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Nutrition & Diet

Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Coke & Chocolate?
07-04-08 22:14
4 870
Motivation Clinic
27-03-08 12:07
6 1.6K
Tin of tuna every day?
06-03-08 10:02
21 8.6K
Tasty but healthy shakes?
08-04-08 15:29
4 749
Diet help needed
06-04-08 23:36
4 672
bf called me fat... 123
05-04-08 19:26
85 6.4K
Muesli without milk
03-04-08 14:12
7 4.2K
Indian on a diet!
04-04-08 11:20
4 758
Boiling a full chicken
29-03-08 20:30
11 1.2K
ww motivation needed!!
21-03-08 20:25
1 608
Weight Watchers Home Made Meals
03-04-08 11:14
4 975
Small Changes to keep me going
02-04-08 12:36
5 811
no willpower. hypnosis/ alternative therapy?
26-03-08 16:43
11 951
pickled veg
01-04-08 16:09
3 484
Change in Diet
03-04-08 9:00
9 903
what snacks.
02-04-08 17:42
9 914
How many calories
03-04-08 2:21
2 685
What do you do to motivate yourself?
01-04-08 21:55
7 952
Gluten/Wheat/Dairy free diets
28-03-08 11:49
3 1.1K
Low Vitamin B12 levels
19-03-08 10:22
12 2.1K
Willow Water?
25-03-08 2:10
10 3.7K
My Healthy Hot Quick Meal...
31-03-08 15:58
2 715
Starting WW - Shopping List
30-03-08 16:58
9 3.1K
Organic Markets in Dublin CC
25-03-08 17:36
9 1.1K
alternatives to bread
26-03-08 15:01
5 1K
Need Food Info
29-03-08 16:53
6 638
Energy drink thats too strong.
28-03-08 0:25
4 848
Advice please
27-03-08 14:46
1 494
Help please
27-03-08 13:54
6 609
Portion sizes
28-03-08 14:52
2 559