 3.7K
Government and Health Insurance Companies 12
20-09-13 10:03
57 4.2K
is re-employing retired senior public servants a scandal?
22-09-13 0:01
11 1.8K
What ifs - bank guarantee and cabinet discussion
02-10-13 20:29
4 812
Spare capacity in the Economy.
03-10-13 11:59
1 399
Wont be home for the day.
01-10-13 8:40
6 681
E Voting Machines Query 12
25-09-13 17:22
38 2.5K
Direct Democracy Ireland Launches Today 1234
14-11-12 14:23
101 11.2K