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Newborn & Toddlers

For discussion of parenting issues concerning newborns and toddlers
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Doubke Buggy - 2yr 2mth & baby
10-06-16 9:00
8 356
Sunscreen for toddler
01-06-16 14:54
27 1.7K
Centile assessment
07-06-16 18:47
3 377
How to secure front door
07-06-16 12:08
12 803
Car Seat Recommendation
26-05-16 20:11
8 488
Holidays with 5yo&2.5yo toddlers
02-06-16 2:50
1 302
01-06-16 7:43
9 477
Paddling/Swimming Pool?
30-05-16 13:29
6 385
Tips for coping with C- Section delivery.
31-05-16 2:55
15 1.3K
How to get mold off pram seats and highchairs
22-04-13 21:31
5 2.1K
Baby groups in Ballina/Killaloe
23-05-16 10:46
2 197
Tommee Tippee recall
30-05-16 12:03
2 352
Good value car seat for 3 year old?
28-05-16 8:51
28 1.2K
Men B Vaccine?
20-04-16 14:58
5 457
Any toilet training tips 123
11-08-15 17:21
61 4.8K
Preventing knicker flashing
26-05-16 15:29
17 1.7K
Out n About -Double buggy
27-05-16 9:26
5 421
Mother and baby groups Waterford
24-05-16 15:25
3 472
Extra "free" preschool year 12...56
14-10-15 17:57
180 14.8K
Present for new Mother
20-05-16 11:03
14 837
Bike - 3 year old
16-05-16 20:32
19 792
Tongue tie 12
26-06-14 21:12
51 7.6K
Napping and bedtime routines with 2 under 2 - help!!
19-05-16 14:17
8 541
Phil and ted double buggy with maxi cosi
19-05-16 14:17
2 247
1 Year Old Noisy Sleeper
19-05-16 10:20
5 280
Bedtime help with 6 month old
10-05-16 13:31
17 1.1K
Hand, foot and mouth
16-05-16 9:51
7 470
August 2015 Babies Club 12...4142
04-12-14 15:47
1.2K 97.4K
Childminder costs once child starts education
15-05-16 13:37
8 825
Seperation Anxiety
07-05-16 15:56
14 804