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News & Media

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BBC 2 tonight - Media Revolution: Stop Press?
05-02-09 20:06
2 665
The Afternoon Show Vet Clinic
05-02-09 12:09
0 12
online newspapers/mags - money saving advice
05-02-09 10:49
0 487
Polski Herald....... Gone!
27-01-09 23:35
15 2.5K
Why does almost everyone here hate the Indo? 123
07-12-08 17:01
77 7.6K
Dublin SPCA Suffers Massive Fire
02-02-09 13:55
8 774
Gloating British Media?
29-01-09 5:27
30 2.4K
[article] Dail Commitee Urges RTE presenters to take pay cut
29-01-09 12:55
7 974
B.S story exposed in the Daily Mail.
24-01-09 21:20
4 1K
€1,000 home tax 'needed' - insert whitty phrase here
30-01-09 9:48
9 728
Time Magazine
29-01-09 22:03
0 453
Any Kildare Journo Students here?
29-01-09 14:36
0 421
how bad
16-01-09 17:30
6 870
Ireland's detainees!
22-01-09 8:43
4 811
Sindo latest: Charlie Chawke for Pope!
18-01-09 18:37
2 733
Getting it wrong?
26-01-09 13:01
3 531
Indo website.
25-01-09 13:05
0 471
Penis shaped icebergs
22-01-09 15:00
0 36
Broadcasting Act - ban on religious advertising.
09-12-08 23:20
18 2.2K
Journalist is a bit bewildered!
20-01-09 0:53
3 674
'Fleet St' in a Nutshell...
17-01-09 0:29
2 645
Is the Evening Echo sold anywhere in Dublin?
14-01-09 15:27
7 1.1K
Oh, how I despise tabloids...
11-01-09 12:06
11 1.3K
Incestuous RTE
29-12-08 9:37
11 1.6K
daily mail not given away certain costume drama dvds in ireland???!
12-01-09 21:04
0 561
Sun reporter caught posting terror messages on Islamic forum
08-01-09 17:42
3 911
Kill 'em all
07-01-09 13:40
8 1K
Aliens damage wind turbine ? / ITN news
08-01-09 14:59
3 741
[article] BCI uphold Late Late Show Complaints
08-01-09 17:28
2 561
Ordering Magazines
31-08-08 15:52
9 1.3K