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Long Term Illness

This forum is for the discussion of issues related to long term illness.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Want to get my Tonsils out?
02-02-11 6:33
1 660
Entitled to a copy of medical records?
31-01-11 23:39
8 2.1K
Critical Illness Insurance
30-01-11 19:47
3 1.7K
Self harming
25-01-11 21:00
7 1.1K
Manual Lymph Drainage for Lipodema
30-01-11 19:00
1 674
MS and the hospital phamacist
29-01-11 17:23
1 543
Diabetes- Ask the Experts
27-01-11 12:50
0 681
Dublin Type 1 Diabetes Support Group
27-01-11 12:03
0 739
Anyone know where I can get Cerazette??
19-12-10 21:01
15 4.2K
Lexapro - should I take it?
25-01-11 13:28
2 1.1K
Valdoxan ?
18-12-10 22:49
12 4.7K
Pharmacy costs here and abroad
20-12-08 12:50
11 7.8K
Bipolar Meds and alcohol
22-01-11 12:08
3 961
Diabetes and exercise.
20-01-11 0:37
3 1.1K
Forum Charter: Please Read. Updated 21/1/11
14-11-06 20:22
1 17.5K
Ulcerative colitis and diet 123
01-02-08 19:00
81 22.9K
MS and Diet/ Alternative Therapies
17-01-11 11:59
7 2.6K
Help! Please! My Friend is literally killing himself through Muscle Dysmorphia
18-01-11 14:45
1 1.2K
Colonoscopy Preparation
18-01-11 18:34
2 1.5K
Another MS thread
17-01-11 18:29
6 2.5K
Banjaxed Back 12
01-02-10 1:28
33 10.6K
chater medical or mater private
10-01-11 12:25
2 961
(Non-illness specific) Radio programme: A Time for Hope and Desperation
28-12-10 16:10
2 946
Dyeing hair after chemo....
14-02-10 23:32
11 4.1K
16-04-10 23:29
2 911
ibs grrrrrrrrrrr
26-08-10 1:20
5 1.4K
Living with mother with terminal cancer
02-09-08 23:53
22 4.3K
Anxiety & panic attacks
12-01-11 20:50
0 491
MS and Work
03-01-11 13:50
12 2K
xanax - concerned about its use..
19-01-07 10:30
18 16.5K